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5641155 No.5641155 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books ruined for you by teachers

>> No.5641164

I can't enjoy any book I'm forced to read. Especially when I have to read it in a certain time frame.

>> No.5641166
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Fuck you Mr smith.

>> No.5641177


>> No.5641186


>> No.5641188

Huckleberry Finn

>> No.5641195

Are you equating novel with book or something?

>> No.5641198

Hamlet's a play, but that's just irrelevant semantics

>> No.5641201

Night by Elie Wiesel. Had to read it two different times, both of which were over Christmas break. Never the same holiday spirit.

>> No.5641241

It's read more than watched. And if you read, it comes in the format of a book. And if it's written, it's literature. As you said, irrelevant semantics.

>> No.5641343

to be fair f451 is shit no matter how you read it

>> No.5641377
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The scene where Guy Montag uses his flamethrower on the firefighters is one of the greatest scenes in all of literature.

>> No.5641427

Every. Single. One. Of. Them.

I can't stand to read some really good books, because of poor teaching. It's one of the main reasons I started to read independently, to see that books don't have to be total shit

>> No.5641439


>> No.5641468

Am I the only one who didn't participate in reading the assigned text and read it on my own time?

>> No.5641482


>Not the scene when the bomb falls through Mildred's apartment building in painfully slow time and in the last instant the power goes out and Mildred has her epiphany, screaming into the blank screens

>> No.5641504
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For me it's this.
I've read so many times, each at different grades.

>> No.5641510

Completely agree. That's why I couldn't get into Fahrenheit 451 myself.

>> No.5641517

i feel so sorry for you. that's one of my
favorite books

>> No.5641521

>Please read this book at the rhythm I dictate

My high school teacher made this all the worse. We had to read Raisin in the Sun out loud, in turns. There was another book, I forget which one, I got in trouble for reading ahead. I hated this teacher though, he was that 'young and cool' teacher that all the girls lubed themselves over and he relished it.

>> No.5641523
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>mfw Mildred reveales that Clarisse was ran over.

>> No.5641533

Same here, but I still really like the book.

>> No.5641543

>dat one

Fuck you mother I cried like a bitch everytiem.

>> No.5641558
File: 36 KB, 271x400, To_Kill_a_Mockingbird[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved this book when I was eight; in elementary school I probably read it about twenty or thirty times. When I heard that for tenth grade English I would once again get to read and analyze one of the beloved books of my childhood, I was excited. I wanted to talk about this book, I wanted to write about it, and I wanted to read again -- but nobody else did.

Everybody talked constant shit about To Kill a Mockingbird, and even though it was an honors English class, barely anybody even bothered to read it. The ones who did read it just followed everything my teacher said, which was mostly negative (too much "n word" use, Atticus is an unrealistic character, do you kids know how to spell "socioeconomic background"? Well here's how, and I want you to underline every single time poverty is mentioned in the book, and yes I will be checking to make sure you annotated). Basically it was complete nightmare. I haven't read it since then, but I still feel a tiny smidgen of pain whenever I see some fifteen year old bashing TKAM on /lit/. It's a good book, you guys, really...

>> No.5641568

got a 1980 edition for 1 dollar, fucking scary some parts are becoming true these days

>> No.5641627

shit taste

>> No.5641630

Saying that people look for ways to waste time has been true for literally all of human history

>> No.5641640

this is in the book? i might have to read it now

>> No.5641857

>tfw never forced to read in school
>tfw never learnt to hate a book
>tfw never read a book book

don't know to be happy or sad

>> No.5641877

Its shit anyway

>> No.5641884

The only assigned book I ever read was mice and men and I still got as lel

>> No.5641923

Same here, I stole that book and keep it on my shelves. I haven't read it

>> No.5641938

You guys know why the books is called Fahrenheit 451? Because it's a book about burning books and that's the temperature that paper catches fire, ha-ha, genius.

>In the end, all it took was 451 fahrenheit degrees to delete them out of existence.

Really guys?

>> No.5643297
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It's an obvious choice but damn
It's ironic that I have been forced to read the book contains the line "Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do, and that Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do." four times.
It's a book about skipping school and running away from responsibilities so you can go treasure hunting that people have been forced to write papers and reports on and over analyze it so that we can "appreciate the classics"
It's actually really sad.

>> No.5643306

Fahrenheit degrees Celsius*

>> No.5643316
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All my national letterature.

Every time i pick up a masterpiece of my letterature I'm assailed by the urge to puke.

>> No.5643328

None I don't think. I don't remember having to do any tedious assignments on the books which might have ruined them.

>> No.5643335


Italian, huh?

>> No.5643337

The Stranger, my teachers interpretation was that Mersault was possessed by Satan and he had one last chance to repent before being executed but he declined.

>> No.5643348

lel, yes. It's a common mistake?

>> No.5643381

every play from the weimarer classic ever

plus, german romanticism, fuck dat shit

>> No.5643411

That book was shit. Stop being a cuck.

>> No.5643419

My teacher wanted to force me to read "Brave new world", but i hated that teacher so naturally I hated the book as well.
I will read it again someday, when that old hag is dead and burried

>> No.5643422
File: 35 KB, 300x309, truman-burbank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i enjoyed reading books at school and didn't immediately hate amazing stories just because i was reading them in the school context

>> No.5643431

Brave New World is a great book get over your shit

>> No.5643435

please elaborate your opinion
what makes you think "To kill a mockingbird is shit"

>> No.5643447

what stopped you from reading the book on your own?

>> No.5643460

Ti capisco, fratello.

Cristo, non credo riuscirò mai a leggere i fottuti Promessi Sposi.
Di Foscolo o Petrarca manco a parlarne.

Dio, che scuola di merda che abbiamo.

>> No.5643465

I found it HORRIBLY written. The idea was nice and all but the prose was shittier than YA fiction.

>> No.5643507

I swear some of the most idiotic people in the world teach CP and Tech classes in high school.

Have you ever talked to those people outside of their small authoritative achievement they've acquired?

They are the most idiotic, boring, brainless human beings - and they are responsible for teaching the youth...

They are generally shit human beings who went to teaching because they failed at everything else they did in life. Fuck them.

And then, you get to college and realize professors are exactly the same, but some of them actually have knowledge that they are too stupid to understand. Shit they just memorized without any real context.

>> No.5643512

People who teach child pornography?

>> No.5643543

College Prep Classes.

It's the middle ground between AP and Tech. The average. Although at my school four teachers did get fried for having sex with underage students who taught College Prep courses so I suppose both work.

>> No.5643750


Brave New World isn't very good. If you want to find something similar but way, way better (and definitely a partial influence on Huxley at least) check out We by Zamyatin

>> No.5644019

vorrei poter leggere le operette morali di leopardi

>> No.5644039

I thought the prose was good, not mindblowing, but good enough.

Saying its worse than YA is a bit harsh

>> No.5644040

Schools should have disclaimers that warn against looking up to any of these adults as role models.

>> No.5644714

One of the most ironic things I've ever seen was when we were popcorn reading Harrison Bergeron out loud, and I shit you not, someone in the middle of reading literally lost focus on the reading and made some random comment and immediately everyone else started talking about other random shit. You could taste it.

>> No.5644739
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>class is assigned a play
>Alright kids, let's read it

>> No.5644781

>its a shakespeare play

>> No.5645118

My own laziness. I've been meaning to for about 5 years now but I haven't.

>> No.5645205

>books ruined by terrible resolutions

>> No.5645473

> Pride and Prejudice

I read it in my 8th grade Eng. class, so I don't quite remember if it was the book itself, or my homo teacher

>> No.5646559

I really enjoyed that book too anon, and I also feel that smidgen of pain anytime people bash it because they were forced to read it.

>> No.5646617

I fucking hate TKAM, and it was all because of my cunt of a teacher who made us read the novel's chapters in her special specific order. It was a fucking nightmare and I have no idea what the book is about.

>> No.5646660

Read that one of my own accord when I was in the 5th grade. Spent most of quiet reading time trying not to sob like a bitch.

>> No.5646668

First read this book for school in 9th grade and fucking loved it. Teacher did it right. But on the other hand, she kind of ruined the Odessey, so...

>> No.5646670

God, I hated reading this. Art of the lowest order, didactic and moralist garbage. Its only positive is in demonstrating the flawed way we go about teaching literature in grade school.

>> No.5646678

But Bradbury did call flat-screen TVs, iPod earbuds, and 24-hour ATMs, so good on him.

>> No.5646681

finished that book in a single day. That ending got me hard.

>> No.5646692
File: 123 KB, 345x360, lord_of_the_flies_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 times.
i moved schools a lot when I was younger and somehow I kept having teachers that would bring out this book.
I loved this story the first time i read it, regardless of the teacher, but 8 godamn times.
After the 3rd time I just rewrote the same report to fit what the teacher wanted.

>> No.5646694

I have a great appreciation for this book and reread it every couple of years or so. Probably because no teacher ever forced it on me.

>> No.5646696

And I predict that one day we will have mini tvs in our pocket
It's really just the next logical step

>> No.5646707

I remember having to read Henrik Ibson's "A Doll's House" in 10th grade and thinking it was the dullest thing ever. And to think that play was once considered shocking and scandalous...

>> No.5646715

bippiti boppiti spagetti boopiti boppiti.

>> No.5646726

While that sounds pretty horrible, understandinf the background of any book is a huge part of getting how and why it was written. Pressuring HS kids to deal witht hat shit when they can't even clean their bedrooms is dumb as fuck, but that does'tmeant adults shouldn't be doing that.

>> No.5646728

that one person who always read every thing in a monosyllabic monotone...

"Rom-ee-oh, oh, Rom-ee-oh... Where. fore. art. thou. Rom-ee-oh..."

>> No.5646729

>she kind of ruined the Odessey
How do you ruin the odyssey?

>> No.5646742

Fuck, just actually read what I wrote. What I meant to insinuate was that the ending hit me in the feels.

No erections were had at retard death.

>> No.5646750

we have those already. What can't your fucking smart phone do?

>> No.5646757

She made us overanalyze the living shit out of everything. Ev-er-y-thing.

>> No.5646776

What the fuck. That's absurd

>> No.5646784

>that one kid who pronounces shit in an over-the-top, horrifically exaggerated Cockney accent, thinking it's funny

>> No.5646799
File: 30 KB, 350x250, ciabritish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I was that kid
You were the only one not laughing, faggot

>> No.5646878

Nah son, there was only the one kid laughing, and a few polite chuckles around him

>> No.5646886
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Maybe it's because people ended up liking me no matter what I did
>tfw showed up late everyday and nearly never got a late pass

>> No.5647773

I loved F451, but I didn't really find the ending all that great. Basically, all that happened was Montag got lectured on how to live his life by loser nerd hobos. The scene where the bombs fell redeemed it though.

>> No.5647835

Lord of the Flies for me, hated that in school. Was fun watching the film in class though and laughing at piggy die and all the terrible acting.

Don't really remember much else of what we read in school, we did Holes which is just pretty average.

>> No.5647847

Dude get on it. That book is awesome and it's short AF.

>> No.5647849
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I brought up some really good points about this book in high school. Everyone else was off the obligatory Great Gatsby hype and nobody really cared about this book. This is probably one of my favorite books but beating it to death with analysis kind of ruined it for me.

>> No.5647854

We had to read that for school. I'm glad, too. I read BNW later and holy shit it blows. The first scene is aight and then it goes downhill.

>> No.5647886

The Diary of Anne Frank. Granted it's not great literature or anything like that but every time I try to reread it I remember that unpleasant class.

Our district assigned the book for 8th grade English, since 8th grade had no social studies classes outside of American History.There were 4 English teachers at my school, and I got the teacher who

>said she didn't feel like having us actually read the book because she didn't want to have to read essays or grade a lot of homework
>didn't want to have us read the play either because she didn't like it
>wouldn't let another teacher's dad who was a POW in Germany come in and talk to our class like he did all the others because "well, he wasn't in a CONCENTRATION camp..."
>had us watch the Hollywood Anne Frank movie instead
>had us spend 10 entire class periods writing our "own diaries" about a pretend situation where we have to go into hiding and made a big to-do about it ONLY being graded if you turned it in on time and if it was a minimum of so many paragraphs yet allowed this little shit to turn his in late and it was one page, double spaced, huge font and you better believe he got 100%.

>> No.5647894

>the guy who wanted to keep his hand on the girls leg forever
Gave high school me some real feels

>> No.5648229

I'd say you should try it again, as it's a fantastic and important novel, but I doubt you have matured all too much in the past 2 years.