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5625420 No.5625420[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

As an atheist I don't understand how it is still possible for religion and philosophy to exist in the 21st century. We have science and logic now. Why do people refuse to use their brains? Why do people rather want to believe in fairy tales instead of thinking on their own?

>> No.5625446


>> No.5625454

Religion is the opiate of the people.

>> No.5625485

As an atheist I b8

>> No.5625498

And science took that place already.

>> No.5625520

no, positivism is dead since 1945 and there are still people who want to restrict research because of "unnatural" things", definitely this century first quarter of century isn't science's.

>> No.5625528
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People will believe in death as long as they fear God
-Jacques Lacan

>> No.5625532

The best scientists, writers and artists were Christians.

>> No.5625533


Kierkegaard doe; that virtue of the absurd however

>> No.5625537


>> No.5625540

If God did not exist it would be necessary to invent him.

>> No.5625562


>> No.5625574

can we all just agree that nobody gives a shit about anything any more
the new literary, religious, philosophical and cultural movements should just be called 'indifferencism'

>> No.5625577

they care about victimization and oppresion
we're really still just marxing about

>> No.5625584

It's like nobody even understood that all arguments against it are mere rhetoric.

>> No.5625585


Atheists are just people who have a more abstract view of god. Humans cannot divorce themselves from belief.

>> No.5625590

aw yiss
this has always been my stance

>> No.5625593

Isaac Newton, Max Planck, Galileo, Nikola Tesla, Copernicus, Kepler, Boyle, Shakespeare, Dante, Tolstoy, Chaucer, Cervantes, Faulkner, Dostoevsky, Nabokov, and Michelangelo.

>> No.5625596

>not listening to flew's warning of the death by 1000 qualifications
redefining god won't make your beliefs true

>> No.5625621

During the time dominated by catholicism people didn't go around quoting Auquinas and considering the pros of the ethci system created by jesus, they did their shit and justified it with religion. It's the same with science, Obama keeps saying that climate models are science and people gulp any pill their doctor tells them to take, none of those things are real science as much as particular aplications of things related with science, but the "truth" coating makes people accept then,

>> No.5625653


lol you illiterate mong

>> No.5625655

*tips fe-

probably because 50% of the population has an IQ at or below 100, which is like downs syndrome tier

>> No.5625659

if we say having an IQ of at least 120 is what one would consider 'smart', that's is only the top 1%...

>> No.5625665

>hat's is only the top 1%...
Surely not, does it really distribute that way?

>> No.5625671

No. 120 is upper 10%
I checked it, my IQ is 120

>> No.5625672

nah. i think 130+ is top 2% though

>> No.5625673
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i was wrong, perhaps top 10%

>> No.5625705

A fucking 7th of the population is walking around with a sub-85 IQ? Jesus christ

>> No.5625714
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pretty scary shit

>> No.5625731

actually closer to a sixth,
100/6 = 16.6
100/7 = 14.8

>> No.5625733

>thinking IQ tests measure anything except how well you do on an IQ test
(imagine a laughing face or something I'm literally too retarded to google up a picture and attach it)

>> No.5625735

Oh man, I remember when I was this type of faggot and I used to debate with my Physics teacher because he was a Christian.

>> No.5625737

>We have science and logic now

And apparently we didn't before

>> No.5625738

>anally annihilated low iq scum

>> No.5625741

well a bit, its pretty much in the middle. Either way I find that kind of bizarre

>> No.5625755

1/10, would reply needlessly again

>> No.5625756

>We have science and logic now
Oh yeah because these were only invented in the 21st century

>> No.5625764

nah it was the 20th century bro

>> No.5625784

But anon, that's what Atheists do. They just redefine god as some kind of abstract idea of rationality they imagine to be controlling the universe. Or worse, as their own ego.

>> No.5625798

I tip my fedora to you good sir, and wish you a many of euphoric moments.

>> No.5625814

go to bed tyrone

>> No.5625819

giving a shit about religion, whether you believe in God or not, is a sign of low IQ. no intelligent person needs to prove how much of an atheist they are.

>> No.5625826

you need to give a shit about religion when you live in a country that bans atheists from holding public office

>> No.5625842

what a retarded blogger

don't link stupid shit

>> No.5625862



>Brian Magee: ...in retrospect, what do you think the main shortcomings [of logical positivism] were?
>A.J. Ayer: Well, I suppose one of the defects was that all of it was false!

>> No.5625878

>not being an empiricist skepticist

toppest fucking lelkek

>> No.5625881

I just read the Meditations and I thought it was fucking hilarious how Descartes described Renaissance fedorafags. They haven't changed a bit.

>> No.5625882
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>> No.5625916

>caring about the metaphysics of life

Live fast, fuck bitches and enjoy the good things life has to offer. Disregard the theory, be a man of action

>> No.5626041

Planck wasn't Christian.

>> No.5626045

this picture is amazing

>> No.5626085

Atheists tend to have a higher IQ and are better educated. Just putting that out there.

>> No.5626109
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>Science has anything to do with the existence or non existence of a god

>> No.5626120

are you implying scientists don't ask those questions?

>> No.5626122

They're free to.
But the examination of physical reality is entirely independent of the question of whether god exists or not.

>> No.5626163
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And tend to be gayer.

>> No.5626171

Sir, that is very rude. I would expect more tactful and considerate conduct from a 4chan user.

>> No.5626320
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been saving this one for so long

>> No.5626417

because the world isnt as simple as you see it, religion is the supplier of things which are necessary to placate the masses, get rid of philosophy and religion then a new substitue comes to placate the people, might as well be this obvious dumb shit than something more sophisticated and hard to detect, the blsassim must be recognised, no?

>> No.5626443



>> No.5626505

Why not just replace it with drugs? That would be easier to keep track of IMO.

>> No.5626585

Drug is for the body, religion/phil being ideology is for the mind. They need to exploit ur body damnit.

>> No.5626620

Logic goes hand in hand with philosophy fucktard
Dont post about philosophy if you dont even know what it is
Saged and reported.

>> No.5626637

Continental philosophy

>> No.5627321

Posting a picture of a Christian while saying that.

Also i like how you associate science with atheism, that's like associating art with atheism or math.

Forgetting the lead scientist in the human genome project is Christian

Many scientist see no conflict between science and religion

what have you done for the scientific community?

By the way science thinks you're autistic


>> No.5627337

Yet, you post a picture of who might have been the most devout Christian of the 15th century

>> No.5627362

Philosophy deals with universal truth
Science deal with observable truth
stahp it OP

>> No.5627366

Descartes was terrified of being condemned by the church. Half of the bullshit written in meditations was to pacify the church in case they decided to accuse him of atheism when he announced dualism.

>> No.5627407

Thank you! thank you!
And for my next trick, watch as I pull facts outta my ass!

>> No.5627414


Galileo's trial was only 8 years prior to the publication of the Meditations.

But no, certainly this didn't weight upon Descartes' mind in the least bit.

>> No.5627427


Also, "15th century?" Are you serious?

>> No.5627428
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>I know what I'm talking about

Sure you do

>> No.5627430
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>> No.5627433
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>> No.5627446

>climate models
>not real science
toppest fucking keke mate this is how you spot someone who doesn't have a single clue of what he's talking about

>> No.5627452


So god isn't falsifiable, making it a completely meaningless concept?

>> No.5627457

>we have logic now
logic has existed for 2500 years

>> No.5627459

Godel proved that there are certain truths that can be true even if you cant construct a poof
Godel was a mathematician btw

>> No.5627465

Top kek.
>It's like none of you read Foucault.

>> No.5627467


>Forgetting the lead scientist in the human genome project is Christian

Which has absolutely fuck all to do with the actual veracity of Christianity

>Many scientist see no conflict between science and religion

I do. One starts with reality and adapts its conclusions to reality, the other starts with a conclusion and adapts reality to it. You may figure out which is which

>what have you done for the scientific community?

Which again has nothing to do with the veracity of theism

>By the way science thinks you're autistic

Which also has nothing to do with the veracity of anything

I'd say you've proven OPs point quite well

>> No.5627477


And math isn't the same thing as science. Math works with axioms and proofs derived from these axioms, science works by corrovorating and falsifying theories. I was talking about the latter, not the former

>> No.5627479

positivism is unrelated, dumbass. nice attempt to fit into the conversation tho

>> No.5627481

>One starts with reality and adapts its conclusions to reality

Science starts with a hypothesis, not reality.

>> No.5627482


An hypothesis about what?

>> No.5627485


My point is that science adapts itself to conflicting information and changes for the better. Religion has never done this, only after it has become embarrasingly clear that they were completely wrong, and even then religious people will quickly switch to metaphors and context, all to keep holding on to this fantasy they were still right all along

>> No.5627486

A hypothesis about reality which may or may not be able to be falsified, but it is not reality itself. Theism starts with an assertion about reality, which cannot be falsified. Neither of them begin with reality.

>> No.5627564


State atheism is the way to go
Cult of reason
Cult of the supreme being
Calles law
the league of the militant godless
the red guard


>> No.5627604


Those were the results of the philosophies of Rousseau and Marx. Rousseaus ideas on inequality, the social contract, the general will of the people, and the whole of Marxism, including the historic materialist dialectic and the Hegelian dialectic it was based on, all of these ideas are unfalsifiable and as dogmatic as any religious idea.

I guess the image macros of /pol/ didn't inform you on this, and if it's not in an epik image macro maymay, it's not true, right

>> No.5628034

that is the worst short story ever, piece of dog turd.

>> No.5628041

mods please

>> No.5628049


nobody knows for sure


Was he?


The majority of people in your list are from old times, before many of the scientific discoveries (evolution, birth of the universe) that put the last nails on the coffin of Christianity.

>> No.5628056

rhetoric is enough to kill something in the eyes of a lot of people, hell look at all those societal debates that condemn surrogate mothers mostly using dumb rhetoric or emotions, and yet it's still forbidden in some developed countries.

>> No.5628084


You know, I would love to think like you think: it would make all of us feel better.

But the majority of scientific findings and data shows that the general intelligence coefficient (g) is a valid concept (much more precise than things like the Multiple Intelligence Theory), and that IQ tests are a valid way of measuring someone’s g.

Of course: IQ scores are not what makes a human being and a mind. The raw intelligence and cognitive power are only a fraction of a person’s capacities; over and over again character traits are showed to be major tools in someone’s life developing. IQ, however, has long been a good way of measuring someone’s cognitive ability.

>> No.5628103

I feel you OP. Especially because people like Sam Harris and Stefan Molyneux proved that ethics and morality can be derived from logic and science, so everyone can behave and live scientifically and there's no need for stone age superstitions anymore. I guess people just love their delusions too much.

>> No.5628110

Poe's law, right there.

>> No.5628115

Max Planck was no atheist either. Some actual quotes:

>Both religion and science require a belief in God. For believers, God is in the beginning, and for physicists He is at the end of all considerations… To the former He is the foundation, to the latter, the crown of the edifice of every generalized world view.

>Religion and natural science are fighting a joint battle in an incessant, never relaxing crusade against scepticism and against dogmatism, against disbelief and against superstion, and the rallying cry in this crusade has always been, and always will be: "On to God!"

>No matter where and how far we look, nowhere do we find a contradiction between religion and natural science. On the contrary, we find a complete concordance in the very points of decisive importance. Religion and natural science do not exclude each other, as many contemporaries of ours would believe or fear. They mutually supplement and condition each other. The most immediate proof of the compatibility of religion and natural science, even under the most thorough critical scrutiny, is the historical fact that the very greatest natural scientists of all times — men such as Kepler, Newton, Leibniz— were permeated by a most profound religious attitude.

>> No.5628125

top kok

>> No.5628357

*faps into fedora and licks up the cum*

>> No.5628564

A Christian came up with the theory of the expansion of the Universe. Evolution was known became the standard understanding of the Middle Ages, and were integrated into Christian learning. It was actually a Pre-Socratic thought.

>> No.5628574

>I can't bare the thought of turning her off with my phimosis.

Let’s say you are not trolling: You know there is a simple surgical procedure that can take care of that, don’t you?

>> No.5628581

Wrong thread.

>> No.5628584


Why did you copy my post in a totally different thread?

>> No.5628606

how do you know anything, because you have immediate consciousness of it so everything depends on you knowing that you are able to know with those extremities that you use to know you with out schooling you i mean there is a pwer in nature set forth from that which we dont understand i dont think they will ever understand no one will know what the point is...how sad it is to know that some people ignore the magnificence of life and assume they understand anything how arrangant . ooohh back to my point so you know you know that you know what you hear foiahchaldgh

>> No.5628663

In other news, about half of the population is stupider than average.

>> No.5628670

>who needs philosophy
>we have logic
ay lammo great copypaste, todays a good day for collecting copapaste!

>> No.5628672

No, a fourth. Half of it is average and the other fourth is smarter than that.

>> No.5628761

This being a big shocker is the stupid thing here.
We should already understand that belief isn't something that can be decided on pure choice. In my experience I find that I'd like to be an atheist because it neatly fixes my existential and moral questions, but the more I think about it the more I find God inevitable. I feel embarrassed to admit it due to cultural materialist propaganda but going back to atheism is an impossibility, it's too simple.

>> No.5628766

>implying the bell curve isn't curve-shaped

>> No.5628785


What I tried to say is that many of those names, of those people with that amount of intelligence, had they been exposed to the current information’s about the universe and mankind, would probably be not sure at all about any religion in the world. Not saying they would not have some sort of belief in a higher power or some sort of creative force, but they sure would not be deceived by the information in the Bible. Back then it was simply much easier to be a Christian and really believe in the Bible.