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/lit/ - Literature

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5669687 No.5669687 [Reply] [Original]

Lolicons had Lolita has their emblem book.
But what have shotacons?

>> No.5669692
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>> No.5669693



>> No.5669695

Greeks liked to fuck boys a lot.

>> No.5669698
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Literally all of YA

>> No.5669700

Any book where they talk about?

>> No.5669704

well the narrator of 'pale fire' charels kinbote is after young guys, not shotacon but definitely ephebophile

so nabokov kind of covered them both

>> No.5669713

but pale fire was shit

>> No.5669730
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umbrage incoming

>> No.5669747
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Andre Gide, Dennis Cooper, Guy Davenport, Thomas Mann, Henry de Montherlant, Abu Nawas, basically all Persian ghazal poets.

Apparently Jewish poets in Muslim Spain often wrote on homoerotic themes, but I haven't read any.

Try this if you want an anthology, lots of epigrams and odes about boys. Oddly enough they were preserved for us by medieval Byzantine scholars making anthologies of Greek poetry.

>> No.5670975

Not sure if it's the best place where to ask but... Humbert Humbert is a ephebophile, who finally realized that he loved Dolores despite her age. Nothing more.
Is there real pedo literature? (younger girls, you know)