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/lit/ - Literature

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5628755 No.5628755 [Reply] [Original]

I'll be studying classics at uni, and I'm looking for the best possible editions of greek & latin authors. There are plenty of Teubner and Oxford volumes online, but they both published different editions by different editors.
How can I tell what's the best edition without knowing the languages?

>> No.5628790

didn't they point you in the right direction? ask your professor or whatever for recommended editions. maybe he/she will take a shine to you for being invested.

>> No.5628806
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I know it's not much, but my professor in ancient and medieval philosophy recommended these translations:

- Plato: Meno and Phaedo, translated by D. Sedley og A. Long, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011
- Aristotle: Selections, translated by T. Irwin og G. Fine, Hackett Publishing Company: Indianapolis, 1995
- Machiavelli: The Prince, translated by F. Wolder, Helikon: Hasselager, 2004
- Bruno: Cause, Principle and Unity - and Essays on Magic, translated by R. J. Blackwell og R. de Lucca, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998

>> No.5628826

- Plato, The Republic, translated and commented by A. Bloom, Basic Books: New York, 1991.
- Heraklitus and others, Philosophy Before Socrates, introduktion, text and commentary by R. D. McKirahan, Hackett: Indianapolis, 1994
- Seneca, On the God Within Us, Epistle XLI, translated by Richard M. Gummere, The Loeb Classical Library, London: William Heinemann; Cambridge: Crambridge University Press 1962
- Plotinus - Enneads, 7 vols, translated by A. H. Armstrong. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Mass., 1966-1988 (Loeb series)
- Averroes, The decisive treatise determining the nature of the connection between religion and philosophy, trans. by G. F. Hourani, in 'Philosophy in the Middle Ages', edited by A. Hyman og J. J. Walsh, 2. edition. Hackett: Indianapolis, Cambridge, 1973
- Thomas Aquinas in the same as above.

This is the official recommendation from the Institute of Philosophy, University of Copenhagen.