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/lit/ - Literature

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5597506 No.5597506 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I gotta ask, do you have extensive internal fantasy realms that you can turn to? Or just any fictional world. How old are you?

I'm 20 and have kept a continuous fantasy world going since in was 15. Do we ever stop dreaming at some point?

>> No.5597510
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>> No.5597523

Yes I do, I have a whole set of imaginary medieval style countries in my head and I play out wars with them in my imagination. When I get bored of them I invent a new map. i'm 25

>> No.5597549

I'm 27 and always wander to this hero villian set that I played out in my head when I was 10.

Different conflict every time over the years, yet the story ends the same. Maybe that tells something about myself.

inb4 more autism.

>> No.5597556

There is a technical term for this once it gets out of hand.


>> No.5597583
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i have this strange far future military scifi/space opera thing that i usually stick to. it has these knights which are very similar to jedis except that theyre clones bred like space marines and derive there powers from their armor/power belt kinda, i call them guardians. they exist along side the government of the humans in a semimilitary fashion and they also serve a number of miscellaneous functions.

im 21, mfw i cant believe i do this

>> No.5597616

I daydream a lot, but not really about one singular consistent world.

I have a very lively imagination though, to the point that the outside world almost disappears and I sometimes even flinch at things in imagination land or get adrenaline rushes from simulated exciting events. And erections of course. Porn doesn't have shit on my fantasy land.

>> No.5597631

I just have a wonderland that I created for the purpose of meditation in preparation of attempting to make a tulpa. It's a rather empty place, but I find that better than god-moding a bunch of NPC's. Also,
>not meditating
>not having a wonderland
Shigddharta guatamiggy

>> No.5597643

>meditating to add more shit rather than take shit away

disapproving sid.jpeg

>> No.5597645

>Porn doesn't have shit on my fantasy land
speaking of that i also have this one fantasy where me and like ten of the hottest girls i know go to an island with a big ass mansion that is stock with a full bar, tons of weed, hash, ecstasy, lsd, mushrooms, mescaline, and maybe some coke. and we just spend all of our time fucking and getting high

>> No.5597660

Sounds like a pretty shitty wonderland if you ask me.

>> No.5597664

tell me how thats shitty

>> No.5597669

>implying my wonderland isn't minimalist
>implying this method isn't helping me distance myself from abstracts by objectifying them
I guess it's still a bit controversial. But it works for me so I don't really give half an ass one way or the other.

>> No.5597680

Not that anon, but why don't you tell us how it isn't shitty? There's nothing special about that fantasy, nothing noteworthy, and, honestly, it paints a rather sad picture.

>> No.5597691

idk it not my main one (my main one is >>5597583
) its just like fantasizing what you would do with a 100 million dollars and hey a man can dream

>> No.5597713

>Living on island
Limited resources, isolation, sand...need I say more?

>Ten of THE HOTTEST girls
At most you need two. Ten just invites the possibility for unpleasant situations. What will you do when they are all on the rag at the same time and strung out on whatever they've been pumping themselves with?

>Big Ass Mansion
Typical gutter rat desire. Are you going to invite MTV's Cribs?

>Stocked with x, lsd, shrooms, mescaline, AND MAYBE some coke
How about food and fresh water, wonderboy? Time to give up the drug life, having an endless supply only makes things worse and invites death to the party. Also, what happens when all those delicious substances run out?

>Spend ALL of our time fucking and getting high
Hope one of those ten hotties is a doctor, and that all ten of them are sterile, or at least you are.

But what do I know? I enjoy the simple things in life. The party never stops for you, does it?

>> No.5597723

That's a really cute gay knight.

>> No.5597724

It's just a pretty boring fantasy. Ya see, the thing about imagination is that you can have anything. Then again, being the meditation anon, my fantasies are seldom in accordance with my desires. I either apply it practically or use it for philosophical endeavours.

I'll admit that I do have one recurring fantasy that fulfills my desire to be a hero, but shh.

>picking apart his fantasy without dissecting it
Your arguments are pretty silly too.

>> No.5597732

>Silly arguments
That's what I was going for, tulpaboy. :^)

>> No.5597749

1 isolation is kinda the point and i have 10 other people
2 good point
3 good point
4 i am assuming that my big ass mansion is well stocked with necessities as well
5 they would all be clean and sterile

the party does stop and i dont use all drugs for "partying" acid is a great drug for introspection in my opinion as are the other psychedelics
and to say i would spend all my time fucking and getting high is an over exaggeration on my part

>> No.5597751

>tfw i never got the tulpa to work and they probably aren't even a real thing
That was years in the past, though, and I'm pretty thankful that it got me in to the habit of meditating.

>> No.5597758

no benevolent dictator fantasy where you solve all of societies problems?

>> No.5597766

Last time I did acid, I walked around my hometown with some friends. We ended up eating pizza while sitting on the sidewalk and yelling at cars. One of those friends died recently of a heroin overdose.


Sorry to say that the party has stopped for him.

Was just busting your chops, man. Wonderlands can be whatever, don't let this prick tell you otherwise.

>> No.5597775

Number two ain't a good point at all tho, like, you can imagine having ten dicks, or something. Or being litterally swimming in bitches.

I used to, then I grew up. I still occassionally fantasize about idealist governance and shit.
>tfw can't save the world ;_;

>> No.5597778

Sure it was. Tell us your tulpa's name and her disposition. Maybe then we can compare notes and set up a tulpa skype group.

>> No.5597782

I know, i love pointless arguments lol.

>> No.5597787

Me too, handsome, me too.

>> No.5597788

>I used to, then I grew up. I still occassionally fantasize about idealist governance and shit.
i know that feel

>> No.5597792


I don't have a continuous fantasy world in the sense that you're probably thinking, but I mostly live in my head for most of the day, imagining myself in some situation or other.

21 here

>> No.5597799

>imagining myself in some situation or other
you should create one at work sometime they make time go by a lot quicker

>> No.5597802

Not sure if sarcasm. I'll entertain you never the less.
Her name was Mira Claire. She was supposed to be everything I was not. That's all there is to it.

>> No.5597808

I have this internal magic world where I go when I'm bored: it's huge and full of imaginary people with inferiority/superiority complex who like virtual dick-measuring contests in every imaginable form and calling each other faggots. I don't think there are any girls there, though.

>> No.5597821
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>> No.5597827
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good one

>> No.5597828


Yeah, i tried to replicate it in Minecraft. I wrote a history on it and it's spread across my MC world.

>> No.5597840
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I wouldn't be surprised if I have a mild form of that. I think I daydream more than the usual person and this bothers me.

I have this fantasy where everyone dies of the plague except me and I just chill and do whatever I want eg hit golf balls of the roof of a building, spend a whole day reading without feeling useless and basically have the city to my self.

sounds pretty silly now that I put it in writing

>> No.5597850


I love that name. Show me a Jennifer and rename her Claire, and suddenly her sex appeal as well as romantic appeal goes up.

I also have an imaginary land in which I spend a lot of time. There I meet strange object and arcane constructions that I can manipulate almost at will, although they have their own rules, so I must be very careful. I'm paid for it, too.

>> No.5597860

It means that you have trouble standing people around you/trouble living under the constraints you currently live in. You should spend more time working, or find a way to make more money, or go on a trip somewhere.

>> No.5597889

>I love that name.
Do you happen to have a thing for redheads too?

>There I meet strange object and arcane constructions that I can manipulate almost at will, although they have their own rules, so I must be very careful. I'm paid for it, too.
This feels like a reference to something and I feel stupid for not getting it. Then again, I'll feel just as stupid when you tell me it isn't a reference so, whatever.

>> No.5597893


>implying I have a job

But that's what I do to pass time all day, yeah. Like I said, I live in my head most of the day.

>> No.5597902

I have a fantasy world that's detailed and large enough to instantly be enough content for several novels. I've even started writing (a few pages each of different scenes), but I'm too lazy/insecure or whatever to actually commit to it without being sure that my writing is good enough to make it not shit.

>> No.5597906
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>mfw i just got laid off today

>> No.5597917


I do this and it gets kind of depressing when I realise at least eight hours of my day are spent imagining I'm anywhere but where I am.

>> No.5597936

I'm 29 and still dream of being younger and playing football for my national team (England) and playing the final against Argentina, Messi scores 3 goals and everyone gives up but I single-handedly turn the match around, scoring 4 goals in the process. When I go to sleep I replay each one of the goals in my head, and the way I would celebrate each one of them.

yeah, haven't had a gf in like 4 years

>> No.5597945

I have various fantasies that I turn to, not fantastical realms but just other lives i could lead or whatever, I actually spend most of my time inside them, so much so that any real conscious thought or awareness of where and what I really am seems completely bizarre to me.

>> No.5597967
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>not an underground research facility in the artic where you impregnate kidnapped women from all over the earth and send them back with a sum of hush money and their babies in order to maximise your offspring all over the world

get gud

>> No.5597992

Welp, that's me. I'm pretty much Oblomov tier.

>> No.5598036
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Sometimes, when I am right at the doors of sleep, I lose focus on my thoughts. It is like my mind is blank, but I can still hear voices in the back of my head. By the time a realize this I naturally grab ahold of my thoughts to try to process what has just happened but in doing so I lose said voices. Last time there were two voices having a mild-mannered argument about something.

I know this isn't entirely relevant to the thread, but does anyone have any similar experience or know what this is?

>> No.5598088

It's probably a logged memory your subconscious set aside and was awaken.

It's particularly more noticeable when you go through crowds daily, aka train to work, or walking through a crowded street.

>> No.5598111


seems accurate

>> No.5598119

Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.

>> No.5598123

This is either an intense flareup of autism or a bretty funny troll.
>needing your fantasy world to conform to materialist realities of the real world

>> No.5598137

Hmm. Thanks for the information, that makes a lot more sense than the explanation I had thought up.

>> No.5598142

:^) My autism is under control tonight.

>> No.5598144


Yes, goy, work harder!

>> No.5598167

Btw I have no source, I just experience similar things, especially when I go into deep sleep.

It becomes less of a dream and more of a witness to a chunk of everyday life that I didn't actively focus on, but slipped in anyway.

>> No.5598226

This is either an intense flareup of autism or a bretty funny troll.
>needing your fantasy world to conform to materialist realities of the real world

>> No.5598307

Do you guys believe in solipsism or is it just me?

>> No.5598328

I sometimes feel like I'm entering dream mode before I'm fully asleep so I get 'scenes' playing in my head while I'm still half conscious and then snap out of them again.

>> No.5598338

He could be a billionare who has an amiable rasta bring a boatload of supplies every week. Problem solved.

>> No.5598352

I've done this since I was young. Over the last decade (early teens til now), I've created, developed, and plotted stories inside a new fictional universe in my head for about a year or less each. Over time these have become less Mary Sue/masturbatory exercises.

I feel constant guilt for daydreaming all of this and not writing it down. When I do write, I'll never get farther than a chapter, and eventually I forget the fictional universe I created until something triggers it to emerge again.

>> No.5598361

>Do you happen to have a thing for redheads too?

Yes ! How'd you figure ?

The only girl I had sex with was a redhead (not that I shun non-redheads, but that's saying how good your guess is).

> I'll feel just as stupid when you tell me it isn't a reference so, whatever.

No, it's just a silly reference. I study mathematics.

>> No.5598364


>> No.5598397

The answer is none of your concern.

>> No.5598510

the one where im a successful author/intellectual and smirk derisively when people ask me things

>> No.5598534

i do this all the time too
it's pretty bizarre having more than one voice in your head at a time, talking to each other, none of them yet both of them you

most of the conversations are arguing about who should get up and piss or get food or whatever. sometimes i stop and think that both voices are me and even if a decision is reached they both have to go but if i think that, it means that i am now awake and the voices are gone

>> No.5598629

is everyone in this thread fucking autistic

>> No.5598654

No. Just you.

>> No.5598660

>he doesn't have a lively imagination


>> No.5598667

Sounds like Space Marines from 40k.

>> No.5598681

My fantasies started off small and got progressively more grandiose until my imagination isn't satisfied by anything less then omnipotence.

>> No.5598683

My imagination doesn't have nearly so much continuity. I just take real-life events and blow them way up. Like if I'm crushing on a girl at work, I imagine an elaborate hero story where I kill her boyfriend in a glorious battle and claim her as my own property. Or in election years like now, I imagine myself savagely beating the candidates in the commercials. A lot of my imagination is violent.

>> No.5599296

M-me? >>>/mlp/

This, but with more colorful horses

>> No.5599494

>Yes ! How'd you figure ?

We just have very similar tastes. I'd gladly talk about life and women with you over a cup of coffee some day. Too bad I live in Europe.

That makes sense. Mathematics was one of the things I considered studying, but I ended up picking data tech instead.

Wow. This is pretty much exactly what happens to me. It's good to know that I'm not cracy. Or that someone else is just as crazy as me.

>> No.5599509 [DELETED] 
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Do you guys write down these fantasies?

>> No.5599516

Redheads are great, so is mathematics.

>> No.5599521
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>tfw I haven't written down a single word about it, but I could fill an entire series with all there is at this point

I know more about it than I do real life. I also have a very visual memory so a lot of it plays like a movie, typically always from a first person perspective. I probably have a few thousand hours of "footage" in my head, everything from casual conversations, political debates, tv, war, minor events, random mundane things. With some of the largest events that happen within it I have over 100 different perspectives from different individuals who are all fully fleshed out characters.

For some reason I try to keep an extreme degree of realism despite some of the elements in the narrative being impossible in real life or insanely batshit. I also have an extremely deep seated fear of people stealing shit from the setting so I almost never talk about it. I've been developing this daily in my head for over 10 years, a central setting was cemented after a few years and I've developed off of that. As time goes on I make less and less retcons and the setting becomes more cohesive and structured, eliminating inconsistencies.

>> No.5599533

I've never felt any of these things.

>> No.5599539

That's your brain switching from focused to diffuse mode. There's a trick where you hold a pair of keys in your hand while falling asleep. The moment you lose consciousness and switch to diffuse mode, you drop the keys and wake up, so you can write down what you're thinking about.

There's a course on Coursera that talks about this right at the beginning: https://class.coursera.org/learning-002/lecture

Check out the first three lectures of week 1 (10 minutes total).

>> No.5599558

This is great! Thanks a lot.

>> No.5599561

Things have become so pathetic that an image like that can move me.

>> No.5599564

The people in this thread seem to be very like-minded. Do you guys feel like we should make an IRC channel?

>> No.5599581

Meditation-fag here. I'm all for it.

>> No.5599586

I've made #c/lit/s on irc.rizon.net

If anyone can think of a better name, we'll use that.

There's a Claire on Rizon, btw. She's in #/lit/.

>> No.5599614

I imagine that i'm living in early 20th century Europe, part of nobility or aristocracy as an NCO in a battlefield. I develop mannerisms such as posh non emotive dialect, rigid body movement and a very utility based and 'low class humans are just herds of cattle' attitude.

>> No.5599616

I sometimes hear so many people talking when I'm falling asleep that I can't make out anything they're saying. Sometimes it's just one or two people.

When I was younger I would hear pieces of magnificent orchestral music for only a fraction of a second because if I listened for longer than that I'd fall asleep.
So I'd listen for a fraction of a second, wake myself up, and try to fall asleep again so I could hear it again for another fraction of a second.
I always regretted that I had no way to record that music.

>> No.5599619

I'm 18.

>> No.5599620

When I used to be in highschool, I would image a similar scene like Lord of the Flies (whole class stranded on island with no adults) and we would have to form tribes with each other, have clashes, and of course claim girls.

>> No.5599627

My only recurring fantasy is just inserting an idealised version of myself into real situations that have occurred. Also, since this imaginary version of myself is so damn cool these situations often rapidly escalate into hot steamy sex.

>> No.5599655

Man, this is "nobody loves me" - the thread.

Jesus christ.

>> No.5599660

kinda but their armor is more like master chiefs from halo and they have these plasma sword which are like lightsabers

>> No.5599831

yeah considering my experiences [trying my hardest and failing when] relating with others i wouldn't consider yourself not crazy, at best in good company

>> No.5599839

>tfw I've just finished marathoning Protector of the Small
G-goddamned girl knights being total QTs...

>> No.5599843

she reminded me britomart

p.s. you actually cannot be sure it's a girl :3

>> No.5599848

Fuck off.

>> No.5599849

kitty pls start capitalizing your words.

>> No.5599851

i don't feel myself free when i capitalize them

>> No.5599854

kitty pls join the IRC channel

#c/lit/s @ Rizon

We'd be happy to have you

>> No.5599855

Are you the canadian camwhore from a few years back?

>> No.5599865

So they are jedi master space machiefs?

>> No.5599880

When i'm miserable or can't sleep i construct cities in my head. that's the closest thing to fantasies i have.

>> No.5600043

Escapism is the great thing in the world, even if you're loved and have a good life.

>> No.5600057

I hear the most beautiful music, sometimes before falling asleep. Original music, excellent music. It's impossible to transcribe to the real world because I couldn't write the rhytm, or the chords down. I'm happy for hearing this Geistmusik, but it also makes me sad that these are one of my happiest moments.

>> No.5600073


alexander grin wrote a story of that btw

>> No.5600081 [DELETED] 

You as comprehensible without them

>> No.5600091

Care to name the exact story?

It's funny. We had a dialogue once, but you couldn't possibly know.

>> No.5600093

Is there a difference between daydreaming and waifus?

>> No.5600094

You aren't as comprehensible without them

>> No.5600097
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As long as we're only entertaining ourselves and not fooling ourselves.

>> No.5600189

I'm actually writing out some lore for mine

>> No.5600201

Are you me? I'm writing content for a future wiki I'm going to create for it, it's that extensive

>> No.5600204


>> No.5600222

Hey kitty u wan sum fuk gurl? I can be the crude savage u beat into education and books and shit and i can call u pussy instead of kitty.

>> No.5600297

Yup. Have had many since I was about 10. The original narrative sort of came out of a series of short day dreams. Basically an idealised, superpowered (but not too Mary Suey or Omnipotent) version of myself teaming up with a variety of fictional and original characters to take down a mad scientist. First he was just a normal mad scientist, then he got blasted by radiation and gained some minor superpowers, then he was taken over by an ancient force of chaos and became a near omnipotent super hero.

I constructed an elaborate series of engagements between the two sides for years until eventually the battle came to a head when I was about 13/14.Daydream me was brutally wounded in an alternate dimension battle with this supervillain. I returned to the regular dimension and began to recover as the supervillain slowly consumed the whole dimension and I and my allies were driven into submission and hiding.

Katara (of Avatar:TLA), once deputy leader of the good guys, was now a figurehead ruler in the supervillains new world, who had capitualted tor unning his evil bereaucracy so long as he slowed down his efforts to find and execute Daydream me and other leaders.

Daydream me, stripped of his usual superpowers, retreated to a cave in the desert and through intense training, discovered the Way. The Way was a fighting style that lay at the base of all supernatural abilities and from which all methods of energy manipulation and magic are derived.

>> No.5600303


are you talking about kittykat? didn't she only do two videos?

>> No.5600315

She did a few more shows but she was divine.

>> No.5600337
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Daydream Me used The Way to project invisible energy from metaphysical action. He became strong enough to level cities with a punch.

So he faced off against the Villain in an epic clash in the middle of the desert. He cracked the shadowy armour the represented Chaos' control over the villain. The villain actually ended up gaining more power as the original mad doctor's body had actually died within the armour of Chaos and had taken on a kind of supernatural undead state.

Eventually through the Fist of Unity, an ancient technique that allowed all living things to lend their power to a blow (think Spirit Bomb), the villain was defeated. This involved not just an external strike but also using the internal spirit of the original mad doctor, who it turned out wasn't such a bad guy, to burst forth from and destroy his corrupted body.

The villain was defeated, but Daydream me used up all his energy and died. Instead his body was occupied by the original Mad Doctor's spirit who had been turned to the light by witnessing the corruption of his own soul.

The Mad Doctor then utilised the Way to bring freedom and just rule to the land, everybody thinking that he was Daydream Me, never revealing his secret.

There was some epiloguey stuff about abdication crises and alternate dimensions, but that was the main storyline.

I kinda miss it.

>> No.5600350

Dude, you're a faggot.

>> No.5600361

Oh enormously. like totally, absolutely and unquestionably.

I was pathetic kid who watched a bunch of anime, what do you expect?

I guess that stuff just had a kind of reactivity and energy that was interesting in any case.

>> No.5600365

Yeah a kind of faggot reactivity and energy. Christ, turn off the cartoons.

>> No.5600492

I am a senior Wookieepedia editor.

>> No.5600498
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I'm such a whore for fantasy settings. My issue is that I keep jumping from world to world. I flesh out the setting, the story, the characters, and all the plot twists on paper. Then, once I've done that, instead of writing it, I sort of shrug and go "that was fun," and try to come up with another world.

I've only ever completed one novel, and in converting the story to a novel it got horribly watered down so I could stick to the 100k word count you usually want for your first published book.

>> No.5600509


About a month ago I got crazy close to having a threeway with my gf and her best friend in a hot tub. Since then, whenever I'm feeling down, I just imagine different ways it could have gone, like if I had known in advance, or different ways it could happen again.

Gets me through some shit. I'm 24.

>> No.5600634
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germans sure like digging

>> No.5600637

that's actually pretty interesting psychoanalytically

>> No.5600856

Links / pics??

>> No.5600881

>everyone saying dorfs are jews
>mfw they're actually germans

>> No.5600898

#daydreamfriends @ irc.rizon.net
#daydreamfriends @ irc.rizon.net
#daydreamfriends @ irc.rizon.net
#daydreamfriends @ irc.rizon.net

>> No.5600975

Between 2010 and early 2012 I was very caught up in MLP and I'm embarrassed to admit that yeah, I had an extensive daydreamed narrative of my life in which among things I went to Equestria and became a post-ironic mary sue.

Eventually my interests shifted and oddly enough the foundations set by my pony daydreams turned into my current daydreams that are a mix between upending the shitty practices in the video game industry, and installing my own political system combining certain useful elements of dictatorship with direct democracy.

It's progress, I guess.

I've been wanting to make one of thosemyself but I'm having trouble getting into a rhythm of working on it and I'm not really clear on what exactly I should be doing. Also, ADHD and a busy workload don't make daily meditation type stuff any easier. Do you have any advice?

>> No.5601099

I have my own fantasy world which I've been working on recently. It's full of elves and I keep coming up with societies and rituals and patterns and I keep drawing / writing stuff for it.

>> No.5601150

that's pretty cool. extremely autistic, but kind of cool too

>> No.5601372

In my free time when I'm bored, I've actually been writing out my idea for a fantasy realm. I'm not taking it too seriously, but I'm having fun writing it, and not to sound egotistical, but I think it's at least on par the majority of literature out there which isn't saying much to be honest, I started reading Life of Pi recently, which won the Man Booker prize. If that book can win a prize, so can I.

It's sort of an alternate future with sci-fi/magical elements in which everyone has a completely random superpower, some of which are god-tier, and some are shit-tier, which creates the idea of fate in the story. Revolution breaks out because the caste system is based on these completely random superpowers, but since the rebels all have shit-tier powers, they're not winning the war. The story isn't about the war though, it's more about two characters in particular and their overlapping fates and changing ideals.

I haven't gotten too far in planning the story, I'm sort of going with the flow and revising it on the fly.

>> No.5601417

no, but i like to think my dreams all occur in a coherent universe, and if i happen to be thinking about my dream from the previous night i like to imagine how it relates to others i can recall. my dreams are usually of fantastic landscapes or cities of various description. one dream i had was of a vast plane with a purple sky, and it was dotted by these elevated steel platforms that harnessed electricity from space some how. in another dream, i visited this plane again, and a space ship of baroque architecture began slowly descending from the sky. in a following dream, i visited some vast empty space occupied only by floating grey disks that acted as meditation platforms which orbited around a birch tree. i like to think this space existed inside the baroque tower space ship, but who can know for sure?

>> No.5601422

Life of Pi won a price because it was about an Indian fellow who wrote about how all religions are beautiful and equal and worshipping them all though. Are you willing to stoop to that type of Paulo Coelho trash?

>> No.5601429

another time i had a dream every night of a different part of a massive commercial mall, only this mall wasn't trying to sell you anything, and was really more like a museum of as-yet unimagined sculpture that was uncovered by archeological trips into the future. the weird thing about these dreams is that i become cognizant of these facts about the environment merely by traveling through it. there are rarely characters in my dreams (unless they are sexual in nature, in which the cast is usually diverse, with several people from various facets of my life working against me in my attempt to win over the girl im after)

>> No.5601453

>even in your imaginary lust dream wonderland you have to escape your life with drugs

>> No.5601584


uhhhhhh do you have the other videos?

I only have the first two videos (so hot), but I would totally be willing to put them up if there's any interest

>> No.5601585

Try making a habit out of it. That is pretty much the only advice I can give. Although I gave up on my tulpa because I was under a lot of stress due to other things going on in my life. So I can't help you much in that regard. But if you have any questions about meditation I'd be glad to answer. And feel free to join the irc here: >>5600898

>> No.5601613

I'm 22 and everyday before falling asleep I go to my fantasy world.

There are dozens of characters i created over the years who live there.
Basically there is everything in this place, city, forests, sea, islands, ruins.
I love to imagine colossal structures, like towers and temples or complex machinery, the characters have their own stories but most of the time they are excuses so I can send them exploring.

Everything here is connected by huge highways, where you can fins all different kinds of vehicles and people, I don't know how to explain this well but the highways are the core of this world, everything is connected by and to them and in my head they look completely different from the highways of the real world, for example they are not on the ground but suspended by enormous concrete pylons.

I don't know how to describe the setting, it really changes depending on my mood, sometimes I imagine flat, endless purple beaches inhabited by gangs of vagrant children, sometimes I imagine abandoned baroque churches between neon lit steel towers, or the empty highway suspended above a prairie where horned animals fight.
The characters sometimes die and sometimes they get forgotten, I really only imagine a handful very often and I know everything about them.

I have to say it's not easy to talk about this, I've only done it once before but it feels like I'll never be able to describe how this place is really like.

>> No.5601674

no, I quickly gave up about a page in when he started ranting about sloths. I'm supposed to read it for a class but I think I'm just going to read a summary of it. The part where he pulled the stereotype that scientists are "an atheistic beer-drinking lot whose minds are preoccupied with sex, chess and baseball" out of his ass made me laugh though.

>> No.5601709


lmao this autistic guy thinks his world building generic tropey shit can win the man booker

fuck lmao

post some of your prose

>tfw anon won't cuz he knows it's shit and will get torn apart
>tfw anon will probably give some bullshit excuse like "it's not ready still in first draft"

>> No.5601807

>talking about autism on a thread about internal fantasy realms
>implying my story is all about world building
please. I was bashing Life of Pi, not praising my own work
2/10, got me to reply

>> No.5601856

I want to know more about the highway system. why are there so many different kinds of vehicles?

>> No.5601959

>an alternate future with sci-fi/magical elements in which everyone has a completely random superpower, some of which are god-tier, and some are shit-tier, which creates the idea of fate in the story

10/10 can't tell if master trole or actually serious

>anon continues not to post any prose

>> No.5602006
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I guess the variety comes from the fact that I like to come up with mechanical designs, I might spend quite some time thinking about a single vehicle and getting hung up on its details, When I think about the highway I don't really visualize all the single vehicles though, I rather see this surface as a chaotic place where hundreds of people advance towards their destination. The city underneath is organised on levels, the lowest one being very crowded, sort of how you'd imagine Hong Kong or Tokyo back alleys, roads are tiny and it's difficult to get around so everything has to converge on the highway in order to move from a place to another.
Trains, cars, motorcycles, bikes, rickshaw, etc. Everything is there, and hanging by the sides of the pylons and by the edge of the highway you can find buildings, sometimes it's sleepy cafes or huge gas stations but also checkpoints for the different organisations that operate and control the highway.
The farther from the city, the less crowded the highway becomes, but some people still use it, they walk to see where it ends, and they go on for months, maybe years, the landscape underneath gradually depopulates and only nature remains, apart from the occasional obelisk or tower in the distance there is only trees or grey dirt and animals there, for now.

I still don't know how big I want the highway system to be, maybe one day I'll think about it.

>> No.5602026

did you not read past that?
>The story isn't about the war though, it's more about two characters in particular and their overlapping fates and changing ideals.
>implying I need to post prose to know my writing isn't Shakespeare

>> No.5602032


I've got an entire fantasy world in my head, complete with a history and series of wars that have resulted in a golden age of prosperity and unification. Soon, the alliance will find itself under seige from a bloodthirsty enemy that is trying to plunder its natural resources.

The main character is a young women who cooks for a group of bipedal dragons in an outpost far from the center of the kingdom. She is usually cooking and cleaning when I see her, but will sometimes go out and collect food. She's noticed that some of the grain has gone missing from the stores, and is starting to get suspicious. She asked a guard if they could pass by the storeroom more often during his shift, and he said he'd keep an eye on it for her.

>> No.5602163


nobody's saying your prose is going to be like Shakespeare, just that based off the cringe generic plot and your ego, your prose is going to be /bad/ and not remotely close to actual publish quality let alone prize/booker level

who knows prove me wrong post your first page or something

>> No.5602219

>publish quality let alone prize/booker level
I never even said I was going to publish it, let alone win a prize. I was bashing Life of Pi when I said "If that book can win a prize, so can I." This is just a story I'm writing in my free time, and my first real story at that. I don't expect it to be good.

>> No.5602244

>I started reading Life of Pi recently, which won the Man Booker prize. If that book can win a prize, so can I.

>if that book can win a prize, so can I
>that book has won a prize
>hence so can you

I think it's just laughable that you bash on Life of Pi and then you post your fanfic-level shit

>I don't expect it to be good

whatever op, as long as you're under no illusions about how terrible your story sounds (and almost definitely is)

>> No.5602323

>and then you post your fanfic-level shit
that's the thing, I never posted more than a brief synopsis of the story that I even mentioned wasn't fully developed, so I haven't the slightest clue why you're judging it so harshly. If you were to summarize any fantasy/sci-fi book as quickly as I did it'd probably sound like shit too
>mfw I'm still arguing about a story I'll probably never finish writing with a guy who'll probably never read it even if it's published

>> No.5603616

Uni wifi has a strict policy that among things bans use of IRC, unfortunately, but if you can give any advice on how to actually go about meditating (posture, room conditions, what to actually think about, etc) I'd appreciate it. It's ironic, one of the main reasons I'd like one is to bring a bit of structure, organisation, activeness etc to how I live. I tend to be so overpoweringly passive that for better or worse, no one, including me, can get me to do something I don't feel like doing, even if an intellectual level I do really want to do, so I'm now in a situation where I'm too lazy to make the tulpa to help me become less lazy.

Also, if you don't mind me asking, how far did you get before you gave up?

>> No.5603624

>Uni wifi has a strict policy that among things bans use of IRC
you can probably try a webgate here http://www.rizon.net/chat

>> No.5603637

your synopsis looks rather as a setting for ya fiction, when the life of pi is a psychological book

>> No.5603641

Not very familiar with this sort of thing - is that a third party site that speaks for me in the IRC so I don't have to use a client or P2P myself?

Also, I need to focus on reading for and writing and essay in the next five hours, but will you guys still be around after that?

>> No.5603692
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>prize level writing
>literally grrm tier

>> No.5603727

Are you me, OP? Fantasy realm, yes, but all the characters aren't so much self-inserts but various aspects of myself. I've written and drawn a lot of notes over the past five years, too. It started out as an original story that never got written down.

Maybe that's why there's no major plot. I have no intention of really sharing it with anyone at this point, which is kind of liberating. But now that I'm not a teenager anymore, it kind of feels like internalized teen angst in hindsight.

>> No.5604239

Sometimes I like to add some stories to worlds form books I've read or games I've played. Usually I don't directly "go there", I tend to take over the role of a single male character from said settings. It's really fun and helps me dealing with accumulated stress. The world I like the most has both magic and advanced technology, I can use its diversity to weave stories with different magic:sci-fi ratios, depending on my mood.

Autism strong, but I stopped caring few years ago. I'm 23.

>> No.5604285

Over the course of my teenage years my fantasy realm went from derivative fantasy/sci-fi-related stuff, to derivative sex stuff, to fantasies about being cool and interesting and having a gf.

Now it's much rarer, but generally involves going back in time and doing my teenage years right, i.e. being cool and interesting and having a gf.

>> No.5604643

I'm working on a science fantasy multi POV story at the moment, I shared an excerpt on /lit/ a while ago. It's scary, but it's honestly the best thing to do to just let other people read what you have.
Some will be supportive, others will hate it, the good ones will offer some support and some tips for improvement.
Mine started off the same, just random ideas scribbled down, but over 100,000 words in it suddenly feels like a lot more.

>> No.5605753

Bump for daydreamers.

>> No.5606728

Bump for when I finally finish this fucking essay and can discuss stuff

>> No.5608296

I daydream a lot about being involved in ancient warfare. When I'm cooking, I pretend I'm cooking for the emperor or cooking for a vast army. Before going to sleep, I'll think about living the Spartan lifestyle of a soldier with all it's harshness, cold, hunger, and struggles. And of being given a sex slave as a reward for my victorious gladiator battles. It's my favorite part of going to bed.

>> No.5608385
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>> No.5608857

I used to have an extensive fantasy that, come doomsday, I would be appointed the role of deciding the worthiness of each individual. I would then interview one person after the other, in a pocket dimension where time flows infinitely fast. Person after person, verdict after verdict. It was pretty baller.

>> No.5609042

Y'all better be thinking of one person only. therlsc arrogance

>> No.5609047

my fantasy / imagination is so bad i can barely picture things from the real world in my mind. to be honest, id even have a hard time recalling what my family members look like.

>> No.5609207

No, I create and abandon fantasy worlds consistently.

>> No.5609325

i used to, when i was younger.

>> No.5609518

Nope. Just alcoholism.

Your thing is probably healthier.
Keep it up.

>> No.5609891

This is my situation too
What can we do?

>> No.5609980

I have a number of ideas in my mind. I like them in and of themselves, but also the idea of them being translated into a medium, usually videogames or music.

Music is kind of an abstract medium to want to translate an idea to, so really only I will ever truly understand it. Videogames are much better suited to a more "true" representation of the idea itself because they have a visual and audio component, and also contain the feeling of exploration and agency I associate with daydreaming.

That being said, I feel like lately I've not been able to imagine stuff as well as I used to, or experience the same degree of excitement with my own thoughts. I'm also finding it hard to create ideas I like, like my creative abilities are waning or something. Analysing creativity is probably a bad thing to do because it's not an active, focused process by nature, and is to a large extent outside of your direct control. I think these "problems" are likely an expression of obsessive neurotic behaviour which has made itself known in other more physical ways in my life.

I always found that David Lynch's way of talking about ideas reflected a lot of the way I've thought about ideas.


>> No.5610378

>I feel like lately I've not been able to imagine stuff
>Videogames are much better
I know I took it your writing of context.... but still, the implications are true.

>> No.5610429

I've played less videogames over the past year than I ever have in my life. If anything, you could interpret it as a lack of imaginative stimulation coming from videogames, rather than "brain rot" through playing videogames.

>> No.5612259

No dreamworld, but I do have random bits of dialogue or ideas that come into my head from nowhere a couple times a day, like about a bunch of fairies trying to get and hold down jobs, or a school where suicides are common enough there's an elaborate procedure for schoolwide mourning. I never actually write them, but I jot them down on a post-it note and stick it in a jar for later.

>> No.5613056


>> No.5613066

I have a shitton of running fantasies. Most of them involve me talking with people from real life (some of whom I haven't actually seen in years) demonstrating how fucking intelligent and witty I am.

It's pathetic. I know. But I'm an extrovert that thrives off the approval of others and when I do not get that I turn to my fantasy world where everyone loves me and I never make a fool out of myself.

>> No.5613531

>/lit/, I gotta ask, do you have extensive internal fantasy realms that you can turn to?

I used to have one when I was 13-18, but after overcoming all imaginable enemies in the imaginary world, visiting hell and heaven and effectively turning myself into an almighty, immortal god king, it got kinda boring, so I stopped thinking about it.

>> No.5613548


>> No.5615700

Disgusting extrovert :^)

>> No.5617356

>But I'm an extrovert that thrives off the approval of others and when I do not get that I turn to my fantasy world where everyone loves me and I never make a fool out of myself.

This nigga knows where it's at.

>> No.5617447

I spend most of my time in my fantasy world shitposting on the internet.

>> No.5617483

My thoughts are way too erratic to do that. Sometimes I feel like I'm more retarded than autistic people, because I can't even imagine a shape correctly or focus on something. But I guess some of my short stories vaguely resemble a coherent universe together.

Also thanks for this thread, there was some really funny shit.

>> No.5617608

I live in France. We could meet, and that would be an occasion for me to find back that Claire girl (because yes, first reason I like that name is I crushed on a girl called like that in HS, and the name suited her too-she used to color her hair in red btw).

Agreed. Though most redheads I've meet seem to wish they had been born with more a more common hair color.

I'll be there sometimes.

And who would be that person ?

>> No.5618025

The hometown I grew up in was full of no-trespassing areas. Over the course of my childhood, I gradually filled in this topographical blanks in my memory with fantasy. I retain these images to this date, and think about them quite often.

>> No.5618041

I do the same thing, but in my fantasy world it's usually black and white and raining and I beat up a lot of people that are trying to make out with my crush.

>> No.5618050

Wow I thought I was the only one who does this.

Every night before I sleep. I think/fantasize about a story and act out sometimes. It has been going on since I was little and now I'm 21. The stories were developed so much that there has been sequels and different spin-offs. It's become a habit that every night I jump into my bed, my mind automatically tunes in to that mode.

>> No.5618244
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>do you have extensive internal fantasy realms that you can turn to?
more than i can count.

>How old are you?

pic related. a post i made a few weeks ago, i had to find it in the /r9k/ archive.

>> No.5618422

Not daydreaming and also not consistent but kinda related: I sometime have dreams that feel like plays or episodes of a show acted out in detail. Theres really interesting plots but I forget them a few minutes after waking up, and I'm only left with mild hunches of the great shit I've been dreaming up.
It's a horrible feeling.

>> No.5618443

One thing where I remember at least a bit from had a plot spanning a few thousand years (can't even imagine how our brains can get the feeling that so much time passed) and it involved the colonization of some planet, then there was a computer system being installed as some kind of automatized central government to manage the colony. Then I remember a scene where I buy unidentifiable berries at a supermarket. And that's it, I have the feeling of how great it was but can't remember the biggest part of it. Fucking dreams.

>> No.5620451

I feel that feel.

>> No.5620730

I have a detailed fantasy world which I turn to all the fucking time (less so, as the years go by) that has acquired a reality of it's own even though it began as my pre-teen self daydreaming about a Naruto fanfic

>> No.5621126
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I've always had an extensive internal fantasy realm that I could turn to ever since I was young. It was heavily based on video games and shows that I would play/watch; I would usually make the scenes that I thought to be interesting or cool more vivid and extreme with my imagination. I did the same sort of thing when I was a teen, but I would put myself in the situations that the characters were in and pretend to be them. Also, I'd have erotic imaginative fictive realms I could indulge in and I'd "extremify" social encounters I had (imagine shooting a girl I talked to that I found cute, imagine blowing up the world with firecrackers when playing with firecrackers, ect.)

Also, during my late teen years and now in college I like to in my imagination think of humans as rivals to the gods. I'd always imagine a group of humans, or a single female protagonist, believing in their own exclusively human strengths, fighting for their happiness, and enduring suffering to better themselves and the world around them. I would also imagine them facing off a non-immortal god who controls and suppresses most of the human race by making them discard their own humanity by an extreme permanent "original sin", by making them give their souls to him, and by suppressing their evolutionary urges. Kinda like an evil Jesus, a real Big Brother figure who makes people suffer to make them develop a need for him.

I dunno, the idea of a heroic human badass who fights for himself and his friends against a human-controlling god just has always appealed to me. Also, >>5609980, I've always wanted my imaginations to be translated into a medium. I'd be fanfic-tier shit, but I'd still love it as a guilty pleasure.

>> No.5621139

I fantasise about being a Space Marine Chapter Master in command of a legion who is in service to the pope.
I rule the world with an iron fist and kill everyone who opposes me. After a while there is peace and shit lit does not get publised.

>> No.5621617

I don't, that's my problem
>tfw you'll never have an imaginary world to escape to
I'm just a bland fuck.

>> No.5621661

Just a basement.
Filled with abasement, aha.
Graduate age.

>> No.5621686

Were you the guy who wanted to write a story about an Orc monk awhile back?

>> No.5621842
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>> No.5622013

God, I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this shit. Usually, I imagine myself in various positions of power for a few weeks at a time, then lose myself in another fantasy. I've jumped around from having various superpowers, to being in some of my favorite vidya and anime, and other shit like that.

>> No.5622273
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28 years old here.

Since I was fourteen or so I've had reoccurring dreams about killing my father in some pseudo-feudal/barbaric antiquity setting (it varies).

The dreams make me happy in certain ways, but also sadden me in others. I find something deeply cathartic about the dreams, and yes in reality I have a lot of issues with my father (he's an abusive and drunken Irishman), but I know that in reality killing him, or physically hurting him would be pointless and give him more attention than he deserves.

I also think the idea of the son killing the father is an important myth within a western (particularly Greek) context. Biggest issue with Return of the Jedi is that Luke doesn't kill Vader.

>> No.5622291

There's an entire chapter late in Gravity's Rainbow that's a trippy sequence of Slothrop's crazy internal dream-world in which he is in a band of quasi-superheroes and does battle with his father over and over again

>> No.5622380

I actually have separate fantasy, and space opera settings in my head, but they share enough elements that the Fantasy world could just be a remote planet in the same universe.

They mostly revolve around an Alexander the Great type hero simply named "The Conqueror" who was sent by the gods to conquer the world/galaxy thousands of years ago, before vanishing mysteriously.
The Nobility of pretty much every planet are descended from his wives. He took one wife from each city/planet he conquered, and made her queen when he moved on to conquer the next place.

In the end he succumbed to being of pure non existence from before the creation of the universe. Nothing could defeat him, so in the end, he was defeated by no-thing.
No-thing's existence is unknown to just about everybody (The gods cannot be aware of the No-thing, because nothing can escape their senses) so as far as anybody knows, he just vanished at the height of his power, and left all his wives to figure shit out on their own. Since then the galaxy/world has been full of petty tyrants each trying to live up to the Conqueror's legacy.

The source of most of the universe's misfortune is because people can't live up to his legacy, and end up being destructive tyrants rather than beneficial conquerors. This is of course, No-thing's plan to destroy the universe. No-thing does not like creation, and is trying to unmake reality in order to make things nice and quiet again.

>> No.5622435

Pretty much what my mind has been doing on its own ever since puberty. Still have my own little scifi universe that I escape to though. Currently trying to get a story hashed out of it on paper so I can get it published. Kinda taking a while though.

>> No.5622466

"Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle, secretiveness, emotional coldness, and apathy. Affected individuals may simultaneously demonstrate a rich, elaborate and exclusively internal fantasy world."

>> No.5622558
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>Daydream me, stripped of his usual superpowers, retreated to a cave in the desert and through intense training, discovered the Way. The Way was a fighting style that lay at the base of all supernatural abilities and from which all methods of energy manipulation and magic are derived.
Dat's pretty Dune, mang.

>> No.5622564

Mine turned out to be basically a side story in the Old World of Darkness setting, before I even heard of that franchise. Playing VtM:B just reinforced it even more and clarified some ideas that were kind of nebulous in my mind.

>> No.5623267

Are the tulpa people still here??

>> No.5623270

I become yung lean

yung lean saved my life.

>> No.5624136

Meditation-fag here. Attempted to make one and gave up. Any questions?

>> No.5624149

Yes. How far along did you get?

>> No.5624159

I have lots of different fantasies. It was real bad when I was younger. I'd be alone during the day so I'd roleplay by myself, usually imagining myself as some kind of badass/anti-hero/noble villain/psychopath type. You know, an original character that I'd insert into whatever show/cartoon/movie/book I'd been checking out at the time.

I'd play fight imaginary people all throughout the house. It was decent exercise, come to think of it. Now that I'm in my mid-20's, it's calmed down, usually stays in my head, but is still connected to whatever I watch. Last night I watched that new Avengers teaser and I just fell into it. Pretended I was Ultron for a bit. When I'm reading I'll usually stop and just imagine the scenarios being played out, sometimes with me there, sometimes not. This is why I'm so slow at finishing books.

Now that I've written this all out, I realize how mentally fucked I am.

>> No.5624167

I often fantasize about a number of places I have read in books, some particular setting I enjoyed and imagine myself there. Sometimes fantasy, sometimes sci-fi, sometimes historical etc. When I was into drugs I would smoke or take whatever and do this. Now I do it meditating. Little list of my frequent mind haunts:

The embryo conveyor room from braze new world

overlook hotel reception

Of mice and men ranch, different places there really



couple of others too

>> No.5624170

She had a functional form. The foundations for her personality had been fleshed out and I was talking to her regularly. Every now and again, with infrequent intervals, I'd get a "thought not of my own" that might've been her. Made no progress on imposing her on reality.
Her "husk" remains in my wonderland, and I still talk to her on ocassion.

>> No.5624175


there's always some kind of batshit insane movie playing in my head. The ones that aren't meant to be taken seriously sometimes end up on /m/.

>> No.5624176

Ok guys, what's this condition called. I've always wondered what it was.

>> No.5624188

So you can say with confidence that making a tulpa is something that can really be done, by an ordinary person without any mental unbalances making it easier?

>> No.5624208

I'd assume so. No guarantees. I've got mild ADD, so I'm just glad I got as far as I did. And I'll probably try again at some point.

>> No.5624240

I have ADHD which I generally manage well but does give me real trouble when trying to sit myself down and focus on something when I could be doing something more exciting.
How did you deal with that problem (if you had it)?

>> No.5624264

I had that problem, got over it by frequently meditating. Although I can still get glitches from time to time where a single action/movement is repeated over and over. If you get a glitch like that, do not acknowledge it, it only worsens the more you wish it away. Instead you should try to move on and focus on what it is you're trying to do.

Also, constructing a wonderland is highly recommended before you do anything else.

Unless you are entirely new to meditation, in which case you should start with the basics of breathing and visualization.

I hope this helps.

>> No.5624296

I am entirely new to meditation. What degree of familiarity should I get before I try something like a tulpa, and where should I go for it?

>> No.5624323

I learnt the basics from my mother when I was a child so I can't direct you to a source on that end.

The rest I got from tulpa.info

I recommend that you at least get as far as immersive visualization of your wonderland before attempting to make a tulpa, seeing as having a stable environment is very important in the early stages. Alternatively you can make it in a void. Wonderlands aren't necessary, and probably not even beneficial in all cases, so it is really up to you. Immersive visualization is a necessity in either case, though.

>> No.5624372

I'm still writing stories about this person who lives on a middle age, high fantasy world. I use some roleplaying games rules to decide how it goes whenever there is conflict. But yeah, the world itself is a big thing, and I'm planning on using it a lot more.

Also it has a lot of sex in it
Like, A LOT
Erotica is amazing...
Don't judge

>> No.5624382

>Powered by Gentoo GNU/Linux

Sorry, I just had to...

>> No.5624408
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been doing that for years now. whenever i see a cool visual effect, concept, whatever, i incorporate it into my internal world.
but recently i've been spoiled by videogames and recreational drugs. my imaginative power has waned considerably and that really upsets me.

when i was a kid i used to spend hours just looking out my window, imagining myself as a smaller me, climbing trees, riding on the backs of birds, fighting off squirrels etc.

how can I get it back?

>> No.5624438

No need to apologise; you're a pretty, funny guy.

>> No.5624461

>Have access to a wider breadth of stimulus than ever before.
>Think this is a bad thing because your imagination can't keep up.

Maybe you just weren't that creative in the first place.

>> No.5624977

>mentally fucked

I'm entertaining an internal world. It's always the same scene, more or less, under different disguises.
My sister said once, in earnest jest: "You are unfit for live."
Her words are getting truer by the day.

>> No.5625957
File: 630 KB, 2169x1545, The Uniter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>submitting to the will of the gods

Bro do you even self-will and self-affirmation? Must I quote the greatest conqueror that ever was, Walhart The Conqueror?
>Look at you! Are you not ashamed? Your mind is filled with nothing but secondhand beliefs. You dance upon the stage of your gods like a mindless puppet! THAT is what I reject: being a slave to tradition, to obligation. The old ways. Damn the gods! Damn their fates and their destinies! I will have true freedom!

Do you even Fire Emblem Awakening?

>> No.5626268

>*tips fedora*

>> No.5628496
File: 180 KB, 1424x842, good luck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with best fantasy.

>tfw you'll never be a LE necromancer ;_;

>> No.5628513

>>*tips fedora*
Oh look, it's American hour.

>> No.5628644

What does D&D alignments have to do with HoMM?

>> No.5628770

What does morality have to do with a horse?

>> No.5628775
File: 73 KB, 600x481, nini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5629469
File: 483 KB, 500x439, damnation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had this imaginary sequence of events that I daydream about all the time. It's hard to explain, but in my mind I sort of time travel in that world and imagine what kind of characters, cities, power structures and landmarks would exist in that time.

For instance, in the earlier ages everything is a bright and vibrant medieval/fantasy-esque world with magic, ancient deities, various races and monsters, but thousands of years of wars and kingdoms rising and falling leaves it as a decaying and burned wasteland. But new races and characters are born from that destruction, and so on and on and on. At one point, things get so fucked up that the whole world floods over and yet over thousands of years everything adapts to live and thrive underwater and the creatures still create new kingdoms and fuck over other people until another disaster or stronger opposition takes over and starts again.

It's like a never-ending cycle of life, conflict, destruction and rebirth in the span of countless centuries. Whenever I get bored of one "world", I destroy it and create another one, and then create a story of how this new civilization destroyed the previous one.

I'm constantly writing notes about new characters, kingdoms, race hybrids, events, wars, etc. and hopefully I can make something cool out of it, even if it never gets published.

It passes the time.

>> No.5629983

I sexually fantasize before I fall asleep and sometimes it gets super deep and emotional so I guess

>> No.5630087

Jesus Christ, bro, it was a joke. Unless you're posting ironically about iorny.

>> No.5630102

Yeah, I sort of do the same thing, except I stick with some concepts. It really does pass the time.

>> No.5630117

Yes I do this. I am a French bank robber who lives alone in a shitty apartment. It is always nighttime and raining/snowing.

>> No.5630348

For the past two years i developed a some kind of sci-fi universe. There are no superheroes, that's stupid. It consists of stories from life of many different characters is different settings.

There is abandoned industrial world, that after great star-conflict was abandoned for 200 years. It is hot and dusty as australia or mohave, people drive internal combustion vehicles installed into hulls of long-broken high-energy transports. Though to the end of the book they should find energy weapons and stuff and with a help of an ai that was developing 200 years they assault fallen spacecraft that is surrounded by some kind of militarized tribe that got it hands on the most of military vehicles on this colony and now is major local force.

On the other planet there is character very similar to main hero of the Moon movie. He lives on a blue planet with strange rock formations formed in a planet's active geological youth. Also there is some primitive but still weird flora. The sun is blue, the planet is mostly blue, but the flora must be chocolate-brown and other it's shades. He actually works on illegal station that got raided by mercs hired by competitor corporation. In the result competitor corporation goes bankrupt in the middle of the story, so the main hero whom pirates forced to assist them and pirates are on the same ship on the pursuit from the patrol and the only place to go for them is a pirate's den.

Pirate's den is situated in after war abandoned mine on a planet with unbreathable atmosphere that is thick and red because of the sun. Mine is situated near mountains, so when the red giant sets behind them it cast dark shadows that get enormously long in thick atmosphere. Like if you ever seen sun shafts around clouds imagine them ten miles long. And black. Den's canteena is a place where stories happen. Where pirates and hacker's and analogues of the cyber-cowboys meet up together to boast and drink and to make deals. Total cliché probably.

>> No.5630354

A lot of stories must be told in that den. One of those should be of an android. In his story he must describe to listeners that his homogeneous body is not his actual body of his mind, it was constructed. By the moon-sized solid metal sphere inside of which small sun is contained as power source. That is his true form and where his mind is. His body is just a human interface. The metal sphere is somewhere inside of the solar system, body is linked to it by the quantum connection. This metal sphere actually is one of the thousand diplomats inside of the milkiway galaxy. Diplomats seek intelligent lifeforms to... diplomatically force races to collaborate with the Graph - a great artificial intelligence web situated in the nearest galaxy. It seeks allies to help it to win the war against other ai. Graph must learn our race, and it's cause is to unite us. That's why he will hire cyber-cowboys and space pilots and pirates to hack informational relays that provide interstellar internet to steal data and insert viruses that will help Graph to study and understand humans. Robot's persona is modelled because earlier metal sphere got data of all the comments and messages that people made in some kind of galactic facebook. Of course the Graph is bad but it is too long to describe it's concept to explain why.

>> No.5630371

And that should be a great kick in the head, zoom out to what actually happens in the universe, while humanity "universe" only consist of rapid solar expansion 300 years ago that ended up with the war 100 years later that happened, because core lost control over outer colonies that reached far enough to make first contact with closest ayyliens race that boosted their technology and made them to unite in alliance of trans-humanist hyper-corporated society that wanted to declare independence from the core. War resulted in the stalemate with hundreds of colonized worlds (such as a mentioned earlier) lost from civilization on the wide borderline between outer colonies controlled region, and local cluster to which core retreated. Den is situated in one of the border worlds.

There is also a horror story that should happen on coral-reef planet. Corals there should be simply white and bone-like, there no other colours, only white, shadows of grey and black. Corals should very much resemble bones, whole planet should be like a one big surreal bone-yard. It orbits around gas giant on a comet-like orbit with very close perihelion and very far aphelion. When the planet is close to perihelion eclipse happens that totally covers the sun and the stars, great winds rise that blow through forests of land-corals that begin to resonate and make loud howling, the brown seas go shallow from tides, auroras in the sky because of planet's magnetosphere is interacting with gas giant's magnetosphere. The main problem is howling because people go mad from it. The hero should escape this mad place on a shuttle only to find out that orbiting space station was destroyed by trans-humanist forces' counter attack. Story happen in the beginning of the war.

>> No.5632172

I started judging you all but then realised I do the same thing, my being stuck on a paradise desert island with my IRL friends and waiting to be rescued fantasy

>> No.5632296

I had no idea this was this common. I have a bunch of imaginative worlds in my head, depending on my mood.

>> No.5632611

I was just as surprised as you regarding how common this is. But then I realized we're on 4chan.