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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 51 KB, 520x293, baudelaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5604588 No.5604588 [Reply] [Original]

>not having a picture of your favorite author framed and on your desk

>> No.5604735

But I do have a mirror on my desk.

>> No.5604747

>ITT: OP is a pleb that thinks shelves are a desk.

>> No.5604752

I have 'em framed on the wall. Does that count?

>> No.5604755

> framed
What is this 1960

>> No.5605012
File: 79 KB, 960x720, 10407822_10152315683520938_2206657842513378164_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my muses

>> No.5605017

That's eclectic...

>> No.5605018

The name of my favorite author is printed on the cover of his book

>> No.5605061
File: 103 KB, 594x621, wud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Muse

>> No.5605067

sorry to break it to you, that's a shelf m8

>> No.5606739

Hana ga

>> No.5606883

which anime is that from?

>> No.5607068


>> No.5607071

Generally I find more of my favourite authors' books on my shelf. Tell me what I'm doing wrong OP.

>> No.5607076


Aku no Hana, not even delicious Nakamura could salvage it from being a complete shit hole disaster. I haven't looked at the manga yet but I heard that's considerably better.

>> No.5607079

kool AD?

>> No.5607084

not from anime, from manga

>> No.5607091
File: 210 KB, 738x372, 2deep4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The manga is pretty good and really different. The first half is comedy gold shit like this, the second half is the 360 degree opposite.

>> No.5607094

I want a Gene Wolfe body pillow.

>> No.5607471

Wolfe isn't that photogenic of a man. We need to get his picture from when he was in the army!

>> No.5607485

>edgy like /lit/

>> No.5607508

I got the vibe that it was sincerely trying to be edgy, even more considering how the story develops. The pacing is pretty bad, as it tends to happen when the first act is really clear in the author's head but not real direction after that. It's not too good, I don't know how it got adapted (not saying onyl quality stuff gets adapted, but I couldn't imagine too many readers following it)

>> No.5607558

hey bb what do you like to read ;)

>> No.5607580

>failing to grasp a comic book because you think exclusively in meymeys and whether some idiot anonymous on 4chan would make fun of it
The Flowers of Evil is about a young man (from teen to early 20s) that struggles to understand his feelings of unnameable alienation, guilt, and perversion. It's an intense, brilliant story, one of the best recent series in a while. Definitely /lit/-tier. The comics, that is; I never saw the animation.

>> No.5607589


aku no shana is dildos.

Is the edgy 2deep4u version of welcome to the NHK.

>> No.5607591 [DELETED] 

Who /SHREK/ here?

>> No.5607618
File: 45 KB, 600x404, rev yo shet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try having one original thought.

>> No.5607632

good goy

>> No.5607636

I don't see where junejunes come into play, or online peer pressure.
The story was trying to generate impact without real content, and after the initial presentation of characters it showed how little it had to do with them going in circles until the author came out with an idea to finish it.

Not really. WttNHK is aimed at a public that will identify and find comedy in the exageration of things they can relate to; it's clearly a black comedy. AnH, even if we are to imagine that it was meant as a satire of people who think they are the best there is while in HS, has a serious tone that can't sustain the basic and light nature of everything that happens. Eventually ramps up without any real justification to a conclusion that doesn't add any to the story, as it tends to happen when you write a chapter a week for months.

>> No.5607640

How different is it from Onani Master Kurosawa?

>> No.5607649

Onani is a parody of extreme strategy games, even if it faces into other genres and a more sincere plot as it progresses. AnH is closer to something Onani would parody.

>> No.5607685

>I don't see where junejunes come into play, or online peer pressure.
In the fact that the 'criticisms' in this thread don't have any real content except 'it wants to be edgy', and in the fact that you read the story so completely wrong as to confuse it for comedy and then accuse of being aimless. The problem is it's just a sincere story that revolves around transgression and flawed young characters and their emotions. Your comment here reads like projection- it only appears to address the object but it's really just vague pseudo-criticism and reeks of a learned prejudice (/a/, /co/, someone probably hated it, I'm guessing).

>> No.5607701

In that same post I answered the anon that took it for a comedy, I know it was trying to be about transgression. But the author's idea of transgression is both unrealistic and unimpressive. I could enjoy pathetic attempts at challenging authority if it was taking a realistic route at showing teen anger, or I could enjoy slightly or straight out over the top stuff as a hyperbole. It failed to do any of them, as it fail to have any kind of progression or rhythm to the story.
It's a lousy take on a potentially interesting topic and a poor story.

>> No.5607804
File: 221 KB, 1000x1000, Hunter-S-Thompson-1976-Aspen-1_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i have one on my wall

>> No.5608528

Baudelaire, don't fail me now!

>> No.5609828

now go check out Yellow Magic Orchestra (Japan) and Telex(Belgium)

>> No.5609858
File: 190 KB, 696x660, Cardinale2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had more money to buy Sonic Editions.

I have Claudia Cardinale, Hemingway and Steve McQueen.

>> No.5609859

>Needing a picture on your desk of someone who specialized in words.
>Not framing your favorite quote from the author in your room.

>> No.5609868

Is this performance art or are you just living that frenzied?

>> No.5609872

I don't have a favorite author though.

>> No.5609898 [DELETED] 

>implying that I'm going to hang a picture of that faggot Brett Easton Ellis for everyone to see

That's. So. Chic.

>> No.5609921
File: 457 KB, 2560x1920, 1258f699817c796e8c24db940c8273c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a Beethoven bust at mine.

>> No.5609929

>>>/middle school/

>> No.5609937

>implying I'm referring to the pic and not simply using it as an example

>> No.5609941

>using a picture on a shelf as an example of placing pictures of writers on a desk

>> No.5609945

>being this hipster

>> No.5609959

I'm thinking of framing a picture of Camus but am afraid /lit/ would laugh at me

>> No.5609978


>> No.5610015
File: 413 KB, 728x1121, invisible worm attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>5607091 here, I did get and like AnH. I just laughed m ass off at the first half.