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/lit/ - Literature

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5643550 No.5643550 [Reply] [Original]

Is his life the dream for all you /lit/fags?

>> No.5643559

not a manchild so no

>> No.5643566
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no, I'd rather be pic related

>> No.5643572

Does this show offer anything other than sex and jokes? Is it a show for fans of literature in any way at all?

>> No.5643582

>Does this show offer anything other than sex and jokes?
>Is it a show for fans of literature in any way at all?
Not really.

>> No.5643588

No. It's a show for people who like to think they can be writers, but don't actually read.

>> No.5643589
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Ok, thanks.

I'll keep my only exposure to Duchovny as Denise in Twin Peaks.

>> No.5643595

>I'll keep my only exposure to Duchovny as Denise in Twin Peaks.
Eh, he's rather funny in this series tbh (not that bad of an actor either), but the show doesn't really have very much substance to it if you care for that sort of thing.

>> No.5643598

Author who is a terrible human being, ruins all his relationships with stupidity, ignores his daughter, ruins his ex wife's marriage to a good caring man, lives in misery, writes shitty books called God Hates Us All and sells them to Hollywood for a cheesy chick flick?

Fuck no, this guy and this show suck balls.

>> No.5643599

I might download a couple of episodes. I'm imagining Wolf of Wall Street from the perspective of a writer in terms of lifestyle.

>> No.5643603

A man who breaks a sweat trying to breathe?

>> No.5643625
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In some scenes he passes quite well.

>> No.5643626

You're on 4chan...

>> No.5643630

The first few seasons had some pretty decent drama around how fucked up of a person he is. Pretty good character imo. He's funny in his manchild shenanigans but you want to hit him and tell him to get his shit together, and duchovny pulls it off perfectly. The lit references can be pretty palahniuk tier but he busts out some nice language sometimes. That's what you get with a pleb writer and a patrician lead, I guess. overall I would recommend the first three or four seasons but definitely skip the rest.

>> No.5643660

I don't think you realise that David Duchovney is the most patrician actor out there.

Duchovny attended Grace Church School and The Collegiate School For Boys; both are in Manhattan. He graduated from Princeton University[5] in 1982 with a B.A. in English Literature. He was a member of Charter Club, one of the university's eating clubs. In 1982, his poetry received an honorable mention for a college prize from the Academy of American Poets. The title of his senior thesis was The Schizophrenic Critique of Pure Reason in Beckett's Early Novels.[16] Duchovny played a season of junior varsity basketball as a shooting guard and centerfield for the varsity baseball team.
He received a Master of Arts in English Literature from Yale University and subsequently began work on a Ph.D. that remains unfinished.[5] The title of his uncompleted doctoral thesis was Magic and Technology in Contemporary Poetry and Prose. At Yale, he was a student of popular literary critic Harold Bloom.

>> No.5643662

>can't see his fat ass jiggle as he turns the page 200x/min
wtf is this shit

>> No.5643665

kinda like you

>> No.5643681

We're not talking about the actual fucking guy you dumb fuck.

We're talking about the character in Californication.

for fucks sake.

I don't even read.

>> No.5643829

The show kind of offers some literary stuff in the first two seasons, but not that much. After that it's gone.

The show as a lot better than I expected though. My friends kept bugging me to watch it. I didn't watch it because I figured it would be just sex jokes and boobies. Nothing wrong with that, but I don't need a tv show for that. However, when I finally budged I found the show was actually quite clever and interesting. I watched all of it Which I don't recommend. Season 1 is great. Season 2 is great too. Season 3 is alright, as is season 4, although the formula is wearing thin by then. Season 5 and 6 are shit, and season 7 starts out ok but goes down quickly and contains moments that made me feel bad for ever having recommend the show to other people. The ending is alright, but nothing special

>> No.5643866

Isn't the show about how shitty his life is? He's got the kind of wit I admire at least. which like the rest of the show goes downhill from season 4 onward.

>> No.5643879
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>tfw Twin Peaks returns on Showtime
>Californication was on Showtime
>based Duchovny made it happen
>we'll get more Denise

>> No.5643885

I thought Season 6 was entertaining but still nobody should watch beyond the third season.

>> No.5643897

Then you won't be disappointed in the first season, I'd recommend that to anyone.

>> No.5643920

>Isn't the show about how shitty his life is?
I'd say that and how phony people are today. He's one of the few "authentic" people left, which is why everyone in the show loves him. Kind of a played out theme, but the show does it well and if you've ever associated with the type of LA plastic surgery pseudo-cultured intellectual wannabes that is the show's main target, it will probably resonate.

I agree that his wit is really the main draw, and I think that has more to do with Duchovny than anything. Also agree that season 4 is the tipping point, which seems to be the consensus in this thread. It kind of becomes a shallow parody of itself at that point.

>> No.5643941


>> No.5643945

This is who I imagined for Streeply the whole time hahaha

>> No.5643966


Thanks everybody. My friend has all the DVDs so I'll go round and pilfer them all.

>> No.5643973

Its a show for Dave Duchovny's self esteem

>> No.5644018

Dialogue in season 1 is pretty sharp

>> No.5646009
File: 84 KB, 409x594, Matthew+Barney+River+Fundament+World+Premiere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

critics offer nothing to the world
writing is dead
to be someone like pic related is much more desirable

>> No.5647597

Man, i loved that show, hank and runkle made me laugh so fucking much. The season with the rapper was pretty bad, and the last season was weird, but overall its a good show.

>youll never be as good looking as duchovny is at 55

>> No.5647662

Duchovney is a cool guy but Californication is a shitty show. Don't blame him for making filthy amounts of money of the plebs though.

>> No.5647689

No thanks, I don't need a flurry of whores in addition to my drinking problem.

>> No.5647710
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Midnight. Hunter ready to write.

>> No.5647723

I feel kind of sad for the old fag for feeling like he had to keep up this act.

>> No.5647732

Moody is just Bukowski made clean and pretty for Hollywood.

>> No.5647765

He didn't claim to live that way in his old days tho, I'm pretty sure that's either an old article or only a rekindling of some memories from his youth.

>> No.5647770
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>6 a.m. - Dove Bars

>> No.5647819

thread full of cunts. californication is literally the most divine program ever produced. duchovny himself is a master of theatre and literature, and this show allows him to showcase his deep, learned brilliance in a gorgeously florid and vulgar manner

it's also hilarious as fuck
do not speak badly about this show. except the last season, you can speak badly about that

>> No.5647820

man I gotta get my hands on some grapefruit

>> No.5647839

fake stan exposes himself as a pleb once again

>> No.5647860


and face it stan will never post regularly again so i am the de facto demigod of this board just like i was even when he posted

>> No.5647863

I love the way hank says motherfucker.

Thats right, maddafackaaaa

Also, karen is so fucking pretty, beautiful, sexy goddess. 10/10. Gorgeous natasha mcelhone.

>> No.5647926

patrish as fuck

He's a great actor but yeah Californication basically isn't a literary show; and anyway the show focuses on the film industry, with a few rare mentions of publishers/agents/critics.

It's mostly about the film adaptation of his novels, which must be said to be funny as fuck.