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/lit/ - Literature

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560046 No.560046 [Reply] [Original]

hey guys some friends of mine recently got me into some hp lovecraft lore, boardgames stories etc, id like to start reading some of his work and was wandering where to start. books is what im particularly looking for

>> No.560054
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>> No.560056

It doesn't matter. His style is always the same.

>> No.560061

fuck i haven't killed that boss in forever.

>> No.560065
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his work is in the public domain and you can read it all at:


or download pdf torrents of his stuff if you want to print it off (really the only way to find and read some of his less popular stuff)

If your new to him though buying an anthology of his stories will probably be best though as it'll have the core good ones which are really all the ones you need unless you want to read everything he's written or really get into him.

>> No.560081

Your will is no longer your own.

>> No.560090

Start with The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories edited by S.T. Joshi.

Notes are pretty fun and informative too.

>> No.560131

>go on dagon bytes

>choose random lovecraft story

>feel like it's missing an ending

>realize that's the entire story

Loved his concepts, hate his writing style.