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/lit/ - Literature

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5613955 No.5613955 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ use default profiles for stock characters or do you prefer having the author's profile description for the character?

This is my Sonya, Fenechka, The girl in NUG and pretty much every poor Russian girl encountered in Russian lit.

>> No.5613975

i imagine therese racquin as lorde for some raisin.

>> No.5614159

I imagine the characters from the movie Troy in the Iliad. That make me lose my fucking temper btw.

>> No.5614198


And if the book doesn't have a movie I'll just imagine them the way the author describes them.

I have a hard time imagining rooms and houses for some reason though, and I always picture them as houses or rooms that I know IRL.

>> No.5614204

o i am laffin

>> No.5614225

I want to lick every inch of her body.

On topic:
I usually try to stick to the author's descriptions, but on occasion I get a mental image that is so ridiculously far from the author's that it is ridiculous.

>> No.5614339

>tfw imagining the setting in daylight
>author puts the time at night at the end of the paragraph

>> No.5614348

I see Dorcas as a younger girl from high school. I dont even know her name and I think she is really generic and dumb but she fits the body description.

>> No.5614359

that's hot

>> No.5615489

oh katyusha...

I always imagine characters with great bravado and intimidating demeanor to be like Roy Batty from Blade Runner.

>> No.5615519

I don't know about "default," but I definitely imagine the person/icon who the description/events matches the most. In Lolita I imagined Jon Hamm

>> No.5615542

Why do authors waste time making character descriptions?

>> No.5615551 [DELETED] 

This is the WORST

>halfway through the book mention her red hair and his brown skin
>already have images of what the characters look like at this point

>> No.5615568
File: 9 KB, 270x197, ea53d6ff738d81bbcca1da627223855c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anatoly Solonitsyn as Andrei Rublev was Alyosha Karamazov for me

>> No.5615579

I always end up imagining people as anime-style characters. This worked especially well with Norwegian Wood. That novel felt like a visual novel.

>> No.5615580
File: 108 KB, 600x400, 600full-le-cercle-rouge-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Alain Delon as Meursault in The Stranger

>> No.5615583

I am always the awkward sincere downtrodden idealist (which there are a lot of in literature).

>> No.5615588

Whateve gets you to read better man.

>> No.5615603
File: 55 KB, 600x469, johnfaheyfahey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

William Stoner appears to my imagination as John Fahey for some reason.

>> No.5615606
File: 10 KB, 212x259, DFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually imagine the author as the main character. Especially with Kafka.

And pre-headband DFW was Hal.

>> No.5615618

fucking excellent taste in actors nigger

>> No.5615630
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>whenever a dirty smug old asshole is portrayed

>> No.5616585


Ochi chornyye, ochi strastnyye,
Ochi zhguchiye i prekrasnyye!

in regards to OP's question

I attempt to stick to the author's description as much as I can attempt, though if it develops separately from what the author intended, I don't mind.

>> No.5616595

i love you katski

>> No.5616596

I imagine all cyberpunk protagonist like gibson.

i end laughing hard.

>> No.5616690

This, holy fuck

>> No.5616699
File: 561 KB, 644x1100, 1399696518087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I've started to imagine this drawing of Harold Bloom as the protagonist of every book I read

>> No.5616715

How does that play in your own imagery? Having a vague description for a character walking around in the setting?

>> No.5617433

I imagine Kafka the main character of every book