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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.10 MB, 4128x2322, 20141031_150532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5662636 No.5662636 [Reply] [Original]

What are you fags doing for Halloween?

>> No.5662650

Why do you want to know?

>> No.5662655

Watching Fire Walk With Me

>> No.5662656

>The autistic dark

Bravo McCarthy

>> No.5662673

Watching Rocky Horror Picture Show with my qt gf then doing dirty things with her.

>> No.5662685


This dude is doing it right.

>> No.5662696

Work, then probably just eat candy and drink with my girlfriend and a few friends. I'll hand candy out at the door, it's my first year with my own place in a neighborhood.

>> No.5662698

Smoking a joint, alone, in my parent's back yard

>> No.5662699

Gonna go to the movies this afternoon
Hand out some candy tonight
Then read a little before going to bed

>> No.5662702

Going to a party that I'm semi-indifferent in going to. I don't like the hosts but my friends will be there. I'm also leaving relatively early because I have shit to do tomorrow.

I'm going as Rust from True Detective

>from the dusty may-may

>> No.5662720

sitting in my flat alone, working on an essay I've been putting off all week. Missing out on a party but kinda relieved about it.

I'd get stoned but my dealer isn't answering his phone

>> No.5662773

reading Heidegger for class. my head fucking hurts

>> No.5662774

Just going to stay home and read. Maybe watch a movie alone.

>> No.5662823

Going to a party that I won't enjoy so I can drink alone and not talk to women while my friends leave me to do their own things.

>> No.5662829


Didn't even realize it was halloween until like an hour ago.

>> No.5662830

there's no Halloween in my country.

>> No.5662837

>party invites
>still can't get laid

>> No.5662852


better to stay at home in that case, be a man and cancel the invitation you fucker, if your dignity will be fucked up in the ass, why you put your ass in the first place?

>> No.5662859

just reread jekyll and hyde
cosy as fuck

>> No.5662864

I don't have dignity. I go because there's a chance something good might happen.

I don't feel like discussing this further.

>> No.5662866

>there's a club if you'd like to go
>you could meet somebody who really loves you
>so you go and you stand on your own
>and you leave on your own
>and you go home and you cry and you want to die

>> No.5662883


You create your own dignity you fucker, nobody will say to you what is to be worthy or not, you already have everything to feel dignity for you, you just need to find what is the most important thing that makes you a human being with dignity, and appraise it as the thing that makes you worthy

You don't have to have dignity for others, you need to feel your dignity itself.

>> No.5662898
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Fuck you man.

>> No.5662904

>and when i'm lying in my bed
>i think about life and i think about death
>and neither one particularly appeals to me

>> No.5662906

i am human and i need to be loved.... just like everyone else does.

>> No.5662907

TD is gay. It absolutely shat on The King In Yellow.

>> No.5662909

Look at this patrician.

>> No.5662911

getting even

>> No.5662913


>> No.5662914

It's Halloween and I've got a treat,
I'm dressed like the Devil and I'm handing out human meat

>> No.5662915
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listening to the durutti column, looking at don quixote, drinking.

>> No.5662916

>not getting the reference
top pleb

>> No.5662917

Reading invisible cities until it's time for me to be cooking a big steak dinner for four of my friends, feeding them spiked jello filled with gummybears, then taking a cab to downtown to go bar hopping.

It'll be fun. Avoid the hosts. Go and get Dennys and bring some strangers.

If you're going to fail talking to women, why not talk to men instead? Just ask people about their lives, more questions about what you find interesting. Best place to do this is the inevitable outdoor bit where everybody goes to smoke.

>find people doing shots
>ask to join
>introduce yourself
>make small talk

>> No.5662920

>looking at don quixote

>> No.5662924
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setting the wrong things right

>> No.5662926

Cuddling up with my bros (no homo) and marathoning scary movies.

>> No.5662927

oh god anon what
keep us updated bby

>> No.5662929

Please remember to keep your feline friends inside tonight, as bad people often target cats on Halloween.

>> No.5662931

it's like a tangible form of plebiness

>> No.5662933

>not having superior dog
sounds hot

>> No.5662935

Oh shit! Thank you for reminding me, anon.

>> No.5662936


>> No.5662938

i'm absorbing it.

captcha: reddit expected

>> No.5662942
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>feline friend

>> No.5662943


How love relates to how dignified is your existence? What about someone that doesn't feel love but is still finds his existence something that can have dignity?

>> No.5662945

Man, fuck off, if you do that authorities are going to freeze the board for at least a day and I'm going to have nowhere to discuss literature.

>> No.5662954

You're welcome, friend.

One day science will give us this. One day.

>> No.5662955

ok, fine. just kidding. the gun is for self defense only and im trying to get hold of my brother to take my neice trick or treating. ill probably use the mask for that. jesus. some crazy asshole shoots abunch of kids and you queermos get all antsy

>> No.5662958

You better not be fucking your cat, you sick fuck.

>> No.5662960

underrated post

>> No.5662961

reading, going to bed early. Gotta wake up at 8am to go jump the border and cross back. Visa runs are fun.

>> No.5662963

I'm more of a gerbil guy in that respect.

>> No.5662964



>> No.5662965

Khmer? or Thai?

>> No.5662969

pls explain? what vidya is this from?

>> No.5662973

any /lit/ college fags in NY? Got a good amount of bar-hopping in me tonight.

>> No.5662975

nope. Morocco>Spain

>> No.5662980

Getting high and reading Lolita

>> No.5662983 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5662985

no vidya. i just went into my room, got the home protection system out from under the bed, and threw a mask on top of it. thats it.

>> No.5662988

I made a Moroccan stew the other day, man; did not enjoy it.

>> No.5662989

That actually sounds fun. Rereading?

>> No.5662994

I got mugged by a moroccan stud the other day, man; did not enjoy it.

>> No.5662997

>I'm going as Rust from True Detective

Lel me too friend. Did you draw a bird on your arm with permanent marker too?

>> No.5663020

why would i be doing something particular? just another day. im gonna be reading.

>> No.5663070

Drinking and reading Dead Souls, procrastinating on a couple papers I have due soon

>> No.5663082

I am going on a date with my best friend. I've wanted to fuck him since we were in school. Wish me luck :)

>> No.5663099
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Don't do anything I wouldn't do!

>> No.5663130

Are you a girl?

>> No.5663135 [DELETED] 

Neighborhood's parade
Giving out candy
Haunted house on the next street
Getting fucked up
Write in the morning


>> No.5663148

Reading about Buddhism, procrastinating on /lit/, drinking coffee, doing a math problem set (later tonight).

>tfw literally no social life this semester

>> No.5663170

gonna rub your dicks together?

>> No.5663208

Sorry yankee, there's no halloween here

>> No.5663223
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Duolingo Marathon, just like last New Years..

>> No.5663228

oh wow! im happy for you anon! gl

>> No.5663235

Reading Adorno's "Aesthetic Theory"

>> No.5663244

>cheap compliment for liking hip thing

What's next, gonna call my taste "patrician" because I have a This Heat record? Go fuck yourself.

>> No.5663246
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Gonna watch some Lynch/Cronenberg and have some beers.

>> No.5663249

Drinking myself to death alone

>> No.5663250

I hadn't considered that... it's pretty cold where I am so I probably won't ever take off my jacket.

I'm going as '90s Rust, like when you first are introduced to him. I have a rain jacket similar to the blue coat he wears in the first scene and I'm taping a Louisiana State Police thing to it.

Part of why I'm doing this is because I have McConaughey's wavy hair

Other than my jacket people aren't going to know what I am though. I'm considering bringing a notebook with Rust bullshit written in it.

I will be drinking tall boys and smoking camel blues though

>tfw no Lone Star in my state

>> No.5663257

I'm 25. Too old for that shit. Plus I have work in the morning.

>> No.5663270
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>"ding dong! trick or treat!"
>tfw covering your ears with your blanket and crying

>> No.5663275

Paycheck day, so headed down to the bookstore. Don't really know what I'm going to get yet, but I'm feeling like its going to be larger haul. I need more books to distract me from my shitty life.

>> No.5663284


>> No.5663285



>> No.5663292
File: 286 KB, 426x498, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot AND spicy meme

>> No.5663295

...all you have to do is say, "fuck me."

...he will.
He jerks it to you anyways, probably at least a couple times a week.

>> No.5663299

>fucking your best friend
lmao you know that there is no way that's going to end well, right?

>> No.5663315

except sex...who cares

>> No.5663326

Just finished it.

What a great film. Now to read The Crossing while drinking J&B. Its a shit drink but goes down easily.

>> No.5663347

Probably going to be watching a Simpsons Tree House of Terror marathon

>> No.5663350
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>college party last night
>slept two hours
>friends want to go watch Night of the Living Dead at the theater today
>can't say no
>I'm so tired
>I just want to stay at home writting shitty poetry and failing to make conversation with a girl on facebook

>> No.5663655
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>>I just want to stay at home writing shitty poetry and failing to make conversation with a girl on facebook
Every weekend.

>> No.5663666

>tfw on antibiotics for my chemo so can't drink

>> No.5663669

Reading, writing, drinking, smoking, like any other day.

>> No.5663679

Take a nap, slam a red bull.

>> No.5663680

Having my 23rd birthday

>> No.5663685

>friends all encouraging me to go out to parties
>i'd probably at least get with some skank
>not going because I myself am dignified
>not living your philosophy

>> No.5663694

>tfw no halloween in your country

>> No.5663702
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Happy birthday!

>> No.5663704


27th here, 1st november, which just took place in my timezone. Drinking myself numb and listening to the smiths. Wanna party?

>> No.5663712

I want read something spooky tonight. Any suggestions?

Happy birthday!

>> No.5663715

I was listening to the Smiths the other day. I couldn't handle this verse.
"If you're so funny
Then why are you on your own tonight?
And if you're so clever
Then why are you on your own tonight?
If you're so very entertaining
Then why are you on your own tonight?
If you're so very good looking
Why do you sleep alone tonight?
I know because tonight is just like any other night
That's why you're on your own tonight
With your triumphs and your charms
While they are in each other's arms"

>> No.5663716

>tfw no friends
>tfw no party
>tfw no gf
>tfw no costume
>tfw no time for spooky movie
>tfw lonely
>tfw 25 y/o kissless virgin

I'll still have time to eat a reese's at work though, so I guess it's ok. I'm gonna watch a scarrrrrry movie tomorrow though and get totes spooked!

>> No.5663725

I'll be your friend, anon.

>> No.5663728

I'll be friends with you. I hope you like weird music and foreign films though.

>> No.5663739

Australia right? It's slowly taking hold there from what I've heard. Within a decade they should be celebrating it like everybody else.

>> No.5663743

Can I also be your friend? Groups of three make conversation easy.

>> No.5663749


They are pretty literate.
They took alot of their stuff out of books like
A Taste of Honey by Shelagh Delaney
By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept by Elizabeth Smart
The English Eccentrics by Edith Sitwell etc.

If you want to read something in that vein.

>> No.5663755

OK yes you can be my friend. Its nice that we are now friends. We will never meet but we will always have this moment where we were briefly connected.

>> No.5663761

I wish we could listen to weird music together while inside of a cabin with an oceanview.

>> No.5663764

Thanks. I think Morrissey is a twat but fuck me can he write good lyrics.

>> No.5663768

Is this what a /lit/ feel thread looks like?

>> No.5663777

OK I'll suggest The Microphones then.


>> No.5663781


The Road. Probably favourite book.

Have you read Ice Palace by Vesaas?

>> No.5663786

B-But they're not that weird. However, they would make for great cabin music. I thought we would be listening to lowercase or something.

>> No.5663787
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Are you me anon?

Anyway I was writing creepypasta on a wiki and got it nominated for the "Story of the Month" section in order to claim all the praise by the twelve year olds.

Turns out a single faggot just as desperate as myself got nominated too and his story cashs in on /b/-tier gross-out-techniques with holes and lotus and shit. The story is passable too so all the kids are probably gonna vote for him.


>> No.5663792

im drinking and smoking weed like I always do

though I felt "happy" seeing kids having fun and thanking strangers for candy

>> No.5663794

They call me the "Candyman".

>> No.5663834

it's not officially recognised and is widely hated as a symbol of american commercialism, especially by older generations (even though its origins are celtic)

pumpkins are out of season
it's supposed to be an autumn not spring holiday
also there is a strong anti-community sentiment in this country, many people don't know their neighbours (stranger danger, kids are taught to not accept things from strangers)

>> No.5663836

Taking a lot of MDMA

>> No.5663879

Masturbating and trying not to cry.

>> No.5663925

The modern plebeian, everyone.

>> No.5663936

>implying it's not a shitty bootleg anyways

>> No.5664100

Staying home and looking at all of the degenerates outside symbolically and literally begging for scraps.

Disgusting all of them, putting on false identifies, celebrating pagan feast days and making a mockery of their own intellect and self-worth.


>> No.5664110

I'm going as the leper of Jerusalem.

>> No.5664116


Enjoy going house to house begging.

>> No.5664118

Waiting for the fog to come out so I can write silly things all over campus.

>> No.5664132

I'm just going out to a party to drink with the lads, plus there'll be qts there.

>> No.5664134


Did they made you do it?

>> No.5664135

In terms of awful feels I never expecting, seeing pics of my gf posted from a Halloween party she's at with one of the societies she's in at university, while I sit at home on my own, browsing 4chan and listening to music, makes me feel worse than ever. I suppose this is what happens when you date someone six years younger but I feel out of date and so fucking lonely.

>> No.5664143


You should have went unless you are pedoscum.

That's an easy way to get cuckolded m8.

>> No.5664183


I'm 26, she's 20. It was with one of the sports societies she plays with so I wasn't invited. I probably could have gone had I insisted but I think I'd have just felt old.

Anyway, I've been reading Umbrella by Will Self tonight and it's really good. Glad that guy is a meme.

>> No.5664189

Sitting in my room in the dark listening to Lou Reed albums.

That feel when.

>> No.5664239

Not going to a party I was invited to. Thinking about doing the novel writing thing that starts tomorrow.

>> No.5664270

My room mate is making a buffet of southern style food: jerk chicken, jumbalaya (kinda), collards, corn bread.

We're getting faded off our asses and walking down Garnet street (bar area in San Diego).

>> No.5664331


plz don't hurt Rei

>> No.5664347

Superior dog owner here. Does this actually happen?

>> No.5664357

You're a cool guy anon

>> No.5664459

That's a really cute name for a cat.

Thank you! You are too, anon.

>> No.5664584

Posting on a Korean literature appreciation board.

>> No.5664650

wishing I had a gf
it's 50% rubbing off to exs and 50% remembering why they're exs and juggling between lost opportunities and daydreaming romantic scenarios and ideal gfs

I have a few books lying nearby too and a DS I like the DS lite it's a good form factor for a handheld game console I think I'll play harvest moon after looking through a few threads

>> No.5664665

Happy Birthday!
It's my 24th
According to the years between my birth certificate and now

I'm forever 21

>> No.5664666
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Happy Birthday, anon-kun

>> No.5664673

>tfw feline friend died last year
N-no one can hurt her anymore at least

>> No.5664674
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Homework, that I should have send to my teachers already, but I suppose I'll send it anyway (even if I missed the deadline...)

Since I'm no sleeping, I'd like to read Demian later. Seems like a short book that could be read in one sitting, and I recently read Siddharta and loved it.

>> No.5664681

Reading Industry and Empire in between handing out candy to children. Well, that's what I was doing, up to a few minutes ago.

Now I'm going to make tea, watch Cowboy Bebop and get comfy.

>> No.5664703
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All these birthdays today. Have fun, anons!

I'll be inside doing homework based on pic related while listening to Blind Guardian like the neckbeard I am.

>> No.5664706
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Happy birthday
Have some comedy

>> No.5664714
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Being bitter while everyone else is having fun. How could it be anything else?

inb4 socialize. I get invited to parties, I'm not ugly or socially awkward; I'd like to think it's quite the opposite in those respects. Been reading Either/Or recently and I'm trying to "live the philosophy" in hopes that it gives me greater happiness in the long term, since no matter what I seem to do I'm guaranteed sadness in the short term.

>> No.5664719

change the last line for 22 and you're me, and all of the above prety much to every 4chan user

>> No.5664721
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Year and a half ahead of you, I bet I'll even kill myself before you do, looser!

No, but really, hope things go well and in the worst case you can at least know that you are better than people who listen to Ayreon unironically.

>> No.5664735

He ruined some good episodes of Mad About You.

>> No.5664753

Let's all be friends, homies. I'm a music pleb but I do love my films, although it takes me a long time to get around to some of the classics. Spend too much time watching z-grade garbage. Finally got around to watching The Holy Mountain last week. So good.

I gave up on creepypasta and /x/ almost completely. Just don't have time for most of their retarded, lame bullshit. On the other hand I haven't been to /x/ in a while...maybe I'll give it a go, see how things have been.

This gives me hope that even though I'm almost 26, I can still bag a young chick.

Who doesn't mind being with a virgin. :<

I really want to watch Twin Peaks again. Can't wait for the revival. It'll probs be shit but I can't stop the hype train in my mind.

>> No.5664759

It's going to be great, Lynch is involved

anyway, I';m about to go eat some food with my buddy, who just broke up with his girl and has therefore been cast into that state in which I spend all of my time. it'll be fun

>> No.5664764

my roommates were having a party so i sat in a bathroom for an hour

god im pathetic

>> No.5664771
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Never watched

>> No.5664777

I constantly wanted to be and bang both protagonists, it was a good show in that sense. Good guest comedians too.

>> No.5664779

░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY SKILENTON

>> No.5664787

I don't think you're pathetic. But why were you home when there was a party going on? Didn't your roommates warn you that people were coming over?

>> No.5664790

Seriously, man, how the fuck do you not know of The Smiths?

>> No.5664793

Went to class as a hot-dog. Made a bunch of bad jokes about wieners that made everyone around feel awkward. Didn't really care. Did some drugs. Went to a homecoming pep rally, but just ended up remembering how much crowds make me angry after getting there and left.

>> No.5664794

I remember more or less than when I was living with my brother, but it was my room and I had to pay a lot of attention or just really hold it to go to the bathroom.

>> No.5664799

I also love tATu, you guys!

>> No.5664802

Better than the original

>> No.5664807

I do not.

You must be trolling.

>> No.5664810

>he's never tried MDMA

>> No.5664816

I remember being an 11 y/o closet case and really trying to like them. I doubt there's any audience for them outside of the demographic.

>> No.5664827
File: 82 KB, 884x1024, thetroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

troll'd you ;)

>> No.5664833

I really wish I could use tinder. I'm tired of being a virgin.

Why is it so hard to have sex? I promised myself I wouldn't suicide until I'd had sex at least once, but my resolve is getting worn down.

happy halloween

>> No.5664838

>implying you can't just call a prostitute

>> No.5664839

Why not pay a "high class" prostitute? Personally, sex seems pretty disgusting, so I would rather abstain.

>> No.5664842
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I never understood that "meme face"
This is a picture of a political rally, it was in a facebook from a friend of a friend who was there and I can tell you it wasn't some sort of meta joke.
It reads:
>Fuck it I'm leaving to Narnia. I'd rather be governed by a Lion than a Mare/Bitch
What would the reddit face indicate in that context?

>> No.5664844

Eh, sex isn't something to die over. Honestly you could be having sex with just about anyone and it'd make difference in terms of your problems.

>> No.5664845

Your first time isn't going to be good. You might as well just get it over with with somebody you don't have to see after.

>> No.5664847

I'm at Cal Lutheran getting high and drunk. It's this really surreal, weird place. Like the epitome of suburbia.

>> No.5664848

That face is shorthand for 'lol,' 'wtf,' and 'I'm noping out of here'

>> No.5664852

I live in a town of less than 20k people. Also I was a shut-in for so long that I both know nobody and am terribly scared of social interaction.

I just want to know what it feels like to touch someone. It seems like it'd be really nice.

I don't know how to just get it over with.

>> No.5664853

It isn't ahrd at all to have sex. if you have some kind of mental block that makes it so hard for you you might want to give therapy a chance and see if you have some issues to work through that are showing themselves in your failures at personal relationships.
I mean, blog to come so ignore if you want as a trans in denial I had almost a dozen chances with five different girls, each time failing to make my boy parts work when needed, and I kept telling me myself... I don't even know what I told myself, that another chance would work and I just had to really focus or something. People can be very stubborn and not see obvious signs. Maybe in your case it's some issue with your mom, or with women in general, or with yourself and your self value. I eventually came to terms by myself, but a clinical mind can maybe help you see your issues with another light if you can't by yourself.

>> No.5664855


>> No.5664857

This is a bully-free zone.

>> No.5664858

Oh, as mature as I was assuming, thanks.

>> No.5664861

I've almost never had a conversation with a woman irl, have never kissed. I'm just scared because I so rarely talk to people.

My self-esteem is non-existent and I hate every aspect of myself. Which I'm changing, and I feel a bit better, but I'm still extremely self-conscious. Might try therapy. I really can't get over that feeling that I'm utter dog shit. It tires me. I'm tired of being scared and feeling bad and I feel bad partially because I can't get a woman and I can't get a woman because I see myself as manure.

This has nothing to do with literature.

>> No.5664862

But all those acronyms have been over-used to the point of complete meaninglessness. It's just a bunch of pointless noise referring to more pointless noise? Like a grunt or cough or something?

>friendless ectough
But I have drugs captcha!

>> No.5664870

>This has nothing to do with literature.
Are you talking about the whole thread? They'll eventually delete it.
Try therapy. Fixing your life will make you feel better, but if you don't know what goals you want you'll end up feeling you're not progressing in any direction.

>> No.5664872
File: 30 KB, 480x360, zyzz_feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a job? I'm pretty much like you but I work retail and I tutor at my uni. In a business setting/no fun allowed scenario I can run my mouth off for hours on end. It just forces you to talk to people when they're askign questions that you know the answer to. Baby steps, anon.

>> No.5664905

I have goals. I'm a lazy fuck, though I'm working on it. God I'm so fucking lazy and pathetic. My number one problem is procrastination.

I have a job. I'm a night janitor. I don't have to talk to anyone, it's why I got it. I've dropped out of community college twice because I was too scared of interacting with others. I did actually manage to complete a whole semester last year though, but at the beginning of the next, it turned out that one of the classes I'd enrolled in was entirely focused around group projects, working together, and presenting in front of the class.

That and other factors led to me dropping out completely. Every time I'd walk into a classroom I felt like everyone was staring at me. I can't tell if I'm just a little paranoid or if I've become truly insane from living a hermetic lifestyle for the past several years. Maybe I really do need to get help. Thanks for the talk guys.

>> No.5664925

>it turned out that one of the classes I'd enrolled in was entirely focused around group projects, working together, and presenting in front of the class.
I want to take a computer technician course at a local college, but there are two major projects which would need to be presented to the class, and which would require creativity. I'm too scared to sign up.

>> No.5664952

I feel you. That class was just a standard freshman sociology course. If I can't even do that, there's no way I'm going to be able to make it through college.

I've been looking at online colleges recently, wondering if they're worth it.

>> No.5665054
File: 460 KB, 1024x768, IMG_5834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since all the kids have been and gone, I am slightly drunk and reading about war.

>> No.5665071
File: 454 KB, 1280x956, Martini book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting at home reading Wilbur Smith

>> No.5665075

Hey did you delete your thread on /k/? I (>>5665071) took like five pics for it but when I came back it had 404'd after like 20 minutes haha.

>> No.5665076

just finished a six of anchor steam ipa and the mystery of consciousness by searle. both pretty dope.

>> No.5665083

Yuck, I do not like Anchor Stream. Too hoppy for my tastes (supposing I'm remembering the correct one). That Searle book is alright; made me aware of Penrose who sounds pretty cool (still can't find the book Searle reviewed yet since my library doesn't have and neither do the local stores).

>> No.5665095

Sorry. I put it back up.

>> No.5665121

that looks so good

>> No.5665123

Top Kek. He also ruined Suburban Commando.

>> No.5665127

I'm too depressed to drink

>> No.5665131

op here

>195 replies

damn niggas, hope y'all had a good one. i bar hoped around toronto a bit with two of my best bros and then went home, got alcohol poisioning-tier drunk and watched 75% of The Shining now i'm going to bed.

Cheers /lit/ it's my b-day on wednesday :3

>> No.5665156

>went home
>after bar hopping then got drunk
>being able to type and type captcha
>alchohol poisoning
>can handle watching a movie

It's ok you can say you were home alone watching a movie the past two hours

>> No.5665161

happy birthday, david, and goodnight. :)

>> No.5665169

I have never in my life been too drunk to type accurately. Now that spell-check is built into everything there is no excuse for such failure.

>> No.5665190

>he can't type captchas or watch movies while drunk

srsly, brah? how old are you?

>> No.5665191

then Id say you're saying drunk too liberally

maybe buzzed at most
certainly nowhere near alchohol poisoning, youd be well accustomed to the floor at that point

>> No.5666823
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No one got it

>> No.5666852

you didn't go all the way. should have had pins sticking out of your eyes.

>> No.5666864

> I made a Moroccan stew

i made a Swiss roll

i totally enjoyed it

then i made a Pole dance

>> No.5666867


no one cares about you anon

>> No.5666872


just kidding we all care about you

good luck fucking other humans

>> No.5666879


Or worn sunglasses.

>> No.5669568

testing something out

>> No.5669674
File: 116 KB, 497x640, 1404413391924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't laughed out loud on 4chan in a loooong time.

Oh God dude great post

>> No.5669719

I appreciate it anon. Gave me a good chuckle

>> No.5669753

>and such, a tripfag is born