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/lit/ - Literature

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5648495 No.5648495 [Reply] [Original]

Math major here. I feel nothing but numbers, yet I want to learn to appreciate poetry and literature in general better. Please, help.

>> No.5648498 [DELETED] 


How's high school, faggot?

>> No.5648618 [DELETED] 

Fine. I feel nothing but *mathematical objects*. Now please, suggest a reading for getting better at reading or something like that.

>> No.5648627
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Double major in English and math here. There's no set way to "learn to appreciate poetry and literature better" other than to just read a lot and think about what you're reading. There are plenty of fictional works that offer good inroads for STEM-types into literature. Vonnegut (a chemistry major at Cornell) is probably the most common and most recommended, and some people dislike him here for being too easy and simplistic, but I think he's great. Try Slaughterhouse-Five, Cat's Cradle, and The Sirens of Titan.

Pynchon (a onetime physics major at Cornell who later worked for Boeing before becoming the patron saint of /lit/) engages science and math concepts on a deeper and more poetic level than Vonnegut ever did. Try The Crying of Lot 49, which has a whole chapter on Maxwell's Demon.

Or, if you're not looking for something that specifically connects to your math background, just pick anything from the starter kit. They're all very readable and fun. Personally, I like Huck Finn, Catch-22, and Lolita best.

>> No.5648629
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Actually nevermind the part about feeling. I feel a lot, it's just that I am asocial made me write that.

But still.

>> No.5648630

read the sticky

>> No.5649126

>I feel nothing but numbers,
Not true, faggot.

>> No.5649129 [DELETED] 

Z here:

I hate math and I'm failing my math course, currently.

>> No.5649136

>Math major here. I feel nothing but numbers
Fake and gay. Math doesn't deal with numbers at all once you graduate elementary school.

>> No.5649146

Who learns calculus in elementary school...

>> No.5649229

sup princetonfag? Go to Firestone and read Salinger's unpublished stories

Saunders was also an engiqueer and writes accessible (read: pleb-tier) stories

Math nerds might also enjoy Borges (stories about alephs and shit)