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File: 199 KB, 466x372, postmodern_western.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
563315 No.563315 [Reply] [Original]

what would post-modern trolling look like?

>> No.563326
File: 30 KB, 309x354, Foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.563335

I think trolling by calling random posters trolls is pretty postmodern.

>> No.563341

Indistinguishable from everything else post-modern.

>> No.563339


Bullshit, you're trolling.

>> No.563337

like that picture.
and meta

fuck you OP, you goddamned prenetentious hack-troll

>> No.563347
File: 51 KB, 750x592, wet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.563348

u mad?

>> No.563353

that is not postmodern.....

or is it?

OR IS IT?!?!??!??

>> No.563380

is it postmodern to be a constructive poster?

>> No.563391

Poster has very few friends. Poster suggests that Atlas Shrugged is the greatest American novel in an effort to attract more attention to himself.

>> No.563395

Poster 2 also has very few friends. Poster 2 reacts with rage to Poster's obvious troll attempt in an attempt to encourage discourse.

>> No.563398

but I am past-modern man!

>> No.563400

Poster 3 accuses Poster and Poster 2 of samefagging.

>> No.563404

Twilight is postmodernist trolling.

>> No.563410
File: 24 KB, 247x272, evil_baby_close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.563414 [DELETED] 


Poster 3 also also has very few friends. He implies that poster 1 & 2 is the same person, even if this isn't relevant, in an even more idiotic effort to attract more attention to himself.

>> No.563423


4chan is pretty fucking postmodern.

>> No.563431

>implying 4chan is the greatest troll evarrrr

>> No.563428

Person 4 does not believe person 3, 2, and 1 are meta enough to constitute postmodern. Person 4 posts that person 4 does not believe person 3, 2, and 1 are meta enough to constitute postmodernism. Person 4 posts that person 4 posts that person 4 does not believe person 3, 2, and 1 are meta enough to constitute postmodernism.

>> No.563435
File: 72 KB, 468x587, moses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doubles get!

>> No.563476

Well, one would first have to examine what 'modern trolling' is. Urban Dictionary defines trolling as "Being a prick on the internet because you can." This definition is incomplete, as trolling usually done in order to gain a response, not simply 'because'. The response is usually hoped to be negative, for the amusement of the troll in question.

So, now we can define a troll as one who engages in deliberately inflammatory behavior in order to anger others for their own amusement.

Postmodernism is often described as a 'reaction to modernism' and conventional thought developed during the periods of time such as the enlightenment. Here is something I dragged up from Wikipedia, just a few definitions from different dictionaries.

# Compact Oxford English Dictionary: "a style and concept in the arts characterized by distrust of theories and ideologies and by the drawing of attention to conventions."
# Merriam-Webster: Either "of, relating to, or being an era after a modern one", or "of, relating to, or being any of various movements in reaction to modernism that are typically characterized by a return to traditional materials and forms (as in architecture) or by ironic self-reference and absurdity (as in literature)", or finally "of, relating to, or being a theory that involves a radical reappraisal of modern assumptions about culture, identity, history, or language".
# American Heritage Dictionary: "Of or relating to art, architecture, or literature that reacts against earlier modernist principles, as by reintroducing traditional or classical elements of style or by carrying modernist styles or practices to extremes: 'It [a roadhouse] is so architecturally interesting ... with its postmodern wooden booths and sculptural clock.'"

>> No.563482


One facet they agree upon is that 'postmodern' things often draw attention to modern conventions and practices, occasionally by taking them to logical extremes. Or by using 'ironic self-reference' and absurdity, and a general distrust for modern conventions and ideas.

Now, in order for a troll to be a 'postmodern troll' as opposed to a 'modern troll', or a troll who follows modern, conventional trolling techniques. This 'postmodern troll' draws attention to the conventions to the modern troll, often deconstructing them, taking them to extremes and, of course, making fun of them, as trolls do.

So what are some examples of "postmodern trolling"? I'm afraid I can only really remember a few. It occurred during the time when the troll posts "You are now <gerund> manually." were at their peak. An example of the "modern troll" post would be "You are now breathing manually." The examples I can remember are these posts:
-"You are now being trolled manually"
How it's postmodern: Draws attention to the way the modern troll works, through self-reference.
-"Your heart is now breathing manually"
How it's postmodern: Brings the actions of the modern troll to their logical extremes and turning them into an absurd, nonsensical post by combining several different modern troll tactics.

There were a few others referencing the whole "You are now aware of <x>" fad (ie. You are now aware of your tongue being in your mouth), but I'm afraid I can't remember them very well.

>> No.563490

you are your mothers dog and look like a cat therefore athiests should not believe in reality as long as they don't have toes

>> No.563491

u mad?

>> No.563502

the real question is if you are mad

>> No.563503

I would say that if we look on human communication and interaction, trolling is pretty postmodern.

>> No.563506


u banana?

>> No.563508



>> No.563536

Another example of 'postmodern trolling' are the posters who start in when one of those
threads are about, with posts such as
>implying implications about me implying that you are implying what I'm implying is an implication about you implying an implication
Again, taking the modern trolling to an absurd extreme.

>> No.563564

What if you agree with with someones opinion, but you really don't internally?

>> No.563569

A serious response that argues against the post by pointing out the flaws in the central argument, and then points out their well-researched opinions on the topic.

>> No.563573
File: 17 KB, 250x188, kelley_banana_xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.563972

bump goes in all fields

>> No.564001

sage goes in all bumps

>> No.564015

we are getting good at this guys

>> No.564261
File: 80 KB, 505x378, lit fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well thank goodness. I can use this pic at last.

>> No.564269

holy shit, where the fuck was that from?

damnit, it feels like /lit/ must have been here since the dawn of time