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/lit/ - Literature

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5603754 No.5603754 [Reply] [Original]

Lit implies philosophy,
Philosophy implies analytic philosophy
Analytic philosophy implies logic
Logic implies math.
Therefore lit implies math.

If mathematics /lit/ approved? Where does it fit in the explorations of society and meaning that literature encompasses?

Pic related

>> No.5603779

learn what "implies" means before you use it again

if you don't, i will give you the stone cold stunner

>> No.5603788
File: 40 KB, 151x208, Pict_250px-LewisCarrollSelfPhoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lit implies narrative
narrative implies people
people imply bodies
a body implies biology
therefore lit implies biology

Is biology /lit/ approved? Where does it fit in the explorations of society and meaning that literature encompasses?

Pic related

>> No.5603807
File: 11 KB, 338x350, 5027756008_stock_photo_cartoon_poo_67456888_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lit implies erotica,
Erotica implies paraphilia
Paraphilia implies coprophilia
Coprophilia implies scatology.
Therefore lit implies scatology.

Is scatology /lit/ approved? Where does it fit in the explorations of society and meaning that literature encompasses?

Pic related

>> No.5603837
File: 74 KB, 402x402, r3rhm02sx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lit implies modernism.
Modernism implies Joyce.
Joyce implies fart fetishes.
Therefore lit implies fart fetishes.

If fart fetishes /lit/ approved? Where does it fit in the explorations of society and meaning that literature encompasses?

Pic related

>> No.5603871

Lit implies lighting,
lighting implies light-bulbs
light-bulb implies filaments
filament implies cotton.
Therefore lit implies cotton.

If cotton /lit/ approved? Where does it fit in the explorations of society and meaning that literature encompasses?

>> No.5603872

It's the arrow in formal logic

Someone seems a bit anal retentive

>> No.5603935
File: 96 KB, 508x600, 508px-Adolf_Hitler_42_Pfennig_stamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lit implies words
words imply letters
letters imply envelopes
envelopes imply stamps
therefore lit implies stamps

If stamps /lit/ approved? Where does it fit in the explorations of society and meaning that literature encompasses?

Pic related

>> No.5603948
File: 221 KB, 500x671, Image featuring Alice Liddell and Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lit approves pedophilia.

>> No.5603959

Lit implies drunkenness,
drunkenness implies dick pics
dick pics implies masturbation
masturbation implies banana flavored lube.
Therefore lit implies banana flavored lube.

If banana flavored lube /lit/ approved? Where does it fit in the explorations of society and meaning that literature encompasses?

>> No.5603968

>Someone seems a bit anal retentive
No, quite the opposite, more like 'anal expulsive'.

>> No.5603985


>> No.5603998

b-b-b-but all math is tautology!

>> No.5604166

/lit/ implies non-ironic shitposting
non-ironic shitposting implies 4chan
4chan implies /fit/
/fit/ implies lifting

do /lit/eratards even lift?

>> No.5604174
File: 19 KB, 261x326, front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literature is worthless, only mathematics has value.

>> No.5604180

not straight up formulas, but the philosophical side of it, sure.

>> No.5604181

>implying based bertrand would ever endorse anything that fucking retarded

*tips upper lip*

>> No.5604186

Literature implies spacing between letters,
Spacing implies silence,
Silence implies the absence of thought,
The absence of thought implies the absence of literature,
Therefore literature implies the absence of literature.

Conclusion: you are a moron or something

>> No.5604190

Wow man, like, everything is just - related - you know. Like have you ever just, stopped by a tree, and put your hand upon its trunk, and felt that connexion? It's like making love man.

>> No.5604193

"Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty — a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture, without appeal to any part of our weaker nature, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music, yet sublimely pure, and capable of a stern perfection such as only the greatest art can show. The true spirit of delight, the exaltation, the sense of being more than Man, which is the touchstone of the highest excellence, is to be found in mathematics as surely as poetry."

He just added the last part for you third rate minds.

>> No.5604199

>not straight up formulas, but the philosophical side of it, sure.
I really hope you aren't 18 yet...

>> No.5604278
File: 2.21 MB, 890x1024, Yoda_SWSB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ implies bored teenagers trying to show each other how 2deep4me and edgy they are

>> No.5604605

some quality discourse
say why somebody is a retard
show don't tell, if you're bothering to post

>> No.5605215 [DELETED] 

I don't like math. Where do I ever need to solve for x in real life? Useless shit.

>> No.5605227

Bertrand is the poster-boy for pretentious wanna-be intellectual teenagers who wear suits in their bedroom and beg their parents for pipe tobacco. He wasn't like that before Principia, but 10 years of really hard math friend his brain and made him bonkers. I'd rather he have turned to conspiracy theories than philosophy - at least conspiracies are entertaining.

>> No.5605262

I don't think it was just the math, since a lot of mathematicians can last 20-30 years before "losing it." I think it was the realization that his work was a useless dead-end and that he'd wasted the last 10 years of his life.

>> No.5605292

lit is god math is autism

99% of philosophy and politics is also autism

read poems and don't speak about them

>> No.5605330

math major here and well-read young man, math is the only certainty humans have in the universe. and no we're not all autistic

>> No.5605343

Lit implies all written material
All written material implies Mass Effect fanfic
Mass Effect fanfic implies videogames

Lit is about videogames