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/lit/ - Literature

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5627629 No.5627629 [Reply] [Original]


>Transrealism argues for an approach to writing novels routed first and foremost in reality. It rejects artificial constructs like plot and archetypal characters, in favour of real events and people, drawn directly from the author’s experience. But through this realist tapestry, the author threads a singular, impossibly fantastic idea, often one drawn from the playbook of science fiction, fantasy and horror. So the transrealist author who creates a detailed and realistic depiction of American high-school life will then shatter it open with the discovery of an alien flying saucer that confers super-powers on an otherwise ordinary young man.

What does /lit/ think? How is this any different from magic realism?

>> No.5627633

>a detailed and realistic depiction of American high-school life will then shatter it open with the discovery of an alien flying saucer that confers super-powers on an otherwise ordinary young man.

wow almost like a fucking 'plot' of some sorts

>> No.5627643

>Both sci-fi and realism provide a measure of comfort – one by showing us the escape hatch from mundane reality, the other by reassuring us the reality we really upon is fixed, stable and unchanging.
>the reality we really upon

>> No.5627644

… Tom Green was just an ordinary kid, at an ordinary school, with an ordinary life. Until. One day. Something happened. That. Would. Change. His. World. *blaring horns noise, flying saucer appears*

>> No.5627671

wow anime

>> No.5627675

Is that a joke? Nothing new about that. Author must have in their whole life, read books from no more than one time period. (in addition to being dumb, etc.)

>> No.5627682

Sounds like the plot to most popular YA novels.

>> No.5627691
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>it's like realistic fiction with realistic characters in a realistic setting, except something AMAZING happens that changes their lives forever!
>like a boy lives a normal life in a normal high school, but then he's abducted by aliens and gains superpowers!
>This is a radical departure from everything that came before it, representing a fundamental shift in blah blah blah i didn't finish high school and hollywood is my only exposure to literature

>> No.5627694

This sounds like a pseudo-documentary until it becomes a pretext for dumb sci-fi. They could perhaps have thought this through before putting it on paper.

Anyway, it's branding, as always. US news outlets are too proficient at branding for their own good.

>> No.5627696
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Whoa transrealism sounds legit. Can't believe the guardian figured this out before me. It's like dialectics but with tom Wolfe and jay mcinenary as thesis anti thesis.

Thanks op

>> No.5627713
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Some of Damien Walter's other articles.

>> No.5627720

Oh no

>> No.5627727

Is this a joke?

>> No.5627728
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>> No.5627789

Underrated post.

>> No.5627792

>yet more SJW pandering


>> No.5627801


>> No.5627817

This whole board is a joke.

>> No.5627864
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Damien Walter everybody!!!

>> No.5627899
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>Still trying too hard to be original

>> No.5627902
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>Stop trying to talk SF into being worthy. It just is. Labels aren't going to help at all. Everything is science fiction, whether it recognises it or not. What are you made of? What are you breathing? I read a piece in Ars Technica recently about why Man Men is science fiction. Of course it is. So is Eastenders. So is Great Expectations. Stories which acknowledge this don't need a genre name, and certainly not a silly one with trans in it. If the authors are good enough (Ballard, Vonnegut, Dick, Pynchon, Carter, Le Guin, Banks) then the stories are worth reading. Simple as that