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File: 44 KB, 311x475, Lukacs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5622903 No.5622903 [Reply] [Original]

About to read this bad boy. Wish me luck

>> No.5622920

what do you mean "about to read it"? it sounds like you mean cover to cover, like a novel. that wouldn't be very fruitful, would it?

>> No.5622923

why not

>> No.5622931 [DELETED] 

>soviet union collapsed
>retards still reading about muh marxism

>> No.5622941

>implying the soviet union was a marxist state

being this pleb

>> No.5622945

someone who obviously finds lukacs daunting probably lacks the contextual knowledge to make a read-through worthwhile

>> No.5622964


probably hasn't even read the wiki page on gommunis

>> No.5623004

if a book is that dependent on 'contextual knowledge' to be understood it probably isn't that good

>> No.5623017 [DELETED] 
File: 540 KB, 793x1400, 1398594476937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking that it wasn'

>> No.5623019

Capitalism already proven beyond a doubt to be the only valid sociopolitical system

Why bother with mystical nonsense?

>> No.5623084



rused me

>> No.5623092


which of those was a classless, stateless society

which one of those was marxism?

pic always elicits these two questions, and the chap who posts the pic never knows.

>> No.5623098


Shouldn't you be at work, Nigel?

>> No.5623105



>> No.5623114


Time to move beyond the structures boyyy

>> No.5623120

>"Communist state" is a Western term[1] for a state with a form of government characterized by single-party rule or dominant-party system by a party which claims to follow communism, usually with a professed allegiance to Marxism-Leninism as the guiding ideology of the state. None of these states achieved communism, and the term is used no matter to what degree that state or the movement associated with it actually follows communism, if at all.[1] The label is the source of controversy, especially among the left; according to many communist and Marxist tendencies, the system in use in the Soviet Union and the states modeled after it (i.e., "communist states") - which claimed to have reached socialism, not communism - was not socialism but rather state capitalism.[2] The term "Communist state" is an oxymoron (a contradiction on itself) as a communist society is stateless.[3] Usually, the term Marxist-Leninist state is more appropriate.

"Hey Kim, whatcha doin'?"

>> No.5623123

His future is in the British steel

>> No.5623124


maybe if I had travelled a couple of thousand kilometres and decades back in time

>> No.5623126

So is a socialist non-state capitalism even possible? Or should it be the jump from state capitalism to pure communism?

Also, I don't like this whole "we vote leftist and then we will see what happens" mentality. I want speculation on what a communist state would look like today, even if it is utopian.

>> No.5623158


>communist state

lel you did it agen cleetus

>> No.5623161

Isn't this the guy who made star wars?

>> No.5623182

I'd skip to the parts about Commodity Fetishism and Reification, as I found those to be the most interesting parts. His defense of Lenin is rather boring, but worthwhile I suppose. He was one of the first to attempt a fleshed out theory of Commodity Fetishism beyond Marx, which is really where I find this books strong point to be.

Also, his literary theory is pretty good.

>> No.5623261
File: 770 KB, 3990x2245, 1413752075717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5624978

crisis and collaps will come. Dialectics teach us that there are some unsolved problems with capitalism and historical materialism teaches us that to solve these problems, we need to go further.

>> No.5624986

What? Assuming that by 'good' you mean something like 'useful, interesting, thought-provoking' (we are talking non-fiction here- you won't be reading it for aesthetic value alone), why on earth should that be the case?

>> No.5624988

this picture is a bit misleading. Not the working class is controlling the MoP, the society is. The distinction between working and ruling class will vanish.

>> No.5625023
File: 49 KB, 300x419, george-lukacs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let me tell you about class consciousness
>i can help you raise yours, trust me

can there be anything more arrogant and annoying?

>> No.5625193

Well, yes, he is a schematic bourgeois intellectual. But his schematicism adequately matched the composition of the European working class in the late teens.

Come join the union and we can learn together.

>> No.5625201


So I guess the last 150-200 years of philosophy is out, then

>> No.5625209


>implying lesser evil = "good" once there's no other evils that possess global power left

Go to bed Alan Greenspan

>> No.5626019
File: 181 KB, 964x647, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5626037
File: 52 KB, 483x322, marcuse-wayfarers[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally someone reading a Marxist on lit
>thread devolves into a bunch of freshman poly sci majors debating communism w infographics

Theory of the Novel is not very good. It is late Lukacs and is mostly soviet apologia. Just read Adorno Notes on Lit instead.

If you like that check out Marcuse. Eros and Civilization and his essay collection 'Negations'.

Why are you reading Lukacs, OP?

Also, CAPTCHA: HISTORY ylinkno

>> No.5626047

Probably because I pushed Lukacs' History and Class Consciousness as a schematised and Leninist understanding of early 20th century class praxis possibilities? I push it a lot. It doesn't piss off leninists, or anti-leninists, and other than its schematicism, if you replace "party" with "proletariat" you get a schematic and ideological account of what praxis is.

>> No.5626049

Check your western tradition, pleb, eastern religion snookered the game 2500 years ago and we've been in denial ever since

>> No.5626054

Maybe a month ago I saw at least three pretty serious marxism threads, going through historic materialism and other more interesting topics, but it's a lottery to get the same people together at the same time.

>> No.5626059

Exactly, also threads like this I don't respond to.

>> No.5626184

I love how the janitor deleted my completely troll post regarding the Soviet Union.

>> No.5626302


OP here. I'm reading Lukacs because I have been on a kind of socialist/left/Marxist binge lately. Just want to learn more and see what the fuss is about. I'm also a history grad student and have an intellectual hard on for Hegel somewhat, so seeing how his thought has been interpreted by the Marxist tradition is fun. I'm partial to big, grand historical theories as well. I've read a bit Teilhard de Chardin, Fukuyama's "The End of History", and few other more popular style poli-sci stuff, which led to an interest in the serious theory behind Marxism. Lukacs has something of a rep as far as I can tell and I figure I should read the best the school has to offer, not just "muh, inequality" New York Times Bestseller stuff that obliquely praises Marx.

>> No.5626396

Read EP Thompson's Poverty of Theory next

>> No.5626953

Also Time Work Discipline & Industrial capitalism

>> No.5627508

Good luck