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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.68 MB, 4070x2890, paris-1574785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5605139 No.5605139 [Reply] [Original]

Which city is the most /lit/? I'd say Paris is somewhere on top.

>> No.5605146

Dublin is nice too but yeah Paris is clearly ahead.

>> No.5605153

Paris is a shithole though.

>> No.5605157

Probably Houston or Miami.

>> No.5605164

Maybe Rome.

>> No.5605169

New York, New York, it's a hell of a town.

>> No.5605175 [DELETED] 


Paris is GOAT if you live in one of the first seven arrondissements. Elsewhere and its' pretty much shitskin central

>> No.5605199

I live in Paris and I can't think of many more /lit/ cities. The history, architecture; plenty of public parks or cafes to read or write in.

Great French writers, but also those from abroad came here (Hamsun, Cortazar, Hemingway).

>> No.5605223

Vienna is kind of like that but yeah, Paris wins.

>> No.5605231

Trust me, it isn't.

>> No.5605250 [DELETED] 


But what about the niggers and muslims? They're fucking everywhere, ruining everything? How do you avoid being mugged?

>> No.5605270

>>5605250 Read a copy of the quran.

>> No.5605279 [DELETED] 


Whats it like living under Sharia law? Are you allowed to read in public?

>> No.5605281



>> No.5605290

>This one person said it so it must be right!

>> No.5605298


By not being a shifty /pol/ tier cunt with racist views.

>> No.5605301 [DELETED] 

Nah, I'd say all of them are ok until you reach the higher ones (18th and more)

And it's not like Chatelet is a bastion of the aryan race.

>> No.5605340

Casper Wyoming

>> No.5605344


perfide albion! he's right in the sense that London is a phenomenally succesful city-state. It makes billions through the city of London (financial centre of Europe) and embezzling oligarch roubles. Paris has more soul though


lol no. On my street there is not a single muslim family a few Japanese, Scandinavian, Merrifats. But no the banlieus do an excellent job of removing kebab to the outskirts


no joke but i see far more jews than muslims in my area

>> No.5605348

>romanticizing places you've never been to
how pleb and very /lit/

>> No.5605354
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ever been to Barbes mon ami?

pic related

>> No.5605381 [DELETED] 

>no joke but i see far more jews than muslims in my area

I couldn't give the slightest shit about Jews, never understood why people hate them so much. They always keep to themselves, they're polite, quiet, etc.

Muslims are fucking loud, rude, invasive, and everything about them is obnoxious.

inb4 zion shill pls go

Seriously, I'm a white, non-religious Canadian guy who doesn't care about Israel or Palestine. I just never met a single jew that was hate-worthy, whereas 99% of Muslims I've met are despicable.

>> No.5605385

Portland, OR is okay, more /fa/ + /mu/ but it's got a healthy enough literary scene. Talent though...

>> No.5605410

speak for yourself, shut-in.

>> No.5605411

I really hope you guys are reporting the e/pol/a

>> No.5605413

Prague <3

>> No.5605442


i'm anti-zionist, but even I agree with this. Its' funny that in both Paris and London the areas with high-jewish populations are still seen as desirable, but those places with high muslim populations turn to absolute shit

>> No.5605445 [DELETED] 

Yes. Barbes is in the 18th!

I'm just saying that between the 7th and the 16th there are still very nice neighborhoods.

>> No.5605460 [DELETED] 

Antisemitism occured due to various reasons throughout history. In the middle ages it was due to religious reasons. In the 19th century, it was due to the prevalence of jews in the banking system. In the early 20th century it was due to the prevalence of jews among communist parties, and especially among the bolsheviks.

Today's antisemitism is mostly due to the "Barbra Spectre" types who push for immigration to white countries while simultaneously supporting the idea of a jewish state, and due to the big influence of the various zionist lobbies in western countries.

>> No.5605463
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Istanbul or Amsterdam
>pic related

>> No.5605509


Jews were just easy scapegoats.

Middle ages:

>usury is a sin
>only jews can engage in it
>no one wants to visit a jewish blacksmith, carpenter, farrier, etc.
>people still need to borrow money

19th c.

>jews established themselves in financial roles as they were barred from nearly every other profession
>globalized economy begins to wreak havoc on everyone's conceptions of traditional financial security
>realize they're interdependent on countries they've never been to and people they've never met
>one country falls for distant, foreign reasons
>your economy goes to shit

20th c.

>retarded Imperial Germany decides to start a war for nationalistic dickwaving reasons
>get their shit wrecked
>JEWS DID THIS (Dolchstoss)
>spend next 20 years creating myths and persecuting jews for the butthurt of some tired old German warbirds
>one faggot with delusions of grandeur convinces everyone that jews are the grand enemy, wipes out millions in a few short years

inb4 heeb pls go I'm the Canadian guy

>> No.5605510

Is there a single picture of Paris that doesn't show the Eiffel tower?

>> No.5605516


>99.9999% pure, unfiltered Muslims


ha, no.


>bleeding heart left-wing radicals
>rampant drug abuse
>casual afternoon abortions
>mandatory dildo-use instruction in all schools

ha, no.

>> No.5605526
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Yeah, but tourism doesn't benefit from those pictures.

>> No.5605533

Have you been to Paris in the past 10 years? The place is a shit hole.

>> No.5605540 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5605563 [DELETED] 
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I'm not gonna call you a kike, I'm gonna call you a good goy.

To believe that jews "dindu nuffin" and were scapegoated throughout history for no reason whatsoever is as ridiculous as claiming that a secret cabal of jews run the world from the top of mount Zion.

I'm not very well versed in medieval history, but the role of jews in 20th century communist movements is well documented. Were you aware that there was a communist revolution in Germany in 1918? There even was a short lived Bavarian soviet republic.

If you look at the leaders of this revolution, you will see that the majority (more than half) of them were jews. Hitler didn't waltz into power by chance ; the german people (and most intellectuals at the time, including Churchill) recognized the threat of communist jews. (I'm not saying that most jews were communist. I'm saying that most communists were jews)

All in all, I'm not going to try to convince you anymore. If you want to keep being a good goy then please continue doing so. If your curiosity was piqued by some of the things I just said to you I encourage you to browse /pol/ with an open mind for a little while.

>> No.5605568
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>tfw Turkish and have a house in Istanbul

>> No.5605582

Pretty much. They have Bret Easton Ellis and Donna Tartt. How can Paris compete with that combo?

>> No.5605590


How could any city compete with this?

>> No.5605605

In all seriousness though...

>> No.5605607

I OP a /pol/ chatroom on Rizon and let me tell you, that board is garbage and you should not use it. Zimmerman's trial was the end.

>> No.5605617
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>> No.5605620

It's because in London all the Jews moved out of white chapel to those areas. It now has a high Islamic population. Before that, we had a huge french population as well. It just takes a while for people to integrate.

>> No.5605633


>It just takes a while for people to integrate.

Apart from the fact that those who integrate least tend to be 2nd or 3rd generation. If anything the situation is getting worse

>> No.5605655


>> No.5605659

>not one mention of Berlin in this thread
damn /lit/, I know it's been receding in popularity, but do you even scummy bohemian in the 21st century?

>> No.5605662

Went to Berlin this summer, still a God-Tier city.

So fucking cheap too

>> No.5605663


>> No.5605672 [DELETED] 

Nice try Chaim

>> No.5605680 [DELETED] 

To be so hated throughout history and still have as much power as they do, they must be the true master race.

>> No.5605681

>Hurrr durrr

Wow. You are exactly why that board is meme trash now.

>> No.5605683

>still a God-Tier city
You are almost as disgusting as the city itself.

>> No.5605693
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What is not to like about it? Please explain.


tips fedora

>> No.5605705

Short answer: gentrification
Give me a second and I'll explain it.

>> No.5605713
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>Good in any way

>> No.5605719

> Cod-tier city

>> No.5605730 [DELETED] 


>> No.5605731

What makes Berlin different from other cities likes London, Paris or Rome is that the city itself is not beautiful or can show off with interesting architecture. It solely depends on it's local citizens and to be honest, original Berliners are pretty funny people. Atmosphere is the big thing but since the the early 90s Berlin has been overrun by yokels from small southern german towns who wanted to move to a big city. Later on more and more foreign tourists discovered Berlin as a cheap and fun place and lots of them decided to stay. Naturally prices for everything went up and the locals couldn't afford their places in the "cool" areas anymore and were forced to move away. Today you are left with areas swarming with hipsters and bored trustfund kids and the only chance to meet some of the people who made that place so unique and interesting in the first place is, when you try to explain your taxi driver where your hostel is.

>> No.5605732

you whiny cunt. Even post-gentrification Berlin is still great.

>> No.5605742 [DELETED] 

New York City and London because Alpha++.

>> No.5605746

>not accepting German supremacy
>by example of Gordon Brown
Oh lord
>HDI (2013) Steady 0.892
>Gini (2012) positive decrease 32.8
>London is only inhabitable city, Birmingham if you're very poor
>race riots occured recently
>vassal of US
>no economy, will collapse entirely once it leaves EU, which is will of the people

>HDI (2013) Steady 0.911
>Gini (2011) 29.0
>no social disorder
>no threats to it's territorial borders recently, unlike UK
>only reluctantly a vassal of the US
>politically stable
>very recent huff huff about state of the economy, but mostly fine
>pluralistic democracy, rather than two party rule
>many fine cities such as Berlin, Köln, München, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Leipzig, Hamburg, Dresden etc.

>> No.5605765

I hope you get stabbed outside of your Kreuzberg hostel by some turkish gang members who hate you hipster tourists just as much as I do.

>> No.5605773

Yeah but Germany has the worst football league, the worst food, the worst alcohol, the worst women hasn't produced any decent music or literature for decades and lets not forget


>> No.5605783


>> No.5605785

>premier league not sucking ass
>british food
>warm british beer
>british redheads with crooked teeths and hippo hips
And I take it you don't listen to electronic music? You can thank us for that.

Nah, fuck it. I just fell for a troll.

>> No.5605788

Football is for plebs but Germany won the World Cup so it's probably superior, maybe the food isn't a culinary miracle, but British food is literally piss, shit and blood mixed and cooked into a pie.
The alcohol really isn't bad at all, Czech beer is superior but the German is fine too.
Again, German women>British slags
The music scene does suck, but the British one is similarly terrible, as for literature, Germany has won a nobel prize more recently

>> No.5605791

>implizierend, ich wäre kein geborener Berliner

>> No.5605798

I'd like to know why'd you say Miami because i get the feeling i live in the stupidest city in the country

>> No.5605799

>Berlin is not beautiful

>> No.5605801

The most lit city is a a small city in the middle of nowhere in the deep south were everyone longs for a better life they can never attain and everything is slowly dying.

>> No.5605803

>the British one is similarly terrible
what? if we're talking about popular music, I think you're horribly wrong

>> No.5605807

Dann solltest du dich noch mehr über das ganze Hipster-Gesocks aufregen als ich. Bin Hamburger, mag Berlin aber trotzdem. Aber wenn ich meine Freunde besuche und sehe, was für eine riesige Menge an Idioten dort rumläuft, krieg ich Wutanfälle.

>> No.5605808

>muh lorde
let's not talk about pop music on /lit/

>> No.5605809

>Probably Houston or Miami.

Are you joking

>> No.5605810


>> No.5605812


>> No.5605815

That doesn't look bad at all. Sure its for the lower class but its first world lower class

>> No.5605826


>> No.5605827

>premier league
>not the best in the world

Enjoy Bayern having the title wrapped up by the end of October.

Also the German economy is going to shit


>> No.5605828



>> No.5605831

Birmingham, Alabama

Great, wholesome place to live and everyone reads the Bible.

>> No.5605832

Dublin has birthed more great writers than most.

>> No.5605838


who then go live and work in paris to escape the terrible weather and smell of old cabbage

>> No.5605839

Na, it's fine, that article is shit, it's just austerity needing to be loosened and the financial market taking a dip

>> No.5605840


>> No.5605844


>> No.5605847

Football trash please go
If you need a verdict, the state of British football is pathetic and Germany is clearly superior

>> No.5605851


>> No.5605863
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>> No.5605887

good choice

>> No.5605893

Underrated post.

>> No.5605897

It's a shame we didn't keep that alliance going after the war, Russia>>>>>USA

>> No.5605900



>> No.5605901

seconded, that and Berlin

>> No.5605909
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>> No.5605931

The US has been a terrible ally to the UK.

>> No.5605948

I live in NYC, it feels fairly literary. Or rather, it feels literary in a very American sense. There are places to drink, places to sit, places to think, but even in the midst of this literary life there is a constant feeling that one has business one must be getting on with.

It's a good city if you actually want to write a fucking book, as opposed to just calling yourself a writer and then spending all your time smoking and drinking and whoring.

>> No.5605964

I'm surprised more spooky Russian novels haven't come out of Philadelphia.

>> No.5605969

Probably true but to say that comrade Joe would've been a better ally is edgy as fuck and nothing else.

>> No.5605979

A lot of spooky russian novels came from St. Petersburg, great /lit/ city too.

>> No.5605981

Bret's in L.A., though I guess is most formative period creatively was in New York.

>> No.5605989

>so fucking cheap too

It's cheaper than London and Paris, I'll give it that.

>> No.5605993
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20s Zakopane

>> No.5606001

>Bret Easton Ellis and Donna Tartt
Who and who now??

>> No.5606002

Living here for more than twenty years
The city is the love of my life, but it's nowhere near god-tier.

What exactly did you like about it?

>> No.5606010

Does anyone know what Oslo is like?

>> No.5606026


Even worse are those fuckers who come here and complain all the time about Berlin.

>> No.5606037
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Berlin WAS a god-tier city in 90s and 00s. Now it's getting more popular, much more expensive. It's a cool city, but if you want to see
city with soul reincarnaiting go to Warsaw. Rapidly growing, ridiculously cheap, Western Europe standards, nice people, great modern and old architecture.

>> No.5606044

>Western Europe standards
HDI (2013) 0.834
Warsaw's bums literally come to Berlin because Warsaw sucks that much

>> No.5606055


check this growth

also it's for whole Poland and we are talking about cities, mate

>> No.5606056

> Paris
> Not a mediocre city for mediocre people with mediocre literary aspirations from mediocre families trying to be as mediocre as possible
Historically it has had some times. But nowadays it a tourist trap for upper middle class white females who like things, but love nothing.

>> No.5606057

In that case imagine that what ever I just wrote about Berlin is a direct quote from my firends who grew up in Kreuzberg and Schöneberg. They feel the exact same way. And again, I'm not complaining about Berlin, just about the people who moved there.

>> No.5606060

Rome isn't even the literary capital of Italy. Milan and Turin are where people go to become writers, not Rome.

>> No.5606061

I don't, but Kevin Barnes can tell you what it's like in summertime.

>> No.5606068
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> Which city is the most /lit/?

does it actually need to be said?

it's London

honourable mentions for Prague and Vienna, but it's London. of course it's London. now and forever.

>> No.5606069

The quesion should be what qualifies a city to be /lit/. A history of having a lot of good authors living and working there in the past should be obvious. What else?

>> No.5606076


>> No.5606090

> London
> Great literary city
> Can't even get a BA in Literature in any Golden Triangle school

>> No.5606094

> Warsaw
everyone knows that GOAT East Bloc cities are Tallinn and Riga

>> No.5606096
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>> No.5606097

Idk but I wanna go to venice so bad it hurts

>> No.5606099

Pretty small though. And why /lit/? Better go a bit further to St. Petersburg.

>> No.5606110

Have you ever been to Warsaw? Or just throwing names to appear contrarian? Tallinn and Riga are OK, but not Warsaw-tier

>> No.5606119

Venice smells like shit, is a tourist trap, is overrun with flying rats and will literally disappear into the sea soon

>> No.5606125
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London was already /lit/ when most of these other cities were little villages clinging to a river

>> No.5606126

No. For it's simply impossible to afford living there as a writer. Also it has lost all of its soul.

>> No.5606128

> Pretty small though.
Thats good for /lit/ city though. Affordable and more close knit communities.
> Better go a bit further to St. Petersburg.
One needs to absolutely know Russian to make do here. Not the case in Baltics necessarily.
> Have you ever been to Warsaw
Yeah. It was cool, but eh, kind of overshadowed by other central European cities - Prague, Vienna and Budapest are tough competition. Meanwhile Riga and Tallinn are more North European, and since Helsinki and Stockholm are mostly expensive suburbs nowadays and Oslo is out of order for anyone making less than 200 000 a year, Tallinn and Riga emerge as the best cities for /lit/ life in the region.

>> No.5606129

yeah man, espacially Rome

>> No.5606131


It's just a wasteland now.

>> No.5606137

haha. Rome was great, once.
>muh coliseum blah blah blah

London has been great forever

>> No.5606139

confirmed for never having been to london

>> No.5606140
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>> No.5606141

daily reminder that people threw their shit into Thames until 1500s and the city was literally ran by cartels.

>> No.5606144


please, refrain from talking out of your ass next time

>> No.5606145

Don't get me wrong, I like Riga and almost love Talliinn, but Warsaw just bursts at the seams these days. Also Vienna is great, but Prague is waaay overrated, Cracow is better

>> No.5606148

London is an absolute shithole. Unless you're a fan of islamists and oligarchs don't go there.

>> No.5606149

nah, you ll be fine with english.

>> No.5606152

yeah. we'd all love to go there now, wouldn't we?

perhaps not eh

meanwhile london is still a literary powerhouse

>> No.5606153

the only /lit/ thing in London is Cecil's Court

>> No.5606158


>more of the world's greatest museums than you can shake a stick at
> with free entry

another person confirmed for never having visited london

next please

>> No.5606166
File: 161 KB, 1280x862, 1280px-British_library_london.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next please

>> No.5606178
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>muh big library
stop defending the place you live in only to appear revelant to yourself

>> No.5606191

And museums around the country are being shut down to keep that free entry in London, it's a fucking leach, it needs to be destroyed along with the lib dem voting, humus eating cunts who live there.

>> No.5606210

i don't live in london.

also, the library of congress is a very nice place. it's a shame that most americans are oblivious to its existence.

>> No.5606221
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wrong target, mr iknownothingaboutpolitics

>> No.5606240

fucking pleb

>> No.5606295

>I'd say Paris

Have you ever been to Paris?
Boulevard de Strasbourg is like fucking South Africa.

Your opinion is obviously influenced by some retarded bohemian romanticism that doesn't hold up in reality.

Paris is like any bigger city in europe, with the difference that it has a giant steel penis in the middle.
I'd even say Budapest is nicer.

And when it comes to literature:
What about St. Petersburg?
Shitton of world renowned literature came from there. Not such a huge amount of international literature, but seriously this is a cultural thing in Paris. It was like hipster-city post WW2 and that is pretty much what made up most of that romanticism mentioned above.

>> No.5606319


A gay writer and the girl he dated in college.

>> No.5606324


>> No.5606336

Budapest is a fine /lit/ city and cheap, filled with exceptional beauties, nice vibe, and a good artlife

>> No.5606387

I really wish I could live in one of these cities. I've visited a few mentioned and if I could move to Warsaw, Budapest or Berlin tomorrow, I absolutely would, I'd probably go to one of the others I haven't seen like Paris or St. Petersburg too, but I'm stuck in Manchester which is absolutely shit.

>> No.5606415

i've worked in Warsaw (and several of the other cities mentioned in this thread)
most of the city was razed to the ground in WW2.
all around the city are grim grey tower blocks from the communist era
the city centre was rebuilt from scratch in the postwar era so it looks like the old city but it's basically a facade

meanwhile if you think manchester is shit you're doing it wrong

>> No.5606421

any answer but New York City, New York, is wrong

>> No.5606531

Most people know about it, but 98% of the country doesn't live in D.C.

>> No.5606553

There are a bunch of reading series that go on in Toronto like the Harbourfront, talks at the TRL and other ones nearby archived on TVO, and no doubt countless stuff that unis have I'm ignorant of but I'm too much of a shut-in to actually try and be a part of it and go to some of these events.
I don't know about other cities to compare but it's nice here.

>> No.5606690

What's up with all the negative comments about cities that have other than white people in them? I would think that that makes them more interesting, and as such, more /lit. Perhaps I'm feeding trolls, but curious.

>> No.5606694

>daily reminder anyone who could afford to left Rome when the marshes started acting up

>> No.5606698

>any answer but New York City, New York, is wrong

Maybe 80 years ago. Have you ever even been to New York? Nothing good comes out of it anymore. The best you get is some blase piece of shit from disaffected and boring "writers" like Tao Lin.

New York is, culturally, dead.

>> No.5606703
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>> No.5606708

haha. well, at least you got dubs XD

>> No.5606710

I'm inclined to say London or Paris. I'd certainly imagine getting more inspiration from London as a setting though.

>> No.5606734

I'm with you on Paris. London should be up there too.

>> No.5606767

Currently living and writing in Turin. It's a beautiful city but there doesn't seem to be much of an writing community from what I've experienced so far.

>> No.5607156

paris is a big city, friend. of course there are less than pleasant areas, but that's always been the case. i'm perfectly happy with people being turned off from it. there're enough tourists here to begin with. paris will always be an important literary city though, that will never change.

>> No.5607227


Actually lold


>> No.5607592

Vienna is great.

>> No.5608641

>people seriously think this
Fucking pleb