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/lit/ - Literature

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5611589 No.5611589 [Reply] [Original]

Post the last idea you jotted down; eg- plot concept, character description, excerpt of text.
And the medium you used to do so; eg - paper, iphone, jail cell wall, human flesh and nail.

>> No.5611613

'Her eyes popped like ripe grapes' - phone

>> No.5611789

shorten it to just "her eyes popped like grapes". or "popped like grapes between teeth".

My own is: "It was a beautiful day and there was no story to be told." Scratched it next to my notes earlier.

>> No.5611801

Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt.

>> No.5611816

"Novel written from perspective of necrophiliac mortician, lolitaesque romance"
Samsung Galaxy S5

>> No.5611823

You should check out The Necrophiliac by Wittkop.

Some good shota-corpose romance in it.

>> No.5611838
File: 27 KB, 450x450, kokusai netsuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Authors with a penchant for excessive list-making.

.txt in notepad, where I keep everything with easily-indexable titles like alkdjfajdsf.txt

Not a novel, but an article I might could stretch to monograph. Probably need to do some more studies in diary first, but I have several in mind.

>> No.5611840

"toad from mk 64 "oh KAY!" "KAY" part as part of a snare drum. tune snare a fifth down from toad pitch

iphone 5s

>> No.5611885

Not anon, but nice!

>> No.5611913

honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm

that's how bad this board seems

>> No.5611926


A shit idea but something I have to write.

A young man and his sister go to a cottage resort that they used to go to with their family while growing up.

Their father abused them there psychologically and emotionally. The story will take place when the siblings are older and have lost most contact with their father. But some how the father will end up there and the son will conspire to murder him.

Sister will find and shit will hit the fan. That's the main story. There will also be some paranormal shit in the surrounding fortests and lake. I also want to throw in a unheard of version of Satan in the story some how as I always wanted to do that.

Story is first person from the brothers perspective.

So I guess my idea is a mix of your average edgy "boy hates his father" story and some biblical shit that may or may not be real that will deal with the boys path of either to kill his father or not.

>> No.5611951

Instead of having to father turn up, you should just work it, so the memories of being abused drive the son insane, and he begins to see his father, then starts plotting to kill him, yada yada yada

>> No.5611960

"I shall call these movements echoes (perhaps phrases? like a musical motif) -- these resounding marks of the artist."

I had written this on the margins of my copy of The Death Ivan Ilych.

>> No.5611965

I wrote a poem while hiding from cops while drunk the other night on my phone:

A darkened alcove shelters us
from lurking, lustful predators
sheathed in marble sharkskin
that blends into the shadows.

But soon our nook is discovered
and the shell is stricken,
dividing the ranks into fractions
that are numerated by survival.

So we bundle together
like penguins in the winter
to fend off the frenzied foes
whose stomachs are already full.

>> No.5611970

What did you do?

>> No.5611971

I had this shitty idea about sharing one of my shitty ideas on this shitty board, but decided against it.

-on 4chan

>> No.5611979
File: 143 KB, 446x631, tsukimiya_ringo yuzumame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A group of friends closing their 20's reunite weekly since highschool to play an absurdly complex board game made by one of them, they chat about how much in the gutter their lives are while only their actions are described leaving the general idea and goal of the game open to the reader. I'd like it to be a part of a novel I was jotting together from some characters I just wanted to write but if it stays as a short story that would be nice, finishing it in any way would nice enough.

>> No.5611982


Drinking underage at a party that had two noise complaints filed against it in the span of 30 minutes. After the cops came the second time, they asked everyone to leave and so they did...to down the hall. I was in the apartment across from the second location that the cops were trying to pry into. They eventually did.

>> No.5611987


What is CharDee McDennis?

>> No.5612023

I like that idea a lot . Thanks for the insight m8

>> No.5612028

Not similar at all, I was going for overly complicated board game with dices, cards, pieces, charts and stuff.
I always wanted to watch it's always sunny but never got to it, any chance I happen to catch some I find it pretty funn and original.

>> No.5612037

Pretty decent poem for a teen, don't get too full of yourself and practice. The idea of writing a poem while in a dangerous situation, a la haiku, is a good way of forcing inspiration.

>> No.5612047

"You say you're pragmatic, but you only wed that floozy because you lacked the courage to embrace the wild passion of a mild delusion."

>> No.5612068


Sadly I'm 20, so don't worry, any pomp that might've been left in me has long been drained by the cruel leech of life.

>> No.5612073

This ones straight outta my phone notepad

Get this, its a food truck that serves pancakes and crepes and its called a Crepe Van

>> No.5612076

the triune brain is to the tripartite soul is to the holy trinity

my wallet notepad

>> No.5612089

Her body looked like two midgets under a large coat trying to pass as a normal person, her legs seemed so low and her torso so long. It was then i knew that i was going to marry this women

>> No.5612091

The chairs were arranged in a neat matrix of four rows by twelve columns: "I was sitting in third row, eleventh from the left," sigh, "You mean the second from the right?" "Hehe - yeah."


>> No.5612092

I recently wrote two things in my notes on my phone that are kinda funny:

I, for the lack of a better word, am.

I asked Miss Communication where the universe came from, and she said nothing. So then I consulted Principal Uncertainty and he said, "I'm not sure."

>> No.5612096


>> No.5612097

Maybe also, you could have the brother eventually start to beg the sister to help kill their father (who obviously isn't there - the sister knowing this) and have the sister kill her brother (then herself?) out of fear.

Also, you should probably give them a reason to go to the location of their childhood, or it'll seem cheesy, and melodramatic. Maybe under the guise of conquering their fears of him, by finally returning to the place everything happened or something?

Sorry. Not meaning to hi-jack your story, just offering some ideas.

>> No.5612098
File: 549 KB, 500x682, twiggyside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Nietzsche: When trying to "find yourself," don't look within. Don't take the Myers Briggs personality test to determine your true self. Figure out what you want to be and strive towards becoming that. Within is nothing but weeds that need to be pulled up by the root. Your true self is at a distance above you. Strive towards that self. Will thyself.

>> No.5612100



>> No.5612105


Mission: accomplished

>> No.5612111

dual perspective novel about two people alone on a large spaceship who are both trying to secretly kill each other
paper and pencil

>> No.5612124
File: 17 KB, 383x317, laffin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahajajajaajhahahahahahhahahahaahahaahahahhahhhahahaaaahah

>> No.5612144

'Man, my dad's heart is in the right place. The right place for his asshole, unfortunately. My uncle, his heart is most definitely not in the right place. Not unless the American Museum of Rarely Used Things has recently acquired it for their Redundant Organs of Powerful Cretins exhibition. But I'd have heard about that. I'm on their mailing list.

>> No.5612148

I actually really like this one for some reason...

>> No.5612175

oops. medium: email to self via phone.

>> No.5612179

You can still compensate by working dem poems out.

>> No.5612181

A collection of brief stories that is basically a series of fleeting interactions between strangers wandering an abandoned world trying to find the truth of themselves. The interactions are sincere but never last. It's told through a series of diary entries from each character, offering various perspectives on the same conversations.

Basically, a medium to project my own values onto and represent in stories that never actually happened rather than simply ranting.

>> No.5612182

An original poster with no originality who uses clever tactics to amass ideas

>> No.5612198

A dumb poster who thinks that ideas matter and couldn't be replicated in a variety of ways in infinite directions by anyone anyway.

>> No.5612205
File: 14 KB, 336x330, 1381762281189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if you're cold
burning memories to stay alive
let my ledger at least be second
or third
and if love is the word
then speak it two
or three
times more.

Written in a notebook. Just the latest addition to one of dozens of poems i'm working on. It's shit, I know. I can't seem to construct one poem at a time because I get ideas that simply belong elsewhere. At least i'm being awfully productive

>> No.5612218

An insecure original poster who emulates fishies :D

>> No.5612237

Cautionary tale about pride featuring an idealistic young man who wants to be the best fighting game player in the world. "champion" is the title and is written on paper somewhere along with the opening shots.

>> No.5612276



>> No.5612284

Guy works at a company that refurnishes houses and sell them at high prices. Notice a window that only exists in the outside wall of the house.

>> No.5612308

No. I write them down to burn em.

>> No.5612319

Look insise, lovecraft all over everything.
Tells boss shit's wackes, boss goes "eh, dump the proof of crime there"
Documents disappear, great sucess! This becomes the new bussiness. Boss has the idea of also dumping corpses.
Cleaning shoggoths are mad as fuck with the dirt, corpses come back.

>> No.5612343


Thanks anon I will definitely take these ideas into account

>> No.5612376

конечно я руccкий, но неалкоголик еще

>> No.5612380

но ещe не алкоголик**

>> No.5612409


yeah, idk about revitalizing faith in myself by improving drunkenly written poems, or any reall


and what's so funny? is it my pathetic and edgily melodramatic outlook, or my cringeworthy apparent lack of self-awareness?

>> No.5612426

"corporate tattoo sonic war"

I don't remember what it means or why I wrote it down

>> No.5612454

Maybe an ad War? A Way to tattoos reproduce sound.

>> No.5612675

Talks loud because she is small.

Interrupts because she feels as though the conversation is enclosed from her, or fears it will be if she doesn't.

Does only what she strictly has to in a communal setting because she needs to assert herself and is scared of being walked over. Asserting herself is a stand against being walked over. It includes appeals to exact economic equity and its sense as a human right.

Punctuates everything she says with laughter and always smiles, but not because, I don't think, she is always happy -- let alone resiliently so.

It is because we are not allowed to be sad in front of our friends, unless we are confiding. Maybe if we gave our sadness to each other, things would be better.

I think that she laughs and smiles even when she is trying to confide.

There is soft fascism. Negative feelings are individually suppressed and collectively oppressed in the name of lightening up.

>> No.5613023

>I, for the lack of a better word, am.

I like this.

>> No.5613044

"Shut the fuck up, Thomas, while I tell you something. There is a dignity to life lived quietly, despite what you may have been told. Not everyone reshapes the world; not everyone can. But people--like me, and yes, like you--are not worse for our perceived unimportance. We are the glue, we are the crew, the lightsmen, the many that hold up the few. Where would they be, without us? Their existence depends on us, they are important for the sole fact that they can move us. Up they go on their pedestals, to orate, to motivate, Thomas, you and me, because they know what the driving force of civilization is. The everymen. As a whole, as a group, we'll never know it, but I'm telling you this gnat to gnat because you seem unhappy and it's irritating. The shoulders stood upon, that you've heard of? Those are our shoulders, and they're the foundation for the entirety of human past, present and future. Now shut the fuck up about your feelings, Thomas, and live."

"You honestly believe that, don't you?"

"Of course I do, fuckhead. Have I ever lied?"

I thought. "No."

>> No.5613301

>Thank you very much for your attention

That's it.

>> No.5613306

I've said that very often. What's special about it?

>> No.5613329

It's the most and least lonely phrase I could think of, that can be both at the same time.

>> No.5613358

That's a nice way of looking at it.

I also say "Thank you for having a conversation with me" if you want some autismal inspiration

>> No.5613403

he threw roadblocks in my way
so I just shift the gravity to 90 - paper

>> No.5613440
File: 21 KB, 512x384, 1354597691_461980557_5-ScenicPristine-beauty-land-for-farm-house-week-end-homes-overlooking-a-water-body-Maharashtra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just posted this idea in another thread, might as well post it here too

Somewhere far off in the Middle East, the devil is walking the earth again. In rural England, nothing's really changed save for the looming sense of deflation and dread the devil has brought with him. There's also the Satanic voices which come down the phone line whenever anyone tries to make a call, and the internet is a jumble of scrambled heiroglyphics. For a group of apathetic twenty-somethings, living five years after the devil arose, the only way to combat the devil's looming sense of deflation is to retreat into the past. Nostalgia becomes a drug for them, and they slowly realise that memories are incredibly fragile things which can be destroyed simply with the utterance of a few mere words in passing conversation, or by dwelling on the past so much that it loses its magic.

Not best described but there you go

>> No.5613443

He held tthe camerra like a stolen lover.

>> No.5613445

No conflict, wouldn't read

>Authors with a penchant for excessive list-making.
>.txt in notepad, where I keep everything with easily-indexable titles like alkdjfajdsf.txt
Are you me

>> No.5613447

cialis makes your dick hard

-ballpoint pen on my arm

>> No.5613450

I don't know but I bet we could be friends

>> No.5614046


"The data swirled around, zipping through encryption terminals and pouring forth clumps of chunk errors that darkened the rainbow coloured net for a moment before being corrected. Malware stalked the edge, thin tendrils of corrupting code clawing at packets, hoping to snake into a weakness.
The traffic slowed for a fraction of a second then piled up into a mountain, only to heave and spill content into the waiting jaws of Crawlers, info-AIs and other opportunists. A glaring security flaw, and presently, a fatal one."

Scribbled this on some paper using my pen. Mostly so I'd remember the exact imagery. Gonna use it for my Star Wars RPG game.

>> No.5614089

I wrote a poem last night.

>> No.5614095

Interesting. I have something similar. A girl I like told me to write "PEN15" on my arm. I'm thinking of getting it tattooed.

>> No.5614234
File: 41 KB, 1074x315, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

De pronto sentí sus manos calientes, primero con ternura y después con imperioso deseo, sujetar mi cara. «Tiene seis años», me dije a mí mismo, como intentando evitar abandonarme al goce de la vida. Pero era tarde; con un torpe gesto, ella ya había apretado sus labios contra los míos. «Suave», «húmedo» eran las únicas palabras que alcanzaron a llegar a mi mente.

My computer (LibreOffice).

Learn Spanish, motherfuckers :P

>> No.5614269

>Reanimate Orson Welles and have him play Socrates in Plato's Apology

You must admit it would be fuckin brilliant.

>> No.5614351

''A prophet once foretold, as prophets are bound to do, that something was to happen. And, indeed, something did happen, and the something decided that happening was quite a neat thing to do, and so it kept doing it.''

On my iPhone

>> No.5614371

They rode on mountain horses, breeds that could dance upon the perilous stone redoubts with grace and skill.

>> No.5614423

He demanded more out of life than he demanded of himself.

>> No.5614465

pony, I want a daddy.

on my phone, last night

>> No.5614479

I'll be a million things but with you - diary

>> No.5614506

Have a semi-complete rough draft in my head, about to commit it to paper after my daily jog
>semi-autobiographical short story about a schizoid who runs off into the woods to escape pressures of society, despises his own humanity and wants to live the shameless life of an animal
"Am I crazy?

All my life I've lived in walled places surrounded by walled-off people; people who lie and say its alright and still punish you for your dishonesty; people who get away with hurting others and tell you to live free but they look at you funny when you follow their lead. People who single out the weak and hunt them or, best case, ignore them and let the weak be hunted. I don't understand them or this world they made, and the harder I tried to be like them the more they pushed me into the wild. They did not want me.

Am I crazy?"

>> No.5614547

Read 'Doppler' by Erlend Loe. Pretty much exactly the same concept with more funny and less mental illness. Also, if you want to write about mental illness, you really gotta read a lot. Like, A LOT. Too many writers have tried and failed putting schizophrenia on paper.

>> No.5614563


Last notes in my pocket notebook for my tragedy.

“Cancer - tumor. As an internal mouse. Eating. Nails and fingers in the throat, scratching the esophagus; mouse growing against the ribs and pressing the stomach and lungs with its warm and hairy body. The tumor almost can breathe, like a form of life. Gnawing, gnawing, gnawing. Urinating nauseating juices into the stomach: the cause of constant nausea and indigestion.”

“Death: has an icy touch: many suckers in the skin, like tentacles.”

>> No.5614620
File: 2 KB, 46x85, everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diary entry regarding a symbol I'm seeing everywhere and how it could lead to liberation.

>> No.5614642

"She's lost her innocence for you."
Read something similar like this a few days back and quickly wrote a sentence like it down. I like the feeling it has.

>> No.5614661

i saw a solemn cat today full of the autumn gloom who contemplated the death of nature
i already said it on 4chan and was ridiculed

>> No.5614670

Word, and yeah I had the same thought, I'll have to do a fuck ton of research before it feels authentically "insane." It's also is why I decided to write about a character with schizoid personality disorder rather than a full-on schizo.

>> No.5614695

I keep having ideas where I stop and think 'that could be interesting for a story' and then never write them down and forget about them and tell myself they weren't even that good if I don't remember them
Like everyone else I think

>> No.5614707

Trashy adventures from the Yellow Sea.

mellow omanese village

>> No.5614708

lol faggot.

>> No.5614789

Have you read Doppler? Because if not, you really should, if only to make sure you don't end up using a bunch of ideas from it and get turned down.

>> No.5614795

This may not count, but it was the last thing I wrote, and it was kinda on a whim.

Far out in the empty reaches of the cosmos, a lonely orb of hydrogen and helium orbits the galactic center at a distance of roughly twenty-seven-thousand lightyears and a velocity of approximately one thirteenth of one percent of the speed of light. Its body is a hue of clear, pearly white, and in its core rages constant nuclear fusion, fusing about 620 million tonnes of hydrogen each second.
It was created a long time ago by the collapse of its father, a molecular cloud whose structural failure gave birth to it and many other stars like it. As its body slowly took form, a disk of dust and debris began orbiting its gradually heating frame, until finally the heat and pressure triggered a fusion in its core and it came to life.
And there I was. The most luminous of my fathers children, a mighty yellow dwarf slowly revolving around itself, watching creation go by. Then came my children.
At first there were many, entering existence and coming undone seemingly at the whims of cosmos – or me. Some were too so close they were perpetually melting – others were too far away to feel my touch at all. One was special, though.
At first, two sisters circled me in near-synonimous orbits, their crusts boiling with metals and silicates. Their love for eachother was as endless as mine for them both, but love can cause envy, and so it did. Theia, the youngest and most frail, crashed into Gaia, and their fates were forever altered. A seed was sown.
As the remains of Theia fell into orbit around her older sister, forever to watch over her, Gaia saw rapid changes to her texture. The molten iron covering her surface weighed too much, so it bled through her crust to form an endlessly revolving core in her centre.

>> No.5614882

It's shit, not worth learning spanish for.

>> No.5614946

Be like a ball, impervious to perspective.


>> No.5614956

Yeah I wrote a series of words in my wallet the other night while stoned:


>> No.5614962

The mind is a sponge that wets itself.
You exist as much as you don't.

iphone notes

>> No.5615102
File: 8 KB, 217x233, 1388578978440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree.

>> No.5615268 [DELETED] 

I'm on an island and the waves crash at the black cliffs. Echoes fade in and out of my ears. A beautiful, mournful ambience. Drifting, chord-driven visions.

Yes, I was high

>> No.5615274

I'm on an island and the waves crash at the black cliffs. Echoes fade in and out of my ears. A beautiful, mournful ambience. Drifting, chord-driven visions.

Written in a text document

Yes, I was high

>> No.5615296

Two best friends that met each other when friend 1 found friend 2 fucking his gf

>> No.5615306

feels choppy, the first sentence is weird like that.

>> No.5615415

Have you translated the text with google or something?
Explain yourself, please. I'd like to improve, and any critique is useful.

The text is supposed to be an internal thought. And although it is not perfect, transmits correctly the message.

>> No.5615474


I chuckled mildly.

>> No.5615477

When chicks have a long torso and short legs I call it 'having low-slung hips'. I don't know if that's a thing people say and I heard it somewhere or if I made it up.

>> No.5615482


What this is going to become?

>> No.5615491

Fan of Douglas Adams?

>> No.5615493


The first half did move my frigid heart a bit, anon. I don't understand the second half in relation to the first.

>> No.5615496


>> No.5615507


Maybe the "Dear Esther" soundtrack inspire you (awesome "game", btw):

Also, Mark Kozelek (Sun Kil Moon) music have that "sad" feeling:

And few links more:

I hope it's useful.

>> No.5615511


Libertarian future a la Snow Crash where big companies use sonic cannons around their property to drive the people or companies around them to put their property on sale to get away from the noise. The original companies with the cannons buy the surrounding properties so they can expand. The people who work there get special high-tech tats that prevent them from being affected.


The drive is not for land, the offer is if you get a visible tattoo advertising the company you won't have to hear the cannons.

There, enjoy your dystopian teen bestseller.

>> No.5615526 [DELETED] 

Diary of writing a diary of writing a diary etc...

>> No.5615565

You got me. Writing a fantasy version of the first chapter of the Hitchhikers Guide as practice.

>> No.5615572


>> No.5615582

here we go\:

He lit a cigarette. The smoke dripped abound his throat like a faucet of burning kindling. The harsh burn left onlookers of his accompany

>> No.5615607

"What if Thomas Pynchon murdered that one guy?"

Ask me about it, it's interesting.

>> No.5615714

Who the fuck is Thomas Pynchon?

>> No.5615716

Diary of writing a diary of writing a diary etc... -wrote with pencil in a copy of The Elephant Vanishes on the cover page of the story Lederhosen

>> No.5615723

I believe he wrote 'Infinite Jest'.

>> No.5615724


At the time I wrote it, I was sat in the dark listening to this john martyn cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l93fx-7kANE

I did enjoy dear esther, the soundtrack in particular. Alan wake was good too. Thanks for the recommendations, I will give them a listen and fuel my sorrow

>> No.5615731

>I don't care to view history through the eyes of the oppressed, that produces a melancholy effect

>The great man and the little men

>End of exploitation would be the end of life, for the weak as much as the strong

>History not linear, but a kaleidoscope where the same bits of glass are displayed in different configurations (Schopenhauer's idea)

>If you expand your perspective and find your enthusiasm for life diminishing, I think you ought to consider contracting your perspective

>> No.5615758
File: 47 KB, 464x528, eternal retipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>End of exploitation would be the end of life, for the weak as much as the strong
Actually, this is more of a Randian/Evola pleb thing to say, although an obnoxious libertarian teen who reads Nietzsche to be 'edgy' would say something like this.

>> No.5615777


>implying you've even read Nietzsche

259. To refrain mutually from injury, from violence, from exploitation, and put one's will on a par with that of others: this may result in a certain rough sense in good conduct among individuals when the necessary conditions are given (namely, the actual similarity of the individuals in amount of force and degree of worth, and their co-relation within one organization). As soon, however, as one wished to take this principle more generally, and if possible even as the FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF SOCIETY, it would immediately disclose what it really is—namely, a Will to the DENIAL of life, a principle of dissolution and decay. Here one must think profoundly to the very basis and resist all sentimental weakness: life itself is ESSENTIALLY appropriation, injury, conquest of the strange and weak, suppression, severity, obtrusion of peculiar forms, incorporation, and at the least, putting it mildest, exploitation;—but why should one for ever use precisely these words on which for ages a disparaging purpose has been stamped? Even the organization within which, as was previously supposed, the individuals treat each other as equal—it takes place in every healthy aristocracy—must itself, if it be a living and not a dying organization, do all that towards other bodies, which the individuals within it refrain from doing to each other it will have to be the incarnated Will to Power, it will endeavour to grow, to gain ground, attract to itself and acquire ascendancy—not owing to any morality or immorality, but because it LIVES, and because life IS precisely Will to Power. On no point, however, is the ordinary consciousness of Europeans more unwilling to be corrected than on this matter, people now rave everywhere, even under the guise of science, about coming conditions of society in which "the exploiting character" is to be absent—that sounds to my ears as if they promised to invent a mode of life which should refrain from all organic functions. "Exploitation" does not belong to a depraved, or imperfect and primitive society it belongs to the nature of the living being as a primary organic function, it is a consequence of the intrinsic Will to Power, which is precisely the Will to Life—Granting that as a theory this is a novelty—as a reality it is the FUNDAMENTAL FACT of all history let us be so far honest towards ourselves!

>> No.5615784

"Life ain't so bad, when you think about it."

>> No.5615787
File: 815 KB, 631x677, world's biggest Pink Floyd fan stalks Roger Waters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally being so autistic you both insult me on a personal level and copy a large body of text in response to a quip at one of your opinions

>> No.5615795


>being jelly because I actually read a book and got trips while shitting on you

>> No.5615806
File: 97 KB, 358x314, 1360805553813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5615824
File: 395 KB, 640x444, 1277772092503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5615828
File: 130 KB, 494x351, 1408723628178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5615831

Guys, please. Stop.

>> No.5615840

A short poem idea about alcoholism came to me while I was having a drink in the shower this afternoon. I wrote notes/brainstormed lines naked on the paper in my room once I got out.

>> No.5615841
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>> No.5615848

2 faggots carry out the internet equivalent of slapping their dicks on each others faces, posting reaction image after reaction image while the world looks on in shame.

Idea i got from 4chan

>> No.5615862
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>le trole me-may
Shame? What a fag.

>> No.5615867
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>le annoyed face may may

>> No.5615869
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Jotted down by pen.

"The gluttonous beast, lost in a fog of delusion and narcissism, consumed all that was virgin and beautiful around it to the extent that it consumed itself whole when nothing else was left.

That beast was Mankind."

>> No.5615875

>That beast was Mankind

>> No.5615878
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Since when is that even a meme?

>> No.5615882
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>> No.5615917

Electric torch

Medium: Evernote Mac

>> No.5615929

bad things come in threes

>> No.5615934

would read

>> No.5615938

This is great.
two companies gotta go fast by tattoing multiple sanics on themselves (corporate code for big player)

>> No.5615945

I was thinking about suffering as inspiration: "for art and music, impetus comes from pain from experiences in the world, for lit the impetus comes from such an intense rupturing that one feels the need to reconfigure their whole reality, in the form of fiction"

>> No.5615947

>There is soft fascism. Negative feelings are individually suppressed and collectively oppressed in the name of lightening up.

Maybe fascism isn't the right word, but it's nice to know someone else sees this.

>> No.5615959


>> No.5615963


>> No.5615968

I write down what I can recollect from my dreams
Today it was being sent to space by cartoon dogs
There's a narrative there somewhere

>> No.5615980

not bad

>> No.5616003

Very good.

>> No.5616028

I wonder what this means

>> No.5616031

So writers are more fucked up than artists? Explain why it's usually the opposite that's true?

>> No.5616111

Found that I'd written this yesterday when stoned (I like keeping open a word document and recording random thoughts):

A dryness through my mouth, mouth, a dryness through my mouth.
My lips are parched (my lips have crusts); my tongue’s a lizard,
My breath’s a rock.

>> No.5616149

You're mother, mother, held my cock.

>> No.5616153

Spanish is my first language. If youre going with a "thinking is weird" kind of vibe then i kind of get it. If not then the: "primero con ternura..." should have punctuation other than a comma, maybe like: -Primero con ternura y despues con imperioso deseo-

>> No.5616404

writers reconcile their suffering with analysis, a life of learning, and structure, while artists are generally dramatic personalities with little discipline and an inability to cope.

>> No.5616439

A man leaves his apartment to buy cigarettes and becomes entangled in a series of increasingly wild and dangerous misadventures(gets mugged and kidnapped, witnesses a murder, finds a secret passageway in a public building, discovers a satanic cult, etc). He returns home hours later and angrily realizes he has forgotten to buy cigarettes.

>> No.5616593


I guess that's why I have two siblings.


Have you ever seen the movie Slacker? It's based on a similar premise to the one you provided. Pretty entertaining stuff.


This also reminds me of a movie, but I can't seem to place my finger on it.

>> No.5616614

that's good

>> No.5616620

o'henry wrote a story like that

>> No.5616625

I once went to a graveyard of aliens. Twisted and bunioned they grew skyward, with tongued feet sunk forever beneath the thick black mud of which they made their meals. They had thick, armor-like hide that sloughed off in some places and littered the ground around them. As the canalled bony tubes that were their meatless bodies grew up from their feet they split, and those halves or thirds split again further on, and those once or thrice more. These fractal piles of bios grew impossibly tall, and upon the tiniest spindles at the extremities of their tentacular bodies grew tiny, flat heads of a palette of bilious colors - some green, dull yellow, blood red. No eyes nor noses or ears had their heads but an infinitude of tiny gaping mouths that my Teacher told me opened at sunrise and closed at sunset.

iPhone, high as dicks while walking home through a forest

>> No.5616654
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A story of a dog that recently got neutered. The majority of the plot is him trying to find his missing balls.
Rough plot written on a paper somewhere

>> No.5616835

I recently had an idea for a sci-fi short story about how in the future man will be able recapture an entire person's life experiences and then sell them to others to experience in a tiny fraction of the time. This way, one could analyze the brains, DNA, and other biological data of sorts of various people so that you could pay money to vicariously relive the lives of say Madonna, or Queen Elizabeth, or Stephen Hawking. It's a bit like Total Recall I suppose.

>> No.5616882

Haha, you should turn this into a novel, and only reveal what the protagonist is looking for, and that he is a dog on the last page

>> No.5616901

pen in my notepad

dentist should be completely docile to patients

>> No.5616902

metro universe post apocalyptic setting in middle east
Wrote a shitton more in the form of factions, characters, landscape, etc.
Computer on a .txt file

>> No.5616968

This city is dead, dead to god and man maybe I'm exaggerating but fuck I have sat through a lot of horrible court cases but. I draw the line at no I don't even want it put to writing dammit. Oh and apparently another deranged madman is trying to take the city with him. Sometimes I don't know what keeps me from jumping off the nearest building the only reason I'm not now is I see a hotdog stand and I'm definitely not gonna die on an empty stomach

>> No.5617357


this is pretty compelling

>> No.5617382

Some kind of description of pain on two levels for a character - one which is really more of a surface-level pain, he experiences it and responds to it and hates it but he knows internally he can bear it, that his reaction is at least partially exaggerated because others will see him. A second level is like a sea below that first level, a total darkness consuming him that he can only fight against for his own sake - the fact that others might be watching doesn't factor in.

>> No.5617420

these are all much better than the real answer, which is that I realized it was two ideas, one about tattooing corporate logos on yourself, and another about a peaceful political process where war was won or lost by whichever side shouted their opinion the loudest

>> No.5617439

:3 thanks

i'm writing a book about a depressed woman who joins a cult, and there are a lot of trippy otherworld scenes because they do drugs all the time

>> No.5617448

A man kills himself and leaves a PowerPoint presentation instead of a note.

>> No.5617449


>> No.5617456


this could be an amazing social critique

>> No.5617460

Three riddles

The giver takes, but receives nothing. The given is taken, and receives nothing. A gift given undesired by both, yet the giver has never held it. What is it?

When given, it is everything. When taken, it is nothing. The giver and the given gain. The taker and the taken lose. What is it?

It was a man's most precious possession; yet he could make it in a night. It was a gift from his mother, but he gave it away. What is it?

>> No.5617486

Make the PP presentations and send it to your aunts to viralize or whatever they say when they send it to their old friends.

>> No.5617498

A concept for a faction in my sci-fi setting. It just says "ideology through advertising" because it's more an anchor to remember my thoughts by than an actual note.

Written on my cellphone while walking home from school. I'm in China, and they have billboards here that expound the virtues of socialism, only if you don't read Chinese you'd think it there were ads for cable companies or something. Big characters written in the clouds with people looking up at them in wonder. They even have a chibi fairy with a little magic wand in the corner, god knows why. Inspiring stuff.

>> No.5617518

at a party. fat, needy fuck. hobbled from group to group like a pig searching for food. what are you doing? what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.5617538
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Have him use lots of stock photos.

>> No.5617539

beyond your dreams of plastic youth

woke up and saw that I wrote it on my hand.

>> No.5617549
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>> No.5617550

>Welcome to Rubella Tuesdays: Would you like to try our Heppetizer C?

>> No.5617554

holy fuck. prime self hatred

>> No.5617575

"Crushed the Godhead to a single point"
A sharpie and register paper

>> No.5617588

An acidic acrylic redhead. An acetylsalicyclic subsistence with gleaming scrapyards of ears that looked like they had been savaged by a swarm of metal bees. Steel-stung phalanges

A smiling twilight woman and the lunar orb of her husband's hirsute capit.

iphone, i was describing people on the bus

>> No.5617591

Imagine the terror of oil's first observer, watching
Lucifer's boiling black blood bubbling from the earth, the alarming rupture of an evil pustule on Gaia's clayed face.

>> No.5617655 [DELETED] 

spastic flurries of fast, ineffective punches continued from both of them with an inexhaustible, children's energy. Eventually, after nothing continued to land, dumb luck sent a stray head to connect with my face, allowing me to briefly experience the vision and sound of a dial-up internet in the real world. The only thing missing was the futile anger that usually accompanied it. I was happy in that brief, cloudy moment

>> No.5617813


*lol* You should check out a book called The Weirdness. It starts with a guy waking up to a man in a business suit sitting on his couch who turns out to be Lucifer offering a task via Ppt presentation. It's pretty kooky and funny.

>> No.5617836


>An acetylsalicyclic subsistence with gleaming scrapyards of ears that looked like they had been savaged by a swarm of metal bees.

Pretty great.

>> No.5617847


The first is an unwanted pregnancy?

The second is weight, murder, love, idk?

Life, virginity, wha?

>> No.5617857


Pretty great writing bro

>> No.5617865

To be assassinated is to go supernova.
Alcohol destroys lives; crack destroys neighborhoods.


>> No.5617867


A ball is subject to perspective, larger close up and smaller from farther away. I think you'd have to choose something else...maybe a star as seen from Earth is impervious to human perspective? It looks the same on a clear night from any location in the hemisphere from which it's visible. Unfortunately, 'Be like a star :^)' sounds pleb as fuck, not to mention it adds the concept of being above and better than the viewer. All I've got off the top of my head though. :/

>> No.5617868

death, life, love

>> No.5617937


just post the answers and spoiler tag them

>> No.5617942


You're right, it's definitely a bit wooly. But how's this: impervious to angular perspective? Sure even then, light plays a role, as with the moon, but it still conveys the pivotal point of: act consistently in such a way that your grandmother would say the same things of your character as your drug dealer.

>> No.5617995


I googled capit because I didn't know the word. Results indicate it's not used as a word. As a prefix, capit- or capito- meaning 'head.' And the Latin root is capit-.

Is a Latin 'root' the same as a Latin 'word'? If so is it considered acceptable English to substitute any Latin word, regardless of whether it's part of the English canon? Is 'capit' a word in English?

I ask from ignorance, not malice. I know very little about Latin.

>> No.5618035

i don't know anything about latin grammar either. i used it because it indicates 'head' - capital, capitulate, cap, etc.

generally i don't really care if what i'm using is an actual word or not, as long as people can tell what it means from its context, its connotation, or the way it sounds. sometimes there are 'perfect words', words that fit like puzzle pieces into my thought, that don't exist in english, or don't exist at all, so i substitute. i find it makes for a nice crunchy bit in a sentence.

>> No.5618064


Always an aggravation to think one has a nice succinct truth and realize it needs additional words! I think limiting it to 'angular perspective' makes it work. And anyone who isn't retarded will read it as a perfect ball in a void, or an 'all other things being equal' situation. Safe to ignore light and other circumstances of impeded or improved viewing.


>> No.5618077


Now that you've thrown 'cap' out there I think it could function the same - hirsute cap. But 'capit' instead does eliminate the possibility of a hairy hat!

>> No.5618143

ergo, cap is not the perfect word for this situation. cap is the perfect word somewhere, though. it's perfect to put at the end of something. a distinct body that fits snugly on the end of another - like the end of a sentence that ends in cap.

>> No.5618211


(it was a name for a female character)

>> No.5618224

just a short scene i want to implement in something.

god calls a guys phone and gets his voicemail but it's one of those voicemails where the guy makes you think he's answering, then you try to speak and then he's all "haha just kidding man leave a message after the beep" or something

>> No.5618271


First time posting, not really a writer, I prefer printmaking.

>> No.5618314
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>> No.5618315


Haha shhhhh, I don't write. I draw.

>> No.5618346

Probably you're right. I should use the "large hyphen". But well, this was a quick written phrase. I understand what I mean.
Also, no one is shocked yet for what I'm saying in the text :)

>> No.5618891

>'Jesus must have hated that his birthday fell together with christmas'

Because that way he would get less presents, I thought it was funny at the time

>'I think it's really tasteless how all those holocaust pictures have been ruined with instagram filters'

>> No.5618896

Every human life is a low budget reality tv show for a lazy god. He sits there flipping through the channels and stuffing his face with ambrosia doritos. He has been there so long he is riddled with bed sores. One day he will cancel you.

saved as canceller palpatine.txt

>> No.5618908

Mass Effect fanfiction
>being this patrician
>feels good man
However I just want to write it, because it's a shame how we know so little about a seemingly well-developed character (Nihlus). So I'm not a writer and I don't want to be writer. I just want to know Nihlus' backstory.

So if any if you would like to write it I would appreciate it and definitely read it, here's what I wrote down:
Flashback about the duel with Samara
Old friend with Saren, but drifted apart when Saren went crazy after the war with humans (as we know Nihlus is not racist)
And basically incorporate everything we know of him from the first game (likes to work alone, he calls excellent performance 'good', uses shotgun and assault rifle etc.)
online notepad

>> No.5618909

This first one is brilliant

>> No.5618921

All my faults are in my lungs
I become free as I exhale

Wrote on the paper to which I rolled my weed into.

>> No.5618932


>> No.5618937

'ambrosia doritos'
not digging that phrase

>> No.5618944


That makes me upset. Please reconsider.

>> No.5618950

I know, I like scribing these pseudo-deepshit on my weedpaper

>> No.5618965


You like smoking ink/graphite?

>> No.5619050

It will kill me either this or that way

>> No.5619093


I don't really 'write' anything meaningful, but that's how I keep all my notes and ideas.

>> No.5619129

There’s nothing to bring out cruelty in yourself like trying to be someone.


>> No.5619148

Kdykoliv sedím na přednášce,
V myšlenkách kreslím obrazce,
Slovní spojení v otáčce jsou věci co se umí vytrácet,
Nezachycuji jen frustrace,
Kritizuji chybné retrakce,
Večer předem se dám do práce, tři tisíce slov to je legrace
Na cvičení probírám Joyce,
Tohle učení bylo mým choicem,
Chci být učený ne ghetto borcem,
S učitelem se bavím o rapu,
Ve vlaku uvažuju o světu,
Jedu od úsvitu do rozkvětu

>> No.5619153


its weed m8, not crystal meth

>> No.5619168

I agree. Negative feelings are a guide as much as positive ones. Try to ignore them and you cut off part of yourself. And probably make yourself more miserable, angry etc. in the long run.

>> No.5619170

Not that there's anything wrong with being miserable and angry.

>> No.5619252

Yeah, platitudinous BS, but here it is:

Silence said is a contradiction; an imagined speech a disservice.

Comp notes

>> No.5619866

i don't think he dislikes what you're trying to convey, just the sound of the phrase. the words don't really cohere

what about mount olympus dew

>> No.5620082

While rolling in the mud, he realized surpressing his murderous thoughts was like trying to get rid of the filth on his body with a 7 months old toothbrush.

>> No.5620402

i always find it surprising when someone i'm not trying to please is positively disposed towards me. like why? not self-hating, just acknowledging the fact that i'm generally vitriolic

you know. detachment is not a natural position for people to take, it's a habitual reactive process
(this is really sad)

you're dealing with a kinder, gentler me. the ultraviolence is only implied now

cold water with a dash of apple juice

all things considered i find attractive people more pleasant to be around. the better looking you are the more you deserve to exist

one thing about the problem of interpretation. i always thought people couldn't know what others truly meant because we actively construct meaning out of the signs other people present and we use our own beackground information to do so, so we can guess in the general area enough to function with them but not have an accurate representation of the source material, being just off because interpretation is an inductive and not deductive process. but it's not like people seriously know how to express what they mean in the first place, or that people mean anything specific at all. a low res image of a low detail object doesn't necessarily lose any information. the necessary acuity stands in relation to whatever is being expressed. this gives me hope that people can truly understand each other

The weak and the botched shall perish: first principle of our charity. And one should help them to it. - Ayn Rand

>> No.5620714
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>> No.5622094

Tapped it out a second ago in notepad, guess its a draft, ill probably change it alot

Land yellow with sickness
Agricultural predictions, were vomited back
To the playtime Nostradamus
The desert was hot but it was time to move onwards

A furnace suggested
The majority detested
They were soon reminded
A fire was blinding
They wouldn't see their end

He swigged from a canteen
Fools what don't you see
This mans talking candidly
About your death

The room was a sauna
Eyes blinked, they were caught up
Someones Iris turned from blue into gold
Someones threading it began to unfold

>> No.5622106
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6:30- sharp. Baxter's glasses were on the edge of his nose, his fingers tapping arms of the chair, his eyes never still. The beach's salt air filled his nose. The prospects of this job were infinite- if he could snag this, the world would be his oyster. Everything he wanted out of life would be his. The moment that eighteen years of schooling and breathing and living and loving were about to be fulfilled. The anticipation was in his stomach, tickling the back of his neck like some sort of agitated gremlin. He couldn't care less about gremlins though- he was sure to get the job, sure to get the job, sure to get the job!
Tick. 6:31- the time had come. Baxter's energy was released like some sort of caged tiger or rat, as he leaped from his seat and next to the slowly opening window. Gulls cawed outside. Baxter cawed back (but only in his head), and rocked back and forth on his heals.
“Can I help you?” A normal voice said from behind the booth. She had pretty blonde hair, and was definitely a she.
“Beach job?” Baxter's voice said from in front of the booth. He had pretty blonde hair, and was definitely a he.
Baxter barely heard the sigh over the gulls he was cawing back at (but only in his head), but did see the neat sheet of paper and gel pen get handed to him by long, pale fingers with crimson tips. He signed it as she gave it to him, under job number 14- 'beach cleaner'.
Fireworks exploded in Baxter's mind at that very moment. It was a mental orgasm, a lifestyle that would encompass his entire life and mind, a philosophy that would change his outlook on the world. His dreams and hopes had been accomplished in a single swoop. The fireworks in his head were too loud to hear the crimson tipped definitely-a-she blonde yelling for the paper back.
Baxter gave it back, and began to rock back and forth on his heels. His eyes weren't still as they swiveled and swooped and sucked in every aspect of this room with sudden clarity. The eighteen years flashed before his eyes, and the seventy remaining years flashed as well. A life of endless possibilities. A life where his dreams were already in front of him. A life cleaning a beach- his beach. A life of beautiful and total freedom, a life of wonderful purpose. After about four or seven minutes, Baxter pivoted and walked out of the room on several clouds. The scent of salt rose to his nose and the sound of gulls echoed in his ears.
“One more thing,” The blonde haired definitely-woman yelled as sand touched Baxter's sandals. “Would you cut it out with the bird noises?”

>> No.5622215

A Haiku

After all, he notes,
there is "no college course called
'Reading 101."

>> No.5622396

Like children we ran, grasping at straws that were no longer there

>> No.5624024


>> No.5624442

>I really want to bang out a prostitute. But ironically.

>> No.5624479

ill you are a god.

>> No.5624503

>dent's narrative essential to explicating gordon's

.txt file on my desktop.

>> No.5624566
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This just came to me:

Two recent high school graduates and distant acquaintances from Arizona, a boy and a girl respectively, decide to drive together to their universities in Sacramento and San Francisco. They bond during their northward journey and begin a sexual relationship, diverting from their trip to spend a week exploring the Mojave desert, living in cheap hotels, and experimenting with drugs. At the end of the week they make an overnight rush to their colleges just in time for classes to begin and go their separate ways.

>> No.5624605

Cirrhosis Jones

a sad, lonely, alcoholic who's ruined his life by killing his wife and unborn child in a drunk driving accident spends his days drowning his sorrows at the local bar
then it shows his insides which is like a cartoony scene where all of his internal organs are working together to shut down and kill him slowly
so on the outside it's just a sad old man drinking himself to death and it's sad and unfortunate but on the inside it's a bunch of cartoon organ cells dying off and has elements of black comedy
i suppose the lead organ cell Cirrhosis Jones can be a liver cell and he can be voiced by sinbad

i dunno it could be a decent adult swim show

>> No.5624617


this sounds like something from Calvin and Hobbes, I love it.

>> No.5624633

I laughed. If Mike Tyson can get a show where he makes groaner jokes about Cormac McCarthy this should be a thing.

>> No.5624650

thx anons. should i write it more as a teleplay kind of thing or just as a story? i don't know how i'd make the innards scenes sound cartoonish if it was just a novella or something.

>> No.5624719

will you buy me when i come out and post a review on someone's blog

>> No.5624729

'The day was a pinkish haze'

>> No.5624735
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>two people, a boy and a girl respectively

>> No.5624758

Has potential.

You should write it, hack away at it. Do something with it.

>> No.5624796

is it more storylike or showlike? like should each chapter alternate points of view like from the unnamed man in the bar to Cirrhosis Jones and his band of misfit cells? maybe they should be murderous criminals going around attacking all the other organs in a battle of organ domination

>> No.5624865

>is it more storylike or showlike?

You mean more visual or literary?

Being where we are I'd rather see a written work.

You might split the difference as a play or theater piece, if you can't get away from thinking of it in visual media terms.

As for how to approach it, do some discovery writing and see how where you go? No goal, just write and see.

>> No.5624904

>You mean more visual or literary?
exactly. i can see it working perfectly as a half animated/half real life 22 minute tv show but i can also see it as a story where the chapters go back and forth. i can even see it as a graphic novel.
>tfw have 2 graphic novel ideas i really wanna make but i can't draw to save my life and i can't find a serious illustrator but that's neither here nor there
i suppose tomorrow or this weekend i'll get really drunk and start working on it. if there's another post your oc thread up you can look for me there.

>> No.5626773

here's the last thing I wrote today.
>The smelly, stubby, sloppy senior stood back from the counter to get full view of the healthy and completely not stroke-inducing menu, basking in all its greasiness. Every few seconds the chunky fellow would either sniffle or wipe his nose, apparently oblivious to the recent invention of the tissue.
part of a spontaneous flashfic during break (on my phone)

>> No.5626787

Notepad: "Books were the original computers with regards to their usage and ubiquity," saved to my "Stoned thoughts" folder.

>> No.5626791

"They're just tricks," he said with a cool heart.

>> No.5628916

The heart you touched and slowly took over,
you didn't know yet, the signs were hidden,
tried hinting wouthout hints and they failed.

Now, after years your heart has been taken over,
not by the hints, not by the fails,
yet my possession has been smashed ito the ground,
it bounced and became numb.

>> No.5628947

unconscious hoarding-korean model of learning
athletic growth through sports-absence of traing for its sake

ink on arm

>> No.5628950

Btw, before you all say it's bad/edgy/teenage highschool stuff/...
I know it's bad.

I just wanted to, at least, write my feelings down for this person at least once.

Never put your hopes in one person Anons.

>> No.5628973

I thought about this while walking home the other day, to be honest I don't even like it that much myself. (1/2)

I'm a criminal. Not only in actions but in character, even if I were to stop committing crimes I would still be a criminal. The essence of crime is transgression, I was told, a person who is driven to break the law by crippling poverty or any other fate will have committed a transgression, but he may not be a transgressor in the literary sense, even if he is one in the eyes of the law. To a writer this person is not a criminal in character but only through necessity, he is either a victim or a helpless pawn shaken around by an unforgiving world.

I however, am both. Would the circumstances of my birth have been any different I would have still sought to commit crimes, be them legal or literary. The world loves transgressors, and by extent criminals, while others simply watch ecstatically and with feigned disgust others find the spotlight irresistible. What brings people like me to this place, you ask, doesn't matter, only characters in a story need a past and right now I'm reduced to being only a legal criminal.

Gunned down in an alleyway, bleeding out, fitting end. The fool calmly stitching the wound doesn't know any better. I stabbed him two years ago, never forgot his face as I'm sure he hasn't forgotten mine.

>> No.5628977


I had stopped being a legal criminal then, aiming for more glamorous transgressions. It was some sort of seminar, some bearded man in spectacles talked how great men are built from transgressions. Somehow I failed to see what made them so great, I could not distinguish them from a criminal. But while such distinctions may be impossible for a low criminal such as myself sensing an opportunity for wealth and fame sure aren’t. To be hailed instead of vilified, to transgress so that people are left in awe and not fear. No crime is any different to me, pick your poison I’m only the waiter.

He then showed up, knife in hand, uncontrollable sweat and empty stare. A pawn, not a character, he was not a doctor then, not at that moment, just a criminal. What he wanted was money, like everyone in that situation always does, gave him my wallet. “Is this all you have”, he asked and so I stabbed him. Be wary of other’s knives when you insult them. But I felt no anger, not then, not now. Guess the criminal limelight was never meant for me.

>> No.5628984


That was the day I lost my status as a character, and became a pawn. A pawn’s death I suffered now while the will of a character infused itself on the foolish doctor. I never got to ask him why before I lost consciousness and with my last waking breath I told him “If I see you on a dark street at night I will kill you.” I never believed a man’s character could change, and I was not my own exception. “Do it for yourself, as I do for me”, he said, as I drifted to sleep.

When I regained consciousness I was still a criminal. Never thought about what the doctor had told me that day, nor did I ever think about what brought him to me that day, knife in his hand. But that does not matter now, we are both only pawns with no past nor future. However I am impressed if anyone actually read this whole thing.

>> No.5629385

What does /lit/ use for actual writing not just ideas?

Semi-cross post from another thread:
I want an editor that can allow me to break down single files by chapter but are clean, basically writemonkey but with a file tree on the side of the actual typing field where I can select chapters.

>> No.5629453

>no one is shocked yet for what I'm saying in the text :)


>> No.5629506


Yep. I expected someone asking if this really happened. I'd deny it, of course ;)

>> No.5629614


Mediawiki, as I have internet access almost 24x7 and am both experienced and comfortable enough running my own rig.

For the times that I am offline, Emacs. My own requirements for a writing application are a halfway decent highlight errors on the fly spell check (included in any web browser), and occasional use of italics.

Supporting apps that I like to have are: a thesaurus (Artha, or Wiktionary), a dictionary (Goldendict, or an old school collection of dead trees), a grammar and style check (style, wc, and an online paid service).

I prefer the supporting apps to remain separate from the first draft writing tool, to keep my mind in the right mode while creating. Typesetting, editing, and revision must come after, not during, for me.

If you have ever worked for a newspaper, and studied the production process, you will have learned it to be a melange of different processes contributing to the creation. Don't lose yourself in the post process when you're creating content. Typesetting, formatting, editing, everything that is not putting words on the page for the first time should be avoided. The evil of modern word-processors is that seductive illusion that you can do it all at once, or that the creation process is all of one simultaneous subject that you are somehow an expert of - just because. Staggeringly vast and insanely complex integrated office applications designed, and marketed, to somehow turn a single front desk secretary into a veritable one person juggernaut of a print shop are a hell of wasted time, talent, mind, and money to creative writers.

>I want an editor that can allow me to (all sorts of structural shit)

Generally speaking a wiki. Specifically, I am beginning to investigate and familiarize myself with Wikidpad - which sounds *exactly* like what you are looking for. I intend to use this as a replacement for Emacs, for local offline use.

>> No.5629726

I mix it with tobacco