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/lit/ - Literature

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5642349 No.5642349 [Reply] [Original]

How can anybody believe GRRM is a decent writer when he wrote this steaming pile of shit?

>> No.5642363

Good question.

Dance with Dragons was almost as bad

>> No.5642377

If he was so bad, then why does /lit/ bitch about him taking so long to write the next book in the series.

>> No.5642387

>Dance with Dragons was almost as bad
I wouldn't know. I'm not autistic and thus have never finished AFFC.

/lit/ has horrible taste

>> No.5642395

>Too retarded to even read the book
>Giving his faggot opinion

I thought /lit/ was mostly free of downies.

>> No.5642519

But it's the second best book in the series m8

>> No.5642527


First book > Second book > Third book > Fifth book > Fourth book

And this is objective fact

>> No.5642530

Whats your problem with A Feast for Crows? Are you a butthurt feminist? Thats the only reason i could think of.

The book describes in great detail what happens if you let women take over the reign and why Cersei HAS to fail. It is a beautiful mirror of current happenings where the influence of women hurts the well being of first world countries.

>> No.5642554
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>> No.5642558

A feast of crows was such a shitty book, going past it was so hard for me.
The only cool thing about it were the Little Finger and Arya chapters, the rest was pure shit

>> No.5642560
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Typical beta manlet

>> No.5642563

>Arya chapters

You are the cancer killing literature.

>> No.5642564

>not Cersei going insane
>not Septon Meribald's speech

>> No.5642573

>joining the magical Freemasons of Essos
>learning about the Doom of Valyria
>Braavos in general
>not cool

>> No.5642577

Martin's prose isn't fantastic but he's an exceptional character writer

>> No.5642578

>tfw I can't even remember what happened in affc other than getting drunk and sucking on tits

>> No.5642583

>Arya chapters
They provide the best wank material.

>> No.5642587

Literally cancer.

>> No.5642590

>>Too retarded to even read the book
>implying finishing an 800 page book that bores you dead after only a 100 pages wouldn't be autistic AND retarted.

Just one example: you know where Sansa is. You know that Brienne isnt going to find her where is looking, yet GRRM takes 100 pages describing her search. That's just bad writing. No excuse is possible, it's a horrible, moneycraving page-filling attempt at writing that is no better than the skidmarks on my underpants.

>> No.5642592

But Arya's my lolita waifu

>> No.5642593

It's meant to show how the war destroyed whole regions and victimized the smallfolk.

>> No.5642594

>Can't spend 30 minutes reading a book
>Can't write a coherent sentence
>Still spouts his retarded opinion

Why did your whore of a mother have to shit you out?

>> No.5642596

>My autistic self can't focus or appreciate characterization and background building

>> No.5642663

I enjoyed the Greyjoy chapters.

>> No.5642729

Tbh Martin has a setting less fantastic than realism. It is just boring and forgettable.

>> No.5643988

That's your opinion

>> No.5644001

>I'm not autistic and thus have never finished AFFC.

Simply epic dude

>> No.5644009

I liked the Greyjoy and Martell shit


>> No.5644118

But my opinions are facts.

And facts are core who don't best your chinups. Exercise.

>> No.5644122

Christ was that boring...

If ASOIAF was rewritten by a competent writer it could be a nice 500 pages book with a fifth of the characters and only the interesting events.

>> No.5644139

>And facts are core who don't best your chinups. Exercise.
tfw you recognize that gay blowjob...

>> No.5644172

>how can anybody

how? well first i read one page, then i read another, and so on

and i enjoyed the reading

that's how i did it

i have liked all the books so far, i liked cersei being a shitty ruler in AFFC, i liked littlefinger revealing his master plans, i liked the set up for shenanigans at the Citadel, i like how the Faith of the 7 is being militarized, i like how Zombie Catelyn and her gang of goons are fucking people up in the Riverlands, and i like Arya's being trained as a religious assassin

it was all good to me

i can see how people would think it was boring, but i think the difference was for me, I am not looking for a book to forcibly impress me into enjoying it, i look for what pleasure i can find in the books and I found some

i also dont know what "bad prose" means so I am immune to that sort of displeasure

>> No.5644173

AFFC isn't so much about the POV characters as it is the world around them.

Like Brienne's quest doesn't really matter, but her travels show a lot about the lives of the peasants and such in Westeros.
You can see the fall of the Lannister reign emerge in Cersei's chapters through her actions.
You can see some of Littlefinger's machinations through Sansa's chapters.
Sam's travels show some shit about Braavos and non-Westerosi culture.
Then there's all the Dornish shit and what not.

AFFC is meant to be sort of the aftermath of the first war, hence the title, and an interim before the next conflict of the series. So it mostly focuses on world building, character development, and setting up the events that are to follow. It's a drastic change in pace from the previous book but I think it holds up in general.
Besides things like "Myrish swamp" of course.

>> No.5644182
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I've never read anything by GRRM or watched the show

>> No.5644345


I'm so glad I pirated GRRMs books as audiobooks. I was so disappointed with them after all the hype I had heard.

Glad I didn't waste my time reading them.

>> No.5644367

Why do we talk about this guy if we hate him so much?

>> No.5644377

We only hate him because he is popular

>> No.5644621

my personal order:

6 > 4 > 5 > 1 > 2 > 3

>> No.5644729

that's pretty stupid
i'm sure anyone would call the third the most exciting in the series, and the second one is pretty much all build up to the end.
I'd say 3>1>4>2>5 but that's just because 5 had such a crazy hypetrain.

>> No.5646129

I actually thought A Feast for Crows, while still being a disappointment, was better than A Dance With Dragons.

AFFC was hard for Martin to write, after all the climaxes from the third book. It kind of reset everything, and he had to come up with new shit.

ADWD was just needlessly long, full of uninteresting filler and barely anything happening.

Also, grrm has been dipping way too hard into the magic part of the books. The reason everyone loved the first few books was because it had very little magic. Only the Renly bit, the dragons, the wights and some prophecies. Nothing that affected the story too much.
Nowadays everything is magic.

And for a guy whose made such a reputation for killing characters, no one seems to die anymore. Cat's not really ded, Mance ain't really ded, Jon ain't gonna die, something's up with Gregor (probably aint really ded), Davos didn't really die, Brienne didn't really die, Tyrion didn't really drown.
I've a feeling next book reveals that everything is just a hallucination Ned has as he's about to be beheaded, but Tyrion puts a stop to the execution at the last possible second or some shit.

>> No.5646533

I think GRRM revealed the magic aspects very well. Unlike, so many fantasy stories where the magic can come at any time any where.

>> No.5646611

>lolita waifu

>> No.5646614

>So it mostly focuses on world building, character development, and setting up the events that are to follow.

So filler shit.

>> No.5646636
File: 163 KB, 461x259, don-draper-to-jessica-pale-on-mad-men-ice-cream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you have /tv/ threads to shit up?

>> No.5646988

there was a ton of progression in both the characters and the general state of the world in AFFC, it just had characters that weren't as intriguing

>> No.5646996

I accidentally skipped AFFC.
I didn't even notice until I finished ADWD.

>> No.5647012

It was actually my favourite.

I lvoe Petyr and Sansa I hope they fug. :3

>> No.5647083

It's the Crossroad of Twilight of aSoIaF.

>> No.5647088

GRRM's widow spat on his grave, ignored his will, and got some mormon faggot to write it after ignoring all the previous material and notes?

>> No.5647099

You can skip to the final chapter of all the POV's if you want to read it for the plot. And why would you read this series for anything but the plot?

>> No.5647132

>not reading it for the sex scenes
>not being a 15 year old masturbating to Daenerys and handmaid lesbian scene

>> No.5647152

it's like reading /lit/ for any reason but to laugh at passive aggressive cuntrags.

>> No.5647260

You're talking about it.

>> No.5647610

>GRMM, pls go