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5615483 No.5615483 [Reply] [Original]

>parents are suddenly in debt because of their poor financial decisions
>feel obligated to help them by getting a job that could slowly ease them into retirement
>only things I'm good at are reading and writing, analytic skills, blah blah English major shit
>parents coddled me all my life and I have no idea how to find a job in the real world

The /lit/ dream is dying, guys. What do I do? How are you supposed to get a job that isn't ass?

>> No.5615485

abandon parents acquire women

>> No.5615486

kafka became best by doing this

>> No.5615487

don't worry even if you could do something you wouldn't find a job

>> No.5615490

That's so kafkaesque anon

>> No.5615492 [DELETED] 

>beaten out in every fucking position I apply for, because there's always someone more proficient / Chinese than me


>> No.5615498

Learn from your parents mistake, choose a profession that will make you fucking money.

>> No.5615504

you mad
you're just socially inept

>> No.5615513

Yeah, I have a degree in Economics which apparently won't buy me anything until I go to grad school for economics because there are no entry level economics jobs. So I try to get a job doing finance seeing as I have significant mathematics and statistical analysis training and don't have money to go to grad school.

>Every "entry level" job wants 2+ years experience in securities analysis.
>No longer able to apply to be a slave for 2 years since I have now graduated school
>Only get called back by scam sales jobs that pretend to be Finance jobs.

I just decided that if I'm going to be poor, I might as well be a writer with all this fucking free time I have.

>> No.5615514

> don't have money to go to grad school.
Aren't almost all grad schools in US paid for you?

>> No.5615516

>he doesn't live in europe and collect neetbux
>he will have to work a day in his life

>> No.5615523

there are jobs but young adults want to start out as managers or other top positions because you have a college degree. get over it. that was 1950s!!!

be a clerk somewhere. pour through classifieds, craigslist and monster. or become an admin assistant or something along those lines. do an internship if you have to get your foot in the door. or get some shitty job where you can at least pay bills while you're looking for better work. always be doing that.

>> No.5615534

>Aren't almost all grad schools in US paid for you?
Yes sometimes.

>> No.5615537

i'm europe tell me more pls

>> No.5615538

No. Why would you think that? Maybe if I was Summa Cum Laude and had been published several times and had an ace statment of purpose and >95% GRE scores.

The only real way to get it paid for other than that is to have a company pay for it or be a TA at that university (Which pays shit).

>> No.5615548


>> No.5615567


Only if he's going for a PhD.

>> No.5615569

I live in Poland, where is the best walfare in yurop for someone like me? I believe that polish walfare is not so good to be able to stay alive.

>> No.5615578

sweden, holland, UK

>> No.5615585

are you neet?

>> No.5615602

Not now, but had been for a year and I would definitely go back if there is any opportunity.

>> No.5615609
File: 167 KB, 600x590, SadFrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Italy, we don't have welfare, here 42% of the u25 are unemployed...

>> No.5615610
File: 17 KB, 250x196, 1361397533381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>feel obligated to help them
There's your mistake, anon. You never asked for this life, so why should they expect you to help them in theirs?

>> No.5615614



Look for something like this at your local Fed. I was going to apply for it until I saw that you need an actual degree in economics.

>tfw a BA in international relations qualifies you for nothing

>> No.5615629

advocate for Basic Income, work shit jobs until it happens

>> No.5615647

I have looked at these types of jobs. They want top students to work at the fed. I'm not really a top student. Like 3.4 gpa is fine if I had like several years internship experience. Job market is fucked right now though if you're not the best of the best.

>> No.5615665

>Job market is fucked right now though if you're not the best of the best.

Oh, I know. I'm no more employed than you are.

>> No.5615707

>not embracing working a shitty job
>not realizing every great writer had to work X shitty jobs
>thinking you just get to write a great book without experiencing things
For fuck's sake, OP

>> No.5615712

Many great writers had family money or were supported by rich fans, and the ones who did work taught.

>> No.5615717

But yes you're right otherwise, they do what the have to do.

>> No.5615719



Life isn't always easy or fair, build up a bit of money, buy a shitty car and go live some where where there is work for young people.

>> No.5615727

Tell me what life is today for young Italians. I'm really curious.

>> No.5615737

Come to the UK m8.

>> No.5615739

Thanks, Uncle Joe. You conservatives really know how to motivate.

Biggest mistake college kids these days make is not working while they are in school.

>> No.5615748

their biggest mistake is ever working at all
fucking wageslave normalfags

>> No.5615755

Yes, the biggest mistake kids make is not being slaves during their free time in college to gain requisite experience.

>> No.5615764

I agree with "get a shitty job". Most jobs are shit anyway. Don't think you're entitled to a good one because you've got a degree.

>> No.5615794

So, how are those classifieds treating you boys? Your asses hurting from sitting all day yet?
Sorry have to run to work now like an adult.

le wageslave faggot bitch :^/

>> No.5615797

that's bullshit, no one just goes straight for management jobs
people today complaining about having difficulty finding employment literally are talking about entry level shit

>> No.5615808

>get to employment office
>"Look at the posted job offers"
>All the posted job offers you could've found yourself looking at the web
>they all look for experienced people anyways
>nobody gives a shit, employment office literally not employing anyone
>8 years of this
>only time I actually found something that didn't require experience the lady wouldn't let me apply because I studied something else in high school (it was a masonry job)
>they won't even let you get a shitty job
But the food is good.

>> No.5615833

Please, where do you work with your entitled "I always had a job." attitude? You get your first job pre-2007?

This whole bullshit "Pull your self up by your bootstraps" american exceptionalism is fucking toxic.

>> No.5615856


>Running to work
>11pm in UK
>6pm on East Coast
>3pm on West Cost

Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.5615857

Dude, I've had over 12 jobs since 2007...
Plus I'm being sarcastic. I know that mentality is toxic, I stand against it in ordinary conversation.
The job market is tough right now, and most people babbling about how "millennials" and degenerates need to get out there and network and be the best they can be and blah blah are retarded.
Anyway, I'm just a kid. 23 is headed my way fast.

Also, I'm a security guard.

>> No.5615863

East Coast, I work nights.

>> No.5615891

Quit your whining and look at the good side: no jobs means no families, meaning if you're an antinatalist (in principle or just from hating insufficient parking space) this is a reason to rejoyce.

>> No.5615893

>mass unemployment
>mass poverty
>mass pollution
>incredible wealth consolidation

c-capitalism works guys!

>> No.5615900

This. If you weren't born in a rich family, your parents are idiots unworthy of help.

>> No.5615913

not a conservative at all.

my wife is a job coach and finds jobs for people with disabilities. both mental and physical. she gets them shit jobs so they at least have something until something better comes along.

I'm not defending the market. it's a load of bullshit on many levels but if you really want a job you can find one. unfortunately if you live in an economically shit area it might be washing dishes for you.

>> No.5615941

>people with disabilities
there's another thing employment offices have in spades: job offers for disabled people. You can't apply if you haven't a disability or belong to some kind of welfare protected category.

>> No.5616006

There's a difference between being born in a poor family, and having parents who wasted all of their savings.

>> No.5618464

Those are all part of it, so yes, it does.

>> No.5619612


>there are jobs but young adults want to start out as managers or other top positions because you have a college degree. get over it. that was 1950s!!!

That's not true in the UK and as far as I'm aware the UK is a shitty-but-less-shitty version of America when it comes to graduate employment.

What is true is that there are no entry-level positions, unless you want to fund yourself in a work-experience/intern programme which inevitably only exist in major cities.

>there are jobs

I think this part is true but employers are like people; they don't want to take risks and lose money so ask for 1/2 years experience in entry-level job roles. Plus it's a case of the personal feelings of an employer as to whether you suit their business regardless of skills/experience. In my small market town employers appear to discriminate if you don't have a business degree (even STEM isn't really valued, much to the disbelief of Telegraph readers all around the home counties).

Cities feel as if they're the only places hiring humanities students and that includes positions such as admin assistants and clerks, but again if you live in nowheresville you're pretty fucked. As an anecdote, I commuted to London for a while and it cost me £160 a week on the train. It's not worth it. The job market is a shambles.

>> No.5619630

>not living in London

What's tying you down anon?

>> No.5619711


I don't think London is worth living in unless you're earning over £18,000 because rent is unbelievably high. The only people I know who think living in London is worth living in are those with non-entry level jobs and students.

One of my close-friends pays £220 a week for a not-modern two bedroom flat next to some railway tracks in Hoxton. He's a student and his parents aren't rich so I'm not sure how he manages that.

Either way, this only compounds the issue as how do you get a job when the only people hiring are companies in London: a city which is barely affordable.

I wish I were a northerner.

>> No.5619716

>£220 a week
jesus christ

>> No.5619761

>£220 a week
>two bedroom flat

That's not actually that bad considering the proximity to hipster-central Shoreditch.

I'm starting a job in Hoxton soon actually, but I'm going to be commuting from Zone 4. I'm currently living in a box room in a shared house for £90 a week, which my HB has been covering for the last year, so it's not entirely terrible or even implausible.

I certainly wouldn't have got this job opportunity if I hadn't been living here.

Where do you live?