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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 39 KB, 472x299, Columbia University_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5625273 No.5625273 [Reply] [Original]

Which university does /lit/ go to?

>> No.5625276


>> No.5625277

The semen-filled basement of Alexandria

>> No.5625278


>> No.5625283

Strathclyde Glasgow undergrad.
Can't wait to leave this country.

>> No.5625284


>> No.5625291

Clemson, Calhoun Honors College. I came here primarily because of a huge in-state scholarship and because I didn't get into an Ivy as a result of my white privilege. I thought I wouldn't like it here and that the quality would be shit but I've honestly been getting more and more satisfied as the semesters pass.

>> No.5625297
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>> No.5625298

>I didn't get into an Ivy as a result of my white privilege
if you were smart enough and worked hard enough you would have got in :)

>> No.5625302

you mean trent ;^)

>> No.5625308

Fellow Scot?

Where will you go? Please do not tell me America.

>> No.5625313


>> No.5625315

the standardized test score and GPA requirements for the honors college here and for Columbia and Brown are near identical, so I doubt it. Unless they rejected me for a lack of a leadership role, which I doubt because I volunteered, ran a recycling program at my school, etc. To bad I wasn't born the son of a politican, oh well. There's always grad. school.

>> No.5625317

I teach English Literature at Yale

>> No.5625321
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>> No.5625324

i am english literature at yale

>> No.5625329

The University of Auckland / UoA

>> No.5625330

English Lecturer/Professor at St. Andrews.

I make fun of the upper class/middle class plebs in the hall and make the fellow lecturers feel inferior. I also fuck female staff because they're usually middle class whores who are unsatisfied by their husbands/boyfriends.

God, it feels good to have grown up in an immigrant working class family.

>> No.5625333


George Mason

>> No.5625334

Half-scot half-czech, I'll probably go back to Prague. Third year of MPhys so I have a lot of options, Strathy has some links to Haneda U in Tokyo so that would be cool. You?

>> No.5625336

Applying to Oxford at the moment to read English Lit

Wish me luck /lit/izens

>> No.5625339


You could leave the country to go to Englan...oh, shit, sorry

>> No.5625340

me too anon
ELAT coming up!!!!! u practiced?

>> No.5625343


>>5625336 here

Also applying to St Andrews. Is it wrong my ambitions at uni will also be to fuck middle class whores?

>> No.5625349
File: 2.42 MB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_2014-10-23-22-46-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>st Andrews students

Not even once. Private high school was bad enough.

>> No.5625351


Working about 6 hours a day on prac crit revision plus reading

Where are you from then? Feeling prepared? What college? (if Merton pls stop)

>> No.5625352

Not at all, my dear boy.

Trust me, there are many there to fuck. They all have this misled belief that they are the ones in control and having sex with random men is somehow empowering but I let them have their little moment.

>> No.5625354

Venetian Masterrace reporting in.

>> No.5625355

applying to balliol
from luton so i get the pauper advantage lel
i've been reading modern theory books and stuff, and a few past papers, though clearly i've been doing less effort than you :(

>> No.5625356


>I let them have their little moment

Whilst you have yours?

>> No.5625357

it's shit.

>> No.5625360

Oh, anon.

>> No.5625361


>> No.5625364


Also GMU

who the fuck are you?

>> No.5625368

CC '09, I'm old

>> No.5625369


Assuming you're male (no girls on the internet lol) we've got that advantage too, unis are desperate for boys doing English

Have you done your A-levels yet? I'm on a gap yah atm, got A*AA (A* in English, got full marks in the A2 paper so I've got that going at least)

Balliol's fucking nice though, saw it on the open day


How's the admissions anyway? Is it true you hate Scottish applicants because they don't pay as much?

>> No.5625372

no i only just turned 18
predicted A*A*A* and got 95% or more in all of my ASs (english, biology, history, philosophy)
and yes i am male ;)

>> No.5625379

Middle class white ass motherfucker who got into an ivy reporting in

>> No.5625381


Hah, well decent grades at least, and funnily enough I took English, Philosophy and History too

Best of luck anyway, see you next September then ;)

>> No.5625388

you too anon

>> No.5625389

I think it's funny how everyone needs to qualify honors college like they aren't going to the same Clemson as everyone else. You take a few honors classes and that is the only difference. But clemson here too. Major?

>> No.5625391

The Georgia Institute of Technology.

>> No.5625393

college of marin

>> No.5625399

>not even GSU
how're the hillbilies

>> No.5625409

University of Ottawa

any fellow Canadians here? Possibly anyone from in Ontario?

>> No.5625417
File: 12 KB, 250x250, Sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.....I didn't go to college because I was a retard in high school who smoked too much pot and didn't care about anything except having a good time.

So now I work part time, don't smoke weed, and want to kill myself because I missed out on learning the credibility and motivation of enjoying academic tasks.

>mfw I realize the cool kids were the ones who had a good time and payed attention to their studies in high school

>> No.5625422


Don't despair. 2-4 semesters of As in community college and you can basically get into any state school you want. It's also very affordable.

>> No.5625424

Tim, give me call. It's been too long. How's the music coming along?

>> No.5625431

if i would have felt that way I would have neglected to add Clemson in my post. I am a sophomore in Bioengineering. you?

>> No.5625436

I did go to tech college. Dean's list for two three semesters, 4th semester I was stricken with some very serious mental health issues and dropped my 4.0 to a 2.7. Took off this semester to try and get shit straight and now I realize I don't want to go back....I don't know what to do.

>> No.5625437

Some California community colleges have 25%+ acceptance rates at Berkeley

>> No.5625439

wrong guy anon

>> No.5625443

U of Adelaide

>> No.5625448


bullshit you're not Tim.

You know who this is. Feel it, I still want to read your short story about the guy obsessed with sin.

Don't you fuck me. Sorry for being a complete and total prick but I was going through a dark time and that's no excuse but I miss you, man.

>> No.5625455

University of New Mexico...

>> No.5625458
File: 71 KB, 640x480, baylor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Baylor alum. Bachelor of Arts in Great Texts of the Western Tradition. I can't imagine having studied anything else, nor can I really imagine a more /lit/core degree.

>> No.5625465

Junior in Chemistry. The english/philosophy classes are a bit hit or miss depending on the teacher you get. There is no set curriculum for any of them so the professors are free to teach whatever they feel like pretty much. As a result, the few english/philosophy classes I have taken have been some of the worst and best classes I have ever taken on the subject. If you have any interest in philosophy and have a credit you want to fill, take Todd May. Very interesting guy and very good professor.

>> No.5625468

I lol'd.

>> No.5625470

oxford, hertford college.

what college, mate?

>> No.5625471


It's OK. Good profs. Some shitty classes from overfed superstar professors phoning it in because they just want to research, some amazing classes from professors whose pure dedication and talent make it obvious why they're teaching at a good university.

>> No.5625472

lmao do you go to clemson too?

>> No.5625473


If you see a mental health professional, they would be happy to write a note for you about your condition.

Almost every school will let you retroactively drop failing grades if you have a diagnosed condition. The fact that you had such an outlier semester is definitely evidence in your favor.

You may have to be proactive about it, but talk to an adviser at the tech college about it. It won't be as easy as 1-2-3, but you can definitely have that scrubbed off your transcript if you had mental health issues.

Don't give up anon! Plenty of people go through shit like this, and plenty of them come right back.

>> No.5625476

Universidad Nacional de La Plata
don't tell anyone!

>> No.5625484

>not being an autodidact

>> No.5625486

i only applied here because of oscar wilde

>> No.5625491

East Anglia

>> No.5625500

There aren't any hillbillies at GT, at least no in engineering.

>> No.5625503

i meant the state in general

>> No.5625504

Penn state.


>> No.5625508


How was the application process? Did you get decent A-levels/ELAT score?

>> No.5625510

Harvard Law School

Anyone else?

>> No.5625512

lel i got A*A*A and only like 40/60 on the elat, but my interview went well

>> No.5625515
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I'll be taking a course taught by Douglas Hofstadter in the Spring

>> No.5625521



Because housing's expensive!

>> No.5625524


I'm a drop out now so, yeah

>> No.5625550

Arizona State University.

If anybody goes here or lives in Tempe, respond. I will meet up with you. I've met a damned good friend from 4chan before, and I'm not afraid to do it again.

>> No.5625576


Please take your disgusting gay rendezvous attempts off of 4chan. You can post to Craigslist if you want to be a degenerate.

>> No.5625579

Applying to uni here (inb4 underage b&, I'm 21)
Got A* A* B, and did all my AS and A2 levels in one year
Applying to Corpus Christi, St Andrew's, Durham, Edinburgh and York
Can I expect any offers or am I dead in the water?

>> No.5625586

(btw I'm retaking the B, with a predicted A*)

>> No.5625589

you won't get into durham or cambridge with that B.
cambridge will not look kindly on retakes either

>> No.5625592

Oops, that was my /int/ risk trip, sorry about that /lit/

>> No.5625598

Just make sure your personal statement is good.

>> No.5625601


>> No.5625604


>> No.5625607

University of Hard Knocks

>> No.5625612

I've already submitted it. I think it was pretty good. I wrote entirely about the stuff I've read and didn't include any waffle about my hobbies or my 'passion for literature'

>> No.5625619

you mong you're supposed to show your passion for literature
literally all they care about is proving you love literature and can't live without it, as well as showing you read decent stuff
i referenced about 6 literary works, expanded on them and how they made me love literature
got into magdalane
my buddies at cambridge tell me they only care about the interview there though

>> No.5625626

>didn't include hobbies
>didn't include your passion

Holy shit anon, holy shit, you're going to have to rely on your grades now.

>> No.5625635

Yeah I thought my 'passion for literature' was evident in the way I demonstrated my appreciation and understanding of texts I have read, not just by saying that 'ink runs in my blood', or 'ever since I can remember I have loved reading'

>> No.5625641

Really? I did all 6 AS and A2 levels in one year, and also got full marks in 3 out of 4 English modules. Surely that will count for something?

>> No.5625643

That's good but you really should have included hobbies and the stuff you have done outside academia. It also depends on how you went about this non-passion route, if you just threw down books you've read with nothing to reveal you actually enjoy literature then you're in trouble.

>> No.5625648

no you're supposed to say it in a sophisticated way of course, otherwise it just looks like you're a pseudo-intellectual reeling off texts to tick boxes

"I am particularly interested in the Metaphysical poets, whose lyrical ..."
rather than
"I read the Metaphysical poets, whose lyrical ..."

the year you did them won't make a difference since ucas blankets grades to the year you got the qualification. it will make it look like you did some a year later for some reason.
the full marks is good, especially for cambridge. 6 ASs are good too, i only did four (not counting general studies ofc)

>> No.5625660 [DELETED] 


I'm the second coming of m00t, faggots.

Those Gets

What are you studying, anon-sama?


My best friend goes to Princeton

>> No.5625663


>> No.5625668


Yeah I did the former (for Gothic literature)

Sorry maybe I didn't phrase it that well. I did the AS and A2 exams for 3 subjects in 1 year.

>> No.5625676

All you anons who did cambridge, how come there are only three marks? Are those the best three A level results or did you only focus on doing three in your final year?

>> No.5625677

University of Buenos Aires and proud.

>> No.5625679

Fellow Gee Gee checking in, were you locked in a classroom for three hours yesterday too?

>> No.5625684

What's your major /lit/?

Physics reporting

>> No.5625687

yes, i'm aware you did them in the same year. this won't show up on your ucas application however, and they won't care anyway. they will only look at the grades.

you only need three to get in, so most people only do three

>> No.5625688 [DELETED] 

Econ and math

>> No.5625689

En que estás?
La UBA tiene tantas carreras que atinan como las que pifian.

>> No.5625692

Double major in Physics and Women's Studies

>> No.5625695

english language and literature

>> No.5625697

hell yes. prof didn't give a fuck so people kinda went as they pleased, but I stayed for a little while longer than I probably had to.

>> No.5625700

Is this bait?

>> No.5625702

What's your major?

>> No.5625707

No, I'm just doing physics because I find it fun

>> No.5625709
File: 274 KB, 2096x2096, Unibon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just moved in.

First university ever created.

>> No.5625710


Political Science, Philosophy

>> No.5625715

Why the Woman's Studies?

>> No.5625716

I go to god damn university of north florida
please save me i hate jacksonville

>> No.5625717


Interesting combo; keep doing what you're doin

>> No.5625718

Honours Math, how 'bout you fam?

>> No.5625719

En matemática. Primer año. ¿Vos?

>> No.5625721 [DELETED] 

Argentine faggot, kill yourself.

>> No.5625722


University of Network Failure amirite? Jacksonville is just a dirtier, shitter Tampa; which in itself is pretty dirty and shitty

>> No.5625729


>> No.5625732

Philosophy / Psychology

>> No.5625739

Bellas artes en otra facultad, ya se ya se, matarme etc. Es parte del plan.

>> No.5625740

English Lit, I'm a freshmen though so I have to take several unrelated humanities courses.

>> No.5625745
File: 157 KB, 319x312, BamaSeal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Alabama

Mathematics major

Roll Tide, Deo Vindice

>> No.5625747

All the grades are entered as being done in same year though. Also it's mentioned in my reference that I did them in 1 year.
Am I OK or do I need to urgently send 5 emails?

>> No.5625751

Portuguese and Russian languages

Before I dropped out, now I'll try to go to either law or history

>> No.5625760

And women's studies for the great carreer oportunities?

>> No.5625765

Why did you choose such eclectics careers?

>> No.5625767

im in second year. only thing arts related is italian cinema which is actually pretty cool but only taking it because i need 4 arts credits as a science student.

>> No.5625768

You know Nick from Ohio?

>> No.5625771

First still operational modern uni maybe

>> No.5625779

oh if it's in ur reference it's fine

>> No.5625785

english lit at roger williams university in teeny tiny rhode island

>> No.5625790

Finance and minor in journalism. Sue me.

>> No.5625793

>first university ever created

What about the Lyceum?

Start with the fucking Greeks, you pleb.

>> No.5625799

I've applied to Oxford for physics.

>> No.5625800


anybody else in wisconsin?

>> No.5625822

It's still not the first, also
>moving to greece

>> No.5625825


why on Earth would anyone want to do that to themselves?

>> No.5625829

What do you mean? It's a good course.

>> No.5625831

HA this made me laugh

>> No.5625832

the amount of work you are expected to do at oxbridge STEM degrees is mindboggling

>> No.5625836

I've always had very diverse interests and since high education is free her I could test the waters and see what suits me best.
I studied microbiology on my first year, that's as diverse as it gets I suppose

>> No.5625841

I don't mind; there are worse things to do with your time.

>> No.5625849

Don't worry, it's not like he's going to get in.

>> No.5625856


And there is a chance.

>> No.5625897

UMass Amherst

>> No.5625898

Northwestern University

Political Science major

>> No.5625903

That's why it's so great!

>> No.5625972

Heart Knox

>> No.5625978

University of Washington representing

>> No.5625999

The one I work at, six and a half days a week.

>> No.5626006
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>> No.5626010
File: 80 KB, 1106x1505, UBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow down

>> No.5626034

Keep our tuition high, keep out the plebs.

>> No.5626043

are you a chink with a lambo?

>> No.5626048
File: 5 KB, 455x455, LMU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ludwig Maximilian University

>> No.5626055

University of Baltimore College?

>> No.5626057

three lambos, you dirt poor gweilo

>> No.5626058

fuck bavaria

>> No.5626061

U of Texas

>> No.5626063

grolsch 4 lyfe

>> No.5626073

bavaria>rest of germany

>> No.5626074


Carolina here to remind you that you're still going to lose even though we suck now.


You frame glasses-wearing Fan dwellers really make driving downtown a pain in the ass sometimes.

>> No.5626077
File: 48 KB, 360x360, UVIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope I'm white
Hopefully less internationals with the 10% increase

>> No.5626083

>First university ever created.

Only if we define 'university' in a way that allows this to be true.

>> No.5626087

University of Chicago.

>> No.5626091
File: 13 KB, 200x200, seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rah rah sis boom bah

>> No.5626094

sup Chicago bud. Northwestern guy here. Yall seem pretty cool and cultured and I kinda wish we had that here

>> No.5626104

Anyone else from McGill here?

>> No.5626110 [DELETED] 

>implying that that isn't completely accurate

are you a u of r fuccboi?

>> No.5626114

you realize that u of t and mcgillians make fun of you
big fish in a small pond, my man

>> No.5626115

i'm going to beat you up m8

>> No.5626116

many (5) years ago

>> No.5626118

It's very surreal reading about my University on here. 4chan doesn't feel like a real place, let alone partially local.

>> No.5626119

Sim heueueueueheuheuehueheuheueuheuehuehhueeu

>> No.5626121
File: 15 KB, 235x235, franciscan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell I go through to get past our fascist internet filter just so I can shitpost on a Chinese cartoon site.

>> No.5626135

Is there at least lots of secret gay Catholic sex?

>> No.5626142

French, Comparative Literature double major with a philosophy and art history double minor. Going to grad school for architecture lel

>> No.5626146

Nah, the RAs are Nazis, there isn't even regular sex unless it's married students in the campus apartments or living in the ghetto down the road.

People here are sexually obsessed, though. There is no shortage of chastity talks to go to, but I can't imagine there's that many variations on the same theme to discuss.

That said, I'm a philosophy major, and we have a fantastic philosophy department. They emphasize mostly personalism and the continentals, with a few classicists and analytics for good measure. And Roger Scruton is coming tomorrow to give a lecture.

>> No.5626149
File: 2 KB, 63x50, For Ants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize that the University of Alberta and McMaster consistently rank higher than McGill these days right

>> No.5626152

UWM here. What year are you? A lot of kids from my high school went to LaCrosse but they're pretty much all douche bags

>> No.5626165

keep telling yourself
enjoy that smelly chink asshole

>> No.5626186
File: 63 KB, 1032x228, An Actual Fedora Wearer Shares His Thoughts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why everyone thinks guys who go to McGill are fags. They're so fucking hoity toity and salty. Your school ranks lower and lower every year but you keep pretending you're the best school in Canada. The University of Toronto is. UBC comes second. Third is up in the air now. UoT, McGill and UBC used to be the triumvirate of Canadian universities but you're dropping off the map and there are others that are close to taking your place.

The UoA, McMaster, Queen's, SFU, they're all climbing the ranks almost as fast as you're falling.

>> No.5626192

Im studying english at College of the Holy Cross but its bullshit because Im grouped with all the people that wanna be lawyers and just do english for a good gpa.

>tfw no one actually has a passion for literature like me

>> No.5626193

Mass or ND?

>> No.5626198


>> No.5626199


Base Continentals

>> No.5626207

One semester we had a course on Nietzsche and The Greeks. I didn't get a chance to take it, hopefully it's offered again sometime soon.

>> No.5626208

watch out, scruton is a hack piece of shit

>> No.5626212

Modern artist detected.

>> No.5626217

2014 Ranking University Last Year
1 McGill (1)
2 UBC (2)
3 Toronto (3)

anyway, i don't go to mcgill anymore and have little love for the place, i'm just saying that i met many at mcgill from the west coast and don't know anybody from high school friends who went the other way

>> No.5626228


Both are a lot of fun; obviously you want a good balance of stuff though; while I prefer continental work, I have a lot of respect for the analytic side of things.

>> No.5626231

>we have a fantastic philosophy department
I'm glad you at least have that.

>> No.5626236

second. what high school did you go to?

>> No.5626239

Yeah, luckily we have a pretty diverse department, especially in the upper division and graduate courses. The establishment specializes in personalism and adores Dietrich von Hildebrand, but you can get a lot of variety if you shop around.

>> No.5626244

No one cares about McLean's.

>> No.5626248

fairfield university

>> No.5626250


this site ranks the university of minnesota higher than Yale and UPenn

>> No.5626254

Raven here!
gf is a geegee

>> No.5626256


"Beginning in September 2006, over 20 Canadian universities, including several of the most prestigious and largest universities such as the University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, University of Alberta, Concordia University, McMaster University and Dalhousie University, jointly refused to participate"
No one takes McLean's seriously. They list Mount Allison as the best university for undergrads.

>> No.5626258

I think u mistyped no one cares about canada

>> No.5626259


>> No.5626266

you don't have to participate for the ranking to make sense, data is free, welcome to the internet

also mount a is great for undergrad (even though you are simply talking about the "primarily undergrad" institutions ranking), no 300-person lecture hall phil 101s, except for mcgill's name being helpful overseas i would wish i had gone to mount a

>> No.5626279

You have to be pretty fucking vapid to want to go to Mount Allison

>> No.5626310
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>Going to college

>> No.5626311

>he isn't NEET

>> No.5626335

Oxford Brookes

Studying Architecture, one of the few non shit courses there. Majority of students are pleb scum.

>> No.5626342


Nah, I'm just from here.

>> No.5626344

Utah State University

>> No.5626350

lol Implying I care about football. It's cancer in sport form.

>> No.5626364

How is that school?

>> No.5626371

>lol Implying I care about football.

Are tailgates/games not fun outside of the SEC or something?

>> No.5626375

>Wake up at the age of 30
>Go to my dream job of pizza hut
>No car
>No house
>No gf
>No degree
>Shitpost on 4chan

You guys are living the life

>> No.5626377

>implying all sport isn't cancer

>> No.5626379

2nd year english lit at university of glasgow
the course is pretty bad tbh, the lectures are basically worthless, but the city and the people are great
decent reading list i guess

>> No.5626381

University of Birmingham (UK, not Alabama).

>> No.5626383


Non-US English is revolting.

>> No.5626384


someone's mad they were too dumb to get accepted to mcgill

>> No.5626387

Fuck. I thought I was the only one. You're not doing an English course, I hope? I don't want anyone to guess where I get my information from.

>> No.5626393

But I got accepted to all three and I'm from Toronto.
>Implying you didn't just prove my point

>> No.5626395

The one in Toronto everyone forgets about
No, the other one

>> No.5626401

Going to community college, transferring to a state school after I get my AA. I live in Florida, so probably UF. Philosophy/History double major.

>> No.5626402

Undergrad at The Evergreen State College
Currently a grad student at The University of Vermont

I study pure mathematics.

>> No.5626403

>he doesn't speak English

>> No.5626408

Ryerson? York?

>> No.5626411

Do you know what a NEET is?

>> No.5626458

well there's your problem

>> No.5626471

I have deep regret. I don't even think this place is that bad but it's basically a laughing stock

>> No.5626474

wow how bad is your yellow fever

>> No.5626494

Non existent, I find asian girls almost always gross. Even the "hot" ones are just bad.
It's not even that bad bro, chin up.

>> No.5626498

Hi Harold.

>> No.5626501

then you're a liar
there is no other way to justify your decision

>> No.5626516

1. It's a really fucking good school
2. It's far away from Toronto
3. It doesn't snow here
4. There is no snow here during the winter
5. Vancouver > Toronto
6. Rain > Freezing your dick off

I lived in Edmonton for five years, I've had enough winter.

>> No.5626528

>ASU Tempe reporting in
Let's meet, man

>> No.5626550

you should have gone to california buddy
what's funny is that you will have to justify yourself in this way (irl) many times
and if you tell them what i know (that you frequent a japanese cartoon image board) it will be even more difficult

>> No.5626558

How did you like Evergreen? My advisor in high school suggested the I apply there because I was a fuck-up who would have vibed with the whole no grades thing.

>> No.5626562

And pay American tuition? No thanks chief. All of my friends I've made here from Seattle and San Fransisco came for the cheaper tuition.
I already have, it is very easy.
What does 4chan have to do with any of this

>> No.5626566

UT Arlington

A glorified community college.

>> No.5626595
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NC State, physics (switching to the BA track because I'm a failure)

Hated it since day one. I deeply regret not applying to some small private liberal arts place further away like Kenyon and doing math/English. For a school that prides itself on its STEM programs, the physics dept is horrendous. NCfags please just go to UNC instead if you have to stay in-state. This school is a joke outside of engineering.

>> No.5626615
File: 122 KB, 567x567, takeThisTouhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Georgia Institute of Technology.

I went to school as a computer scientist. I read all the time and write scifi stories. Still kind of regret not majoring in English, though.

>> No.5626623

This is where I went undergrad.
I've also gone to both of these for grad school

>> No.5626629

topkek. I go to NCSU. I study lit.

>> No.5626640


what school did you go to at Columbia? how'd you like it there? thinking of applying to grad school there as well

>> No.5626651

Bemidji State University. You've probably never heard of it.

>> No.5626655


>> No.5626675

can people studying lit post screenshots of their syllabi/reading lists plz, curious

>> No.5626691

University. Pfff... this is the first year I could get myself to step out of the house. Representing Hillsborough Community College

>> No.5626697

Northern Virginia Community College
Ayee Lmao

>> No.5626885



>> No.5626979

What's it like transferring into Oxford as an Amerifag?

>> No.5627036

University of Pittsburgh. Studying phil and history, planning on do law school afterwards.

>> No.5627042

NOVA knowledge now! At Northern Virginia Community College, you can get the power, you can get the knowledge. Knowledge now!
that's all I remember from that commercial

>> No.5627056

>studies philsophy just to get into law school
You faggots make the worst philsophy majors

>> No.5627057

Not him, but hey, at least it'll turn into something.

>> No.5627060

UVM undergrad here
This place is fucking terrible - so many drugs. I know I should have applied to Columbia GS.

>> No.5627067

>implying that's a bad thing
Live a little, grandma.

>> No.5627073

I'm that guy and I'm actually only planning on going into law because I don't see much else coming out of my philosophy degree (even though we have a pretty good philo department at our school). I'd much rather attempt to get a PhD in philosophy and become a professor, or make a living publishing essays or books, but the odds of either of those things happening are pretty low.

>> No.5627083

>implying there arent drugs at Columbia


>> No.5627084

I can't help but feel disgusted with myself whenever I do something so overtly self-indulgent and degenerative as drug-taking. I figure this is due to my good upbringing.

Let's not pretend it's anything other than an escapism from a premature Weltschmerz that modern society has thrust on people at increasingly younger ages.

Further, we don't know enough about how the brain works yet to presume we aren't going to do permanent damage to ourselves.

I'd live off campus and distance myself from that shit

>> No.5627089

Law school.

>> No.5627092

Really? I tried the Dale Mabry campus for a day. I didn't like the layout and it was too cluttered for a comfortable community college experience. I go to the Brandon Campus. That sucks. I would've been down for some kind of meetup.

>> No.5627098

where? in Washington Heights? Harlem? HAHAHA

>> No.5627100

Greenwich Village, pleb

>> No.5627101
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>true passion is literature
>studying engineering because I'm pretty good at math and want to make money

>> No.5627102

that's actually where I want to apply. what did you think of it? recommend it? I know this is shitty and special snowflakey but I want to do civil/human rights, and I probably won't graduate with debt if i go.

>> No.5627106

enjoy your $2100 a month rent and 30 minute commute

>> No.5627113

also that's where NYU is, and if anything, they do more drugs than Columbia kids.

>see Tao Lin

>> No.5627118


I did this, i got straight F's one semester and went to a psychologist afterward. She said I had PTSD and was able to petition the school to drop the semester. I've gone from a 1.0 to a 3.2 in one year after switching to CC. After this after my next semester with the help of grade replacement I'll have a 3.7 and I'll be transferring to UF

>> No.5627119

me 2

>> No.5627122

NYU is a party school for rich Yuroplebs, no reason to go there

implying my Fitzgerald-esque WASP family doesn't own property there

>> No.5627143

Jesus, do all you fags really go to such prestigious schools? Get your asses off 4chan and do something at that fancy school of yours. It gives me comfort that even people who think they have their shit together (you) still dwell in such a...colorful place as this

>> No.5627149

what cc you go to?

>> No.5627152 [DELETED] 



>> No.5627156


>> No.5627157

prestigious schools can have colorful shit happening behind their scenes too.

>> No.5627159

I'm one of your filthy hippie neighbours.

>> No.5627162

go to bed brandon

>> No.5627164

not even a public ivy
ayy lmao

>> No.5627168

ayy, i know a history major @uf now, he doesnt read literature though, just history and rightest nonfic

>> No.5627181

>Caring about what plants grow on the side of your buildings

>> No.5627192

Rice University

>> No.5627195
File: 36 KB, 505x377, uni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a bit weird about it is that it's split up into four campuses, spread ouu across the town, so it doesn't really feel like a big university, though they're building facilities to move more and more faculties together
>tfw choosing between what you want to do and what will almost guarantee you a job
I just want to read books

>> No.5627197

Nice, I'm >>5627119 but I'm a Houstonian, Rice has ivy-league quality.
Are you a native? If not, the how are you liking Houston so far?

>> No.5627200

cs mustard race also reporting in

i dont regret not majoring in english though, i fear it would have resulted in me disliking it. any 'passion' i had for CS died when i started my major, i still find most of material pretty interesting though.

this is probably because passion is just a buzzword, and for CS specifically its been perpetuated by VCs that want to exploit workers

>> No.5627215

Falling for the good ole university scam

>> No.5627217


>> No.5627219


>> No.5627220

No one goes to a univeristy for an education anymore, it's all about research and having a piece of paper so you can apply for a job.

>> No.5627224 [DELETED] 



I wanted to go there.

>> No.5627225

It may not be worth all of the debt, depends on your subschool and major.

I wanted to get into UChicago

>> No.5627228

this is my dream but I'm poor

>> No.5627229 [DELETED] 

That's a much better school, tho.

I wished that I had tried in high school. I could have been in a much better university than the one I am in now. A whale in a small pond.

>> No.5627231

Engineering but I'm thinking about Geology instead.

>> No.5627234


hey guys
Northwestern here
we're cool too tho

>> No.5627240

shit man, this is me
i may just kill myself or become a hobo if my writing isn't sustainable

>> No.5627241

I mostly like Chicago more than NYC and their economics program is better, not to mention cheaper.

That was my second choice, one of my friends ended up going there, how's the swim team?

>> No.5627248


I'm not really sure. Nobody talks about the swim team? We're known for good women's lacrosse and tennis beside the obvious big 10 football stuff.

>> No.5627494


>> No.5627497

Cornell dropout.

>> No.5627501

uni of manchester

>> No.5627503


>> No.5627504

>all these poor and stupid fucks going to public universities

>> No.5627505

fuck off boris

>> No.5627567

>Durham and Cambridge,

Unless you got some serious personal qualifications that set you apart, it'd aim lower. Guaranteed to get into a york with those

>> No.5627570

political science/ international relations

>> No.5627697

Not stupid and not poor. Just middle class. :(

>> No.5627833

Yeah, I liked it, good faculty/reputation/employment rate. And obviously graduating without debt makes it a big plus. If you're set on civil/human rights though you're much better off going to Yale or to a lesser extent Harvard. All the groups that do civil/human rights full time are highly competitive. If your gpa/LSAT are high enough to be getting a big scholarship at Columbia then you should have a very good shot at Harvard I imagine. Most people I know actually hated HLS, but it gets you the jobs.

>> No.5627842

Same ;)

>> No.5627876

Where u at bru? Let's hang out

>> No.5627881

>tfw at one of best universities in the world for engineering and medicine
>tfw only person here who has ever read a book for pleasure in their lives

s-southampton university bros w-where we at?

>> No.5628075

there are no test scores and GPA requirements for those schools, hence why the admissions process is called "holistic"
my white heterosexual middle class brother got into Dartmouth and Cornell with three C's but compensated with nice extracurriculars

>> No.5628127

What is it like to major in English?

Is it advisable for me to do this if I want to improve my writing skills and eventually become a writer?

>> No.5628137


What year?

>> No.5628256

>What is it like to major in English?
If you're remotely intelligent it is utterly soul destroying.

>Is it advisable for me to do this if I want to improve my writing skills and eventually become a writer?
Who fucking knows m8

>> No.5628263

>utterly soul destroying

>> No.5628289

>Enjoy English A-Level because i get to just think about books and philosophy and then write about it a couple of hours a week
>Do English degree
>Have to think and write about feminism and other meaningless, awful things for fourty hours a week for two years learning nothing I couldn't have taught myself with access to a public library and the internet, knowing that my degree is utterly useless both to me and to humanity in general and that come graduation I will be unemployable and probably kill myself
It's a great degree for stupid or unambitious people because it lets them tell people they have a degree and feel like they're not morons/unambitious. Or maybe it's just me. I want to die feeling like I've contributed something meaningful to the world, and an English degree wouldn't have given me that.

>> No.5628732

I was predicted A*AB and I applied to Edinburgh
pompous cunts rejected me 4 hours before the deadline. I'm at Glasgow now and I'm grateful Edinburgh turned me down

>> No.5628750

>Have to think and write about feminism and other meaningless, awful things for fourty hours a week for two years learning nothing
You know, most if not all English degrees are entirely based on what you want to study. You cover a pretty comprehensive range of literature and critical texts, and then when it comes around to coursework/exams its almost entirely individualised to what interests you about said texts.
Have you even set foot in an English lecture/seminar?

>> No.5628978


>Go to decent college for free
>Go to slightly better (maybe) college and accumulate ass-tons of pointless debt

I'm not the "poor and stupid fuck" here bruh bruh.

>> No.5629020


Finance (BIEF).

>> No.5629582


Psychology isn't too complex a field, I would suggest finding a sort of overview, and then look into leading books/papers in the fields you find most interesting (eg, clinical, health, social) - with that said there are a few open debates and you are at the mercy of the biases of the author in terms of accurate information.
For the most part, the low barriers to entry (at least where I live) compared to say, Physics, make it very comprehensible, just a question of retaining knowledge. For the most part I've been disappointed with psychology, it toes the line between science and arts in the worst possible way (required scientific vigor in referencing past "knowledge", and then uses surveys as a way of assessing trends, of which anything with a <5% probability of happening under chance alone is deemed significant) - and then people publish any number of pointless findings to get their names on a journal. There is a reason psychology isn't taken seriously as a science (or an art), and that is the system set up by the academics at the moment - I would speculate that we're less than 50-60 years from a renaissance: there is just too much psychology could do in terms of understanding economics, extreme organizations and the widespread discontent for it to meddle in mediocrity for the rest of history.

People here seem to think that you can learn philosophy on your own, but you really are limiting yourself without the discussions and different perspectives provided in a lecture/classroom setting.

>> No.5629655
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What is the point of college threads if no one meets up.