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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 884 KB, 690x5998, hunger games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5653227 No.5653227 [Reply] [Original]

Are the Hunger Games really as great as this person implies? I can get a copy of the books on the cheap.

>> No.5653235

Is this thread really as bait as the OP implies? I can get shitposting on the cheap.

>> No.5653239


but try them and see if you like them. but the 'reason' they are good if they are good at all is probably not the reason this sjw retard is talking about

>> No.5653242
File: 403 KB, 770x1638, hanger 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what, like for fish?

>> No.5653241


>> No.5653249

Why do you have to assume it's bait? Even if it was, would it even matter?

>> No.5653262

if that is really what she wanted to communicate in her book she wouldve (or shoudve) aimed her book at an audience that would actually understand it. not "young women."

>> No.5653277 [SPOILER] 
File: 231 KB, 550x550, 1414609617686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a few wrong parts in the base thesis and the conclusion has no real conection with it.
The apreciation of prose, camera work, brush use or other technical aspects is exactly how you break away from the homogeneity. The twitter may mean that the attentions is shifted to those aspects to distract from a wider homogeneity, but in that case it should explain what are the "true" values to get since at the end it goes back to those technical aspects and maybe incorporates historical context which has been part of literary analysis since the pre structuralists.

The film analysis is the kind of thing you read in first year of film school, a take so shallow on the language of the medium that shows no real interest to that point in understanding it.

Pretty decent bate.

>> No.5653279

its an interesting read

>> No.5653282

>awesome history lesson
>errors, lack of understanding of context, poor interpretation, all the way letting you know that it's talking out of her ass
I said the OP was good bait but this is so much better for being fully sincere. I think I puked some blood.

>> No.5653288

Yes, anon~?

Please stop posting images that attack the concept of canon. You are triggering me.

Well, no. The board can talk about whatever it likes. But the Hunger Games, and especially how to react to the Hunger Games, is a part of board culture. The OP would simply get replies of

>No, the Hunger Games isn't good at all
>Lel YA pleb
>Lel buying not pirating books
>Lel social justice
>Lel anti-canon SJW

in various phrasings, then some anons who don't really give a shit will come on and post the contrary opinions to get a reaction. Then more anons who don't give a shit will debate the evil SJW menace, and so on and so on.


So if you've been around the board, you already know how this thread will look once it gets to 211 posts and 36 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.5653301


but thats not how people have been posting you fucking retard.

there is one thing that i know is going to turn out bad when i see it however, and thats your fucking posts.

kindly fuck off

>> No.5653310

Ouch, anon. You're right though, that's not how people have been posting. I'd already typed out my reply as they came in, and fucked if I'm going to change it to make sense. Shiptosting should be a low-intensity exercise.

>> No.5653351

No, but they're readable and fun. Collins is a better writer than most people here will give her credit for. The second book is a bit of a rehash of the first and the third book is a mess, so feel free to stop after the first if you're not totally drawn in. At least that one is worth reading though.

>> No.5653354

How are the second and third books? What would be the general idea of each?

>> No.5653415

This person you have in that image ("Cohen is a ghost" or whatever) is mostly right in their assessment of literary history... except for their thing on the Hunger Games series. I find it highly unlikely that anyone is going to be looking back on it in 25 years as a lasting work of high art; it's schlock.

Slightly elevated schlock, yes, but it's still very much a big-brand, corporate money-making, blockbuster action book series. Typically, when a thing makes the transition from passion project to franchise, it loses pretty much all its serious artistic integrity. For example, I lost all lingering dregs of respect for the Hunger Games books when their tie-in makeup line was launched earlier this year.

So no, I don't see Hunger Games entering "The Canon", or even becoming a respected landmark of literature; and not because the author happens to have a vagina, but because the series as a thing is about on the same level as Game of Thrones or the Marvel superhero movies; good entertainment.

>> No.5653891
File: 34 KB, 1280x544, fired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, they are not

>> No.5653903

spoilers ahoy and I'm not marking 'em

2nd book - first real stirrings of rebellion/revolution, lotsa soapy romance, Peeta and Katniss back in a 2nd games just for victors of the 1st games

3rd book - focuses more on the revolution as led by the previously-thought-dead District 13, which turns out to be yet another different dystopia in the laziest bit of plotting and thinking in the books. focuses more on the propaganda efforts of both sides and a main character-led effort to assassinate president snow

>> No.5653938

>Are the Hunger Games really as great as this person implies?
his main argument (disregarding all the "analysis" red herring fluff) is that because things in the past have been dismissed because of some reason X, and have been rediscovered to be great (no specifics given, mind you) some other thing, because it is dismissed for the same reason, will be rediscovered to be great

i feel like saying this is a fallacy is giving the tweeter too much credit, like assuming they knew what they were doing

>> No.5653951

I imagine that the kind of person who would write something like this, in which they handwave away every piece of established canon in literature, has either:

A. Not read enough/any of the canon to understand their importance.

B. Has read small parts of them before putting them aside, and dismissing the merit within them as a whole. This is largely the result of their prior perceptions about the works colouring their opinion as they go in to them.

C. Has made no effort to understand the background or contextual elements of any of the canon; dismissing them as "the same old dead white guys going on and on."

They like the Hunger Games so much probably because they're easy to read and unchallenging. I don't like all of the great literary works, but I make the effort to read them and try to understand why they are so important to people and to literature. You don't have to like something to be impressed by it.