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5607225 No.5607225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>implying that he isn't better than Garcia Marquez

>> No.5607232


>> No.5607233

He isn't in fact

>> No.5607401

could you stop with this fucking threads?

>he isn't better tan Garcia Márquez and you can't prove me wrong

>> No.5607407


>> No.5607411
File: 71 KB, 570x428, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry harder.

Vargas Llosa fucked Garcia Marquez up.

>> No.5607421

the only thing you get creating this threads is to put MVLL fans against GGM's

they are both great writers of 20th century, so please shut the fuck up

>> No.5607427

>implying that Vargas Llosa is the greatest South American writer of the last century
>implying that Vargas Llosa couldn't fuck up Garcia Marquez in a fist fight

I can taste your tears, faggot.

>> No.5607428


>Vargas Llosa fucked Garcia Marquez up.

lol please

that is the grin of a man who fucked another man's wife and doesn't give a fuck about a simple black eye because of it

llosa might've cheap-shotted him but marquez fucked that nigga where it really hurt - his woman

>> No.5607430


I don't think you fully understand what that word means. The only person speaking cannot state that some imaginary second party is implying anything without sounding like a dipshit.

>> No.5607438
File: 22 KB, 460x276, Gabriel-Garcia-Marquez-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he'll ever torment professors by including inside jokes in an epic novel about the passage of history

>> No.5607439

That just goes to show the kind of character he was-- the kind of man who would fuck his friend's wife.

Absolutely tasteless character on Garcia Marquez's behalf.

>> No.5607442


B8 harder

>> No.5607444
File: 20 KB, 300x430, 1396256932126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>defending a cuckold

i guess you beta cuckolds needs to protect each other, safety in numbers right?

>> No.5607459


>> No.5607463

OP, we all know who you are. Your faggotry overcomes any illusion of anonymity even on 4chan.

>> No.5607468

>implying that I don't use a tripfag because I choose to, but rather I just forget to because of all the times I've been banned

Also, Vargas Llosa is a fucking beast.

Shrek it, faggot.

>> No.5607472


>That just goes to show the kind of character he was-- the kind of man who would fuck his friend's wife.

this kind of attitude of removing the personal onus of the wife's responsibility away from her is paternalistic and sexist. marquez wasn't in the relationship and didn't owe anything to it. she was and she was the one who betrayed llosa. only you will hold the marquez to account before the woman who was actually in the relationship because you are a chauvinist who treats women like property.

not only are you a cuckold defender but you're a chauvinistic sexist to boot.

your beta ass sure is confused.

>> No.5607480

>imying that women have free will
>implying that these aren't our South American alphas
>implying that women aren't their property
>implying that that wasn't Vargas Llosa's bitch
>implying that GM could've fugged any other girl
>implying that he is a bad friend for doing what he did

You would understand, virgin.

>> No.5607489


>allowing yourself to get riled and styled on in your own thread

is this like a subtle meta nod to your love of cuckoldry?

>> No.5607496


But what I honestly don't understand is why a 14-year-old wouldn't just stay on /b/ with his kin. Are you even too big of a faggot for them?

>> No.5607507


he's a foreigner. he only seems like he's young because all of those third world peasants are like a year behind using memes and shit. they are hopeless but they do try.

>> No.5607572

>trying this hard

Try harder, faggots.

>> No.5607602


lol you're like the only mad person in your own bait thread

this is literally your life

>> No.5607630

even though i agree with what you're saying, it still goes without saying that it's a really, really dick move for your friend to sleep with your woman.

>> No.5607721

Tommy Pynchon fucked his friend's wife and he's the best American writer of the late 20th century

>> No.5607727


na son john ashbery is do you even read

>> No.5607734

get the fuck out of here with that shit

>> No.5607742


lol swerve pleb ashbery is objectively better than pynchon

>> No.5607744
File: 18 KB, 460x276, Roberto-Bolano--001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arturo Belano >> Gabo >>>>>>>> Mario.