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File: 17 KB, 350x234, Sam-Harris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5611899 No.5611899 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you hate me, /lit/

>> No.5611902

Literally who?

>> No.5611919

I don't know who Sam Harris is so I can't hate him

>> No.5611932

Because your idea of 'spirituality without religion' is pure ideology.

>Spirituality “is a name for all of the deliberate efforts people can make to cut through the illusion of the self, the illusion that there is a thinker in addition to the thoughts, or an ego as it is often called,” Harris, 47, said in a telephone interview. “Self-transcendence is the foundation of what I am calling spirituality.”

Like Zizek said: 'On today’s market, we find a series of products deprived of their malignant property: coffee without caffeine, cream without fat, beer without alcohol. The list goes on: virtual sex as sex without sex, the Colin Powell doctrine of war with no casualties (on our side, of course) as war without war, the redefinition of politics as expert administration as politics without politics. Today’s tolerant liberal multiculturalism wishes to experience the Other deprived of its Otherness (the idealized Other who dances fascinating dances and has an ecologically holistic approach to reality, while features like wife beating remain out of sight). Along the same lines, what this tolerance gives us is a decaffeinated belief, a belief that does not hurt anyone and never requires us to commit ourselves. Today’s hedonism combines pleasure with constraint. It is no longer “Drink coffee, but in moderation!” but rather “Drink all the coffee you want because it is already decaffeinated.”'

>> No.5611949

I will stab him in the name of Nietzsche one day.

>> No.5611990

What book of zizek are you quoting? That sounds interesting.

>> No.5612007


>> No.5612020

It does strike me as somewhat paradoxical that he is so vehemently against the dogmatic tenants of religiosity, yet in the same breath he blasts his own rigid convictions into a microphone.

Is ideology not religiosity without mysticism?

>> No.5612057

He probably learned that his anti-religious argument was actually flawed, so he tried to create his own solution which is actually just a thinly-guised religion or "religion without god" as it were for damage control.

>> No.5612101

Zizek has obviously never read Benjamin

>> No.5612106

I don't see why religion has to be a term we need to bring into this discussion.
>On today’s market, we find a series of products deprived of their malignant property.

Unless we want to make capitalism the same thing, let's discuss ideologies as ideologies.

I for one can't see how far his love for psychoanalysis goes, anybode has something?

>> No.5612115
File: 131 KB, 451x600, 49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I don't know what to do

There are so many ways to think about life and so many people with convincing arguments

Every day I think about my life and what it means, I just want peace of mind

What do I read, which philosophy do I follow to finally be at rest?

>> No.5612120

What do you guys think of Steven Pinker? I don't know what it is about him, but he annoys the shit out of me.

>> No.5612121

Here is a good article on Dawkins, of whom Harris is just a bad copy.


>> No.5612126

Sam Harris is basically Richard Dawkins without the intelligence and Christopher Hitchens without the debating skills and unapologetic assholery.

>> No.5612128

Dawkins is a retard

>> No.5612137

>Murderous religious fanatics know their way around the Internet.
>I have some significant security concerns, Harris said Friday. The Salman Rushdie effect is something I'm cognizant of.

>> No.5612139


>> No.5612145

What bugs the shit out of me is their insistent assertion that philosophy is worthless, yet proceed to posit claims within a philosophical apparatus, e.g. philosophy of science, metaphysics, epistemology, varying differing conceptions of cognitive function, ethical claims, etc.

>> No.5612153

The selfish gene is great though, not the work of a retard.

>> No.5612155

Damn fucking right.
WORDS bitch,

>> No.5612157

>and unapologetic assholery
But that was Chris's charm.

>> No.5612160
File: 770 KB, 1024x768, Daisies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure that must be you instead.

>> No.5612161

That's his point.

>> No.5612162

Some people, well most people really, are so shit at philosophy that they don't actually understand what it is, they're incapable of parsing their experience and their notions of reality in the way it requires.

>> No.5612163


I never said it was a bad thing, it's just a defining characteristic of Hitchens that Harris lacks.

>> No.5612166

Especially this about the brain, these fuckers alwys wanna ring in some of the hard science ie. neurons and shit, but the truth is; that the brain is as unchartered as india was it before be ce.

>> No.5612187

Hitchens really hated Muslims. Why do the big atheists seem to hate Muslims especially?

>> No.5612195

In the present age they act a good deal more retarded than the Christians, who've calmed down somewhat

>> No.5612202

I can't really respect Sam Harris out of the old "big 4" atheists used to look up to

I can respect Dawins for the fact that, even if his views are flawed, he doesn't act like he has all the answers, and he simply wants to find a way to biologically explain the way we are

I can respect Hitchens as a wonderful (albeit very repetitive if you watch them back to back) debater, for focusing purely on a moralistic stance as to why he has the arguments he does, and for our shared love of Johnnie Walker.

And I can respect Daniel Dennett because he looks like Santa Claus and rocks that beard.

But Harris? What does he have?


Orwell the closest thing to his personal hero, so Htichens hated muslim nations due to the fact that many of them live under semi-totalitarian rule.

>> No.5612213


>> No.5612217
File: 669 KB, 500x750, twiggypink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muslims fly airplanes into skyscrapers and stab people to death for making documentaries critical of Islam.

>> No.5612219

Christians aren't to blame for stupid things that the church and various governments have done in the name of the religion in the past, so neither are Muslims to blame for stupid things that certain governments of Arab countries and extremist religious groups are doing now

>> No.5612221

Denett's defense of Free Will is absolutely lel-worthy though, it boils down to
>if you avoid something you were going to do that means you free!
When people reply that the avoidance of the thing was also caused by something he literally just repeats
>but you avoided it! and you were going to do it!

>> No.5612223


>> No.5612228

>so neither are Muslims to blame for stupid things that certain governments of Arab countries and extremist religious groups are doing now
The Muslims doing them certainly are to blame, the rest of them are irrelevant of course

>> No.5612230
File: 110 KB, 299x417, 1410277632381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the same problem with DeGrasse-Tyson and Hawking, though Tyson sees the merit of some philosophy IIRC (ironically not the philosophy relevant to his own work thoguh)

>> No.5612231


In fairness, Christians would still do it too if they had the level of power they did long ago,

>> No.5612235


In all honesty I know next to nothing about Dennett and have neither read nor listened to any of his stuff, so I had to think of something.

>> No.5612240


No one has absolutely any reason to believe this is true.

>> No.5612244

How do Christians not have the power to do the things I listed?

>> No.5612246

Christians would still do it if they lived in failed states made perpetually shitty by Western intervention.

>> No.5612248


if the following behind your idealogy has the power to stamp out what they see as "dangerous" to it, why wouldn't they?

>> No.5612251


>> No.5612254

wait so who or what is being deceived by the illusion?

>> No.5612257

rational foreign policy and basic knowledge of history

>> No.5612262

They do do that shit in Christian countries though, see half of latin america, especially Chile is well known

>> No.5612268

failed states made perpetually shitty by Western intervention

>> No.5612273

So, they do it in colonized countries who suffered direct western intervention up to 20 years ago and are just now beginning to suffer (less) indirect intervention

>> No.5612281

They do it everywhere all over the earth and have been doing so since WW2

>> No.5612287
File: 124 KB, 237x243, catlipskorra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because not every adherent to an ideology sees exactly eye to eye. Remember the Reformation?

>> No.5612288

take one and run with it, there's no magic pill for that

>> No.5612289
File: 7 KB, 288x175, We've gone bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christians have been terrorists in the past. It is demonstrably true.

They don't have the inclination to now that their base is becoming more secular and passive

Exactly. Hello Northern Ireland.

>> No.5612291

You are so pretty... And fromthe sixties, don't get mixed up in politics please-

>> No.5612296

That's the entire fucking point, that they've calmed down

>> No.5612302

>and are just now beginning to suffer (less) indirect intervention
>just now beginning to suffer
indirect intervention
elaborate. I do not understand.

>> No.5612304
File: 25 KB, 500x375, Spoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is another factor in the relatively recent passivity of Christianity, but it's lack of coherence has ALWAYS been there and gotten it's adherents into horrific blood feuds. Islamists aren't all that cohesive either.

>> No.5612311


That doesn't mean anything. People who disagreed with the church took a stand; it wasn't without bloodshed but look at the result: most Christians wouldn't do awful shit in the name of their beliefs. You've got a few outliers who'd be dangerous under the right circumstances, but they're definitely a minority.

>> No.5612312

There is no point in trying to reason with them. They have an irrational hatred of the United States and the West and see Islamic extremists as a type of "patriot" against the Evil Empire.

>> No.5612324


Exactly. It's both a good and bad thing that not all Christians see eye to eye; that allowed for the Church to stop doing such shitty things. They didn't lose the power they had because they were defeated and usurped. They reformed.

>> No.5612325

Buddhism, Epicureanism, Stoicism, that kind of stoff. Ataraxia, apatheia, upekkha are your keywords.

They probably won't work though, might as well be at peace with the fact that you'll never find peace and start swimming along with the stream in a glorious amor fati.

>> No.5612326
File: 82 KB, 970x400, daisies-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've calmed down to a dull roar because of secularism and outright atheism, but all that on account of general prosperity and a large content middle class.
Is all that went away the crazy seed of the weed of Christianity will rise again and kill whoever they claim to be heretical.

>> No.5612328

Why is this hatred Irrational, If we don't put united states in that name-box, but capitalism instead, or what ever the United States of America has created for all of us real westerners, why can i not hate that colonial thought prison?

>> No.5612329
File: 51 KB, 549x500, Theo_Van_Gogh.killed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you terrorist sympathizers blame Theo van Gogh for the knife in his chest? You seem to be willing to go out of your way not to offend sensitive Muslims. Are you willing to sacrifice free speech in order for retards not to take to the streets?

>> No.5612335

yup. fucker should have known better than to insult the prophet

0/10 troll harder faggot

>> No.5612337
File: 994 KB, 500x376, drrr shucks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They reformed.
Yes, thank you industrial and secularist political revolutions and the general prosperity that gave birth to new thinking people instead of god and king loving cretins

>> No.5612341
File: 28 KB, 387x357, twiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I think in internet memes."

>> No.5612344

Be glad. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you're not actually a moronic Harris-ite

>> No.5612346


>> No.5612348

There are and always have been a sizable number of Christians who believe (rightfully) persecution of heretics is sinful. Only the few in power in those days carried out those persecutions; whose to say if Christianity was still a huge power, it wouldn't be helmed by benevolent Christians?

>> No.5612351

put your trip back on Twiggy

>> No.5612355

Grait answer to you own link. No one except you is talking about some guy - making movies - being dutch - getting killed by an orthodox fanatic except you, why is it irrational to hate what stems from my (MY) society my state? Isn't that what america is all about,? I don't like the face that's up in the western world, I guess I hope that everyone should have gotten wiser by now. But maybe that's just pipedreams. Don't know, don't even know if I even care. Cheers though and mber that christmas only gets here once a year.

>> No.5612363
File: 75 KB, 348x528, 1401983042888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And now we've descended into willful ignorance of some of the most important events in religious history, coupled with obnoxious tumblr gifs.

I guess all that's really important is that no fundies will ever make any part of the world into a Christian Theocracy

>> No.5612365

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You seem insane.

>> No.5612369

Jesus christ are you a fucking retarded tumor

>> No.5612381

Yeah I probably am, but my point was that you answered your own fucking link on Theo Van Gogh with more information about him, instead of telling me why you think that my hatred of what america stands for right now is irrational. I'm telling you, I don't like the capitalist machine, convince me. whtv

>> No.5612389
File: 32 KB, 600x269, sedmikrasky-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My Christian Animu .jpegs are far more pure than your dirty 3D pig-disgusting tumblr pics. Surely god will smite thee if my hand fails here!

>> No.5612396

Someone asked Twiggy: Who do high profile atheists hate Muslims particularly.

Twiggy answered with Van Gogh's example: Because Muslims are actually out to kill (high profile) atheists.

>> No.5612415
File: 156 KB, 1200x791, twiggy10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is irrational to reject all arguments against your position and only look for reasons that support your predetermined belief. I don't know or care why you hate America, capitalism, or whatever.

>> No.5612429

But isn't using the word muslim when describing these people against the fucking point of what the
>(high profile) atheists.
are getting killed for?

>Why do high profile atheists hate Muslims particularly?
Do they? Is Sam Harris really afraid of Muslims? Who is these high profile atheists?

>> No.5612430

This is really what's so absurd about the "new atheists" vs. those who actually knew what they were talking about like Russel

>> No.5612447

The argument being that some psycho killed somebody? I see my predetermined belief as being the same fucking thing as you "believing" that Islam as a belief can be held responsible for the killings in any way, if this is what makes atheists hate on Muslims, i would find that very hypocritical and ... pleb

>> No.5612457

It is a lot more than just "one psycho."



>> No.5612472

I did say killings.

>> No.5612482

That wasn't even my question I was referring to which was clear from my phrasing. Your thinking seems structurally impaired.

>> No.5612484
File: 66 KB, 517x785, twiggy5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will grant that my belief in the value of an open society where every clitoris isn't cut off is just as irrational as the beliefs of others but I don't give a shit and take delight in the fact that Islamic radicals are being killed every day.

>> No.5612513

Darling, do eat up.
You're looking so mighty skinny.

>> No.5612523

>I don't like female circumsision
>let's teach them how to do it, by killing them.
I'm sorry to sound crazy once more, but that seems archetypical north american to me.

>> No.5612531

There are many reasons: female circumcision, throwing acid in the faces of women who aren't wearing a veil, overthrowing or attempting to overthrow democratic governments, killing people for drawing cartoons, and most importantly causing instability in an oil-rich region. The oil under that sand belongs to the United States.

>> No.5612534

It is an empty plate.

She ate up every last speck of dust.

>> No.5612536

>typical woman stuff, suddenly
>that oil belongs to the US
are you ayn rands ghost

>> No.5612545

>overthrowing or attempting to overthrow democratic governments
America has a history of doing this too, should I bomb myself?

>> No.5612548
File: 39 KB, 200x196, WTF Man - Sad Falcon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because you speak in absolutes way too fucking often.

>> No.5612555

No, you should "bomb" the specific individuals in past administrations responsible.

>> No.5612584

How come when it's in the US, in a population that has had (and still hasn't stopped, tbh) it's fair share of racism, misoginy and homophobia, one should only prosecute administrators, but when it comes to those dirty brown people, they should all be bombed to hell?

Could it be that nouveau atheism is just islamophobia is just colonialism under a new face?

>> No.5612593

>they should all be bombed to hell
Despite the number of civilian casualties that you could list, it is a little more precise than that.

>> No.5612598

>make criticism with no explanation
>take random quotes from Sam
>quote Zizek talking about something unrelated

10/10 post my fellow memer

>> No.5612622

The traditional view of the self is that there is a center to one's experience. We all have a personal history and a personality. Most of us have a feeling like we are hiding behind our eyes looking out through the world. We feel we are the thinker of our thoughts even though they appear in consciousness automatically.

This view is an illusion that can be broken through practicing certain meditation techniques. The true self is the combination of sense perceptions, thoughts, and emotions in the present moment.

Putting it simply: There is no "you" experiencing your life, there is only experience itself.

>> No.5612628

Why is it so hard for people like you to critique both the United States and its enemies? It doesn't have to be one or the other. If some American dude is hanging black people from trees or beating the shit out of his wife then he deserves to be punished too.

>> No.5612645

>using the opinion of some fat Marxian as an argument
You continentals crack me up.

>> No.5612650

well how is it an illusion if nothing is being fooled? This seems stupid all it looks like harris wants us to adopt a way of experiencing life, that he, with his own agenda, has decided is better or some shit. And his couched it in terms so that it seems like we are 'waking up' or becoming 'enlightenend', when all it is is adopting harris's way of experiencing life, because he wants us to

man fuck this guy

>> No.5612655

How can you condemn homophobia, misoginy and racism in America, but support it in Islamic states and the religion of Islam itself?

>> No.5612672

If the United States did not have that base in Saudi Arabia then it would be the garden of Eden in the Middle East.

>> No.5612674

>how is it an illusion if nothing is being fooled?

The self is an illusion because most people feel as if it's true.

He didn't invent this. This is literally the reason why meditation is beneficial to mental health. Nothing about this contradicts anything we understand about the human brain.

I don't understand why you're so hostile to this idea when you barely understand it.

>> No.5612693

Zizek is a jittering idiot

>> No.5612696 [DELETED] 

Say that to my face, faggot.

>> No.5612700

>buttercunt speaks as though she has something to say

>> No.5612709

Are you against military intervention in the middle east tonight, Twiggy? I guess it must be funnier than always forcing the same trolling.

>> No.5612719

Yet doesn't. Have something to say, I mean.

>> No.5612729
File: 105 KB, 720x508, Qu-Richard Dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5612747

nice quote, dawkins defending an easily defended stance.
>O you so out there

>> No.5612757
File: 108 KB, 620x850, twiggystripes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you against military intervention in the middle east tonight, Twiggy?
I will be for intervention in the Middle East (and other regions) until every single country is a democratic ally of the United States and on its way to erasing its borders and willfully submitting to an international world order that destroys all traces of Islam through propaganda and giant flaming throwing, Gozilla-sized holograms of Jesus Christ.

>> No.5612767


>> No.5612769


>> No.5612817
File: 67 KB, 493x622, radical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic is 2qt3.420 for me to handle. Who is she?

>> No.5612829


>> No.5613010

Because he's gross, he's a racist.

>> No.5613015

That's the real Twiggy, you tard.

>> No.5613030

Where in the end of faith does Harris advocate torture? The part where if we preemptively know an islamic will use weapons against and choosing to strike first?

And then that stupid quip about Buddhist meditation, the reason why Harris doesn't criticize meditation as strongly is because it actually is true, yet he still argues that we will have to jettison the religious dogma behind it.

>> No.5613036

>Muslim's are gross
>They're prejudice

>> No.5613039

No sam harris is racist and gross because he hates all the race of islam.

>> No.5613045


Wow you are one hell of a bigot, chief.

>> No.5613051

>Modern society lets us have nice stuff without consequences.


>> No.5613059

Noticing that thoughts don't have a conscious author isn't an ideology though. He claims that there's objective evidence to support it.

>> No.5613069

Hitchens didn't hate Muslims though. He was always speaking in favor of moderate, leftist Muslims. I don't think Harris hates them either, but the accusations make much more sense when directed at him than at Hitchens.

>> No.5613074

The accusations don't make sense regardless. Harris is just more strident in his criticism of islamism, but I mean, he's writing a book with this muslim Maajid Nawaz. How much can you hate muslims if youre writing a book trying to come to common ground with one?

>> No.5613075

See: >>5611121

Remember: start with the Greeks and end with the Greek Plato.

>> No.5613083

It's not like there isn't any consequences, they're just pushed onto the third world in the form of labor exploitation, trade imbalances, and the exportation of environmental externalities. We rob trillions of dollars every year from these people while we masturbate over "tolerance" or w/e.

>> No.5613088
File: 88 KB, 581x835, resized_Epicurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and end with the Greek Plato.

>> No.5613100

You realize that if scientists prove that the universe is a hologram, they'll have essentially proved that Plato was right? It's inescapable. We're all Platonists now, living in this world of shadows and reflections.

>> No.5613108

I don't think you understand what a hologram is, since what you probably are thinking of is simulation. And even if it is a simulation that's not what plato thought anyways.

>> No.5613109

How would you define a left-hand glove compared to a right-hand glove so a person who had no knowledge of those terms could tell you which you meant? And not get the other? The mirror opposite?"

>> No.5613121
File: 81 KB, 500x328, No proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was banned for started a thread about something like this.

>> No.5613125

yeah cause he's fucking wrong

>> No.5613151

I concur, but I thought a thread on string theory as The Forms would be fun.

Instead we get a thousand joyless Sam Harris threads.

>> No.5613168

Yeah you can say it would be fun but it has no basis in platonic theory. Strings in string theory are material, the true essence of the forms isn't. The best you could possibly do is argue that even the strings aren't true and there must exist some true essence of strings.

>> No.5613172


I personally find him uninteresting because he thinks his oversimplified and textbook criticisms of Abrahamic religions is somehow intellectual and tries to pass himself off as a deep thinker.

>> No.5613191

No no, they're just very very fine.

>> No.5613217

Then you need to reread plato because you misunderstand his theory of forms.

>> No.5613251

The best you could possibly do is argue that even the strings aren't true and there must exist some true essence of strings.

i recall one tale which i read, written by one pothead, about a stoned guy who saw a cat and realized that the cat consisted of whiskers, but only the cat, the street, the city, the whole universe consisted of whiskers and that scientists know that but they call those whiskers strings and the whole conception string theory. a silly tale, but i imagine those strings as cat whiskers now

>> No.5613269

Epicly refuted my good sirs.

>> No.5613284

Twiggy and Butterfuly are the same person.

Just a different fedora.

>> No.5613320

I agree with this. Especially with how Twiggy hasn't been banned for avatarfagging and derailing (not like he did in this thread, i'm referring to more explicit examples). I feel like his existence here just makes the board less fun, useful, or intelligent in every way possible.

>> No.5613326
File: 4 KB, 164x120, UNINTELLIGENT FEMALE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesn't

>> No.5613402

Does anyone else think Sam Harris is kinda qt. Like im not gay, but if he was talking about something and pulled out his dick i'd still be interested

>> No.5613461

/lit/ hates everything.

>> No.5613474

For a guy /lit/ likes to mock, he sure does get a lot of attention here, even in bait threads. I don't think he has many 'answers', but he is certainly a well-spoken critic of a lot of the religious nonsense that still drags the world down. That said, his whole Moral Landscape utilitarian stuff is rather presumptuous and mostly devoid of any nuance or proper humanist considerations. I love dissenting view points generally but to agree with them is a different kettle of fish

>> No.5613482

Christians still live in those countries

>> No.5613515


As minorities they can't do much beyond fighting an uphill nationalist battle, like the Kurds,

But, again, hello Northern Ireland.

>> No.5614392

Who is Zizek?

>> No.5614419

Sounds like something from a pod novel.

>> No.5614459 [DELETED] 

>female circumcision,

My Christian girlfriend is 'circumcised.' In most cases it's a small, symbolic incision and it certainly isn't exclusively (or even mostly) a Muslim practice.

>throwing acid in the faces of women who aren't wearing a veil

How prevalent do you think this is?

>overthrowing or attempting to overthrow democratic governments
>most importantly causing instability in an oil-rich region
>The oil under that sand belongs to the United States


throwing acid in the faces of women who aren't wearing a veil

>> No.5614482

>female circumcision,

My Christian girlfriend is 'circumcised.' In most cases it's a small, symbolic incision and it certainly isn't exclusively (or even mostly) a Muslim practice.

>throwing acid in the faces of women who aren't wearing a veil

How prevalent do you think this is?

>overthrowing or attempting to overthrow democratic governments
>most importantly causing instability in an oil-rich region
>The oil under that sand belongs to the United States


>> No.5614728

because you make more money than me, for stating simple facts which are on-trend with the pseudo-intellectual middle class.

>> No.5615137

You do realize mods hate tripfags too

>> No.5616264

Who is this zisek you guys are talking about?

>> No.5616282

The hero /lit/ deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

>> No.5617396

>On today’s market, we find a series of products deprived of their malignant property

>> No.5617397

provide a terrible ethics

>> No.5618011
File: 192 KB, 501x445, 1405313355193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>string theory as the Forms
Oh goddamnit

>> No.5618094

He's liek the Stallman and Gaben for /lit/ :)

>> No.5618895

he's a pretty mediocre philosopher
also believes that qualia don't real

>> No.5618912

i dunno what's 'a pod novel' but that was a tale, i was accurate about the genre, a 'rastaman tale'

>> No.5618930

pod as in Philip K Dick, fucking auto correct I have the fucking thing.

>> No.5618941

his naturalised epistemology and his conception of freedom are both interesting

he's close to being a cognitive psychologist in his inclinations