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/lit/ - Literature

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5658174 No.5658174 [Reply] [Original]

Recommended /lit/ reading for philosophy, politics, economics?

Please dump images, yes I read the sticky

>> No.5658180
File: 33 KB, 218x218, KarlMarx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5658238

Plato - The Republic
Aristotle - Politics
Machiavelli - The Prince, Discourses on Livy

>> No.5658482

op asked for philosophy, politics and economics, not morons

>> No.5658487
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>> No.5658488

>Karl Marx

everything fucking time, not that guy btw

>> No.5658500

Truly epic

>> No.5658506
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Are you interested in Jewish texts?

>> No.5658517
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>> No.5658563
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>philosophy, politics, economics
Literally Marx

>> No.5658577

No, books that are either about or relating to at least one of those subjects. Not all three.

>> No.5658586
File: 11 KB, 153x231, freakonomics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic Related

Also The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

>> No.5658618

isn't there a sticky for stuff like this? I mean, I know you said you checked and stuff but it seems like it should exist. Anyway here's a bare-bones recommendation for history of political philosophy:

Plato - Republic
Hobbes - Leviathan
Rousseau - Discourse on Inequality
Locke - Second Treatise on Government
Mill - On Liberty
Rawls - A Theory of Justice

If you want to understand economics, you should read a modern macro and micro textbook. If you want to understand the history of economics, which is relevant but I'd recommend understanding modern econ first:

Smith - Wealth of Nations
Marx - Capital
Keynes - General Theory or Minsky - John Maynard Keynes

>> No.5658638
File: 13 KB, 194x259, CVCwar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to take the opportunity to start a thread about strategy books, I could make a new one or surreptitiously co opt this shitty thread to suit my own purposes.

What is the best strategy book you've ever read? pic related

>> No.5658659
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/biz/ pls go

OP, read pic related instead. It's written for grad students, but if you've taken calculus and have some familiarity with the principles of microeconomics and the history of economic thought you should have no problem.

>> No.5658862
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Honestly, It depends on the level of abstraction one requires for 'strategic thinking'.

At the most abstract level, the Dao De Ching and the Art of War offer you a core message which can be used in any strategic situation:

When your opponent is strong, avoid; when weak, strike. This is the core of all strategic thinking: leveraging force for the fulfillment of objectives. If that sounds like Clausewitz, its because he got that, and was a fucking genius; and you're making the board better by linking him.

Book of Five Rings is also good, for the mindset of successful engagement; as is Meditations by Aurelius.

Some historical background is always nice. History of the Peloponneseian war is mandatory reading for most military courses; I haven't read it but I'd include it just in case.


>Book of Five Rings
>Art of War
>Dao De Ching
>History of the Peloponnesian War (or any relevent historical accounts of your interest)

I'm sure there are more to read.

>> No.5658876


>> No.5658900


This is, all around, pretty good. For my Polisci Major, I've read basically all of the first category minus Ralws and Rousseau, and I would say that they are all necessary for a good background. I'd add Aristotle's Politics as well.

For economics, Try "Age of the Economist" as a primer; it gives a good account of the history of economics, and is entry-level yet gets a lot of the important stuff.

>> No.5659170

Wow anybody who honestly listens to him is stupid
(Wow im so ibtellugent lol)

>> No.5659252

Marx - The German Ideology
Marx - Grundrisse
Marx - Capital vol 1
Lukacs - History and Class Consciousness
Adorno - Negative Dialectics
Tronti - Workers and Capital
Postone - Time, Labor and Social Domination

The other suggestions in this thread are quite solid as well