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File: 2.14 MB, 1000x1297, Picture_of_Schopenhauer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5637416 No.5637416 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never live during a golden age of philosophy
>you will never travel to the heart of an empire to study at its foremost academic institutions
>you will never write lengthy unsourced polemics and have them read by emperors and kings
>you will never blossom in that unreviewed anarchic environment before sources and the publishing industry

>> No.5637430

>>you will never live during a golden age of philosophy
You might. They're not very rare. We had one in the early 20th century; the analytic revolution.

>> No.5637456


this. Almost every century after the 14 century had a charasteristic philosophic movement.

>> No.5637460

Academic papers and wikipedia killed philosophy.
>le [citation needed]

>> No.5637481


You forgot the post-everything revolution two (Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida, Ponty, Sartre, Heidegger, etc...)

>> No.5637491

That is pretty much irrelevant today. Analytic philosophy took over and those 'philosophers' were just reacting against the new found academic rigour.

>> No.5637499


Your post perfectly embodies /lit/. Anti-intellectual garbage romanticizing past intellectual efforts.

>> No.5637607

>pretty much irrelevant today

>race, sex, and queer studies in the forefront of international debate

When's the last time you saw an analytic outside his linguistic ivory tower talking about something that's actually pertinent to the modern condition?

>> No.5637614

>race, sex, and queer studies in the forefront of international debate
Those things are meaningless outside of biology, though.

>> No.5637615

>queer studies in the forefront
>pertinent to the modern condition?


>> No.5637623


>> No.5637624


>my brain and my mind are the same thing

>> No.5637626

Where does the mind exist?

>> No.5637627


Not him, but those things and religion are all that people talk about and care about in the middle class sphere.

>> No.5637630


I'll get back to you when we've answered that question.

>> No.5637632

Thought is merely a function of the brain.
Nobody, outside of a few social outcasts on the internet, cares about your opinions on homosexuality and races.

>> No.5637634

>thought is merely

Okay mr. Dennett

>> No.5637637

It exists in the neocortex. Have you been paying attention to recent studies at all?

>> No.5637643

>Thought is merely a function of the brain


>> No.5637647

Great arguments here.

>> No.5637651

How is it not?

>> No.5637658
File: 14 KB, 400x400, Deleuze_Gilles_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll never be a superstar continental critical theorist
>you'll never get to write fashionable gibberish and not bother having to cite references
>you'll never participate in student riots or waste tax-payer's money on bullshit funding for stupid shit
>you'll never have a legion of admiring students who you directly engage with and work among, and have access to fresh, young clueless undergraduate pieces of ass
>you'll never engage in petty politics and banter with other academic superstars

>> No.5637659


To say thought is a function of the brain is a useless platitude. It's obvious and says nothing about the mind.

>> No.5637665

Define 'the mind', please.

>> No.5637667

a non-physical substance which interacts with the brain via the pineal gland. Do some fucking biology, retards.

>> No.5637670

Who are you talking to?

>> No.5637672


A image we use to describe where our consciousness inhabits. But it's more pratically defined as the combination of our thoughts and awareness.

>> No.5637678

Function of the brain
Function of the brain.
Function of the brain.

>> No.5637687


Which part of the brain named itself?

>> No.5637692


Which part of the brain convinces itself to like certain things to look cool to others?

>> No.5637695

This should answer all of your future questions.

>> No.5637704

>you will never live during a golden age of philosophy
Sam Harris is alive today. So is Stefan Molyneux. Your point is moot.

>> No.5638043

Analytic is no-name shit that no one writes 2ndary literature on. It's carried by anglo superiority in the economic and cultural spheres.

>> No.5638047


>> No.5638050


It hurts because it's true.

>> No.5638232
File: 35 KB, 290x225, Barth_Writing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be a respected but obscure modern theologian
>you will never live in a comfy collegiate setting, in your modest but tastefully decorated oak home, wherein prominently displayed is Matthias Grünewald's crucifixion scene
>you will never spend your days examining scripture, writing a few sentences of your novel incorporating themes of grace in a theater of pestilence, lecturing hostile undergraduates, or advising the faithful

>> No.5638243

What's the 21st century Vienna?

>> No.5638247

New York

>> No.5638250


>americans think this

>> No.5638292


there isint one, civilization has gotten worse.

>> No.5638305

who is that?

>> No.5638307

Go to bed Clive James/Stefan Zweig

>> No.5638308
File: 12 KB, 273x184, not this one you retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5638335
File: 416 KB, 1280x1903, 1414047697867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consciousness, the mental world, is microgranular, with mental units called psychons, and that in mind-brain interaction one psychon is linked to one dendron through quantum physics
>psychon field confirmed for finally unifying physics

>> No.5638339


>you will never have a pet anteater

>> No.5638348

Easter European philosophy is the next big thing. Zizek and Dugin are probably the most relevant philosophers, the latter even being relevant in applied politics.

>> No.5638349


What exactly to you have to source when writing philosophy? I mean, it's philosophy, shouldn't your only source be reason and rhetoric? And occasionally cite other philosophers?

>> No.5638352

>anticipate a nice thread about Schopenhauer
>get 40 replies of analytic trolling

get a fucking life

>> No.5638477

I just dont like actually reading

>> No.5638502


This post really shouldn't be as funny as it is, you know.

>> No.5638569

Of you were writing in the Golden Age, your source would be Kant.

You also need to cite ideas that are not your own, not merely quotes.