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/lit/ - Literature

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5617009 No.5617009 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you always look down upon genre fiction, /lit/?

>> No.5617025

"All great works of literature either dissolve a genre or invent one." - Walter Benjamin

>> No.5617099


I hope you realize you just called Watchmen a great work of literature.

>> No.5617105

Sounds about right.

>> No.5617109

You can't reverse an implication like that anon? You just raped first-order logic in its poor tight ass.

>> No.5617110

I hope you realize you just implied it isn't.

>> No.5617117

>trying to start "is comic literature?"
pls go.
btw watchmen didn't invent a genre nor dissolve one. it should've destroyed the superhero genre but money is stronger.

>> No.5617149

Now that we've started this, what are the best graphic novels?

>> No.5617154

el eternauta

>> No.5617174

Kentaro Miura's acclaimed dark fantasy epic Berserk

>> No.5617175

>el eternauta
i have no idea why people like this.

>> No.5617205
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Genre is just so much harder to do right. With realism you leave a lot of space to personal experience and the what the reader has lived through. But if your story deals with the ethical implications of something that can't happen in a context only the writer knows he has to be great at everything for it to work.

It's a great comic book.
A song that creates a new genre isn't a great work of literature, dumbass.

A realistic take to a very particular kind of invasion, it makes more sense when you live in the place where it takes palce, and it becomes more appealing if you're used to european comics.

>> No.5617213

isn't it argentinian?

>> No.5617222

Yes, like he said, it's European.

>> No.5617231

and white

>> No.5617234

Yeah, and it has many well known landmarks so it's easy to relate to it for us. I wouldn't really go around recommending it though. La Guerra de los Antares is more or less the same but with more of a focus on the first world nations letting the aliens take over the third world to save their asses and then getting fucked anyway, great stuff.
But the style argentinina comics went for at that time was very similar to what europe was doing, if you like one you like the other.

>> No.5617239

I see, thanks.

>> No.5617241
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Everyone loves Peron's empire.

>> No.5617252
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>> No.5617258
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Argentina is not located in Europe.
Trust me, I live there, I would know.

>> No.5617267

meow meow meow meow

>> No.5617297

I like genre fiction. Lonesome Dove was the best book I read last year. Heinlein was my favorite author in high school and still holds a special place in my heart.

But I also recognize that most of the shit is escapist garbage. Tropes upon tropes, mediocre writing hiding behind gimmickry. Indulgent with very little to reflect on.

>> No.5617312

>But I also recognize that most of the shit is escapist garbage. Tropes upon tropes, mediocre writing hiding behind gimmickry. Indulgent with very little to reflect on.

Much like your post. Polite sage.

>> No.5617384
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>> No.5617405

Fiction takes more imagination.

>> No.5617604

Even before I got into discussing literature I didnt really like genre fiction. Good books permanently change my worldview and the way I think. I don't get anything from genre fiction except for fleeting entertainment.

>> No.5617618

I used to be obsessed with YA fiction and genre fiction. Some time during my second year of high school, I couldn't find anything else that I liked.

>> No.5617637

damn that burns bro

>> No.5617642

Someone has never read Book of the New Sun.

>> No.5617650


I'm sure good genre fiction exists, I was just generalizing. When I was in high school I pretty much only read steven king and dean koontz, and it got really unsatisfying after a while.

>> No.5617657

>I pretty much only read steven king and dean koontz

Pleb once, pleb always.

>> No.5617667


were you born holding the complete works of shakespeare or something?

>> No.5617681

Wolfe is as far away from King and Koontz as Joyce is from Stephenie Meyer. New Sun is easily in the top five works of literature of the last century. Its a Homer like epic, but set in the future.

>> No.5617798

>When I was in high school I pretty much only read steven king and dean koontz

You know, most genre fiction readers read more than two authors.

>> No.5618226

How does one invent a new genre?

Is it even possible? Or will it have to be some mix of existing genres like "dystopian sci-fi survival comedy"

>> No.5618248


> New Sun is easily in the top five works of literature of the last century

End yourself.

>> No.5618297

Because /lit/ doesn't know shit, OP.

They're like /tv/, but for books. Their tastes are derived from bias and stipulation rather than interest and quality of work.

Most people here have never read a Wheel of Time or Incarnation of Immortality novel, yet you'll constantly hear them belittle fantasy.

>> No.5618335
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>please conform to my regressive manchild ways it would make me feel much better about my arrested development

>> No.5618344

Daily reminder that all literature is escapism.
Doesn't mean you should not try to read both 'higher' and 'lower' literature though.

>> No.5618359

Says the guy who shitposts on /lit/ 24/7.

>> No.5618369


>Daily reminder that all literature is escapism.

Literature is a written work, you could say that all novels are escapism and that would be a point of debate. But to say that all literature is escapism you would have to go and see every industry professional on the planet and tell them that they aren't allowed to use any information that they've read in their schooling or practice along the way because you now personally deem it to be escapism.

Daily reminder that naive pontificating kids like you are honestly too stupid to be posting on /lit/.

>> No.5618371

>arrested development
>arrested development

Holy shit, look at this! Another /lit/eral dumbass using phrases he just learned in incorrect ways!

>> No.5618372

"Fuck literature." - Earnest Hemingway

>> No.5618373

I'm not seeing the mis-use you speak of.

(Not that guy)

>> No.5618376
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i only shitpost. you catch feelings.

stay riled you sperged out fantasy warrior lol.

>> No.5618379


>I have absolutely nothing to personally say about that you have just blown me the fuck out


>> No.5618403


>call him regressive and implying that he's mentally impaired due to his manchildery
>you actually think 'arrested development' is out of cogency here

serious question: do you even read?

>> No.5618487

By writing something that hasnt been done. There was a time, when Detective Stories were unheard of.

>> No.5618519

Because it's something you are supposed to outgrow. There's a reason it's entry-level,

>> No.5618536

I love good science fiction and think most 'literature' is overrated.
Most science fiction deserves its reputation, though.

>> No.5618580

theres money in the banana stand

>> No.5618594

>out of cogency here

>> No.5618673

Botns is not even genre fiction. It is just literature.

>> No.5618675

But He is right you know.

>> No.5618709

Lucifer and Morpheus.

>> No.5618722

Not always. Sometimes it's on a high shelf

>> No.5618729

I hope you realize you just conflated precondition with definition.

>> No.5619527

>Its a Homer like epic, but set in the future.
>tfw you wanted to make this at some point
I'll do it anyways.

>> No.5619559

It's not THat great.

>> No.5619562
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>> No.5619565

BotNS might be in the top 500 or so of the last century. But it's nowhere near the top 5

>> No.5619596

Eh, I think we can say Top 50, probably Top 20. People are just disregarding it in this thread because familiarity breeds contempt.

>> No.5619601

It's not even in the top 50 of th eEnglish language, it has so much to compete with

>> No.5619610

It could POSSIBLY be in the top 100 English-language novels of the past century. But that's still being generous.

>> No.5619673

It has to compete with (usu. multiple) works from each of D. H. Lawrence, Joyce, Woolf, Beckett (his novels count as English-language literature IMO), Fitzgerald, Faulkner, Hemingway, Malcolm Lowry, Ralph Ellison, Saul Bellow, Flannery O'Connor, Nabokov, Gaddis, Pynchon, Roth, Barth, among others, and that's not even counting other so-called "genre fiction" authors, like Peake, Le Guin, Doris Lessing, John Crowley, and likely others as well. That's just English language novelists. If we throw in poets, all bets are off. He is absolutely not on the level of W. B. Yeats or T. S. Eliot.

>> No.5619684

Half of those people don't count because of their purple prose.

>> No.5619691


>> No.5619857

There's good genre fiction out there. It's just a lot easier to get wrong because so many writers confuse cool ideas with meaningful ones.

>> No.5619890

>But to say that all literature is escapism you would have to go and see every industry professional on the planet and tell them that they aren't allowed to use any information that they've read in their schooling or practice along the way because you now personally deem it to be escapism.
What on earth are you talking about?
>inb4 u not smart enuf to read my bullshit.

>> No.5620683

literature is not just poetry and fiction retard

>> No.5620899

Sturgeon's Law, etc.