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5617960 No.5617960 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here ever written a love poem or letter? I mean a work that was actually intended to be delivered.

It seems to be kind of a dated notion in today's world and one that could easily be fouled up by the failed attempt to straddle that line between flattering and creepy.

Still, I think it's hard to top a well-worded love letter.

inb4 James Joyce's fart letters.

>> No.5619139

Love letters are like fedoras. They're a good idea in the right context but the right context hasn't existed in decades.

>> No.5619243

Poem's are good when written properly and the person expects them. It's a retarded notion to think that a girl will fall for you just because you wrote her a couple of stanzas, but if she is already interested it generally tends to seal the deal.

>> No.5619327
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Just like with everything you do to attract the opposite sex: If you do it right it will be enjoyd and if you do it wrong you'll be a creep.
The same girl will drool over a fit guy or get creeped out at the muscle monster depending on how he behaves. There are no absolute unviersal characterisitcs that make your poem perfect, it depends on the reader and its mood; so if you know that a certain person will apreciate a certain type of production, and you succeed in making a quality production, it will work. It won't if
>she doesn't care about literary productions
>she isn't aware of your existence
>she isn't aware at all of your interest in her
>your work is shit
>your work suggests that you have unhealthy interest in something she doesn't like (i.e. she hates her feet and you dedicate a third of the poem to it, she'll get creeped out; she loves her hair and you dedicate a third of the poem to it, she'll feel you get her appeal)

Sort of this, too. People are more complex than some dating sim where each action has a resolute reaction.

>> No.5619369

Yeah I wrote a poem to my high school girlfriend for her 16th Birthday (I was 15). It wasn't very emotive which is probably why (despite cringing while admitting I ever wrote it) I never killed myself.
She cried and I thought she was upset but she was just super happy so that was a nice surprise.

>> No.5619375

I wrote a bunch of love letters to my first love. fun as fuck. Romance is top fun, honestly try it

>> No.5619402

I think it definitely depends on the person it is intended for. I have sent a decent amount of letters to my girlfriend, and I have an entire folder full of ones from her. I fucking love it, and I hope she does too.

>> No.5619429

There was this girl who used to message me on facebook, we spoke for over a year and things got heavy. Eventually we met in person and I fucked everything up. I wonder if I should try to speak to her again but I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm a colossal loser.

>> No.5621448


>> No.5621647

It's a song, but I think 'Thunder Road' pretty much is the perfect example of what most young lovers feel when they're on the cusp of adulthood, even written with an incredible balance of childlike naivety, adult pessimism and brilliant prose.

The screen door slams, Mary's dress waves
Like a vision she dances across the porch as the radio plays
Roy Orbison singing for the lonely
Hey that's me and I want you only
Don't turn me home again
I just can't face myself alone again
Don't run back inside, darling you know just what I'm here for
So you're scared and you're thinking that maybe we ain't that young anymore
Show a little faith, there's magic in the night
You ain't a beauty, but hey you're alright
Oh and that's alright with me

You can hide 'neath your covers and study your pain
Make crosses from your lovers, throw roses in the rain
Waste your summer praying in vain for a saviour to rise from these streets
Well now I'm no hero, that's understood
All the redemption I can offer, girl, is beneath this dirty hood
With a chance to make it good somehow
Hey what else can we do now
Except roll down the window and let the wind blow back your hair
Well the night's bustin' open, these two lanes will take us anywhere
We got one last chance to make it real
To trade in these wings on some wheels
Climb in back, heaven's waiting down on the tracks

Oh oh come take my hand
Riding out tonight to case the promised land
Oh oh oh oh Thunder Road, oh Thunder Road, oh Thunder Road
Lying out there like a killer in the sun
Hey I know it's late, we can make it if we run
Oh oh oh oh Thunder Road, sit tight, take hold, Thunder Road

Well I got this guitar and I learned how to make it talk
And my car's out back if you're ready to take that long walk
From your front porch to my front seat
The door's open but the ride it ain't free
And I know you're lonely for words that I ain't spoken
Tonight we'll be free, all the promises will be broken
There were ghosts in the eyes of all the boys you sent away
They haunt this dusty beach road in the skeleton frames of burned-out Chevrolets
They scream your name at night in the street
Your graduation gown lies in rags at their feet
And in the lonely cool before dawn
You hear their engines roaring on
But when you get to the porch they're gone on the wind, so Mary climb in
It's a town full of losers, I'm pulling out of here to win