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/lit/ - Literature

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5637414 No.5637414 [Reply] [Original]

What's the abstract/degenerate art equivalent in literature?

How come painting has been so badly subverted but the novel is still okay....

>> No.5637418


Explain what you mean by "abstract/degenerate" art. I'm pretty sure what you're talking about is the artwork that gets tons of attention because of the conception that it appears easy to create when in reality the degenerate art is a minority among painters.

>> No.5637505


Its pretty obvious. Google the terms for examples.

>> No.5637509


Finnwgans wake?

>> No.5637510



>> No.5637512

There is no degenerate art, art needs to be generated to exist.

>> No.5637515


>> No.5637516

OP if you're not well educated in something then don't just assume what /pol/ tells you is right. Either recognize that you're not an intellectual and that's not what you're looking for in life or start actually reading up on things.

>> No.5637520

literary art is very conservative compared to visual and music. plus people realized beckett is a worthless hack and ignored him so his cancer hasn't infected writers that much.

>> No.5637525

Probably abstract literature such as Beckett's Trilogy, surrealism, nonsense and other avant-garde?

> How come painting has been so badly subverted
It hasn't been. There is plenty of "traditional" painting still being done: it appeals to people with very basic tastes.
> the novel is still okay....
There are quite a few reasons for lack of evolution in novel format. Let me list some.
> Steady popularity of plot driven, minimal style novels
> Larger penetration to populace (majority of people read, but only a vaning minority invests in fine arts)
> Its easy to take a photo of Abstract art and spread it in media so as to convey some secret triumph, but for novels being very avant-garde gets you to media silence
> Earning model doesn't encourage change
etc etc.

>> No.5637527


>> No.5637545

>Fuck this subverted bullshit! I just want to look at the realistically modeled musculature of nude Greek fairytale men

>> No.5637551


>it is not okay for you to have a culture! not even your own!

>> No.5637552


Twilight, Naked Lunch, the beats crap

>> No.5637554

what lmao

>> No.5637555


>that false dichotomy

I see u

>> No.5637558

>implying there has been any good art that is not classicist

>> No.5637559
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The only "degenerate" art is art that aims to create a perfect aesthetic representation of reality

>> No.5637565

>What's the abstract/degenerate art equivalent in literature?
>Using "degenerate" as a qualifier in art ever.
Shut the fuck up you literal piece of shit.

>> No.5637566

>not detailistic sentimentalism

>> No.5637570

So... All the good art like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky?

>> No.5637574

>Art should not respond to scientific or philosophical developments and should instead adhere to undeveloped principles of representation championed by the same kind of people who literally thought alchemy was legit

>> No.5637581
File: 1.19 MB, 3000x2018, Cole_Thomas_The_Voyage_of_Life_Old_Age_1842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't like the romantics

>> No.5637583

>not post-avant jazzcore

>> No.5637587

i don't get dostoyevsky. when he makes fun of literature being able to accurately represent life, is he downplaying himself or is he trying to make his books more realistic?

ie at the end of NFTU the UM says books and ideas are for losers and failures. what's the deal with dostoyevsky?

>> No.5637588

90% of what shows up on a google image search is pretty good. I mean, even Guernica is there.. Tell us what you mean.

>> No.5637589

If scientists didn't give up on alchemy in favor of meme-science like evolution we'd all be decked in gold by now

>> No.5637593

a lot of romanticism owes heavily to classicism like look at thomas cole's stages of empire. it's what happens when you are trained in an academy

>> No.5637596

Fucking liberals

>> No.5637599

It's not classical though, it's a rejection of the enlightenment formally and thematically

>> No.5637606
File: 163 KB, 800x534, Cole_Thomas_The_Consummation_The_Course_of_the_Empire_1836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh ok

>> No.5637611

if beckett's nihilist influence had spread beyond its small coterie mainly in theatre which is a dead end for literature with the rise of film, we'd be getting the equivalent of 'degenerate' visual art. ditto with finnegans wake, gravity's rainbow (which at least has the benefit of being somewhat amusing) and other completely destructive texts. we're still living in high modernism tbh: proust, faulkner and woolf rein supreme in how we think about literature and influence.

>> No.5637620

There's a lot of great art from every period, the thing just is that making romanticists/classicist art in 2014 is just insincere.
It can be done, if it involves reinterpretation of what romanticism is, but just repeating will always come off as false, since it doesn't relate to the human condition today. Why paint the sublime, when the idea of the sublime is pushed so far into the background (or maybe rather ridiculed so much in the foreground that it has dissolved) that we can't relate to it in any way but nostalgia?
The sublime itself has probably changed for us, and the feeling you can get from Rothko or similar is probably the closest thing to it, today.
That or Eliasson or something-other.

>> No.5637633
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>> No.5637636


Disgusting mentality/people

>> No.5637650



The cutting edge of art has always been financed by individuals with large amounts of money, many of whom sponsor art or artists simply to appear cultured and are therefore extremely susceptible to an 'emperor's new clothes' groupthink wherein any avant-garde piece, no matter how awful or talentless, will be sponsored simply because such abstract styles are seen as being more 'cultured' than realism. Artists are simply responding to this demand for such kinds of demand because they realise that doing so will get them the money that artists need

Novels, by contrast, are financed by the masses; most modern writers see the possibility of writing a 'bestseller' as nothing more than a means of making money, regardless of actual literary merit (see Dan Brown, Rowling, Twilight, 50 shades etc). In order to most effectively appeal to the masses, the novel must be written in a 'lowest common denominator' style where any deviation towards the avant-garde is shunned, simply because if the hordes of semi-literate receptionists and hairdressers can't understand the novel, they won't buy it (which means less money).

Disclaimer: Note I've made no judgement on the actual artistic merits of abstract art or non-avant garde literature so don't criticise me for that and miss the point of my argument

>> No.5637656
File: 20 KB, 550x543, Black_circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plebs u mad?

>> No.5637661
File: 175 KB, 266x354, Klee,_Angelus_novus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y u mad tho

>> No.5637663
File: 169 KB, 800x1026, plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<- plebs

>> No.5637722

Oh really? What was the last "high modernist" text you saw published?

>> No.5637730

Stream of consciousness

>> No.5637749

Shark, maybe.

>> No.5637767
File: 69 KB, 640x480, 1356362981613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butthurt traditionalists can't into creative expression
I bet you dorito-munching faggots think the purpose of art is to look like vidya gaems and James Cameron movies.

>> No.5637784

it's a really striking use of colour. the circle is really in a kind of dialogue with the white space, as in, is the black circle the focus and the white space a void to be ignored... or is it the other way and the black circle is a hole in the field with substance, black denoting absence etc. it has such interesting negative energy.

>> No.5637800


People who think anyone can do paintings like this are deluded. Sure they can be somewhat boring. But to keep a consistent colour on a large canvas is very difficult. You have to correctly estimate the amount of paint needed to cover the canvas adequately in order to mix it at the same time.

>> No.5637806

>proust, faulkner and woolf rein supreme in how we think about literature and influence.
Only among people who don't actually read. Those who read have long since moved on to 'plebbier' genres like fantasy.

>> No.5638355

Abstract art is a shit. I hope literature never gets retarded like that.

>> No.5638363

Poetry has explored the aesthetic of writing in a way similar to abstract art.

>> No.5638381

wow. you can apply paint consistently. true art. that's like praising someone for being able to write grammatically.

>> No.5638399

The answer is The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra.

>> No.5638482

Newsflash not everything a character says is something the author agrees with. Characters are more than just mouthpieces for the author.

>> No.5638484

Impressionism is pretty nice.

>> No.5638620

You're pretty nice anon :3

>> No.5638634

Art tended to keep itself more refined in its own rhetoric whereas literature refused rhetoric as in artistic ideology as a whole, while being hypocritical in that it was focused on a single one; relativism.

Literature became shit, whereas other forms of art became pretentious shit.

Nowadays using a word containing more than 8 letters will lend you in jail.

>> No.5638653

>Nowadays using a word containing more than 8 letters will lend you in jail.

u wot m8

>> No.5638683
File: 45 KB, 360x480, 1308507093852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5638768


>> No.5638791

You don't have to read Tao Lin if you don't want to

>> No.5638794

I want /pol/ to leave

>> No.5638796

This is way too earnest to be post-Dadaist.

>> No.5638804

he fucking calls himself postmetamodernist. he's the polar opposite of new sincerity

>> No.5638816

Tell that to Nabokov. He didn't like Dostoyevsky because he disagreed with his characters' politics.

>> No.5638824

Nabokov was a brilliant prose stylist and had a decent sense of humor but his literary opinions were shit. He had the most shallow reading of Kafka in academia and Shakespeare went over his head.

>> No.5638826

How about you guys stop talking about this untalented teenager

>> No.5638832

He's a lazy, annoying shill but he has heaps of talent.

>> No.5638839

>But to keep a consistent colour on a large canvas is very difficult.
ever painted a wall you faggot?

>> No.5638844

Uh, did we read the same tumblr post?

>> No.5638848

You aren't familiar with him, are you? Look up some of his other stuff and you'll see.

>> No.5638865

Also, Suprematist art pieces tend to have very strong presence when seen by eye - they're massive, and massively contrasted paintings. Go seem them in museums! 500x300 pixels don't do justice.

>> No.5638868

Google spits out the tumblr and a facebook...not much to go on here.

>> No.5638874

the /lit/ archive is the place to look

>> No.5638875

are you retarded or just ignorant?

>> No.5638887

He's as good as the "good writer" every creative class has. He's good for what you have around, but for his work to have the sort of impact he think he's making he should do much more. So far a lot of his stuff reads like something someone in /lit/ would write jokingly imitating meme writers, for example: http://postmetakolsti.tumblr.com/post/92882440475/opening-paragraph-to-something-im-writing

>> No.5638891

He doesn't like Dosty because his stories are heavily moralizing novels of ideas with dull style, not because he doesn't care for the characters' opinions.

>> No.5638892

Tao Lin

>> No.5638894

Sorry, but referencing the internet, 4chan, and memes is just cheesy to me. He sucks.

Let me define cheesy: dumb, boring, and overdone

>> No.5638899

Yes, you are autistic so you can become a mathematician.

>> No.5638905
File: 437 KB, 646x469, Art shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5638910

I know /lit/ and myself dislike him as an author but does anyone else think he has aspergers based on his readings and interviews? I seriously doubt he's playing a character.

>> No.5638922 [DELETED] 

Yes I sincerely do and I think most people who call Tao an autist don't mean it as a meme insult

>> No.5638961

As overdone as referencing God, Greek mythology, nature, death, and Shakespeare?

>> No.5639070

Eh, I don't really equate what you listed with the internet, 4chan, and memes.
Keep on with your shitty writing and your engineering degree. I don't care.

>> No.5639105

how is this degenerate? Or abstract for that matter?

>> No.5639108

but anon-kun, we can create gold with physics now, it has even been done in the 1950's, after the greatest advance in weaponry was created people found out that luminescent gold was created after the use of our beloved progress on deserted area such as islands in the pacific and new mexico.

>> No.5639112

>he believes there is something art ought to be

>> No.5639140

how could you forget the reference to oriental philosophy present through the white point in the black circle and the nuances of grey in the white space which remind of the symbol of opposite colors often found in east asian religions?

>> No.5639170


Ulysses. Pointless vulgarity for it's own sake because 'I wunna mayk staytmant mah'

>> No.5639230

Gargantua And Pantagruel. Pointless vulgarity for it's own sake because 'I wunna mayk staytmant mah'

>> No.5639241

Satirical Diptych by Anonymous Flemish artist. Pointless vulgarity for it's own sake because 'I wunna mayk staytmant mah'

>> No.5639243
File: 39 KB, 324x500, 51+DZAKR1PL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related

>> No.5639244

>degenerate art
I know /pol/ are pretty edgy, but using literal Nazi terminology?

>> No.5639251

>A tour de force. New York Times

>> No.5639258

Protip: Nazis ate cucumbers, by eating pickles in your hamburger you literally become a Nazi.

>> No.5639285

Not really comparable to using terms that the Nazis coined during their warping of European culture. The attitude itself is typical of the reactionist bullshit you get around here, but "degenerate art"? The exhibition that drove Beckmann and Ernst out of Germany, and led to the burning of Picasso paintings?

>> No.5639290

People on /pol/ claim to be literal nazis

>> No.5639299

The words 'degenerate' and 'art' have existed since Neanderthal times, you fucking tard.

>> No.5639304
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>> No.5639311

>Ogga booga degenerate rock

>> No.5639324

Yeah, and the swastika is an Eastern symbol of peace

>> No.5639354

Yes, and they mean things, 'degenerate' means 'having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline' (or whatever dictionary you want pick) and 'art' means (well just picking this straight out of the dictionary would be an injustice but it means 'art') and 'degenerate art' is a Phrase that means "modern art, which is a bad thing".means modern art. It's a fucking technical term: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degenerate_art
Your argument is exactly equivalent to saying National Socialism isn't Nazi because the words 'National' and Socialism' exist independently, you fucking tard.

>> No.5639360

I should've proofread but w.e
Also this is >>5639324 a succinct way of putting it

>> No.5639361

I'll admit I didn't know this until I took religion class as one of two humanity courses. I couldn't help but laugh a little inside.

>> No.5639370
File: 259 KB, 736x1013, Annagoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imblying Annigoni and Nerdrum are not the greatest artists of the last one hundred years?

>> No.5639398

How beautiful the Duchess is.

>> No.5639457

you could not have made more of a cherry pick. you're aware this painting is part of a series, right?

>> No.5639461

>theater is a dead end for literature because of film

oh boy

>> No.5639505


The chap who shat that probably would have sympathised with your position. He only did it to take the piss out of art from the same angle that you do. Shit in a can and call it art = phat bux.

If the consumers are philistines, why not scam them? If they think that, even knowing that its a scam, they're 'in on it' for buying it, why not scam them? The only people who would buy this are mongol warriors, so fuck, let some artfags get loaded off the backs of those mongol warriors and stop being so spiteful.

>> No.5639523

dadaistic poetry

>> No.5639536

I wrote a Kingdom Hearts fanfiction when I was in middle school that read exactly like this piece of shit. it too was a piece of shit which I've since deleted, but I thought the whole self-referential multiple parenthesis thing was cool and new and this was in ~2004

>> No.5639540


>> No.5639555


top nie

kurwa je pierdole

>> No.5639629

It's neither. It's drugs, he's high in every interview. Watch him in film and he's different.


>> No.5639657


He's high there.

>> No.5639789

probably both, but why don't you point out the reason behind you asking me this?

>> No.5639810


until you actually try mixing paint, you will never understand. Show us you can do it. You have to mix color though. No primary mass manufactured colors allowed. Go do it big guy. Show us what a master you are.

>> No.5640729

>Nightingale singing—gale of Nanking


>of Ming-dynasty



>in Ming









>sing long



literature has changed, but I wouldn't call it shit.

>> No.5640749

Of all the painting you could have chosen, you picked a objectively good painting, smooth.

>> No.5642284
File: 46 KB, 516x375, 1414365729956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>objectively blue

>> No.5642327


>> No.5642384
File: 19 KB, 220x309, max nordau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Using "degenerate" as a qualifier in art ever.
But that is _literally_ the way it is supposed to be used. Has anyone on 4chan even read Max Nordau's "Degeneration"? It is critique of (then) contemporary art. The term has nothing to do with what /pol/ turned it into (or whoever did it, it is probably society and /pol/ just picked it up.

Fun fact: Max Nordau, who coined the term, was a jew.

>> No.5642571

>look ma I made a mspaint comic with a handsome man representing my opinion and a dork representing my opponents

>> No.5642673

Yo I did this in 1997
This probably goes earlier than we all could imagine
The only thing that's new about it is, a person now managed to delude themselves into thinking it isn't shit for long enough to keep showing it to others

>> No.5642686

It's an actual term in art ffs /lit/ you ignorant dog

>> No.5643024

mongol warriors?

>> No.5643041

>But that is _literally_ the way it is supposed to be used.

Because a book published in 1892 used it that way? Didn't realize etymology only went that far back.

Based Freud on Nordau's book: "It may well be asked whether an attribution of 'degeneracy' is of any value or adds anything to our knowledge."

>> No.5643070

>Based Freud on Nordau's book
Yes, I agree, the book is a very constructed hunk of shit, and only really interesting if you want to read about fin de siecle or decadence literature.

Anyway, the book was originally written in german and the original title is "Entartung" - degeneration is the literal translation of this. (And I mean literal as in, it is basically the same word, just in latin. The prefix "de-" translates to "ent-" in german, and the latin "genus" is the equivalent of the german "art".)
Nordau coined the term in the way it is used today. it existed before that in the english language (obviously as a french loan word), but the modern meaning is pretty unsepratable from Nordau's work (unless we are talking about the scientific term "degeneration" that is used in medicine, and much closer to the original pre-Nordau meaning of degeneration.)