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/lit/ - Literature

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5644022 No.5644022[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that /lit/ not only has good taste in literature, but also has better taste in music than /mu/ and television and film than /tv/?

>> No.5644028

>taste in... television and film
>and film

>> No.5644034

tarkovsky bergman and dreyer 4lyfe m8

>> No.5644035

Kent Willfred is based

>> No.5644051

> lit
> good taste in literature

Banging on about esoteric philosophers and Ayn Rand is not "good taste".

>> No.5644105

>Understanding of plot/narrative
>Understanding of Aesthetics

Pick your poison, drink up, drink up. For tonight thy soul may be required of thee.

>> No.5644112

What board would have better taste than /lit/, though?

>> No.5644117

Also, high school lit doesn't count

>> No.5644129

Not sure about /mu/ (I don't think /lit/ talks about music enough, and I suspect /mu/ would win easily), but in the case of /tv/ the answer's fairly obvious. It's because /tv/ is a gigantic heap of awful shit.

>> No.5644138

/mu/ has a few quality threads occasionally, but the amount of memerap and p4k faggotry on there is almost unbearable.

>> No.5644145

Because /mu/ does nothing but listen to the same 5 indie bands and whatever indie flavor of the week just came out and /tv/ only talks about bane and underage actresses' feet.

>> No.5644168

kill yourself dadrocker

>> No.5644203

>Because /mu/ does nothing but listen to the same 5 indie bands and whatever indie flavor of the week just came out
Wut. There are a lot of problems with /mu/, but that really isn't one of them.

>> No.5644226

There's a thread right now for each of these, all near the top of the catalog:
My Bloody Valentine
Animal Collective

>> No.5644233

And there is the rest of the board. retard

>> No.5644235

going to the shops for a snickers anyone want anything?

>> No.5644237

>and television and film than /tv/

That's not hard to do. /tv/ is unfortunately the plebbiest media board on 4chan

>> No.5644240

/tv/ could not fuck the farts out of a five year old. Not for lack of trying mind you.

>> No.5644243

>album includes a cover song
>frozen shit
>more memerap
>bill clinton
>henry rollins is a douche
no thanks

>> No.5644247

Wait until after Halloween. Snickers are going to be half off.

>> No.5644248

>forgetting the constant kpop general
>ignoring the 30 death grips threads at any one time

>> No.5644257

...and then there is the rest of the board

>> No.5644259
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/tv/ most definitely has the shittiest taste of any board, but I almost always enjoy my time spent there.

>> No.5644289

>all they talk about is recent indie flavor
>anco around for over a decade
>nmh same
>spiritualized around for more
>mbv around for still more

>> No.5644293

/tv/ and /mu/ are shit, /lit/ is shit with a slightly less assaulting miasma

>> No.5644297

>I don't think /lit/ talks about music enough
Of course we don't this is a literature board
>I suspect /mu/ would win easily
How would they win? Is there an objective judge that decides who has the better taste in music?

>> No.5644298

>good taste in literature
ok taste
>better taste in music than /mu/
not at all
>television and film than /tv/
yes, far better, but that's not very difficult

>> No.5644299

Lit's "miasma" is an all-encompassing funk of pretentiousness, thinly veiled religiosity, and contrarian teenagers.

Give me /sci/'s taste in literature any day.

>> No.5644302

/lit/ has absolute shit taste in everything

>> No.5644310
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>> No.5644314

4chan is an awful place in general. Do you really think you'll find anything of quality here?

>> No.5644315


we started with the Greeks.

>> No.5644323



I giggled and will continue to do so.

He even put miasma in quotes!

>> No.5644327


>> No.5644328

okay, where on the internet do I find quality discussion on literature then?

>> No.5644335

>Of course we don't this is a literature board
I mean 'enough to have better taste than /mu/', not enough in general.
>How would they win?
By having spent far more time listening to a much wider range of music, and (in some cases, I think) putting some thought into it.
> Is there an objective judge that decides who has the better taste in music?
No. Does there need to be?

>> No.5644343

because literature is the end game of intellectual pursuit. we begin as music fans, later develop an interest in film, and eventually, after craving something more challenging, we delve into literature.

thus, everyone who ends up on this board has already cultivated taste in music and film.

>> No.5644350

That ain't even me, you didn't read the first post
>same 5 indie bands
>plus indie flavor of the week

>> No.5644351

Yes there does because there's not way of winning.
If you have a better way of deciding who wins this contest please tell me

>> No.5644356

>because literature is the end game of intellectual pursuit

The End of human endeavour is physical manipulation of our environment - science.

Literature is a diversion, an amusement.

>> No.5644357
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I skipped the film part, never liked movies that much

>> No.5644364

Damn, you've made me realise that it's the reverse- most kids go from books to movies to music, although the ones with shitty parents might skip the books.

>> No.5644365

very clever thinking

>> No.5644375


>> No.5644380

No, there's a reason I don't go there

>> No.5644395

/mu/ with post rock is the same as /lit/ with postmodernism, some faggy elitists who don't actually know anything about music thinking that liking a weird out there genre means they know what they're talking about and have good taste when it's clearly the opposite and they're just bandwagoners.
I like both post rock and postmodernism.

>> No.5644398

define postmodernism

>> No.5644400

>suspending all judgement of anything because you insist on mathematical levels of objectivity
That's a funny way to live your life, anon. How do you decide what to eat? Or even whether to eat?

Admittedly though I wasn't actually sugesting a real competition, because on a purely practical level the anarchic nature of 4chan doesn't really allow for an authoritative judge.

>> No.5644401

/mu/ is really bad so stop posting about it you gaylords

>> No.5644413

"i eat dicks" - you

>> No.5644416


>post rock
>weird out there genre

pick one

>> No.5644420

This is bullshit.

>> No.5644443


refute it.

>> No.5644446

Oh boy, talking about contradicting yourself m8! Why are you here? To make yourself dumber?

>> No.5644453

>but also has better taste in music than /mu/
lol. keep telling yourself that. i hate /mu/'s taste in music recently with meme rap and p4k garbage but it's infinitely more well versed in a whole slew of genres and styles and contemporary happenings. all /lit/ has going for it is muh classics, which is the opposite of 'taste' nowadays

>> No.5644485

Literature actually makes you think.


It's brainless noise

>> No.5644497

>It's brainless noise

>> No.5644498

Perhaps that part should have gone in quotes, it's "weird" and "out there" in a "safe" and "cool" sense.
The movement of writing from the late 50s up through the 80s concerned with refuting the conventions as established in modernism in ways of structure, narrative, and metanarrative with tones of of cynicism. At first glance what appears to be eclectic and inaccessible turns out to be another gimmicky version of "cool".

>> No.5644506

>getting baited this easily

>> No.5644536
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Because some of us give as much attention to other mediums as we give to books, and books are much more difficult to enjoy without paying too much attention (unlike, say, music that you can leave playing while you do something else and assume you didn't like it and that it must have sucked).
But once you have reasons to like something taste is a pretty hard thing to define. I love GSYBE and many people consider them baby's first something, it comes down to personal experience after a certain point.

>> No.5644542

you got double tricked

>> No.5644556

You activated my trap card!

>> No.5644582

/mu/ has bad taste because they're hipsters who get a kick out of pretending Death Grips is bad. Their 'taste' revolves around what's hip in the faggoty art student community.

/tv/ has bad taste because they're obsessed with memes and think watching TV is somehow a hobby.

>> No.5644683

Well I don't know about /tv/, /tv/ is catch all, but definitely better than /mu/ because /mu/ is more concerned with how listening to a certain genre of music makes them look rather than what the music is.

>> No.5644694

Because literature is the only one that requires any kind of effort at all and it carries over.

>> No.5644700

This is actually a very astute observation.

>> No.5644706

That was made multiple times already. Could we let the masturbatory thread die?

>> No.5644745

okay :´^(

>> No.5644758

>not pretentious fuckwads

>> No.5644780

forget to sage?

>> No.5644820

That's mainly because people whose main board is /lit/ - like me - also use /tv/ and /mu/ daily, thus dragging up our taste in everything.

>> No.5644828

I'm pretty sure I haven't posted without sage in the last week.

>> No.5644829

/lit/ has terrible taste in film, and their taste in music scratches the surface at best

>> No.5644863

Whether you sage or not, when you post anything here you are eliciting responses. Responses bump the thread.

I get that you're playing the role of the mature, learned superior who is so utterly above all these pedestrian OPs with their entry-level questions, but if you wanted to really appear smart you'd simply not post anything.

But I guess posting nothing wouldn't allow you the sense of smug satisfaction you get from voicing how above everyone posting you are.

Take how smart you think you are and divide it by half. That's how smart you really are.

>> No.5644917

If I didn't want to talk with people I wouldn't come here. I also couldn't say anything about people discussing whatever they want and even zeeburg threads can be fun if the people posting are having fun.
Repeating "we train our attention" over and over is a shit thread, though. Not for values or concept, but for general content.

What music do you like? Do you see a correlation between your literary taste and film/music?

>> No.5645093
File: 6 KB, 144x118, smekkleysa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because the culture of literature is one obsessed with "good taste"
this obsession carries itself onto other media

>> No.5645446

/lit/ has shit taste. i mean honestly how hard is it to say you like pynchon and dfw. /lit/'s taste is basically the modern western canon with mishima thrown in.

>> No.5645458

no one asked for how much you disdain the board you're posting in, cool kid. it's in comparison to other boards.

>> No.5645471

>good taste depends on how hard it is to say you like something
>good taste must be quirky obscure and contrarian
go back to /mu/ or something

>> No.5645480
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>> No.5645482

there are more books out there guys. don't worry, i won't call you a pleb for reading something not already critically acclaimed

>> No.5645485

>not running the jewels

>> No.5645495

I think you're using "taste" in a different sense of the term, bud. Having good taste is liking the right things. You're referring to having diverse interests in things, broadened exposure to different things, ability to defend obscure things you like, etc. You can have all of those attitudes towards and skills involving things, but if you don't like the right things then you don't have good taste.

>> No.5645505

What is it like to be enframed?

>> No.5645525

/mu/ is alright if you stick to the bandcamp and share threads.

>> No.5645540


>> No.5645602

wow nice board fags

>> No.5645608

What the fuck is p4k?

>> No.5645617
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Go find out yourself, cunt-lip.

>> No.5645623

/lit/ has the best taste in literatre in the internet. Which is not saying much, compared to places like Goodreads and /r/books or whatever.

Is there even a better place to discuss literature than here?

>> No.5645640

There he goes again

>> No.5645739

i kinda take this back. I checked reddit and /r/books isn't the only place to discuss... books. /r/literature seems decent enough.

>> No.5645838
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How about you stay there, faggot.

>> No.5645907 [DELETED] 

better than staying with all the SJW here, nigger.

goodbye and have a nice previledge checking.

>> No.5645924
File: 90 KB, 713x383, hibari hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.5645931

This isn't /b/

>> No.5646201
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I just think anyone that doesn't prefer anonymity is a complete and total piece of shit.

I have principles, Anon.

>> No.5646859

I'm just amazed that I haven't been permabanned by now

I have shitposted on this board ten times more than I have on /mu/

>> No.5647031

Because the further away from anime something is here on 4chan, the better it is
Anything to do with Japan on this shithole of a website, barring /jp/, becomes increasingly cancerous the more Japanese it gets

>> No.5647043


The golden rule for 4chan boards is that the board dedicated to a particular subject is always the worst one to go to for decent conversation on said subject.

>> No.5647061

Anonymity isn't the problem with reddit, it's the downboats.

>> No.5647070

Is anyone else worried that /lit/ will face the same fate as all other boards and be overrun by mongrels? Now that /g/ has turned into Consumerism General, /lit/ is the last board that has some quality.

What can we do to keep it pure?

>> No.5647074

I've "main'd" a lot of the boards and I think this widely spread rule is only true if you're into juvenile stuff because the home board will make fun of it. /tv/ excluded.

>> No.5647076

The quality of a board or general is inversely proportional to the number of occurences of the word 'meme'.

>> No.5647396

Report all /pol/scum threads.

>rec me some reactionary literature

Fucking disgusting

>> No.5647418

>album includes a cover song

Poor criticism. Evidence against your point includes but is not limited to:

Galaxie 500 - On Fire
Devo - Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are DEVO
Chromatics - Kill for Love

>> No.5647421

Pitchfork, it's a music news website that tells whats good for you

>> No.5647429

if anything film should be the end game intellectual pursuit, combining musics soundscapes and atmosphere, screenplays and action with photography and art

it's really a shame that it isn't

>> No.5647470

patricians gonna patrice.

>> No.5648252


By this logic videogames should be the pinnacle of art because they have everything you just listed PLUS the interaction.

>> No.5648283

True dat. Maybe give it a century or so.

>> No.5648329

Because 1. /lit/ is smaller and 2. the only people who bring up their music/film taste on the pretentious literature board are people who are confident in their good taste.

Poll the actual average /lit/ poster on what they listen to and it'll probably be just as shit as what /mu/ listens to.

>> No.5648387


Film is only a tier above the worst medium, video games, because it is basically a warm sensual bath of images, and sound. Just sit back and absorb. You CAN watch actively, but even then you're still being given way more points of reference for interpretation because you have sound to back up the tone of the image and image to make the tone of the sound concrete. Literature is by nature active. You have to drag your eyes across a page, formulate a whole sensory experience from the words, follow the lines of argumentation, explication, and their implications. This, yes, like film, gets more and more difficult as things get less linear, but literature is capable of a non-linearity that is always conceptual as well as emotional because language by nature implies ideas. It is a thinking medium because language is the medium of thought. Film in experiment usually devolves into pure tone, like music, mere sensory datum in more or complex arrangements, polluted by attempts to represent.
Historically, film has only around a century to develop. Its peaks are high, but few. Literature has been around for thousands of years. There's at least a dozen authors in every national tradition who have touched on the peak of human intellectual achievement. And not just in art, either, but in practical genres within the medium: whole civilizations have been structured around the works of literature, around philosophers treatises and statesman's essays; literature is, and has been, the language of statecraft. What does film have? Documentary? Even the best documentaries barely achieve the status of the higher journalism.

Film is only redeemed by the fact that it isn't basically a behaviorist reward and punishment machine like 99% of video games. It's truly the most pleb of mediums that contain serious art.

>> No.5648429

So you're saying that the value of a medium of conveying artistic content lies in how much effort the viewer/listener/reader has to expend on understanding it? So the value of art is based on how obscure it can become and essentially based on the exclusivity of the club able to understand and appreciate it? Would the ideal form of artistry then be a work which none but the artist can fully understand (e.g. finnegans wake)? Is this form of artistic riddle somehow profound to you? Doesn't the effectiveness of art lie in its ability to convey meaning to the receiver? Doesn't that mean that art which communicates deep meaning in a simple and accessible way is actually effective art and therefore of significant value, and that art that is hard to understand is simply lacking in eloquence of communication?

>> No.5648511
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You fucking idiot. It takes one click to display things chronologically rather than popularly. It IS indeed the lack of anonymity that makes Reddit inferior to this wonderful laotian scrimshaw forum.

Now, I'm going to disappear, again. Peace out. Death to tyrants. White and proud.

>> No.5648515
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how is /lit/ on rap music?

>> No.5648549


Literature is an exercise of thought, while film is a stimulation with the possibility of an exercise, which will always be less developing. Literature requires you to become a thinker. Theoretically, we can all become good thinkers. The rationality literature stimulates directly is what we understand, classically, to be our defining one. It's not an exclusive club. Just a club with dues and regulations in an age of easy society. It's not the only means to reach this ends, but the best one.
I should have also mentioned that literature, particularly critical literature, is the resort of people who are interested in thinking seriously about any of the other mediums of art and thinking. That is why it is the endgame, really.

I also won't degrade the potential of film to be better than say, music or visual arts, which are grounded in awakening the lesser faculties, but historically it's just not there. It might end up being more important because it will require people to develop visual rhetoric, which will protect against advertisement, but it'll never be better. Society will just be worst.

>> No.5648566

>implying classical music isn't god tier.

>> No.5648588

Is this a copy pasta?

You contradict yourself with your first point, saying that literature is more "active" entertainment than film but at the same time you denounce video games, the medium more active than both?

Furthermore: you‘re mixing in nonfiction/artistic writing with other genres of literature, such as nonfiction/philosophical work. I wouldn‘t consider the latter "art", just like documentaries or "typing games" aren‘t art either... at least they were‘t made deliberately in an artistic manner.

Given that there is a distinction between artistic and non-artistic works, there is no sense in comparing pieces of the artistic to the non-artistic due to the lack of common intention(you wouldn't compare satire to the Illiad, unless you were suggesting that the Illiad IS a satirical piece)

Finally, you said it yourself, film does have its peaks. How does having LESS of them take away from the ABILTY of film to achieve them?

Ultimately, the only thing I can gather from your argument is that there aren‘t enough great video game or film works because they simply haven‘t been around as long as literature. And I‘ll accept that.

>> No.5648591

/pol/ is going to destroy /lit/ with there bullshit "politics", which is really only contrarian nonsense masquerading as fascism and Christian fundamentalism. More and more people from /pol/ seem to be migrating here, and they all think there the Übermensch and one true savior of the white race.
tl;dr /pol/ sucks

>> No.5648592

sorry, mixing in fiction/artistic writing**

>> No.5648602

It fucking sucks.

>> No.5648620


The formal potential of video games and film are inferior to literature because they're sensory by nature, while literature is linguistic, or intellectual. Historically, film's vocabulary is remarkably developed, but still pretty crude in a lot of areas. Video games are, so to speak, a rambling idiot. They are definitely significant formally because their defining feature is choice, so they COULD become very important, though the formal qualities of the genre are such that it's less reflective than literature.

On a strict comparison of non-fiction in film to non-fiction in literature, or writing if you prefer, literature still wins out. But in pointing out satire you bring out the fact that in literature the distinction between fiction and nonfiction doesn't really hold water that well. Homer is about morality, about living life, as much as it is an exquisite structure of details that form an entertaining, interesting, improving experience.

>> No.5648625

Well, to be fair to his point, literature is an active intellectual activity. VIdeo games are interactive, but they tend not to encourage philosophical or profound thought, instead emphasizing problem solving or strategy. If "deep" thoughts are included in a video game, they are usually secondary to the gameplay experience as a whole.

Since artistic merit is not really the primary aim of video games, it is hard to compare its value as an artform to literature. There is certainly a great deal of written work which isn't art as well, but the artistic subset of literature is a much vaster body of work, both in number and proportion to total works, than the portion of the video game world aimed at creating games for the sake of art.

There are exceptions, but by and large the video game medium is just too small/young to have the same merit. It certainly has great potential, though.

>> No.5648634

>choose one

>> No.5648650

I see what you‘re saying, but what exactly do you mean by formal potential? Just the physical spurring of thought?

>> No.5648661
File: 1.98 MB, 300x169, huuu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people make me sick.

>> No.5648685


I don't think that what you've said is untrue but I don't think you should dismiss the impact film can have given its native immediacy. I speak only for myself but the impact of film for me is one which often develops into literature. Its a medium which exposes ideas, but not the be and end all of them.

>> No.5648690


What I mean is that an experience in a video game is structured in a certain way just because of how the medium works on your body and mind. In video games, the experience is primarily one of touch, vision, and hearing. In literature, the experience is, in a minor way, visual, but mostly interior. I'm speaking in generalities here: the actual way that these sensory experiences are implemented, the subtleties of their organization, can be pretty damn important. It gets hard to talk about because we lack the vocabulary and maybe ability to verbalize really basic phenomenology without getting into art terms, poetics, etc.

The good thing about video games is they are constantly requiring you choose to push the joystick forward, to click the button to preform the action. Your sense of self disappears and is transferred by empathy and this action to a surrogate. This sense of identification can allow you to have simulated complex experiences, like literature, but these experiences require you to manage their direction. This could theoretically result in some very interesting stuff happening to you that couldn't happen to you otherwise, specifically moral choices -- the choice at the end of The Last of Us, or the choices in The Waking Dead games, as some familiar instances.
The one weakness of that this is a feeling medium. It deals in intuitions and emotions. This can be used to reach artistic and intellectual heights (even unique ones) but it's largely used (here's the historical part) as a kind of pleasure machine because it's an aggressively commercialized artform. Most games lack even the thought about their style (their controls, the controller) link up with their substance (the story, the characters, the visuals, etc.)

>> No.5648736

People who aren't right wing sperglords?

>> No.5648751

>How would they win? Is there an objective judge that decides who has the better taste in music?
Why the fuck are you asking? Because it sounds like you're a retard

>> No.5648752

i have never heard anyone hear actually praise ayn rand

>> No.5648764

>/lit/ is the last board that has some quality
you forgot /wg/

>> No.5648802

/tv/ has a better taste in literature.

There's a Harry Potter thread right now.

>> No.5648809

>hairy poofter
lel good one m8 I'm sure someone will take the b8

>> No.5648826


>having absolutely shit taste


>muh pol bogymen

we're just culturally enriching your fucking awful board m8, don't get so ir8


>> No.5648831


marxist college brats are the scum of the western world

>> No.5648922


You don't frequent /lit/ much do you?

Unless you want to call Kierkegaard and Nietzsche esoteric then you're flat out wrong.

Also, Ayn Rand is almost universally despised on /lit/.

Quit shitposting and go back to whatever containment board you crawled from.

>> No.5649057

does it?

>> No.5649646

love it

>> No.5649918

Who decides if the things you like are the right things to like though?

>> No.5649965

You just did, dickhead.

>inb4 double tricked

>> No.5650008
File: 39 KB, 658x370, beavis_and_butthead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it.

>> No.5650035

>marxist hurr
>centre left liberals are marxists

>> No.5650043

'conscious' gnostic white rappers are even worse

>> No.5650069

could at least post something decent

>> No.5650305

there's also tumblr which is basically
book quote
book quote
book porn
"hey guise i jsut read this and it's bruh/10 :^) im being ironically ironic #omg #personthisreminds me of"
book quote

>> No.5650335

Because I'm here.

>> No.5650390


Depends, soft spot for Wu Tang and Geto Boys; as well as asheru and blue black. Full disclaimer, haven't listened to much.

I also like willie D


>> No.5650427


If you don't want a bunch of disillusioned poor youth in your country shitting up your universities, you gotta increase the velocity of dat money

>> No.5650460

This board quality varies a lot. Sometimes those evolafags invade. Sometimes eceleb fags flood this board.

The thing is, this board is shit, but not as shit as /tv/ and /mu/. Why? Because reading nowadays is not as common as listening to music or watching tv series.

>> No.5650466


So long as everyone hates themselves, it maintains a basic level of quality

>> No.5650476

Not that much. Circlejerk are a danger in every imageboard, but what makes a board shitty is ebic memes and internet 'culture'. There are /lit/ memes, but anons here don't get influenced by them, unlike /mu/ or /pol/. I know that /pol/ shouldn't be taken as a serious board at all, but I've seen many posts that talk in a serious way that it seems lehappymerchant.jpg meme influenced them.

Here we just laugh, and if it's getting repetitive (like tao lin threads) it gets saged.

>> No.5650484


Not quality. Just slightly less shitty.

To say "quality" might imply some sort of self-love. And self-love isn't very literary lifestyle.

>> No.5650488
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>he sages things
I bet you report posts too...

>> No.5650494

Nope. The mod here stays all day so there is no need to report posts.

>> No.5650500
File: 6 KB, 200x237, Stirner[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are /lit/ memes, but anons here don't get influenced by them

>> No.5650507

there's just a small group of retards here who got influenced by that, although it's difficult to tell if they are being serious.

>> No.5650518

There are too many retarded ideologues here. Marxists, Anarchists, Stirnerists. The lot.

>> No.5650525

>by that
allright, then how about pinecone and dfw?
evolafags come and go, I'll give you that, which is also because their threads tend to get deleted easily. but the rest of the board is just talking about 3 books over and over again.

>> No.5650531

He's a decent philosopher if you don't care about historic value or influences. People read him because he was a meme and liked him because he's good. I wish people did the same with those introduction to Lacan books Zizek has.

>> No.5650535

Both of those writers have a following outside of /lit/, why would you assume that they are an obscure meme?

>> No.5650554

I'm just saying that they got influenced by the meme, and not the philosopher.

Well, that isn't a meme.
>but the rest of the board is just talking about 3 books over and over again.
As I said, /lit/ quality varies a lot.
>evola threads get deleted
Now not, except if those said "Why haven't you renounced to modern culture?" and shit like that.

>> No.5650565

who ever said anything about obscurity? stirner isn't obscure either, anyone who has ever even googled "anarchy" heard about stirner.
meme authors are just authors that get thrown around because they're guaranteed replies, half of the people responding haven't read a word from them and the threads are silly in-jokes. Now admittedly stirner threads are running low right now, but pynchon and dfw are still spammed to hell and back. this is no different from posting nmh on /mu/ (not an obscure band either).

>> No.5650578
File: 130 KB, 400x400, In_the_aeroplane_over_the_sea_album_cover_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now it isn't an obscure band because of all the attention and memes /mu/ did.

>> No.5650588

>all the attention and memes /mu/ did.
that's a funny way to spell pitchfork

>> No.5650590


>> No.5650599

/lit/ - Patricians lurk here

>> No.5650600

Those are all good though.

While the majority of the board talks about the same stuff there's some good threads in there, I was introduced to American Primitivism and a lot of interesting avant-garde rock, like Sun City Girls and Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 on /mu/.

I don't find it worth it to browse it anymore though, the good threads are too few.

>> No.5650611


>Thinking Fellers Union Local 282

'Cups of Dreams' is a favourite of mine. Nice taste.

>> No.5651627

>The Walking Dead
> A game