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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 60 KB, 800x567, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5647803 No.5647803 [Reply] [Original]

So, Zizek is coming to my city this Friday. I know that you folks talk about him a lot. Is it worth going to see him speak? He'll be talking with Dupuy about Religion and violence.

>> No.5647813

Just go and reach your own conclusions.

>> No.5647817

Oh seeing, hearing, him speak in person would be *snf* worth it I'm sure

>> No.5647828

are you actually thinking of passing this up?
other than the posturing he's quite entertaining. and its a lot better than hearing about stuff on /lit/
I recommend

>> No.5647829

Fair enough, I suppose it is free. It's not like I'd be doing anything better.

>> No.5647899

Ask him if he visits this board.

>> No.5647901

I totally would, but would you or anybody else here believe me if I came back with his answer?

>> No.5647905

Record it.

>> No.5647906

give him a timestamp and ask to post dick

>> No.5647915

Well, he's one of the most famous philosopher, public intellectual and orator of our generation. And the subject seems quite interesting as well. I'd run.

>> No.5647916

Would it be acceptable if I took a little index card, wrote /lit/ on it, and took a picture of him holding it? This is, of course, assuming that he is OK with it and does in fact browse /lit/.

>> No.5647917

I don't like google it, but I know some things about this guy. Wich is the your best book?

>> No.5647919

noooooooo don't do that

or do it, record it, and let me feel ashamed for you

>> No.5647920

Don't. He doesn't give 2 shits about /lit/, since he has a fucking academic journal devoted to him, and furthermore there are more interesting questions to ask a philosopher.

>> No.5647924

Well, what should I do? One of my professors might be there, so I'd like to avoid anything too overt.

>> No.5647925

The Sublime Object of Ideology.

>> No.5647929

Listen to the lecture, and ask a question related to the lecture if you have one. Srsly.

>> No.5647932

>The Sublime Object of Ideology.
Thank you so much

>> No.5647939
File: 1.77 MB, 2448x3264, 1412892363509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Order a copy of The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra and take a picture with him holding it.

>> No.5647949

>not Yurope: The American Invasion

>> No.5647953



>> No.5647954

Ask him why he plagiarized

>> No.5647959

I will absolutely not do that.

>> No.5647961
File: 2.56 MB, 2629x1849, totalitarianism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or rather, start by asking him if the commentary attributed to him on the cover was actually said by him. Record his reaction.

>> No.5647977

Fucking go dude. It'll be pure ideology

>> No.5647985


Anon, I beg you not to do that, and not to desecrate the aura of the board.

>> No.5647993

There is no chance that I will do that. Like I already said earlier, one of my professors might be going. I'm not going to embarrass myself.

>> No.5648004


>> No.5648008

Are you fun at parties?

>> No.5648011
File: 201 KB, 1180x1204, 1399354867964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't generally go to parties.

>> No.5648012

Very good, don't be a shitty meme-kid

ask a normal question if you have one, if not, go home

>> No.5649096

What is with all these anons from Portland and washington

i guess elsewhere people are busy hanging outside and having fun

>> No.5649190
File: 86 KB, 598x553, on fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Zizek comes to this board enthusiastic to talk with young people about philosophy

>tfw Zizek opens first thread on the catalog starting with words "philosophers ranking..."

>tfw Zizek sees the following

God tier:
Russell, Wittgenstein, Chomsky


Shit tier:

Zizek, Lacan

>everyone includes Zizek and Lacan in shit tier
>Zizek leaves the board forever and cries himself to sleep

>> No.5649200

It would be great. And it would be greater if said pic appeared in an obscure book 50 years from now.

>> No.5649206

Put Chomsky in shit tier, and I'm OK with it.

>> No.5649215


mild kek

>> No.5649219


yeah I dislike him either, but it was meant to highlight Zizek misery about the fact Chomsky slammed him and he got all butthurt like year ago

>> No.5649232

That's not what happened, though.
The debate itself was really only created by faggot websites, even only after the fact, mostly
bunch of articles rather than really loose exchanges

>> No.5649241

Of course. As much flak as he gets for his umm *sniff* awkward mannerisms and so on and so on, he's a really intelligent and well educated individual (probably more so than any professor you may study under, at least in his particular field) so I wouldn't pass it up.

>> No.5649311
File: 256 KB, 558x253, zizekvschomsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he'd just be happy to be with Lacan down there, honestly.

How did Chomsky slam him? All that shit about empirical evidence or something or other? Noam "fugg amerikkka" Chomsky was slamming someone for not having empirical evidence?

>> No.5649445

but this is pure idealogy!

>> No.5649460

Zizek is a strong speaker and insightful, so yes.

>> No.5649476

what city ?

>> No.5649536

>Linguist categorized as philosopher

lol what is this pleb shit whats next? You're going to tell be Umberto Eco is a philosopher?

>> No.5649565

Portland, Oregon

>> No.5650562


>> No.5650680


Chomsky does political philosophy. Eco does semiotics, which is on the border.

>> No.5650743
File: 179 KB, 500x492, 1409716646715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5651047

Well see those are massive hipster cesspits of the nation.

>not living in the South and being the intellectual big fish in the small pond

>> No.5651088

ATLien reporting for duty

>> No.5651556

Here's the event, if anybody is interested:

>> No.5651680

hey OP I'm going to be there too

>> No.5651697

you and OP should meat up and exchange blowjobs.

>> No.5651706

Oh, cool. Do you attend PSU?

>> No.5651710

my mommy is a PSU alumna though

>> No.5651793

It was a bit different than that, but Chomsky is right on this one, at least in my opinion.

>> No.5651841

Anybody who thinks Philosophers debate is revealing they are a pleb. They're just demonstrations.

>> No.5651865


>> No.5653132

Fucking underage b8

>> No.5653166
File: 98 KB, 736x736, Yoba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask him about his opinion on plagiarism in academia.

>> No.5654240

You fucking pussy. You just get him to hold the book. Don't have to show it to anyone.

>> No.5654245

Please do this. Bring a thesis and citations if he argues against you. Get thrown out screaming 4chan.org/lit

>> No.5654258

>Oh sheeing, hearing, him shpeak in pershon would be *snf) worth it I'm sure

>> No.5654840

I go to PSU
freshman here

>> No.5654872
File: 232 KB, 400x605, zizzy carfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there are several of you going, you should meet after the conference and go out for a drink. Just hold a sign saying "DFW FTW" or something.

>> No.5654955

How do you like it? I'm considering transferring to it.
OP here, I might be open to that if there are at least three of us.

>> No.5654974

Its nice. Most professors have a slight Marxist bias (my SINQ teacher for example suggested going to the Zizek lecture), but as a Marxist I don't mind it.

>> No.5655119

What's your major?

>> No.5655137

Philosophy double major German

>> No.5655171

What made you decide on PSU instead of L&C or Reed?

>> No.5655176

Ask him if he knows any more limericks like the lady from ongar

>> No.5655232

I have friends at lc and went to parties there and the people suck. Might do reed for graduate.

>> No.5655420

I forgot for a second /lit/ is still 4chan

>> No.5655543
File: 49 KB, 441x408, 1303207617686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meat up

>> No.5657728

Is this his talk on the myth of western liberty? I would've loved to go when he came to London a few weeks back but unfortunately I was in uni outside london by that point

>> No.5657902
File: 937 KB, 500x300, zizeksesamestreet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a schedule somewhere for his lecture dates?

I've been following Zizek for a little while now, I liked him a lot at first, mostly for his roundabout and entertaining way of explaining interesting topics, his bluntness and sense of humor (I assume these are the main draws to following him). Was going to buy one or two of his books as well after watching several lectures online and reading some articles. What is you guys honest opinion on him? I know he's a meme on here but I'm wondering if anyone actually has read him enough to comment.

I also read the other day that he's a huge fucking asshole, which disappointed me quite a bit. I thought of him as this genuine guy who didn't take himself too seriously, but I read this article and it sounds like he's a total cunt:


>> No.5657916

>and so on..

>> No.5657952

are you trolling?
this is zizeks personality.
he inspires true genius through cynicism
of course if you marking uni papers expecting some one to be the new Aristotle you'd be pissed to find many stupid people.
also European educations is much different , more respect.

>> No.5657967

Not trolling. I thought the "shitty papers" comment was great, actually, but getting angry with the students for talking to you seems stupid, especially when you recognize the difference in culture.

Or maybe the kids were actually really annoying.

>he inspires true genius through cynicism

What do you mean by this?

>> No.5657968

It is sure worth it, not really cause of what he might say but because he is a show as a person.

>> No.5657981

>Or maybe the kids were actually really annoying.

Probably this.

I doubt he ever intended to be a fuckin life coach for students.

>> No.5658009

Now that I think of it, he was probably crowded by starstruck hipster-marxists who made up shitty questions as an excuse to talk to the great Zizek.

Is the Sublime Object of Idealogy the best place to start with him, or is there a book that introduces him better?

>> No.5658021

>but getting angry with the students for talking to you
Oh god, I do this all the time to my lecturers. I bet they get really annoyed with me. None of them have told me to kill myself though, so maybe I don't come off as an obnoxious brat.

>> No.5658570

So, I guess I probably shouldn't ask him to sign a book.

>> No.5658934

Nah, I've also heard he does book signings and will talk with people afterwards. Go for it, if he's an asshole then fuck him anyway.

Besides, >>5657981
>>5657967, it's possible the kids in his lectures were just obnoxious

>> No.5660640


This book costs 99c on amazon.

Who will get the money if I buy it?

>> No.5660715

what the hell
how does that post indicate underage?

>> No.5660731


>> No.5661199

I'm going and I don't know shit about Zizek except for the slight amount I've gleaned from skimming over /lit/ threads.

>> No.5662831

Me too, anon.

>> No.5663114


>> No.5663181

Doesn't start for another two and a half hours.

>> No.5663185

He's in my city in 3 hours!!!

>> No.5663333


>> No.5663359

Can you keep a count of how many times he says ideology for us? Bonus points if he says pure ideology.

>> No.5663466

OP gift him a copy! We will have undercover Zizek threads all the time on /lit/.

>> No.5663471

haha you have to do this

>> No.5663729

I'm leaving in a few minutes to go to it. I'll let you guys know how it was when I get back.

>> No.5663782

Ask how was Slovenia during Tito.

>> No.5663985

Went there, stood in line in a sea of Portland hipsters for 20 minutes, almost drowned in the mustaches, and was told there was no more room. The place was absolutely packed.

I guess Zizek isn't just a /lit/ circlejerk. Hope some of the other anons had better luck getting in.

>> No.5664007

>Zizek isn't just a /lit/ circlejerk

Damn right. He is the god of all Marxist Radiohead fans

>> No.5664163

Same as me.

>> No.5664199

I'm sure the situation was the same whenever Derrida would roll into town. Or any high-profile Marxist in any time frame.

>> No.5664213

Derrida didn't like being a clown, but besides that yes.

>> No.5664238

Fagget. You could have showed him our book.
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.5664253

>Not getting there 3 hours early to get front seats so you can flash him the tattoos of his face you have in naughty places.
It's like you didn't even want to sleep with him.

>> No.5664255

>almost drowned in the mustaches
God, I know, right? It was a horde of the worst fucking scum on the planet. Fuck PSU.

>> No.5664259


>> No.5664263

butthurt PSUfag detected. enjoying your low-tier education?

>> No.5664272

Not even a PSUfag, just find funny your underage atitude towards them.

>> No.5664292

Oh boy, you sure are salty.

>> No.5664301

ok kid

>> No.5664332

I go to PSU and the crowd tonight seemed much more hipster than what I normally see on campus, which is mostly your average college kids. I think a lot of them were from outside the school.

Maybe I'm wrong though. I'm a grad student so I mostly stay in my own building.

>> No.5664336

read that as "underage altitude"
which is a way better sentence

>> No.5665009

Throw a jug of milk at him then loudly proclaim that he is just another peddler of ideology until you are removed by security.