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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 734 KB, 3264x2448, IMAG0079.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5656043 No.5656043 [Reply] [Original]

Would you consider yourself an elitist or snobbish reader? What do your friends say?

>> No.5656048

No, I'm just a patrician.
I don't have any friends.

>> No.5656054

Why did I expect anything else?

>> No.5656060

I don't have friends

>> No.5656069

Because you are a pleb, detached from cruel reality where sun doesn't always shine and god does not exist. Wake up, go read a book, sheeple.

>> No.5656071
File: 32 KB, 453x567, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that person probably spent over $400 on the B&N "leather bound" classics
>mfw the probably think having them is classy
>mfw inheritance cycle
>mfw all this goofy shit on the shelves
>mfw I have a GUNBLADE and a bunch of other stupid shit on top of my bookshelf for the sake of nostalgic irony but Im Still aware it's dumb either way

>> No.5656073

How much is this whole "I'm a NEET with no friends who spends his whole time on 4chan" just an image these days so people feel they can belong to the most hardcore shithole on the Internet? I think the average user here is way better integrated into society than he pretends.

>> No.5656074

this thread is /lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.5656076 [DELETED] 

normalfag detected

>> No.5656078

normalfag detected

>> No.5656080

I don't pretend that I don't have friends. I do have a few, but I set up a facade with almost all of them - so does it really count?

>> No.5656085

Isn't that how most friendships are?

>> No.5656087

My friends say I'm a well read person but I've been called pretentious by many many people. Because I prefer Tolstoï to Harry Potter and all that.

>> No.5656089
File: 632 KB, 2032x2709, IMAG0087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that one copy of war and peace in the lower right corner. Probably opened once and never again.

>> No.5656090

I have four friends and I live far away from all of them.

>> No.5656098

Where is the sword from?

>> No.5656100

welcome to the society of the spectacle

>> No.5656101
File: 21 KB, 306x423, le_workchoices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>owning a get-rich-quick book

you disgust me

>> No.5656106
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lel what I'll never get is this thing.

>> No.5656112

Those are troll pics from r/bookshelves for our cancerous bookshelf-threads. The Redditor is, unsuprisingly, a fat Brony with serious health problems.

>> No.5656115

Are there pics of this redditor?

>> No.5656118

There is just something about all those trashy fantasy novels paired with Candide, The Art of War and War and Peace that is inherently hilarious to me.

>> No.5656124
File: 300 KB, 2048x1536, ataris the noble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet Ataris.

>> No.5656141
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Welp. I don't know what more I could've expected.

>> No.5656148

I can't get over how ugly those barnes and nobles hardcovers are, they look like something you'd find in scarfaces house

>> No.5656153

I wonder how such a manchild could afford all this stuff. He doesn't look like he could get a job with a decent income. Or at least not keep it for a long time.

>> No.5656183

I don't think that Tony Montana would've read anything but Ayn Rand.

>> No.5656201

I was wondering this the whole time I was looking through those pictures. Maybe he does stuff involving computers or something. He's definitely doing better than I am. :/

>> No.5656202

My tastes are all over the place. But I do ream mostly for fun.

>> No.5656228

why dont you put your mugs in a cabinet or something and buy more books?

>> No.5656301

My guess would be enabling parents.

>> No.5656311

I bet you do faggot

>> No.5656315



>> No.5656322

>yfw I'm a NEET who barely leaves the house yet has friends and family who care for me
Maybe people aren't as badly adjusted as you expected, but they're certainly not 'normal'.

>> No.5656343

Well I do read about 50% intellectual and 50% random stuff.

But I do sometimes hear myself talking about reading books in the language they were writtin in and what they mean and I stop to think, I really do sound like an asshole. Because most of the time its just thoughts and it all seems fine but when you start explaining it to other people it sometimes seem a little crazy.

I'm probably a little snobbish, not to the extreme but notable enough.
None of my friends read anything interesting so we don't talk about it.

>> No.5656347

That's something which you need to snap out of, I used to be the same - bringing literature up with friends (especially being working class) feels like being a snob or a try-hard, really it's just your own insecurities shining through; people have no reason to hate or dislike someone simply for being intellectual or well-read, the only negative reactions possible are spurred by gelatine (granted you aren't actually doing it just to make others feel uneducated of course). That being said, and rather hypocritically, I tend to sugar my words so as to sound less pretentious and more like I'm making a spur of the moment statement.

>> No.5656349

What I meant was that somehow users on this site feel that they have to paint their lifes in darker colours than they probably actually are. I claim that most boards on 4chan (with a few exceptions like /a/, /mlp/ or /r9k/) have a userbase of fairly regular and relatively mainstream people. Still we all have to whine that we have no friends or spend too much time in front of the computer while a lot of people actually get shit done. >>5656124 this happy Redditor would be a freak to the most of us.

>> No.5656353

*while a lot of people on 4chan

>> No.5656362

Yes I have had those thoughts that it's because of my surroundings. Growing up working class and working down right shitty jobs before going to university.

>> No.5656418

i don't have any friends to be snobbish to

>> No.5656421

with all these friendless people on here we should open up a pen pal club or something.

>> No.5656423

I'm an obscurantist reader and my friends would probably agree because they're the ones who called me that.

>> No.5656426

/a/ is way more normal than /mlp/ or /r9k/ simply because it's the 4th biggest board.

>> No.5656444

final fantasy 7

>> No.5656470

more normal doesn't mean it's normal.

>> No.5656757

my friends don't read books

>> No.5656766

great friends.

>> No.5656785

>/a/ is 'more' normal that something else

No, obsessing with jap cartoons to the point you masturbate to them, own dolls, talk to them like they are real, obsess over them, posters, pillows, etc etc etc....

Same for /mlp/ ...no they are fucked up.

/r9k/ is just composed of the worst of everyone.

And they are all dudes, very pathetic males ...the most pathetic

>> No.5656790

>/pol/ and /x/ have a normal underbase.

No, they are severely mentally impaired human beings.

>> No.5656795

/a/ is significantly better than /jp/, it has a lot of healthy people who just like japanese cartoons a bit

>> No.5656801 [DELETED] 

>liking jap cartoons

>> No.5656804

People who read, who write, they are extremely tedious self destructive, selfish, spoiled, whiny people who don't care about anyone but themselves but beg to be catered to every waking second.

fuck no I don't have friends that read or write.

>> No.5656805

/pol/says things that millions of people think and just not say in such a rude way. /x/ are trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling schizophrenics trolling trolls trolling trolls...

>> No.5656820

>/a/ is significantly better than /jp/
Jesus wept, this board is dead.

>> No.5656825

I swear that that shelf belongs to a girl I dated once.

>> No.5656830

great catch

>> No.5656833

The trick is to let your passion shine through in your statements. Let people see the excitement that you feel and it won't seem snobbish, it'll instead be disarming.

>> No.5656852

That guy obliviously has no friends.

>over 500 bucks on books.
>500 dosh he could of spent on his friends.

(doesn't he just pirate his Ebooks?)

>> No.5656856

>he could of spent on his friends.
>Buy friends

>> No.5656862

More of buy things to do with friends.

You think tickets to musicals are cheap?

>> No.5656864

>he's a faggot
I don't associate with AIDS victims, sorry.

>> No.5656867


Oh, go google NPH's tony opening. "It's not just for gays anymore"

Also, He doesn't know about France and it's boner for heros who kill mudslimes and have alot of sex.

>> No.5656868

>You know I hate to think when I read

K...k mom

>> No.5656905

>tfw when I inherited more than 10k books from my family but I don't have where to put them all so I have more than half in the basement

>> No.5656924

Not really; I recognize how stupid it is to judge people based upon their individual interests and while I can be a colossal asshole I don't really give a shit.

I mean really who gives a fuck about that? I like anime, manga, Jap shit in general, writing, reading, vidya, and while I have dislikes I'm not gonna call someone a shit head over doing something I don't do. It's childish and I don't associate with people who'd judge your entire person based off of something so superficial.

I can understand shitting on people who are obnoxious about it but c'mon now.

>> No.5656934 [DELETED] 

>Implying porn stars aren't disgusting
>Implying anime porn isn't almost always better

I really don't understand how jerking it to a drawn person is any different than doing it to real porn, besides any personal preferences or the fact that the vast majority of women used in real porn are either disgusting beyond belief or all look the same.

>> No.5656936

>being this pleb

>> No.5656938

>Being a child

>> No.5656941
File: 705 KB, 3304x3317, 1407771730818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to musicals

>> No.5656947

>implying anime porn isn't always better than real porn.
>As far as porn goes, not actual sex, anyway.

>> No.5656951

I used to be snobbish, but the more I read, the more I learned to love books. I don't consider myself an elitist or a snob, just a lover of literature.
Since the majority of my friends are a bunch of weeabs, they want me to write a light novel. I hate this idea. And the other good friends I have are so detached from reality due to all the peyote they have done, that hey only have esoteric or odd opinions about the subject. Just get a grip on how delusional they have become, they nowadays only read obscure books about religion, mysticism, beings from other dimensions, water vibrations and Antediluvian civilizations.

Fuck the literary lifestyle. Don't chase after it. There's only desperation and poison for your soul in it.

>> No.5656952

I enjoy the variety and how in some sites you can search whatever you are thinking at that moment to inspire you, live action porn is in general too samey and in particular too hard to pin point the material since at the end it's tied to what that person looks like and the thing they did.

>> No.5656954

>anime porn
>not SFM

>> No.5656955

>>implying anime porn isn't always better than real porn.

I can't believe I actually waste time talking to people like you online.

>> No.5656972

>Books about water vibrations


>> No.5656999

You know, the theory that says that if you tell nice compliments to water, the water molecules resonate and are arranged in different patterns.

>> No.5657012

Probably "The Secret Messages in Water" by Jackie Chan

>> No.5657026
File: 2.69 MB, 2168x3082, 1405588018061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this normal faggot.

>> No.5657040

the water molecules will resonate regardless what exactly you tell them, they just love to resonate and to arrange in different patterns, it's water after all, it's liquid

>> No.5657045

>/a/ is way more normal than /mlp/ or /r9k/

>actually knowing what any of those boards are like.

>> No.5657054

What's wrong with her skin?

>> No.5657069

It's not real

>> No.5657104

Iunno man body pillows are incredibly comfortable with or without anime girls on them.

>> No.5657109

Tell that to my friends.

>> No.5657140

Of course you don't understand, you're one of them. Until you actually reach the point where you're able plausibly feign the possession of superior knowledge, you will never understand the joys of elitism and pleb-bashing.

>> No.5657145


>> No.5657160

well a little bit i guess, as i dont read anything that crosses my path.



>> No.5657165

No. I only read the good shit but I don't read often enough. Four of the five classes I'm taking right now require a shit ton of reading. When I'm not in class, I'm reading some shit or writing papers. I am only able to post right now because my morning class was canceled.

>> No.5657186 [DELETED] 

Keep telling yourself that spergy

>> No.5657188

I think my friends know me as "the movie guy". I don't really discuss my interest in literature that much.

>> No.5657199

>people who'd judge your entire person based off of something so superficial.
That's how you kids define a lover of aesthetics nowadays? It sickens me.

>> No.5657206
File: 17 KB, 300x452, 1408662762225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5657320

Man, that's really making me think "what do my friends think of me?" Often I find myself wondering how well my friends really know me, or how well I really know them.

I feel like I used to invest emotionally in friendships until I put "everything" I had I to a relationship with a girl. That eventually fell apart and then I became a pothead and from there on out it seems like all my friendships have been superficial.

I feel like the only person who knows me is my mom, and to a lesser extent my dad. This is a weird feel.

>> No.5657417

this is one of the most autistic images i've seen on 4chan.

also my elitism ranks:
>video games

>> No.5657424

>this is one of the most autistic images i've seen on 4chan.
not really. sad, pathetic, sure.

>> No.5657452
File: 71 KB, 445x657, 1398383346235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ranks the "elitism" of his "video games"
>complains about autism in others

protip: you're a joke

>> No.5657458


This guy probably thinks his "film" score is a 9/10 because he likes Kubrick LMAO SMH

>> No.5657495

protip: kill yourself
absolutely epin

>> No.5657537


See you at /v/, /b/ro.

>> No.5657538
File: 184 KB, 325x547, 1387857539759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>protip: kill yourself

don't fuck with me i'm 8/10 on the elitist scale in the video game wars you are just autistic

>> No.5657552

What book is that by the Illiad and the Odyssey? It's by Stephen King

>> No.5657568

i don't go on 4chan anymore. i came here off hand to find something good to read, and apparently made the mistake of posting in a shitty thread full of angry sperglords like >>5657538

>> No.5657617
File: 15 KB, 228x202, 1411495979007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>angry sperglords

i feel like you don't even understand how important 8/10 ranked elitism in the video game wars is.

do you know what i've had to sacrifice to get to 8/10 ranked elitism in the video game wars?

>> No.5657642

holy shit why are you trying so hard. you're even more autistic than >>5657417

>> No.5657649


>> No.5657657


>you're even more autistic than >>5657417

lol don't front i know it's you samewarrior. i can sense that 8/10 video game power level a mile away.

>> No.5657665

Why do you post this nearly on a weekly basis? Different threads about being "elitist", "snobbish" or "hipster", it's really weird, you're trying way too hard.

>> No.5657669

Why are Stephen King books so huge?

>> No.5658053

To match the authors position in the worldd of literature.

>> No.5658302

I read a new book every month or two and my friends think I'm really smart. I wouldn't consider myself elite anything. I just like reading. I also like talking about what I read to people.Though the most recent book I read, On the Heights of Despair by Cioran is impossible to discuss with people. Next on my list is Lolita which is equally out of place in everyday conversation.

>> No.5658390

I am pretentious as fuck.
Nobody has ever told me that but I can really feel it.
I am psuedo-intellectual and I hate myself for that, but I just can't help it.

>> No.5658501

Well anon, being proud of not being a dumbass in today's day and age is not necessarily a bad thing. And at least you can admit it, and sense you can, I wouldn't even call you pretentious, just someone who tries to talk to people In ways that he can understand himself.

>> No.5659010

>a new book every month or two
>like talking about what I read to people
Nigga, you are one of those, huh? No one cares about the book you read, except other people that really like reading and have read the book, and they would probably think your are a massive pleb for reading a book every month or two.

bb step up your game and look for patrician relationships, or keep it to yourself papi.

>> No.5659023

Not the guy you were responding to, but it sounds as if you're not a good storyteller if you can't describe a book or a situation in a book and get people around you to be interested in what you are saying, even if they don't read enough.
Time to step up

>> No.5659033

Who cares about the story tho? He said he liked talking about the books he read, so he is probably talking about how the author explores the themes.

>> No.5659128

Same thing, if you can't find a way to make things interesting, you are severely lacking in the way you make up your speech

>> No.5659157

Where is that sword from? Final Fantasy or something?

>> No.5659167

Nah, most people are just not interested, no matter how you say it (third-world country college freshman here).

>tfw the only semi-intellectual conversations I have are in FB with a girl I haven't seen in months and months

>> No.5659176

No. My best friend and I have always been pretty casual readers but I just started reading more, claiming i had a goal to read 5 or 6 more books by the end of the year. He thought I couldn't do it.

Probably can't as it just took me like a week to read In Cold Blood, but i'm going to try my best.

>> No.5659215

Yeah, I wonder why.

>> No.5659656
File: 29 KB, 410x397, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice sword you fucking queer

>> No.5660759
