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5609217 No.5609217 [Reply] [Original]

What should I read to fill my heart with love, optimism and wisdom?

>> No.5609222

Tao Te Ching

>> No.5609223

In Praise of Older Women: the amorous recollections of András Vajda by Stephen Vizinczey

>tfw you never were a confident teenager having amazing mature relationships with older women

>> No.5609229

>>tfw you never were a confident teenager having amazing mature relationships with older women

no I was not, but god damn that would've been amazing

>> No.5609231

Les Miserables. God be with you.

>> No.5609233

The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

>> No.5609235
File: 59 KB, 500x436, aegyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Les Miserables.

No thnx.
I remember reading a part about Collete and it was really depressing.

>> No.5609238


>> No.5609239

Go out and live.

>> No.5609240


Love is found from other people.

>> No.5609241

Gospel of John

>> No.5609245
File: 20 KB, 472x314, ten-commandments-in-the-new-testament_472_314_80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one possible answer.

>> No.5609251

.. But John is esoteric. Don't you mean Luke?

>> No.5609253

Nice meme.

>> No.5609255

Matthew > Mark > Luke > John

>> No.5609258

Except it's not. The New Testament is the only piece of literature that really makes me optimistic. Everything else fails.

>> No.5609259


Christianity is actually a unique and probably true religion. I just can't believe in a "good" or "just" God.

>> No.5609265

>I just can't believe in a "good" or "just" God.

>> No.5609267

surprisingly (actually not) epistles are more racial tolerant than gospels

>> No.5609268

Siddhartha or some of the Redwall books.

>> No.5609269

> racial tolerant
What are you talking about? The Jews/Gentiles divison?

>> No.5609270



>> No.5609275

the equality of all the races for the god wasn't the words of jesus who treated jews as the best race but of pavel

>> No.5609276

No, I mean John.

>> No.5609282

Citation needed.

>> No.5609283

i mean paul
what a weird transcription, almost as bad as jesus for the name which never sounded even nearly as jesus

>> No.5609284

>go out and live

Ugly people need not apply.

>> No.5609285

Plato, Symposium

>> No.5609286

and you claim to know the bible?

>> No.5609289

Probably better than most, but not as well as I should.

>> No.5609291

The God Delusion

>> No.5609297

Voltaires's Candide, ou L'optimisme. It even had optimism right in the title.

>> No.5609298

Meaning what, exactly? Ugly people shouldn't want to leave their basements?
Pathetic. If you're ugly and you take this attitude your social problems are your own fault.

>> No.5609307

But the book is a shitty pamphlet.

>> No.5609309
File: 335 KB, 612x611, Hap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had the answer all along OP. I did a reverse image search on that girl, found her instagram, and found this.

>> No.5609316


The nature of our world, suffering, disease and the natural ignorance and violence all life-forms are predisposed to and must endure.

>> No.5609318

>the equality of all the races

Only in the sense that they can be united in Jesus' name. Like how the man/woman separation is also negated, yet there are objective differences between men, women, races, etc

>> No.5609320

>That book is a pamphlet
Do you understnd what any of those words even mean? Are we being raided or something? Its a novella.

>> No.5609331


not bad, not bad

>> No.5609343


>> No.5609349

Do you understand the metaphorical, non literal meaning of the word?

>> No.5609353 [DELETED] 

>I just want to worship her feet

>> No.5609365

First answer was best answer

>> No.5609379

oh, sorry, i'm so annoyed today when people ask me sources which they already know

i mostly meant this https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+7:25-30&version=ESV

and this https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Colossians+3%3A11&version=ESV

also i didn't want to undermine your belief, it can have multiple explanations

>> No.5609381

I do, you obviously do not. Candide is not a pamphlet in a literal or metaphorical sense, namely because it is a work of fiction, arranged in chapters in a novella format, bound and published, reaching a length of over 100 pages. Remind me, anon, of some of the great works of pamphlet fiction? Pamphlet short stories, or novellas, or pamphlet novels, that contain famous fictional characters and circumstances? Dumbass.

>> No.5609386

Doing great things will be forever > Reading great things

>> No.5609432


I haven't even seen her feet

have u?

>> No.5609439

That's why you should read the Old Testament instead

>> No.5609452
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>> No.5609455
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>> No.5609461

If he lived today he'd probably be a motivational speaker, raking in the desperation dollars

>> No.5609468
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>That's why you should read the Old Testament instead

our miserable history pre-dates anything the OT talks about...

Plus, the God depicted in the OT is brutal and violent.

>> No.5609484

and? it is only through suffering that you can learn the true value of love. why do you think the books of the bible are organized in the way that they are? what about the divine comedy?

>> No.5609497


the old jews really messed up what morality and God are in the OT. that's why Jesus came to correct them.

>> No.5609512

You really do not understand what I mean?
Wow, the comprehension. You seriously never heard a work being called a pamphlet?

>> No.5609521

>it is only through suffering that you can learn the true value of love

the idea that we suffer to learn love or wisdom or divinity doesn't fit with reality though.

most have suffered and died in ignorance, many don't know love at all...They are born ignorant into a dark world that brutalizes them and cannibalizes them. It's been happening to humans and our ancestors for millions of years, and every other life form as well...

learning love and wisdom are luxuries only a tiny minority will ever know...even if my existence was justified through love, I would feel guilty about it as I watch so many beings, less fortunate than I, tortured pointlessly and viciously...

If a good God exists and blesses those who find him, and loves life and harmony... I don't see any evidence of that anywhere...

>> No.5609532

God in the other is a lot of things, He is as mercyful and just as well as brutal.
And kitty I know how the Jews saw others but I still fail to see how that makes him exclusive/racist/something. And you have every right to disagree with me and all that, it would be boring if we all agreed on everything. I do not mind. You being the nonretarded tripfag and all.

>> No.5609533

are you implying suffering = finding the true value of love?

that's different to suffering being a prerequisite to learning the true value of love

>> No.5609538

Kierk says that God is truly met only in suffering.
And I agree.

>> No.5609541

It's just a part of it, the whole novel is beautiful

>> No.5609553

>are you implying suffering = finding the true value of love?

No, I'm saying that your idea that suffering is a pre-requisite to finding love doesn't excuse or justify the mass suffering and ignorance that exists and has existed for billions of years.

I see plenty of suffering now and in history but very little of it leads to love and wisdom....like I said most beings die in ignorance, confusion, and pain without any deep love to justify it all.

>> No.5609561

ok, i just chimed in, i'm not the guy

>> No.5609572

why feel guilty when there is nothing you can do about it?

in the same way i don't feel guilty enjoying my life knowing that Christopher Columbus tortured and raped natives, i hate it but there's nothing i can do about it, the only thing feeling guilty achieves is adding another life worsened by whatever it is you are contemplating albeit not nearly as bad

>> No.5609582

Jesus bleibt meine freude

>> No.5609617

>why feel guilty when there is nothing you can do about it?

I don't know what the right word would be for the feeling, it would be like earning something you don't deserve, being in a position of privilege while others around you are suffering and you can't help them...

> the only thing feeling guilty achieves is adding another life worsened by whatever it is you are contemplating albeit not nearly as bad

But it really makes no difference to me how I view MY life and MY suffering. The suffering of others and the state of the world is what needs to be "redeemed" and "justified through love" not just MY personal journey through life...

And from what I understand of history and the fate of other humans and life forms I don't see any such justification...I don't see their suffering creating love for them.

I see them suffer blindly, dying in despair and confusion for the most part.

>> No.5609992



>> No.5610019

1stly, point is: do something about it or ignore it and get on with your life. Feeling guilty accomplishes less than nothing in your ideal to reduce suffering.

>But it really makes no difference to me how I view MY life and MY suffering.


>> No.5610029
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I think you're missing the point.

You might be a different anon, but I was replying to someone who asked why I don't believe a "good" God exists...

That's why I'm talking about the state of the world as being negative so much.

If you take what I said out of context it just sounds like I'm depressed or troubled LMFAO...that isn't the point at all

>> No.5610055

okily dokily

>> No.5610070

The world we live in is brutal and violent, yet also filled with love.
Know that love can be both the most enjoyable and most painful thing one can experience

>> No.5610074

>yet also filled with love.

the amount is too small and too rare, to suggest an omnipotent love being exists somewhere.

>> No.5610098

>omnipotent love being
We haven't met, haven't we

*honk honk*

>> No.5610602

Infinite Shrugs of Grey: The Bible

>> No.5611041


>> No.5611053


>> No.5611074


it's not really loving or optimistic, it's actually pretty nihilistic, indifferent and just "go with the flow" hippie shit.

If you really think about it

>> No.5611099

it's the opposite of nihilistic

>> No.5611104


>> No.5611136

Your problem is that you're thinking racism and being exclusive are bad things.

Since when was God tolerant and all inclusive?

>> No.5611158

Mark> Matthew > Luke > John
Hate to be a hipster but the chronological order is best here.

>> No.5611171

>it's the opposite of nihilistic

nah it just says "stop looking for answers and just get high man, fuck it"

>> No.5611173

Whatever stoicism books you can find.

Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, etc

>> No.5611190

On the Heights of Despair

don't let the title or first hundred pages throw you off

>> No.5611211

accept that ypu aren´t love, optimism and wisdom

>> No.5611231

He means the work is discourse with no artistic intention you asshat

>> No.5611504

What does any of that have to do with God's goodness?

>> No.5611547

op let me tell you a story my grandfather told me,
Its about a pharaoh.See the pharaoh was quite a rich and powerful one, so one day he goes out to buy himself a ring from the greatest jeweler in all of egypt. The pharaoh goes to the jeweler, and makes a request for "a ring that will make me happy when I am sad, and sad when I am happy".The jeweler cannot obviously refuse the pharaoh, but he has no idea how he can make such a ring. He ponders over it for a minute or two, and he finally agrees to the pharaoh's request. Days go by, the jeweler is finally done crafting the ring, and the pharaoh arrives to collect it. When the pharaoh comes the jeweler is nervous. He feels that his ring might not appease his king, but hands it to him anyway. When he does a great smile comes across the pharaohs face as he reads the inscription on the ring
"and this too shall pass"

Little did I know that this was from the bible... Well should've guessed my grandfather's jewish.

>> No.5611560

Nietzsche. Seriously.

>> No.5611567
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The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

>> No.5612078

Your problem is that you don't think racism and exclusivity are bad things. As humans who created the concept of God, we're allowed to alter or delete that concept when it no longer serves our purposes (in this case when it no longer promotes things that we hold as moral values, like good will towards ALL humans).

>> No.5612142

You should be trying to fill your heart with penises and vaginas.

>> No.5612184

Watch paul thomas anderson movies. pre-there will be blood. If you recognize that all characters in the master were written sympathetically and with love, then maybe that too. Maybe even there will be blood, it helped me let go of hate and rivalry and the need for competition and other such things holding me back.

>> No.5612226
File: 25 KB, 400x315, spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Spinoza's Ethics. It's life affirming as hell if you can understand it.

I've Nietzsche's philosophy reads semi similarly to Spinoza's, in terms of ethics. Any truth to that?

>> No.5612258

“I am utterly amazed, utterly enchanted! I have a precursor, and what a precursor! I hardly knew Spinoza: that I should have turned to him just now, was inspired by “instinct.” Not only is his overtendency like mine—namely to make all knowledge the most powerful affect—but in five main points of his doctrine I recognize myself; this most unusual and loneliest thinker is closest to me precisely in these matters: he denies the freedom of the will, teleology, the moral world-order, the unegoistic, and evil. Even though the divergencies are admittedly tremendous, they are due more to the difference in time, culture, and science. In summa: my lonesomeness, which, as on very high mountains, often made it hard for me to breathe and make my blood rush out, is now at least a twosomeness. Strange! Incidentally, I am not at all as well as I had hoped. Exceptional weather here too! Eternal change of atmospheric conditions!—that will yet drive me out of Europe! I must have clear skies for months, else I get nowhere. Already six severe attacks of two or three days each!! — With affectionate love, Your friend”
– Friedrich Nietzsche, in a postcard to Franz Overbeck, Sils-Maria, July 30, 1881

>> No.5612260

>Reading rigid rules
>Life affirming
I donno, anon.

>> No.5612275

>rigid rules

What the fuck are you talking about? Did you just see the word 'ethics' and decided to take it from there?

>> No.5612279

Nah, you've got the wrong idea. His system is rigid in its metaphysics, but his ethics sits as a guide to achieving joy that's certainly not as set in stone as you make it seem. Even if you don't read the geometric proof parts, the parts at the end of each section are gold.

>> No.5612338

>racism and exclusivity are bad things.

What kind of racism are you talking about exactly? To the left almost everything is racist now.

>As humans who created the concept of God

You see 'invention' whereas others see a progressive discovery over time...

>> No.5612366
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Wondering on things I haven't read. Convince me. Affirm my life with Spinoza's ethics, anon.

>> No.5612379

Your assumption that Spinoza states rigid rules is based on nothing. That's not wondering, that's just making dumb, uninformed statements.

Go read a Stanford.Plato page, I don't want to affirm your life.

>> No.5612388

If that girl has a decent she'd be among the hottest women I've ever seen. And I've seen some shit

>> No.5612408

and? so what? you're not contradicting anything I said

>> No.5612412
File: 406 KB, 708x471, daisies image04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your assumption that Spinoza states rigid rules is based on nothing.
Correct. I was only trying to goad out some discussion.
>I don't want to affirm your life.

>> No.5612418

why do you assume that there is a correlation?

>> No.5612421

Don't be like that, Butters. You know how pointless it is to ask someone to summarize a respected author just to convince you of reading him or something.

>> No.5612427


because you're probably reading my statement out of context. The context is how the suffering of the world precludes the existence of a "good" all-powerful love God...imo

>> No.5612432

how long has real butterfly been gone?

>> No.5612434


because being "powerful and good and loving" comes with ramifications and duties. Because those words have actual meaning to me.

>> No.5612442


You post in Epicurus threads but never have anything of interest to say about him and the extent of your "life affirming" attitude toward philosophical pursuits amounts to lamely posting gentrified tumblr quotes about "happiness".

You are literally the last person on this board who has any credibility where this is concerned.

You're about as lively as an NPR broadcast you anemic yuppie.

>> No.5612453

real butterface left to live a life like Amelie to match her look, didn't you here, this is a poser

>> No.5612460

why does it? I said "you can come to know a higher form of love through suffering", then you said "most people just suffer and die". but so what? how does evil preclude good? are you attacking the conceptual christian god?

>> No.5612483


If that's true then hats off because he has that same degree of innocuous posing down pat.

>> No.5612494

Couple hours. Working.

>You post in Epicurus threads but never have anything of interest to say about him
Except that parts about trying to marry them to Stirnerism and bring them up to date scientifically. How can one, a layperson even, improve on such a perfect system? I try.
Yes, *is* there anything to Spinoza? I hear form his fanclub here all the time but I don't really get a sense of him yet. So I asked a (in an annoying way) to hear a bit more.

>here, this is a poser

>> No.5612507


I'm attacking any version of God that gives him an omnipotent will and the good/loving nature that has concern for life and humans.

I can't reconcile the nature of life on Earth with such a being.

Can you? How?

>> No.5612520

fuck off imposted fag

>> No.5612525



Both iterations are admissible.

You can't even play the pedant without failing.

>> No.5612529
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I'll let the issue drop. No one wants to articulate right now. Fine. He's filed away in my head as "interesting" though.
No one believes you.

>> No.5612533

>No one believes you.
It's more that it doesn't matter who uses the name.

>> No.5612559


>No one believes you.

lol. yes, yes we do.

>> No.5612601
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True. You be me while I'm at work, okay?

So, I'm living the life of Amelie, but without 4chan? ...I don't understand the reasoning though. Did I find Feminister and ride off with her on a moped?

>> No.5612646

Why didn't that fucking link work?

>> No.5612653

fuck, you're a guy aren't you?

>> No.5612656
File: 504 KB, 640x480, STOP!! Hibari kun! 03 (DVD 640x480 DivX5.11) 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It lacked the www at the begining to make it work. Sounds archaic but that's how we roll.
And I'm too bussy being the resident trap to also be you, Butters.

>> No.5612714

I've never said, but I've posted tits and that isn't even lipstick. Weird light on chapped lips.

You're Twiggy?

>> No.5612765

An obituary

>> No.5612782

that girl is 11/10

>> No.5613632

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra

>> No.5614141

You haven't even read Stirner.

>> No.5614146
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don't you browse /gif/?

>> No.5614418

No. That's exactly what he was against. One of the first chapters is against commercialization and perfecting a craft just to sell things. Another difference is that motivational speakers say bullshit. If you actually read the Book of Five Rings there's nothing superfluous in it

It's all concentrate. Drink from it

>> No.5614428

Never. But He was always accepting of those who repent which is important in the whole thing.

>> No.5614435


only since jesus

>> No.5614440

this proves nothing

>> No.5614447

Lin Yutang, The Importance of Living.

>> No.5614449

nobody is trying to prove anything

>> No.5614457

seems like it does m8

>> No.5614474

>no timestamp

>> No.5614487

it's all in your mind m8

>> No.5614489

Strong Stoic vibes here. I like it.

>> No.5614498

What would happen is someone just took the name and started posting whatever shit they wanted to post?

What happens when you meet two guys with the same name?

>> No.5614507

>What would happen is someone just took the name and started posting whatever shit they wanted to post?
dude are you new to 4chan?

>> No.5614516

Makes me all comfy :^)

>> No.5614526

clearly Miyamoto Musashi has never tried anabolic steroids

>> No.5614528


>> No.5614607

No, but I misstyped in a very confusing way.
I was asking what would be the problem for you IF someone just took the name, why would you care?

>> No.5614764

I don't, I'm just extremely bored.

>> No.5614898

God is almighty, which means he's able to prevent awful things from happening, but He doesn't. So either God is a huge asshole and He doesn't deserve my praise, or He does not exist.

>> No.5615410

Your wedding vows :^)

>> No.5615449
File: 477 KB, 1000x1347, the hearing trumpet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read The Hearing Trumpet by Leonora Carrington, OP.
It's exactly what you're looking for! Honest.

>> No.5615593

>inb4 shitty theodicy thread

>> No.5615604

All things follow from God's perfection and exist only in and through God. All that is is perfect. Things are because of God, and thus they are good.

>> No.5615660


>reading Spinoza
>der Fremdkoerper

jidf pls go etc

>> No.5615671

Luke really is the best book in the Bible.

>> No.5615680

>muh cognitive dissonance

>> No.5615689

omg that girl's body is awesome

>> No.5616433
File: 57 KB, 448x252, The-Man-Who-Planted-Trees-1987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Man Who Planted Trees, by Jean Giono (1953). Hell, just watch the incredible animated adaptation:
It's fiction/allegory, but it's one of the truly inspiring works I know.

>> No.5616452

Hey, would you post some more pictures of yourself, please?

>> No.5616469

The Collected Rumi. Nothing comes close.

>> No.5616550

This. There's worse things than being ugly. Dressing well, being fit and being a nice person to be around will bring you up by at least 2 on the x/10 scale.

There's a big difference between a 4/10 condescending skinnyfat who wears band shirts exclusively and a 6/10 friendly dude who goes to the gym a few times a week and is able to dress well for dates.

>> No.5616637

That's total bullshit, because will attack you mercilessly for daring to do that. The Alexandra Sternins of the world will pull the sleaziest shit, the foulest underhanded gutter-tactics you could imagine.

So, no, you're completely wrong and you don't know what you're talking about. It's a nice try though, I don't fault you for not knowing; the world would be a much better place if you were right.

>> No.5616752

Who is this CUNT?
I'm sorry if this question is rude.

>> No.5616777

Nobody on this board has any credibility where anything is concerned.

>> No.5616782

Actually, nevermind. Google image search has worked for once.

>> No.5616952

see -> >>5616550

>> No.5617320

You've clearly not met the sort of treacherous scum I mentioned in my previous post. I'm describing the lowest common denominator, the absolute bottom of the barrel, people for whom human decency and kindness and honesty holds absolutely no value. For such people appearance is everything, and is more than more enough reason for them to attack en masse. If you have no experience with such lowlifes count yourself lucky. I know firsthand how rotten and base people can be though.

An aphorism of mine: the bigger the mob, the worse the lynching.

>> No.5619251


cool, these sound good

>> No.5619269

But this the lowest of the low fedora arguments. Try harder, I believe in you.

>> No.5619287
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The answer is a who, not a what.


Ralph Waldo "everyone's wise-old grandfather" Emerson.

For those who haven't touched him since high school, I suggest you just start reading ANY of his essays.

I cannot however recommend his poetry, but I'm not a poetry expert.

If you would prefer more stringent instruction, I recommend you start with "Friendship".

>> No.5620815

gotta have the bad with the good nigguh

>> No.5620905

What kinds of racism are in the Bible? The most obvious passages are in the rules governing how the Hebrews were supposed to interact with other tribes. They weren't allowed to eat animals that had died of themselves, but could sell the meat to other tribes (Deut. 14:21). They also couldn't lend with interest to other Hebrews but could to other tribes (Deut. 23:20).

>> You see 'invention' whereas others see a progressive discovery over time...
... Are you Mormon or Buddhist or something? No books have been added to the Christian Bible since Revelations.

>> No.5621104

I don't know what kind of place you live or people you find around you but I can say that in my experience the kind of person you are describing is rare and avoidable, half the battle is the way you perceive and treat folks.

>> No.5621151
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Don't be lookin at my dick.

>> No.5621165

What about Noah?

>> No.5621625

>Christianity is actually a unique and probably true religion.
Is this bait?

>> No.5621657
File: 205 KB, 1104x666, Leonora Carrington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I promise you won't be sorry if you buy and read The Hearing Trumpet.
In fact, it will probably become one of your favorite books.
At least, I'd be very surprised if it didn't.
Her main thing was art; she was a fantastic Surrealist painter:

>> No.5621662

he probably read something like mere christianity and was converted

>> No.5621687

A fortune cookies compilation, complete with illustrations of Confucius in a swimsuit.

>> No.5621702

Are you pretending you've read Mere Christianity?

>> No.5621784
File: 3 KB, 125x122, 1352116860853s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know what you're talking about so now I'm disclaiming it as perceivable truth
we don't need your kind on this here board, son.

>> No.5621864

There are very ugly gang members who have friends and sex, what demographic is lower than gangbangers?

>> No.5622499

That other person who replied to this thread isn't me. I'm the Anon you were replying to. I actually pretty much agree with you, I think that my luck has just been extraordinarily bad. Of course, being kind and treating people exceptionally well is no guarantee that they won't turn on you unexpectedly in the most treacherous way. Experience is the best teacher though, so maybe I'll eventually learn how to spot jackals before I befriend them. My naiveté seems deeply ingrained and hardwired, unfortunately…

>> No.5622504


>> No.5622762


ahhhhh yeahhhh! Lin Yutang getting some appreciation

>> No.5622764

A bunch of dick jokes, OP

>> No.5622774

I like that book, too!

>> No.5622877


oh neat, very neat, what other books would you recommend?

>> No.5623358

my chinamen

>> No.5623359

>love, optimism



>> No.5623376

Both optimism and pessimism are incompatible with wisdom, but love and wisdom go together pretty well m8.

>> No.5623425

if it were a kind of romantic love then wisdom would be embracing the transitory nature of love

on the other hand if it were a kind of metaphysical love, a kind of unconscious magnetism of sorts, then that is pretty much "knowing thyself" in which case read some existentialism, eastern philosophy and the pre socratics

read osho, alan watts, krishnamurti, nietzsche, freud, joseph campbell

a part of love, optimism and wisdom is facing the reality of the world, and that can be pretty shattering for your ego sometimes

>> No.5623435
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would also add christopher ryan to that list, sex at dawn is the shit

>> No.5623445

The reality being that we should stop reproducing. There is nothing redeemable about life, even if your DNA likes to pretend otherwise.

>> No.5623452
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>There is nothing redeemable about life

then you should prevent yourself from having a future right now. pic related

>> No.5623467

Go to bed Ligotti

>> No.5623477

>The reality being that we should stop reproducing.
That's just your personal preference, m8.

>> No.5624421

The reality being that reality is boring, and we should all live in our own autistic fantasy worlds untroubled.

>> No.5624451

Your picture suffices.

>> No.5625359


This exchange was terribly embarassing to read

Read The Bible. Read the Greeks. Just read a book.

It's not that a Creator is purposely ignoring you or everything bad, it's that we do it to ourselves. Even the external influences are likely the consequences of another person's decision years or generations ago. Every man must carry their own weight forgive your neighbour seek not the pleasures of the flesh but the treasures in heaven etc etc these are words and themes that are alike across major religions if you've read the New Testament it has alot of Jesus telling you how to be Christlike and that the Father, through Jesus, provides salvation. Big picture salvation. It is through your own works and faith that you help shepard other lost sheep but nowhere does it promise even to feed you literally, because up to a point, you carry responsibility. I believe the early existentialists ala Satre said the same thing.

What you perceive as cruel is as natural as rain. I don't care about you or the next few anons that will read this, that is not purposely malicious or negative like how you think the world defaults to, that is simply the limits of my cognition, I'm more likely to ask what's for dinner rather than run some strangers' lives in my head. There's just too many factors going on and you can only assume with what information you have but all of that doesn't matter, if you accept the Bible's words, because the NT says to lay all your burdens onto God.

tl;dr read more books and learn that our history and conscience and religion goes much much deeper than some people having a bad life. That is too micro a view to have.

>> No.5625539

>reality is boring
4u. Maybe you just don't have the antenna to get proper reception.

>> No.5626827
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Hey, I didn't see your reply 'til just now - I really hope you're still monitoring this thread. Yeah, Leonora Carrington is neat as neat can be; I'm glad she appeals to you - I'm taking that as a good sign. So another great (and relatively unknown) book that cannot fail to fill your heart with love and optimism is Jaime de Angulo's "Indian Tales." I won't say much about it other than, "Please, please buy it." Again, you won't regret this one either.

There's another one I'm thinking you might like, but it's not quite as top-shelf as de Angulo and Carrington. It's called "A Book of Surrealist Games." A long lost friend and I once found a copy at BookBuyers. Anyway, I think it's semi-commonplace now, 'cause it was reprinted five or ten years ago. I don't know, I found it fun.


>> No.5626850

Oh, and hey, I may as well mention that Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's "The Little Prince" belongs on bookshelf right next to "The Hearing Trumpet" and "Indian Tales." I know you're already familiar with de Saint-Exupéry, but please be aware that the other two are in the same league - that's how lovable and great they are.

>> No.5626898


I can't find an ebook of this :((

>> No.5626962

>Every man must carry their own weight forgive your neighbour seek not the pleasures of the flesh

Ya, but you're assuming a rational healthy human, who has means and time to attain wisdom and do mental gymnastics to convince himself suffering is just fine and dandy... etc...

Yet throughout history and even now, most people don't have this luxury. Most are born into ignorance have no means to escape it or enlighten themselves, they die in extreme pain, fear, and distress without any explanation and any redemption in this life.

A handicapped child born to a tribe in Amazon will be left in the jungle to be eaten by animals, screaming and crying. The child's experience of life is a absurd and terrifying evil. It has no means to "justify" it's suffering and "learn" from it...

This sort of existence is common and has been with our species and all life on earth for millions of years. People are generally ignorant, afraid, live stressful lives and die in horror and pain. They are no wiser or enlightened or better for it.

>What you perceive as cruel is as natural as rain. I don't care about you or the next few anons that will read this, that is not purposely malicious or negative like how you think the world defaults to, that is simply the limits of my cognition

This is why God is perfectly indifferent, just like Nature. I have no problem with this, it's is plainly obvious and right in front of us.

>that is simply the limits of my cognition --- but secretly the suffering is justified and not bad...you just don't get it

This is repugnant to anyone with any sort of moral sense. It would redeem the most heinous atrocities. Good and bad would lose all meaning.

It's like calling an evil genocide just an optical illusion you're brain isn't processing morally. Blah

>> No.5627002

I think you'd be happier with a physical copy of it.

It's beautifully packaged and everything.

>> No.5627097
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This is the only book I can think of.

Or listen to this guy.

>> No.5627214

All of Steinbeck's works I have read were soul-crushing. Is East of Eden actually uplifting?

>> No.5627258

I don't know if I would use the word "uplifting," but I would say it's optimistic.

>> No.5627262

Actually, I would say it's uplifting, but not all of it. Just read it, mate.

>> No.5627318

I was happy I got a reply
then I read the reply
>Ya, but you're assuming a rational healthy human
Uh no, I'm not assuming anything, except that they are a human being and they aren't dead or dying

Every man has their own weight ie worries stress responsibilities desires sins etc no matter who they are

>et throughout history and even now, most people don't have this luxury. Most are born into ignorance have no means to escape it or enlighten themselves, they die in extreme pain, fear, and distress without any explanation and any redemption in this life.
>A handicapped child born to a tribe in Amazon will be left in the jungle to be eaten by animals, screaming and crying. The child's experience of life is a absurd and terrifying evil. It has no means to "justify" it's suffering and "learn" from it
None of this is arguing anything and is rather you repeating your own posts of your own worldview. And not comprehending what carrying your weight meant.

>People are generally ignorant, afraid, live stressful lives and die in horror and pain. They are no wiser or enlightened or better for it.
Yes, they are lost sheep without a shepard.
>This is why God is perfectly indifferent, just like Nature
>that is simply the limits of my cognition
God does not share my limits, and if people are ignorant, then we would be ignorant of the intent of the metaphysical

>but secretly the suffering is justified and not bad...you just don't get it
That's putting words in my mouth and making a strawman

Here's what I really said
>There's just too many factors going on and you can only assume with what information you have
Which admits that people are ignorant, we have to be, we're pretty selfish and our senses are limited.
>but all of that doesn't matter, if you accept the Bible's words, because the NT says to lay all your burdens onto God.
IF you accept the Bible's words. What I'm saying is that's the Bible's answer to how to deal with your conscience about what happens around you, lay your burdens with God. It again reminds the reader that there is a limit in their ability but that there is a higher power to rely on.

>> No.5627319

>field too long
yeah i figured

>This is repugnant to anyone with any sort of moral sense
This reminds me of a similar talk with someone a long time ago, and to paraphrase he boiled it down to this
>Then the LORD answered Job out of the storm. He said: 2 "Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge? 3 Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me. 4 "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand.
He was basically pointing out that in our own free will, we sin and fulfill our desires and this clashes with others, and when people get hurt, they often cry to God where were you, to which he pointed at that scripture to show how macro a God's view is, instead, where were YOU in Earth's history? In the grand scheme of things? When other people asked the same question?

There are sins, and when people commit them, it's not that they are justified, but the effect will be felt either way. To blame God for the sins of the sinners, in which he warns about them, is to put the cart before the horse. With free will comes responsibility, the result from loss of innocence, and the consequences of man hurting man will be felt, because to impede that would mean to impede free will.

God promises punishment for those men, and this is where we get into the Hell and the afterlife talk.

I can go on and on and on, but go read the Bible and come back in 2-3 months. Read Job. Or I could say my interpretation on the bigger picture but not in this post and not today it's late and it's already an essay

>> No.5627382

>None of this is arguing anything and is rather you repeating your own posts of your own worldview. And not comprehending what carrying your weight meant.

My argument isn't about 'me' and "my suffering". I can do mental gymnastics to "justify" my suffering easily since my life is relatively easy and comfortable.

I'm talking about life on Earth in general, human and animal species, the terrible fate that has occurred for millions of years, and will continue to occur, blindly and haphazardly.

> What I'm saying is that's the Bible's answer to how to deal with your conscience about what happens around you,

This is why we are talking past each other. I'm not referring to my suffering, I'm referring to the suffering I witness in general, I see thousands and thousands of instances where the suffering of others is just so brutal and insane that the only explanation is a perfectly indifferent God, who observes...

And what's worse is how these people and life forms are FORCED to view and understand their suffering simply because of the ignorant culture/time/species they are born into.

There's no justification for this problem. To justify atrocities and make them into good and hidden 'divine plans' is actually morally repugnant. The only justification is to change our conception of God.

>> No.5627408


Why is God asking Job "where were you?" Job isn't omnipotent.

I'm sure if he saw a baby drowning in a puddle he would do something. God doesn't do anything, he just watches, perhaps with a grin on his lips.

>sins of sinners

Humans aren't responsible for plagues, diseases, poisonous spiders, wolves and lions, earthquakes and famines, that mutilate and butcher us.

Human evil doesn't excuse the suffering of victims. It's not a child's fault that he is born to tribal parents who sacrifice kids. And it wasn't the parent's fault that they were born into a tribe that thinks human sacrifice is good and just.

And it isn't the tribes fault for existing in a terribly confusing world, with no guides and no answers...hell even 21st century philosophers and theologians can't make their mind up on what is good/true/right/sin/salvation/freedom...etc...

>God promises punishment for those men, and this is where we get into the Hell and the afterlife talk.

They don't need punishment, they simply need to view reality without "ignorance" to be cured of their confusion.

And human evil isn't the only problem. A plague that destroys 1/3 of Europe is hard to reconcile with a good and loving God.

>> No.5627445


>Nothing comes close.

i own a copy of that in fact but i still have to ask: do you even read?

>> No.5627470
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geez just have her Feet instead

>> No.5627711
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Well, look at it this way, purchasing a well designed and well put together book is way, WAY less expensive than purchasing an original painting!
