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5621861 No.5621861 [Reply] [Original]

What's your ideology, my dear /lit/izens? What's the framework of thought that frames your life? Christianity, Nihilism, Absurdism, Deism, Pantheism, Buddhism? Was it inherited from parents or was it something you cultivated for yourself? And finally, are you happy and does your ideology produce happiness?

>> No.5621873
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>Yes, and I must always strive for more.

>> No.5621882

Post-right fascism and absolute idealism.

Cultivated it myself.

Ideology doesn't produce happiness, ideology produces values that most be fulfilled for happiness. Most raw happiness comes from fundamental things, like a full stomach, sexual satisfaction, intellectual stimulation, mood altering substances, and relaxation in soothing environment.

>> No.5621885

I just live, man.

>> No.5621888

philosophical anarchism, functional Keynesian democratic socialism, moral and spiritual agnostic Catholic mysticism

>> No.5621890

Oh, and sense of accomplishment is a big one.

>> No.5621904

Absurdism. Life is fundamentally meaningless and chaotic, and any structure or principle has only as much value as an individual places upon it.

I couldn't possibly answer that. It's pretty hard for an individual to pinpoint exactly where external influences stop and where internal ones begin (if they do at all).

>implying happiness is the ultimate goal of ideology

I agree with this dude >>5621882 on happiness (and probably nothing else).

>> No.5621916

Reality as such might be meaningless and chaotic, although being an absolute idealist I consider it as monist. Either way, human reality is not meaningless or chaotic, if we didn't structure reality into meaning we couldn't function.

>> No.5621930

Dialectical Materialism
Partly self-cultivated, but realistically the natural progression of leftist parental influence
I am content with my own life, but my ideology doesn't bring me happiness. Nor do I believe that to be the point of my ideology. Believing in my ideology makes it very disappointing to look at current affairs and the state of the world.

>> No.5621937

>if we didn't structure reality into meaning we couldn't function.
It could be argued that we aren't..

I think the important thing to note here is that is *we* who are doing the structuring, and thus providing "meaning". There is no inherent, preformed meaning to the universe (created by a deity, etc), "meaning" is attached to items or ideas by humans.

Put more concisely: Objective meaning doesn't exist, subjective meaning does.

>> No.5621944

So ideology is a grounding for perceived truth, rather than happiness?

>> No.5621950

Religion: Apathetic

Politics: I used to be quite left leaning but after the recent influx of batshit retarded liberals i'm a bit of a centrist.

Philosophy: I'm educated enough to give an answer but i'd say some form of modern romanticism. My goal in life is to find true love, and I feel that's one of the few things that can still give us meaning.

>> No.5621966

>It could be argued that we aren't..
No it couldn't, you perform many functions, typing being an example of one. You might not function efficiently, but you function.

>I think the important thing to note here is that is *we* who are doing the structuring, and thus providing "meaning".
And? You couldn't tell a rock for your penis if you didn't.

>Put more concisely: Objective meaning doesn't exist, subjective meaning does.
But you're using 'objective' as synonymous with nomenological, which I do not concur with.

>> No.5621970

Of course, for myself at least. That's where perhaps we should draw a line between political ideology and religion.

>> No.5621982

Not the same anon, but:

He's saying the meaning we create is a synthesis of us and our environment. Without us, this duet of "meaning" falls flat, and becomes a solo of pure reality, devoid of meaning, which we as humans attribute to reality because of our interactions with said reality.

>> No.5621984

>I'm not educated enough to give a solid answer*

>> No.5621985

Absurdism as Camus advanced it. Though I'd probably go a step further and say that not only can we attempt to find meaning, but that we should. In my mind, the sheer chaos of existence doesn't preclude the possibility of some sort of "ultimate truth". Not in any sort of religious sense, but maybe something like one day being able to influence the laws of physics...pipe dreams like that. I'm comfortable with the fact that nothing matters very much, but I'm still holding fast to the idea that humanity could impose meaning onto the universe.

>> No.5622008

I don't think it's accurate to consider reality only pure as noumena, dialectical reality is still reality, it's human reality, it's like taking the water out of a fishbowl and saying the fish will suffocate in such a 'pure fishbowl'.

>> No.5622038

Yes, it's subjective reality. If the human race were to go extinct, that particular 'reality' would no longer exist. Our reality is not objective and as such is transient and has no relation outside of our anropomorphic existence.

>> No.5622041
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>> No.5622063

Nietzschean amoralist leanings I suppose. I think the moralism of the modern age is absolute horseshit and poisons the appreciation of just about everything. It's like some kind of fucking cult where suddenly every piece of media has to be some kind of morality tale, no matter how far the stretch to this belief is. I like to think I've tried to preserve the value in art and create art (literature) separate and apart from this narrative. Also the will to power and control over myself and all of that.

>> No.5622079

Like the other anon, you are conflating 'objective' with nomenological.

>> No.5622098

I'm not too familiar with Hegel or Kant, so please unpack what noumenological means and how it differs from the use of objective in this context.

>> No.5622124
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Ideology is mostly a subconscious superstructure of physiology. Never waste your time trying to answer "profound" philosophical questions about free will and metaphysics. Never concern yourself with the intricacies of a particular religion. Think of life as a beautiful but cruel woman. Read slowly and carefully. No alcohol. No masturbation. Cold showers only, especially in the winter. Aim for perpetual progress, not stagnated happiness. Surround yourself with beauty. Go on moonlit walks with someone you love. Never buy the food in the aisles. Imitate Napoleon Bonaparte and Butt-head.

>> No.5622131

Nomenological is reality apart from human perception, reality-in-itself, as opposed to the phenomenological, which is reality grasped by humans. Objectivity couldn't even exist without a human reality, nothing would be 'objectively' anything, because anything being anything is human constructed. Without abstract ideas to dissect reality, there is no 'objective' distinction between any part from another.

>> No.5622137

>Religion: Apathetic
Eh fair enough. At least you have more balls than an agnostic.

>Politics: I used to be quite left leaning but after the recent influx of batshit retarded liberals i'm a bit of a centrist.

Fair enough, but entering center is a dumb choice. Averaging out two groups of idiots doesn't get you an intelligent or valid point of view.

>Philosophy: I'm educated enough to give an answer but i'd say some form of modern romanticism. My goal in life is to find true love, and I feel that's one of the few things that can still give us meaning.

Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.5622140

>Think of life as a beautiful but cruel woman

>> No.5622145

Aestheticism with Transcendental Idealism by extension

>> No.5622154

Oh and
>Was it inherited from parents or was it something you cultivated for yourself?
>And finally, are you happy and does your ideology produce happiness?
Yes to the first but no to the second, it just makes you jaded and hate life.

>> No.5622160

The concept of nomenological is just another one of those abstract ideas, no? And if we're play pedantically here, then change objective to nomenological in my posts. Without the existence of human beings- or rational beings with the same processes of linguistic thought and logic- reality as we know it does not exist. The universe has no "meaning" besides that which we impose upon it.

>> No.5622169

>Imitate Napoleon Bonaparte and Butt-head.

Why Butt-head? He was a total asshole. Beavis was the one of simple mind and pure heart, and the capacity to appreciate beauty. Butt-head was slightly more intelligent than Beavis, but was also a bad person, so he constantly abused and took advantage of the poor guy.

>> No.5622177

Psychoanalytic mysticism.

>> No.5622179

>The concept of nomenological is just another one of those abstract ideas, no?
Only if you're a subjective idealist.

>And if we're play pedantically here, then change objective to nomenological in my posts.
In which case you're iterating platitudes. Every philosopher has recognized as much since the enlightenment. Platonism has been dead a long time.

>> No.5622183

It didn't make Kant hate life, whatever it did to Schopenhauer.

>> No.5622189

>It didn't make Kant hate life
That's where the Aestheticism comes in.

>> No.5622201

Subjective idealists, don't make me laugh. Reality exist, we exist, our interaction with reality makes up our experiences. Our subjective concept and experience of reality dies with us due to it's unique nature. Nomenological reality, if you prefer, exists outside of our perception of it. It is a reality unto itself. I am not so egotistical as to believe the nomenological is dependent on human perception to exist.

>> No.5622212

>I am not so egotistical as to believe the nomenological is dependent on human perception to exist.
Then why the rhetorical asinine exercise?
>The concept of nomenological is just another one of those abstract ideas, no?

>> No.5622232

The concept/definition is an abstract idea. We cannot fully experience the nomenological, so it is merely an abstract idea. Never the less, an abstract idea which points to a concept which is useful. And the concept is a far cry from the reality, for we can not comprehend said reality.

>> No.5622355
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Deism with Christian/Kantian ethics.
National Socialism politically.


So far so good.

>> No.5622370
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>Amateur Marxism
>No. Maybe, I'm not sure. I'm basically powerless, at least that I know.

Ideology is just the cushion you'd like to sit on. and learn to sink into best.

>> No.5622373

Ideological war is the stupidest thing.

Winning doesn't make you right, it just means you were better at killing people.

>> No.5622381

Good thing a war based on ideological differences has never existed.

>> No.5622412

My god, this board is full of contrarian faggots

>> No.5622455

welcome to 4chan, the home of delusion

>> No.5622468

Being right, especially in the context of politics, is often based on context, so it's not like your forfeiting some objective standard.

>> No.5622471
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Used to be liberal, marxist sympathizer, Zizek fan, Buddhist Zen nerd, multiculturlaism = strength cheerleader, race is a social construct proponent, everything is basically relative, morals are illusions and all cultures are equal (except Europe which is slightly inferior to all other cultures).

Then I graduated University and began a better self-education. Read more history and philosophy and reached better conclusions. I'm on the far Right now and every thing makes much more sense.

>> No.5622477

Situationism I guess. I would classify myself as an apocalyptic socialist. The past century alone is proof enough that humanity will *feast* on bread alone and delight in it as the world decays around them. I hope I'm wrong, but I think humans may just comfort themselves into oblivion.

This century will see, I guess.

>> No.5622479

>morals are illusions

And what do you believe now?

>> No.5622484


This sort of vacillation between retarded extremes is common among young plebs, I hear.

>> No.5622487

>And the concept is a far cry from the reality
In what way? The concept is not specific, it's defined by reality that we do not perceive.

>> No.5622492

It's weird; I'm a practicing Roman Catholic but my default philosophy is positive nihilism and stoicism.

Catholicism, I inherited from my parents, but I cultivated the last two to adapt to my previous childish idealism getting shat on by the world.

All the above three keep me going. I'm not really that big on life.

>> No.5622495

Right wingers would be funny if they weren't so scary. I think of how WW2 has faded in the minds of many, and shudder to think of the spasm of violence the right will hurtle towards.

>> No.5622508

>I'm not really that big on life

Fuck man, for some reason the gravity of this small expression by an anonymous person which represents the culmination of years of suffering really hit me. Now I'm thinking about the girl who was force fed literal shit in The Brothers Karamazov, and find myself agreeing with Ivan. I hope you find happiness anon.

>> No.5622543
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Enlightened reactionary checking in

>> No.5622581

>ideological equivalent to LARP'er checking in

>> No.5622589

Have you read Loyola?

>> No.5622625
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Kantian ethics are fine.


It was a slow and gradual process actually

>I think of how WW2 has faded in the minds of many

heheh, what do you mean?

>> No.5622642

Just as all words/concepts are a far cry from reality. They are mere symbols that correspond to an experience/thing/place/time. The word nomenological is a concept which describes something we can't even experience. It's a humbling word, because there is more to reality than we can perceive. We are travelers here, and all our ideology and philosophy and morals will depart with us upon our own departure. All that will be left is the nomenological, reality in and of itself.

>> No.5622644


>> No.5622647

I'm the post-right fascist, and I think the major problem with you guys is that you sometimes delude yourself into believing culture is innate. Also Zizek is based, the only good Marxist thinker, if you don't like multiculturalism you should at least have that much in common with him.

>> No.5622654

It's funny how the communist atrocities have faded in the minds of leftists.

>> No.5622656

you were an extremist, now you are an extremist too.
Nothing has changed if you analyse the insights.

>> No.5622672

An extremist means far from apathetic, so that makes sense.

>> No.5622682

I posted that because you criticized your old believes because they were extremist. Now you are an extremist. That doesn't make sense.

>> No.5622684

Market Socialism/Democratic Socialism.

>What's the framework of thought that frames your life?

Absurdism ala Camus. Also: http://www.marxists.org/archive/gorky-maxim/misc/x002.htm

>> No.5622695

I'm not that poster, I'm

But he didn't criticize his old beliefs for being extremist

>> No.5622699

Well, it seems like that because he mentioned being a cheerleader of multiculturalism.

>> No.5622702

Then he was criticizing multiculturalism, not extremism as such.

>> No.5622723

Politically I now gravitate more towards a hierarchal society. I see some Enlightenment ideas, particularly pertaining to individualism, as detrimental or nonexistent. I don't consider myself misanthropic but most people strike me as non-political creatures.

>> No.5622751
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What would the hierarchy be based on?

>> No.5622758

How much of /lit/-core you have read.

>> No.5622778
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Religiously, I believe in Hinduism/Christianity. Basically I hold all Hindu beliefs (especially theology) EXCEPT there is only one God, also Jesus Christ was a prophet (as where many other people).
Also I am Unitarian - all religions are describing the same reality, except each religion describes it differently.

Politically, I am socialist. Everyone should control their workplace TOGETHER, and everyone should share TOGETHER. This can only be achieved once humanity reaches its higher state, which we are currently moving into. Humanity used to be very religious without knowing why, but now that we have gone through a stage of empiricism/atheism/scientism, we will be able to understand our beliefs and embed them into our lives as truth. So, in the next few decades everyone will ditch atheism and explore religion, but this time it will be understood clearly which will enable us to easily form a socialist society.

Yes, my beliefs make me very happy, and I know that they are correct. I cannot simply show you how they are correct, but I am very confident that they are. And there is nothing to be afraid of - everyone goes to heaven, because God is unable to hate.

>> No.5622805

I'm an atheist, a Marxist, and a postmodernist.

>> No.5622813



>> No.5622822

My mind, my mind, my mind...

>> No.5622823

>Everyone should control their workplace TOGETHER, and everyone should share TOGETHER. This can only be achieved once humanity reaches its higher state

Ok so that's your future Utopia, but what does that mean for today and now?

I don't get it

>> No.5622850

Today there are people who have not fully grown. Only once everyone has grown and accepted God will we be able to live peacefully and share. Until then, we have to teach others, and pray for the growth of humanity.

>> No.5622872

I'm a conservative who doesn't believe in conservatism.

I hope you understand what I mean.

>> No.5622902
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Yeah man all wars in history have actually had solid "justifications" about lack of resources etc. etc.

>> No.5622957

Instead of some religious half baked nonsense, read Alec Nove's Economics of feasible Socialism for a realistic model of mixed market Socialism, and read Coop related economic literature.

Socialism doesn't require people to suddenly love each other or advance to some higher being, and anyone who thinks it does is a poorly informed, either about the goals of Socialism, or how economics work.

>> No.5622978

>began a better self-education

Confirmation bias.

>> No.5622988

Marxism, I suppose. When I was in college I was a determinedly tedious centrist with some dabbling in Camus and the like, and then like a lot of the young contarians on 4chan I went through my reactionary/rightist phase, and now I'm a communist, though I like to think of myself as a pretty flexible one, being influenced by both feminist and anarchist friends of mine, as well as the more usual apolitical types (I do have a shameful semi-ironic thing for North Korea and a less ironic thing for the People's Republic of China, where I lived for a year).

>> No.5623032

>tfw "left wing" individualist
I am not a statistic.
>tips fedora

>> No.5623067

That is not what I am saying. I am saying that socialism will become the natural state of living once everyone moves into the higher state, it is not a requirement.

>> No.5623086

>I am saying that socialism will become the natural state of living once everyone moves into the higher state

It is neither a requirement, nor is it any sort of relevant proposition when considering the future. Do you realize how vague that statement is? Once everybody accepts God war will go away and we all live happily ever after? People share everything with one another? I really hate to spout platitudes, but your original post marks you as delusional.

The path to Socialism lies in changing the material circumstances society is arranged around. Even if everyone moves into a 'higher state' of being, if private ownership of the productive forces of society proves to be a more pragmatic way of organizing the economic forces of society, Socialism will not manifest itself. It does not matter if every single person in society is a revolutionary, or God.

>> No.5623090

Thanks anon. It's gestures like these that I've learned to greatly appreciate, so I must say that it hasn't been all that bad for me.

I haven't, why?

>> No.5623096

Leaning towards stoicism with some egoism.

The more I read and learn about both, the happier I seem to be. Most of the misery in my life has been caused by me worrying too much about what others think, so I'm trying to get away from that as fast as possible.

>> No.5623363
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Not a lack, just greed.

>> No.5623371

>believing in a political/economic system
I don't know how any of you claim to love the arts, any system rooted in life is detrimental to art.

>> No.5623378

When he broke his leg (well , the cannonball broke it for him) he found that reading on the agonies of the saints rather than on humorous things was of greater comfort to him. He started his spiritual exercises are like a more hardcore Roman stoicism, dedicated to teaching people to become as disciplined as corpses. Getting shat on by the world as idealism in Catholicism seemed like something you might be interested in. Plus he was always duelling people before he was a hermit so his life story is a good read.

>> No.5623381

>are like
*as like

>> No.5623415

I don't have a specific one
The concept of having an ideology is too dogmatic for me

>> No.5623536

I will read up on him then. Thank you, anon.

>> No.5623654

Nihilism, daoism, Rimbaudian genius cultivation method.

Politically: Left libertarian social democracy, or Deleuzian anarchy.

Cultivated through experimentation.

Yes. But happiness is not important.

>> No.5623680

Changing your mind literally means nothing.

>> No.5623687

Communist Party Member. Fuck you Internet Marxists

>> No.5623696

You don't actually get Camus if you think that altering "reality" with physics changes reality. In The Myth of Sisyphus he has a section where he specifically talks about how past a certain point we can't distinguish science from poetry. The systems of science are just a different way we create human meaning. Camus wouldn't think that we change reality with more advanced physics, just that we're imbuing some different meaning into our reality.

>> No.5623742

Politics: socialism
Religion: apathetic
Philosophy: recently Ive been going more or less with Schopenhauer's views on aesthetics. I'm a grad student so it makes sense for this stage of my life.

>> No.5623748

It's funny how a large part of the left since the start of the Russian Revolution- if not since Bakunin- has been trying to move away from the things which created those "communist" atrocities.

Meanwhile, I've never seen a critical right- the neoreactionaries are trying, but it feels very inconsistent with the framework- which attempts to distance itself from conservative atrocities.

When Bakunin calls out Marx on the problems which would come with a statist attempt at communism, when Luxemburg and the Makhnovists and the sailors at Kronstadt all call bullshit on Marxism-Leninism before it begins, when Trotsky and people who agreed with him are opposed to the Stalinization of the USSR, when Orwell writes exclusively against the Bolsheviks, when the Frankfurt school and Western Marxists try to explain how the USSR post-Stalin is not the left ideal while trying to explain what that is etc you can't claim we've forgotten about communist atrocities. That's so wrong and historically uninformed that it would be shocking if your wanton dismissal of intellectual history weren't the main tool of the Right against people aiming for emancipation and freedom.

The funny thing? The Right always says "we're totally not like them" while advancing similar ideas with no reasoning as to how they are different.

People who want a return to Stalinism exist, to be sure, but are so far away from being the norm on the left and almost always are criticized by the left itself for promoting something that is not leftist.

In short, you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.5623768

Politically anarchism, philosophically absurdism/hedonism, non-religious (not the neckbeard type).

Cultivated it myself.

No, I am not happy and it's not the fault of my chosen ideology, it's because this world is a fucking stinker and life is just a giant porn-tease with the ending being a snapshot to the guys asshole or cock.

>> No.5623774

>I'm on the far Right now and every thing makes much more sense.
Sure it does. Protip: your views are even more retarded now than they were before you graduated.

>> No.5623803

So what do you do when you're in the Communist Party?
Also, which one?

>> No.5623806
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I suppose I'm an Absurdist, but only because I can't escape the realization that we're all just flecks of meat on a speck of dust orbiting a single spark in the infinite vastness of space and our actions are therefore both futile and humorous in their futility.

It doesn't make me happy so much as it motivates me to do shit outside my comfort zone so that I won't wake up one day realizing I grew old without any stories.

>> No.5623813

>What's your ideology?
I have been trying not to have one. Assumptions, a prioi non-conclusions, get in the way of analysis. Ideology needs more to be overcome than possessed.

>What's the framework of thought that frames your life?
Don't you mean the framework of life that frames my thought? I try to approach things with materialist dialectic. My introduction to this was Marxist, but my interest extends beyond that.

>Was it inherited from parents or was it something you cultivated for yourself?
Auto-didactic. I had no access to education and began with little more than the ability to read. It was rough going at first, but it's getting easier.

>And finally, are you happy and does your ideology produce happiness?
I wasn't happy to begin with, but study has made me feel normal for the first time in my life. Perhaps this is as much due to the pursuit of knowledge as such, and not strictly my investigations into materialist dialectic and Marxism.

>> No.5623830
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Organize yourself, be it in your school, college, work place, place of residency, organize campaigns, organize demonstrations, fight privatization, fight corruption and abuse of power, promote debates, paintings, culture happenings etc.. You act in a Communist Party. You discuss, you decide, you act upon your reality to change it.
And you build the Party's Party of course

>> No.5623831

>Kantian ethics are fine

Hahahaha no.

>> No.5623838

is that board game any good?

>> No.5623840

I like you.

>> No.5623885
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Kant is fine. What are you confused about

>> No.5623888

Good post.

>> No.5623890
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This is what needs to happen to /lit/

>> No.5623898


>> No.5623903
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>> No.5623906

>What's your ideology, my dear /lit/izens?

Dialectical Materialism.

What's the framework of thought that frames your life?


>Was it inherited from parents or was it something you cultivated for yourself?

Haha so funny story, my father is a pretty hardcore leftist, my mother is politically apathetic.
I was actually a hardcore rightwing anarcho-Capitalist, but when I did actual research into Capitalism and much more importantly Economic sociology, I found that basically Anarcho-Capitalism is actually just absurd bullshit that abstracts the entire system away, also I think the Anarcho-Capitalist community is just filled with fucking arseholes that isolated me more from that ideology.
What was the nail in the coffin though was actually being part of the workforce and jumping between several workplaces where us workers did ALL the fucking work, yet the managers racked in all the cash, and by all the work, I mean ALL THE FUCKING WORK, the managers/owners literally sat on their arses doing fucking nothing, we had to do their jobs for them.

It was that point that I was really put on the road to Socialist thought.

That being said, I still can't tell what type of Socialist I am. I think there are inherent problems with Leninism, but I think that the Left-Libertarian ideologies are way too idealistic.
I would consider myself an orthodox Marxist though I'm very fond of Abdullah Ocalans "Democratic Confedralism", but I'm still not sure on the structure or role of the state in a Socialist society.

>> No.5623915

>boo hoo anarcho-capitalism doesn't actually work and is an oxymoron
>thus I must resort to authoritarianism (marxism)
Fucking retarded.

By the way, the people who found businesses do the hardest work. You just go through the motions, which takes zero hard work (mental work). Stop being such an economically clueless pissant.

Didn't expect reason from a marxist though, so that's a relief.

>> No.5623929

Cool story bro.

>> No.5623933

I'm guessing you're the marxist, since you had no counterargument.

>> No.5623945

not to be a dick, but dialectical materialism is seriously outdated. you should read some critiques of it.

>> No.5623954

Placing importance on ideology is just giving into the efficiency-based thinking models that we have evolved.

Reality is complex and chaotic and every individual situation is comprised of countless known and unknown variables. I don't see how these things are useful in reality apart from efficiently creating barriers between people.

>> No.5623972 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5623981

Dialectical materialism needs to be and has been continously reinterpreted, and is currently being formed again for the 21st century
Zizek is the aggregate of the movement (he sums up)
The title of his latest book is "Absolute Recoil: Towards A New Foundation Of Dialectical Materialism"
it's communism or nothing all over again

>> No.5624182

>le jijeck face

>> No.5624189


I guess absurdism. I've got too much empathy to go full nihilist.

Although politically I've become so jaded and borderline nihilistic that I'm becoming dangerously close to going full-on insufferable edgelord.

>> No.5624220


I'm what I call a philosophical generalist. I believe kernels of truth can be found in nearly every field of philosophy, and additionally in most other academic, scientific, or artistic areas of study. How something from a particular field can be determined in terms of a truth basis is based on a certain set of logical (and intuitive) guidelines that follow what might look like a blueprint, or a template. Structure of thought in this view is entirely based on the data, and therefore consistently shifting. However, the underlying set of nodes that comprise the blueprint of mind are as concrete as can such a thing be (which isn't very concrete). For instance, one foundational axiom I live by is that one must trust his or her sensory information, perceptual data. This eliminates the possibility of solipsism. Again, it's a given, logically insoluble; but then again, so is mathematics. Perceptivism, intersubjectivity, logical positivism, absolute idealism, absurdism, pseudo-nihilism, existentialism: all these subsets play a role in my philosophical generalism.

>> No.5624790
File: 69 KB, 411x410, Epicurus-sculpture-crop[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pessimism with a side of Epicurean ethics.

Happiness and love are the most important things in life.

We should make them the focus of our striving, not in that we should strive for them but in that we should think about how to deal with the reality/lack of them.

Aesthetics, art and the sciences and learning in general make life a bleak place with some brighter spots and dim lights.

I will never father a biological child, though I might adopt.

My parents don't have an ideology.

Politics are poison and I am staying out of them.

Am I happy?
I am much less and much more: I am content. I try to turn off jealousy and it's working for the most part. Learning to be happy for other people is rewarding. We're all naked apes on this rock and frankly I don't have the time for destructive feelings anymore.

PS I am a huge faggot

>> No.5624836

So what really is the appeal of Fascism, if not a reactionary tendency when presented with the false-left pushed by the mainstream political spectrum

>> No.5624840

I don't have anything going on for me, the only reason I even care about religious/"spiritual" and even philosophic and scientific affairs is because I kind of hope there is an afterlife, but that's about it.

I must be the worst kind of poster on this board, or even the worst kind of person.

>> No.5624847

Better come to terms with it m8. Life is meaningless and then you die.
Start with a clear head and build from there, you only have so much time.

>> No.5624848

I really don't care anymore. I guess you could call me Machiavellian. I think success is the most important thing, what brings it is not important.
It may come with socialism, it may come with fascism. Though if I had to pick, considering I am of ruling class, I'd pick a fascist state but an aware one; not a nation who just follows a man or another.

>> No.5624852

so you fell for right-wing metaphysicial bullshittery
yeah marxism wasn't your thing, obviously

>> No.5624870

mine is fuck everyone and look out for myself

>> No.5624874
File: 38 KB, 200x230, adorno1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your ideology, my dear /lit/izens?
my philosophical framework is dialectical materialism, influenced by the frankfurt school. So yeah, crit theory it is.
Ideologically-wise, I'm a post-marxist, value-criticism.
>Was it inherited from parents or was it something you cultivated for yourself?
partly. My dad is a big Tito fan (I'm coming from ex-yugoslavia) so I guess this maybe influenced me a lil bit. However, I don't regard Tito as a genuine socialist, so I'm not very positive about him. I cultivated the most part of my ideology for myself, by reading and discussing.

>> No.5624883

My ideology is pure.

>> No.5624891

Christian, Catholic to be precise (unless this pope changes the doctrine, I go full traditionalist than). Monarchy ala England in 16th century. Not much else to it.

>> No.5624892

But even then I don't feel like getting an "ideology", even when I fully believed in god/afterlife everything was pointless to me but not in a depressing/edgy way, I always thought I was irrelevant to pretty much everything except my own life and the people close to me, in fact, one of the main reasons I wanted an afterlife to be real is because I wanted to be forever with the people I loved , not for the fear of disappearing, back then I just did things without any -ism or higher ideas backing it up and I was content, I don't think I need meaning or purpose or anything at all, I was scared of dying but I am slowly coming to terms with it.

>> No.5624951

Tito was also an insane maniac and my house is built next to children slaughtered by his orders when they entered Zagreb

>> No.5624952
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>> No.5624966

Never heard about this. But I've heard about other things that happened (Bar/Tivar massacre, death marches etc.).

>> No.5625076


that's a contradiction bruv

>> No.5625090

Freudo-Marxist Lacanian/Foucauldian trans-chasing socialist pedagogy.

Ask me anything.

>> No.5625096

What dosage?

>> No.5625113

To see my own ideology would be like looking at the back of my irises It's totally impossible.

>> No.5625136
File: 79 KB, 960x629, maurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pseudo-phyrronic skeptic. I say pseudo because I'm not crazy enough to go walking off cliffs or anything. But I have a strong sense that I have no ability to understand the world at even the most basic level.

I also have a strange, seemingly sourceless belief that, by the very end, everything will have been answered. It's not so much the idea of God as the idea that the TRUTH, with ALL capital letters, exists, somewhere in the universe, and that, one day, I will get my hands on it. It feels as inexorable to me as gravity. Beyond that, however, there is nothing that I can say.

>> No.5625139

Wtf is trans-chasing?

>> No.5625143

Omit the comma after "that,"

>> No.5625144

trying to fuck transsexuals

>> No.5625145



>> No.5625147
File: 10 KB, 180x245, zenobust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to read a little bit of Seneca, Epictetus or Marcus Aurelius everyday. I have read all the books several times already through a couple of years.

It is difficult to keep mindfull of the main principles at all times. So as Epictetus says you need to keep training and reading.

>> No.5625149

Wow old beard dude is like the Leonardo DiCaprio of our generation or something

>> No.5625151

Is that because you want to embrace the phallic mother and fully disavow differance?

>> No.5625154

what do you think about the cynics and epicureans? Also Schopenhauer? have you read his aphorisms?

>> No.5625155
File: 584 KB, 500x500, 908;90;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah, i'm just into chicks with dicks.

Best of both worlds, nah mean?

>> No.5625158


>intellectual fulfillment

pick one

>> No.5625161

>calling yourself a freudian
>giving no explanations for your sexual behavior

pure ideology

>> No.5625169


>miss me?


>> No.5625177


I tried ideology once, then I realized it was bullshit but at the same time that it's also inescapable. So I basically live in a shitty haze that I know is a shitty haze, but have enough awareness to understand there's no way out.

>> No.5625240

I have always wondered what that white fabric with black spots is that's associated with kings. Does anyone know?

>> No.5625248

I started off mostly reading Aristotle and then advanced to Stoicism as a more practical philosophy to use in my life.

The Cynics are too harsh I think. It's about how to deal with things like wealth, pleasure, fame, etc. and not completely trying to avoid them (you shouldn't try to avoid things you have no control over to avoid!).

Epicureans: they ave a lot of good principles but in the end their purpose of life doesn't seem right to me (pleasure instead of reason/virtue).

I haven't read anything from Schopenhauer yet. But he seems to be pessimistic in general, right? Also liked the Stoics I read somewhere...

What's your ideology btw?

>> No.5625380

this guy
Schopenhauer is very pessimist and in practice his philosophy is very much negative hedonist. Not that he really lived by it but his prose is nice and he says a lot of "right" things.
I always felt like the schools I mentioned have so much in common that I basically freely pick and choose what I like.
I am trying to get into Buddhism too.

>> No.5625412

Philosophy and ideology are utterly meaningless. All ideas of morality and justice are nothing more than explanations for the release of certain chemicals in the brain in response to particular stimuli. All human endeavour is nothing more than movement of particles in one corner of a universe, which will pass into nothingness in an insignificant length of time.

>> No.5625419

I'm looking for a new materialism, a way to dispell ecology and nationalism so we can focus on real solutions to global threats and progress beyond this planet.

>> No.5625425

Stop trying to be edgy. You could've just said you were a nihilist and be done with it. We still would've made fun of you sure, but this answer is vastly more dumb than the other.

>> No.5625430

nice ideology you've got there

>> No.5625438


Read kant's critique of pure reason, and read chomsky's 1959 article on skinner.

>> No.5625440

It's all true, and you know it. If you thought I was wrong, you wouldn't bother calling me names.

>> No.5625469

>kant's critique of pure reason
I can't imagine having the time for at least a year...
>chomsky's 1959 article on skinner
I'll take a look, thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.5625490

lol Keep telling yourself that buddy. There are multiple ways to look at existence and don't delude yourself that you don't have the ability to choose. Why not pick one that isn't defeatist and is actually useful?

>> No.5625496

Zagreb is full with mass graves.

>> No.5625505

You might be right. But before I could choose something, maybe you could help me: How do I recognise a philosophy as useful?

>> No.5625519

Hmm, interesting. I might start reading Schopenhauer. I'm off to bed however. Good luck in your further endeavours!

Greetings Stoic apprentice.

>> No.5625525

transcendental mysticism

>> No.5625529

Utilitarism and idealism

Yes, I'm a horrible person

>> No.5625534

I like to think of it this way. All systems of philosophy are art works to be admired. One can provide reasons why one likes an artwork, and one can even find objective reasons a certain artwork fits certain criteria one has for judging the aesthetic value of an artwork. However, that criteria ultimately is irrational and can only be found by exploring yourself and finding what appeals to you. Read philosophy and you find new perspectives that are useful or appealing and use them. It's that simple. I can't tell you what is useful for you.

>> No.5625536

pure ideology right here

>> No.5625547

So you're arguing that a system of philosophy's value stems from its appeal to individuals?

>> No.5625559

The god tier fascists still hold those views, you know. (minus the assumption that relative = equal merit)

>> No.5625661


Just read my story.

Lets call time either past or future, the present is recent past.

Pinocchio says My nose will grow now. it doesnt grow because you can only lie about the past.

Once upon a time there were humans with a very simple language. The verbs were to be, to have and other necessities.
The verbs wouldnt flex with time. The species didnt change since then, we can find this same language everywhere 5000 years ago. So lets call this our Real language, our Spiritual language, meaning we carry it deep inside to this day.

Now lets see the gender roles. Pretty simple: the built male goes out and brings mostly food. The female asks for food and take care of children. Since the man has to work, before he goes out hunting or farming he says: I have food. But even before that the female comes around and says: I dont have food. The female uses the verb in the past. So females are able to lie but men are not.

So manspeak is futurespeak. Men are made with testosterone. The effect of testosterone is not aggression, that is from its derivative estradiol. The mental effect of testosterone is plain Optimism. The man needs to be optimist to do the things he does in the first place. To say I will have food is to say you are optimist.

I am a man and I say I will go to Heaven. Heaven is the ultimate optimism. And Jesus was called the Son of Man. So it is not because I fear death that I have faith. It is just because my balls dropped.

>> No.5625917
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How pretentious can this get in a few lines?
>Violence was my reaction before I could understand ideology. {~7}
>Quaker pacifism and globalization seemed like infuriating deceits in a world shaped by destruction.
>A decade of enforced liberalism began to bury my killing faith under utilitarian rationalizations. {~8}

>I was briefly an obedient son, but autistic swag (not to say my obsession with combat) pushed the few peers away: in this time I was a scholar superior to my current self. {10}
>However, isolation and angst fertilized my leftist consideration of American society, {~12} clearing the way to
>moral individualism and various investigations of self-exploiting, some of which are now ugly old habits. {~14}

>A stagnation took hold; as I stayed to drink from the fountain of vidya and porn, for years I found no need to proceed. {~16}
>Later, pushed toward the "adult" cliff I began to reevaluate, reluctantly drawing a connection between worldly and intellectual failure.
>However, earlier studies had convinced me that imposing will or control was painfully hopeless, since my fate would be some kind of success or failure irrespective.
>As such, my self-control had successfully approached nil.
>Around this time I nonetheless became self-conscious enough to lose my virginity. {~18}
>Upon drifting into The Small Family College of Liberal Arts I discovered that most people around me were philosphically backward.
>Combined with new excesses, this sea change caused advancement and regression in similar measure. I wanted to know more, but had never felt so tight the grip of fate.

I guess I'll post the rest later, I'm 21 so there's not many more years to cover.

>> No.5625924

Christian Anarchist

>> No.5625937

Transcendental idealist/libertarian socialist.

>> No.5626174

wow u sure rekt me m8

>> No.5626182

My god, into the toilet it goes and so on

>> No.5626213

I subscribe to the Stoic and cynic schools of thought. I try not to give a fuck about politics and religion, rather nihilist in that aspect.

>> No.5626218

post-marxism (zizek)

I'm drawn to it the most but I have a lot of reading and working out to do.

>> No.5626234

Mustela erminea

>> No.5626297

I believe that the concept of large scale war can be eradicated

>> No.5626921

zizek more like zikek

>> No.5629212

white knight

>> No.5629215

Why do you need an ideology? Just go for whatever works/describes the world as it is.