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/lit/ - Literature

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5593949 No.5593949 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get real mates. How many of us are drinking ourselves to death?

>> No.5593964


>> No.5593966

down a fifth, nitghty nite

>> No.5593967

I just stopped drinking. Haven't had a drop in 2 weeks.

Haven't slept properly in 2 weeks. Shits rough man

>> No.5593969

I grew out of being a melodramatic bitch when I was 16, OP, maybe you should try it.

>> No.5593979

I only get drunk every few months. I haven't had a hangover in at least a month.

>> No.5593996

How do you do it?

>> No.5594006

>dat amateur confidence

>> No.5594008
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>tfw haven't been sober in 3 years
>tried to wean myself off with weed
>ended up just smoking and drinking
>days are split into reading in the morning and self-hatred fueled substance binges in the evening
>tfw not even addicted to serious drugs so there is no bottomless pit of inspiration and despair
>tfw addicted to serious enough drugs to be fucking with my social life

All I do is go to class, read and get drunk/high

I waver between blindly enjoying it and hating it, but my will is paper and I don't know if I can/want to stop

I realize this is borderline emotional masturbation but at least it makes the hermit life much easier

>> No.5594011

Goddamn it, I have the same issue. Ironically I feel less like shit overall when I drink.

Don't do it as often as I want to, because I want to watch my weight.

>> No.5594019

All I do is work, drink, and read. I'm reading less and less, though. Not exactly my ideal life.

I also smoke too much.

>> No.5594021

I rarely drink. Only if im out at a necessary social event. It makes you lazy and give headaches so I no longer see the appeal. Im only in my mid 20s but Ive already lost interest in fucking myself up. Sad sad days

>> No.5594026

booze is serious. heroin is qt compared to the wrecking

>> No.5594034

>but Ive already lost interest in fucking myself up.
Every being has their vice. If it's not alcohol for you, it's going to be something else.

>> No.5594041

>he isn't straight-edge

>> No.5594055

>my will is paper

>tfw used to have the will of a Romantic who held himself to only the highest ideals
>tfw now give in to the slightest temptation of pleasure
>tfw I now understand what Fitzgerald was talking about in the Crack-up

>> No.5594074

Let's all just read into Daoism and justify our weak wills by claiming the unnameable, immutable Dao is flowing through us

>> No.5594076

I just quit drinking. I had the worst habit of drinking until the crack of dawn everytime I had even a beer. This would lead to me being unprepared for classes, missing work, etc. etc.

I didn't drink hard every night, just most. But when I did I just drank and drank and all of a sudden it was 8am and I was shitfaced and I had to go to work.

I realized (on an emotional level) that I had a huge problem and my life would end if I kept it up.

So I stopped. I've been smoking cigs like a chimney since I stopped drinking, but I'll take it

>> No.5594081

>you will never fug your hs english teacher

>> No.5594089

>you will never have sex

>> No.5594090
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>tfw only woman I fantasize about is my HS Sociology teacher
>haven't even seen her in 3 years

>> No.5594093

>hes even too beta to get with a prostitute

>> No.5594097

>used goods

>> No.5594098

I just stopped recently as well. Started some new anxiety meds early this year and my desire to drink just tapered off over a few months. I still have a few beers/drinks once in a while, if everyone else is, but I've come a long way from drinking a ton of rum every night.

I've also been losing weight and am seriously considering going back to school to turn my life around. I've never felt better.

>> No.5594104


>> No.5594107

beggars cant be choosers, man skank.

>> No.5594113

>Not capitalizing and punctuating greentext.

>> No.5594118

>skinny, pale manlet with effeminate tendencies and effective autism

I don't really think you can judge a woman for having sex

>> No.5594120

Well I suppose it would be smoking then (cigerettes not weed) I don't plan on giving that up because I just don't care to exert that much willpower into it. Mind you its getting pretty pricey but I still get some outlet while keeping my wits about me.

>> No.5594123

>tfw completely sober now
>tfw finally threw away $1000 worth of pot paraphrenalia.
>tfw live above a liquor store and no desire to drink

>> No.5594125

I like drinking, personally. Not getting smashed or anything, just having a nice drink. I hate being drunk for the most part; the impairments are just plain annoying.

That being said, I haven't actually had a beer or anything in the past few months just because I haven't been bothered to spend money on any of it. I think I'm good.

>> No.5594142
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>tfw some people can control themselves around intoxicants and you have come to the hard truth that that person is not you
>tfw tried to do the 2 drinks and done rule
>tfw failed miserably every time
>tfw at peace with self since sober
>tfw realize have to cut out addict friends from life in order not to relapse

>> No.5594147

I read once that those that are constantly reminded from a distance of the vices they left stay sober longer, since they keep reminding themselves of their resolve. While people who rarely have to face it again are more prone to the terrible "well, just this once"

>> No.5594149

>I'm intimidated by women who actually know how to fuck because I'm too used to my adolescent concept of some imaginary perfect woman

>> No.5594157

I believe that. I stopped having the desire to drink the moment I moved into this apartment and started getting up early to head to work and school. If you've got your alcohol habits in control, you only ever go to the liquor store at night and see the young and sexy people buying their liquor. But when you live above a liquor store, you get to see the alcoholics waiting outside the store in the morning to return their garbage bag full of empties to buy more beer.

That killed my drinking tastes HARD.

>> No.5594189

Just quit. Throw away all your weed, your paraphenalia, and delete all the dealer numbers you have. Stop talking to your pot-smoking friends (if you have any). Just stop. Stop everything.

>> No.5594203

My two best friends and roommates are my smoking buddies

I'd rather keep them and be a stoned idiot than be alone and multifacetedly miserable

>> No.5594230

Yup. You're in trouble. You already recognize that you're going down the slippery slope of addiction. It's eating into your classes and your grades. Don't be stupid, son. Think about your future.

>> No.5594256

You've never done heroin.

>> No.5594304

Apparently neither have you. The harm from opiates comes from the lack of it and unsafe usage, whereas booze addiction is inherently harmful.

>> No.5594307
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I drink far less these days after I've discovered how enjoyable stoned poetry reading is.

Can't say that I particularly miss the hangovers either.

>> No.5594317

Um, no. You've never done heroin.

>> No.5594318

I've been addicted to heroin for the past two years, explain to me how I'm wrong.

>> No.5594319

Never had a sip of alcohol before. I'm cool.

>> No.5594322

>I've been addicted to heroin for the past two years.
>alcohol is way worse, bro.


>> No.5594331


Reading stoned is amazing.

Don't give a shit about reading when I'm drunk. Fuck that.

Now only if I could focus enough to read while I trip balls... I've tried but the letters keep flying off the page.

>> No.5594333

Well I suppose if he was actually addicted to heroin he'd say something like that to try to justify it. Still bullshitting though

>> No.5594337

It is. Opiates have more addiction potential, sure, but in terms of 'wrecking' alcohol is far worse -- hell, alcohol withdrawal can kill you.There's nothing in the body opiates will deteriorate as long as you dose within your tolerance, unlike alcohol. Burroughs wrote a lot on this subject.

I'd love to hear a counter.

>> No.5594342

Yeah, I'm aware of that.

>> No.5594348
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>Reading stoned is amazing.

Yeah there's something really comfortably fulfilling about it. I'm past most of my "messy" years and don't go in for much antics these days so it's more my speed.

>> No.5594359

Burroughs still died, faggot.

>> No.5594362

what the fuck do you people read high? Genre fiction? I should try that. Or are you buying shit $10 weed?

>> No.5594369


>Or are you buying shit $10 weed?

you are too basic bitch to handle your high so you accuse others of buying shit weed? classic

>> No.5594370


At 83... what the fuck, did I say heroin made you immortal or something?

>> No.5594377

My point is we're all dying. We're all deteriorating. Don't pretend you're doing anything special.

>> No.5594389

>heroin made you immortal or something?
It does, Burroughs was using wrong.

>> No.5594392

I notice you managed to avoid both questions

>> No.5594394 [DELETED] 

Only you

>> No.5594418

I turn 21 next month, and I plan on becoming an alcoholic as soon as possible. Is this /lit/?

>> No.5594423

I find reading stoned to be difficult.

Part of the reason of why I stopped smoking is that I wasn't able to easily enjoy doing leisure things like reading.

>> No.5594433

not really

real alcoholism isn't glamorous like it's presented in film/fiction.

Guys like Kerouac destroyed themselves. If that's what you actually want to do then go for it, but I'd hardly call it /lit/

>> No.5594436

>Or are you buying shit $10 weed?
What the fuck does this even mean? Have you ever bought marijuana in your life? It doesn't work that way. Marijuana is sold in prices based on quantity, not quality.

>> No.5594438

I definitely can't read drunk, I turn into a whirlwind and can't keep my attention on words.

>> No.5594442

More immediately noticeable than the fact that it will quite literally kill you is the sheer cost of it. I estimate that I spend just over $300/month on alcohol. Do yourself a favor and go buy a sports car instead.

>> No.5594470

Guilty stoner here and I have to go with him, dude.

If someone offers me weed for $10 the first thing that comes to mind isn't a quantity, it's "must be some shit weed".

And its just crazy really to say the price of illicit drugs is only based on one factor, I mean, that's just objectively not true.

In short,
cowabunga dude

>> No.5594476

Make some homemade wine, fellow alcoholic.

You can make it as sweet or as dry as your tastes prefer, it's a fun hobby, and it can be incredibly cheap.

I've made some good bottles for about $2 each, and if you're willing to compromise on the taste you could probably make it for less than a dollar a bottle.

>> No.5594480

I'm computing myself to death.

>> No.5594482
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Itt: Tryhard bitches

>> No.5594493

As in $10/gram, or just in short "shit". Stuff you would get for like ~$100 a half.

>> No.5594497

I brew my own beer. It's more expensive than buying it.

>> No.5594507

Let me pretend this is /diy/ for a second/

What's the cheapest carboy substitute I can buy? That's really the unsurmountable barrier of entry for me. I've heard all kinds of bad things about using plastics, but glass is always out of my price range.

>> No.5594513

You could make your own glass

>> No.5594524

Sports cars are gay m8

>> No.5594543

>but glass is always out of my price range.
When I used to brew, I'd use empty stella artois liter bottles that I'd collected. Bottle caps were about a dollar per 100, and the hand press capper wasn't expensive. Then I'd re-use the bottles. Anything smaller than a liter bottle risked the cap popping off a week later with the additional pressure.

>> No.5594551

Carboys are for fermenting, you fucking idiot.

They make 6-gallon plastic buckets exactly for this purpose. northernbrewer dot com

>> No.5594560


Bummer, dude. If I only get mildly stoned, reading becomes much more absorbing than it is normally. But if I get catatonic, I'm too stoned stupid to understand what's going on and I can't remember anything I read. So I just get a mild, functional buzz going. It's even better with Indica strains, where it's body high and you melt into the chair and become the book. Sometimes with Sativa strains the head high gets my mind racing too much and I have trouble focusing.

>> No.5594569

>I've heard all kinds of bad things about using plastics
>They make 6-gallon plastic buckets exactly for this purpose

>> No.5594574

Plastic carbons have pressure issues and are hard to clean. Buckets don't have these problems at all. If it's the plastic itself you're worried about for some reason, you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.5594578


>> No.5594584

I dont't drink. I do MDMA and acid and smoke lots of weed.

>> No.5594590

i hate drinking. mushrooms on the other hand are good for you.

>> No.5594612

Not him, but youre a faggot.

>> No.5594613

fuck yeah, this guy knows what's up

>> No.5594619

Every australian I know brews in a plastic bucket, they're cheap and easy if your time is inexpensive and plentiful. Most of the cost is cleaning time, and you don't want to skimp. Also you should only bottle longies.

So if you have two weekends free a fourtnight apart, brew up, and run 8 x 20L

>> No.5594624

What if I told you you can do all of those things at the same time?

>> No.5594625

service stations get condiments delivered in bulk 20L foodsafe buckets which they'll gladly give to you for free as well :^)

>drill a hole in the lid
>jam a airlock in it
you got yourself a fermentation bucket, my man.

>> No.5594631

>Every australian I know
Discard ANY advice that might follow this.

>> No.5594639

It has to be airtight, pleb.

>> No.5594642

And learn to tap the base for an easy racking / bottling.

>cannot into the banter
Seppos cannot into the banter.

>> No.5594657

Which is why you use an old man airlock

>> No.5594671

I wish could get high, but even the thought of it makes me super anxious. I have had so many fucking anxiety attacks that have lately begun verging on psychosis.

Reading and writing high was always fun but I always just imagined all the people I have wronged or that hate me, all looking in down at how horrible a person how much I should be gassed.

That's why alcohol is my main drug now

>> No.5594681

Drinking isn't fun, it's makes me feel like shit and act like a retard and the next day I feel even worse. Why anyone would waste money on it is beyond me. Least enjoyable of the recreational drugs.

>> No.5594700

I'd say salvia or 2C-i takes that distinction

>> No.5594705

nah alcohol is less fun for me than either of those

>> No.5594706


Confirmed for mentally weak.

>> No.5594707

I stopped drinking 5 or 6 months ago. Feels good not being hungover every day. Of course now I'm hooked on kratom, but it's still better. Need a tolerance break though for sure.

Only thing that sucks is now I'm scared to drink again. I'd like to have a few beers on the weekend, but damn. I hate hangovers. I'm being stupid I know. Might grab a six pack tomorrow and stop that.

>> No.5594713

kek I huff nitrous on LSD + k on lot dude swerv

>> No.5594715

I haven't gone more than a week without drinking in the past year and a half. I usually start at night when there's nothing else to do but waste time on the internet. I've got it down to three (european, not american size) cans of 7% on an empty stomach and that'll knock me out.
The problem with that is I started drinking as soon as I got home from work and woke up at 3 in the morning. That was four hours ago.

>> No.5594718

Stopped drinking. Desperately wish I had access to drugs though, but I have no friends. Still trying to work up the courage to use SR or whatever, never done it before.

I'm tired of being the only person on earth who hasn't smoked pot. At this point I'm just curious. I just want to know what it's like. Every time someone brings up weed I get depressed. It reminds me of how alone I am, despite my efforts.

>> No.5594721

I am Australian and use SR a fair bit. Few better feelings than checking the mail box to find that your drugs have arrived. Of course, there are risks, but far less using it here than using it in America.

>> No.5594724

I am American, hence my paranoia. I also don't live alone, not until next year.

>> No.5594726

In america you can just buy drugs and it doesn't cost $200

>> No.5594819

>Few better feelings than checking the mail box to find that your drugs have arrived.
That's hilarious.

>> No.5594821

It's true. I'm always ordering drugs just for the high I get when I see they've arrived. After that I just throw them out.

>> No.5594832

That's also funny :D

>> No.5594879

I'm looking forward to death. This world brings me down. Gag with every breath.

>> No.5595584

>now I'm hooked on kratom,
What's that stuff like? Ive seen it sold in my local bong shop, but haven't tried it yet.

>> No.5595598

We sat there for an hour, and while I drank two glasses of mineral water, he accounted for a pint of red wine and then called for another half. I remarked that I had been to the concert, but he did not follow up this topic. He read the label on my bottle and asked whether I would not drink some wine. When I declined his offer and said that I never drank it, the old helpless expression came over his face.

"You're quite right there," he said. "I have practised abstinence myself for years, and had my time of fasting, too, but now I find myself once more beneath the sign of Aquarius, a dark and humid constellation."


Many of the books, however, were not of a scholarly nature. The majority were works of the poets of all times and peoples. For a long while there lay about on the sofa where he often spent whole days all six volumes of a work with the title Sophia's Journey from Memet to Saxony--a work of the latter part of the eighteenth century. A complete edition of Goethe and one of Jean Paul showed signs of wear, also Novalis, while Lessing, Jacobi and Lichtenberg were in the same condition. A few volumes of Dostoievski bristled with penciled slips. On the big table among the books and papers there was often a vase of flowers. There, too, a paint box, generally full of dust, reposed among flakes of cigar ash and (to leave nothing out) sundry bottles of wine. There was a straw-covered bottle usually containing Italian red wine, which he procured from a little shop in the neighborhood; often, too, a bottle of Burgundy as well as Malaga; and a squat bottle of Cherry brandy was, as I saw, nearly emptied in a very brief space--after which it disappeared in a corner of the room, there to collect the dust without further diminution of its contents. I will not pretend to justify this espionage I carried on, and I will say openly that all these signs of a life full of intellectual curiosity, but thoroughly slovenly and disorderly all the same, inspired me at first with aversion and mistrust. I am not only a middle-class man, living a regular life, fond of work and punctuality; I am also an abstainer and nonsmoker, and these bottles in Haller's room pleased me even less than the rest of his artistic disorder.

-- Steppenwolf

>> No.5595601

I have not gotten drunk in 6 months. I drink like 2-3 time a year.
The real question is how many of us are getting no pussy.

>> No.5595722
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>not filling the void with weed

>> No.5595889

Know the feeling; I work part-time at a bar, and although I have a history of drinkin far too much, the best way for me to stay sober or drink in moderation is just to work a few nights there and see these people who basically lose their potential in the bottom of a glass.

I'm a student, so I still have this "well, it won't continue once I'm out of here"-mentality, but to see people where it never went away. That's harsh.

>> No.5595939

>tfw your vice is nothing more harmful than procrastinating on the internet
Feels pretty neutral, man.

>> No.5595956

I'm drinking myself alive. Without alcohol and drugs my life would be total shit.

>> No.5596000

With them it will become worse

>> No.5596010

Man, I really love alcoholic threads on /ck/, hope /lit/ starts to make it a regular thing in here

>> No.5596014

a bottle of wine a night is ok, right?

i'm not blacking out or anything and still function perfectly well during the day

>> No.5596024

Actually I just decided that since I'm on a budget I would rather have video games than alcohol.
I was genuinely worried about myself becoming an alcoholic for a tiny bit there, though.

>> No.5596060

i'd like to try drinking moderately daily but a bottle of wine is like at least $1-20.

>> No.5596103


I don't meet up with anyone unless alcohol is involved. I am usually completely baffled as to why someone would suggest getting a cup of coffee together rather than a beer.

>> No.5596127


Drink occasionally (and wife and I even make our own wine), but do not drink more than once/twice a week, and even then, it is maybe a glass and/or one beer.

I just try to focus on other things; like my marriage, my kids, my career, writing and so on.

>> No.5596153

>tfw Irish

You can't go out without getting smashed here, people judge you for it.

The culture of drinking has gotten absolutely ridiculous. I know maybe 3 people who don't get completely trashed on the regular, and this goes on well into adulthood, it doesn't stop in your late 20s.

>> No.5596183


As an addendum to this, you build a tolerance pretty fucking fast too.
I'll toss 40 euro down the drain on a night of drinking and generally that doesn't even get me halfway drunk.

You can work around that by buying super cheap piss poor quality wine from the local Tesco, but that's usually asking for trouble.

>> No.5596191

i will quit drinking for a year after i turn 24 next week. i can handle my liquor but i've been resorting to it far too much.

>> No.5596274
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i've been granted with access to prescribed medication, thanks to my friend's gf.
What kind of drugs should i get? Will I be able to get quaaludes

>> No.5596282

you are risking suicide, you arealize

>> No.5596335

>tfw not even addicted to serious drugs so there is no bottomless pit of inspiration and despair
Alcohol is a" serious drug."

>> No.5596370

They don't even make that shit anymore. What do you want, pain relief/anxiety relief? Tramadol is a light opioid, and there are fucktons of different kinds of benzos.

Get some of those, good stuff.

>you are risking suicide, you arealize
>being this retarded
Bigger risk of dying during an alcohol binge, unless you're a fucking tard who can't read the prescription labels about dosage (and google about recreational use dosages).

>> No.5596392

i want some for recreational use of course, i have experienced my first hallucination yesterday (ive been dying to experienced this for long), shit was cash and i dont know when next hallucination will appear.

>> No.5596400

> i have experienced my first hallucination yesterday (ive been dying to experienced this for long), shit was cash and i dont know when next hallucination will appear.
Wut? Qualuudes/benzos/opiates don't cause hallucinations, did you take LSD or shrooms?

>> No.5596415
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>Alcohol is a" serious drug."
This. Alcohol is the most dangerous and harmful drug.

>> No.5596419

Never took any of those. I was clean, i was heading to college in the bus, i mean i was really tired (having sleeping 5 hours everyday) im not depressed or anything. But im having trouble to conceive some sleep lately

>> No.5596429

meant to quote you >>5596400

>> No.5596432

>They don't even make that shit anymore.
Yes they do, just not in the US. You can still get Methaqualone in Canada and a load of other countries.

>> No.5596452

it kind of annoys me when those half-humans (i imagine them as goblin men from 'goblin market') who abuse drugs, especially those which are not alcohol and tobacco, go to the internet and try to persuade people with their bs that their crap isn't bad for the health and they can stop taking when they want etc

only because it's the most used

>> No.5596453

>Yes they do, just not in the US. You can still get Methaqualone in Canada and a load of other countries.
They aren't made by any pharma companies, what you get is shit made in mexican labs. I wouldn't touch that shit anymore.

>> No.5596459

>only because it's the most used
No, it's not, the fucking chart obviously takes prevalence into account. Otherwise alcohol would be 100000x more harmful than anything else (on the chart).
How fucking dense are you?

>> No.5596461

> especially those which are not alcohol and tobacco
Why does it fucking matter what drugs one abuses? By the way, those two drugs are the most shit-tier drugs ever, also cause some of the worst side-effects of all drugs.

>> No.5596465

1.0 g/cm^3
Same as water dude, we're mostly made of it, duh.

>> No.5596473
File: 755 KB, 820x461, u wot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ur a real cheeky cunt

>> No.5596477


>> No.5596478

^ a couple of typical goblins
their favorite argument that their crap is allegedly safer than alcohol
to prove that they cherry pick what data they like and ignore what they dont
are a waste of time to argue, should be ignored

>> No.5596484

Yes. Not alcoholic plebs are /tv/ and /v/ tier shits. You need to get addicted to the bottle as soon as possible in order to become patrician-tier and accepted by /lit/erati

>> No.5596485

kitty, will u go out wiv me?

>> No.5596487

>^ a couple of typical goblins
Only goblin here is you.
>their favorite argument that their crap is allegedly safer than alcohol
No, it most definitely IS safer than alcohol.
>to prove that they cherry pick what data they like and ignore what they dont
The general consensus shows what the chart shows (study done by 30+ european experts from like 20+ countries, gathering all their data).
>are a waste of time to argue, should be ignored
Why don't you start by learning to write coherent fucking sentenes you fucking drunk.

>> No.5596496

i'm on a fit of depression, don't mind what i say

>> No.5596500


>> No.5596502

>I turn 21 next month, and I plan on becoming an alcoholic as soon as possible.
What kind of backwards tyrannical shithole do you live in where you have to be 21 before you're allowed to drink? I could walk in to a bar and legally buy a beer at 16 in Germany.

>> No.5596507


maybe you could handle your depression more if you were more than half human

maybe you could use some drugs

>but muh moral high ground!

>> No.5596509

American children mature a lot later than normal children.

>> No.5596510

Great post anon, you did it

>> No.5596513


>begging the question

I get it you don't like america

>> No.5596515


it appears you have done it as well

>> No.5596516

I also don't like America.

>> No.5596522

I did it!

>> No.5596526


it goes without saying that legions of white pedantic limp wristed shitlords on the Internet dislike america

but I also dislike america

>> No.5596531

I can get you into ISIS if you like?

>> No.5596541


that would be cool but I don't speak muslimic. in fact the only language I speak is american

>> No.5596556

bro, are you there?

>> No.5596564


>> No.5596565

>I get it you don't like america
Only Americans liking America. Everyone else thinking you're bunch of cunts. In Slovenia we get CNN news channels, and whole country cheering when muslims appear, because in our hearts we know that soon you get ass handing to you.

>> No.5596569


>> No.5596576

hurr eduurr i like drinking a lot, im a profound guy. camus is the most important philosopher of the 20th century because /lit/retards said so, drinking helps me contemplate the Absurd

>> No.5596579

answer this >>5596419
what are some drugs for recreational use? maybe something that will increase my ability to hallucinate?

>> No.5596587

used to be a heavy drinker (every day), now i just get absolutely wasted on weekends. usually both, friday and saturday, but i can manage to only get blackout drunk on one day of the week.

>> No.5596589

>maybe something that will increase my ability to hallucinate?
Hallucinogens cause hallucinations. E.g. different kinds of shrooms containing psylocybin, and LSD tabs (200ug is the normal dose afaik, 300-400 causes more powerful hallucinations).

>> No.5596603

Aren't most LSD tabs only 100ug these days? Also you can get the analogue AL-LAD online legally and easily. It's a shorter, cleaner trip, in my experience.

>> No.5596613

>Also you can get the analogue AL-LAD online legally and easily. It's a shorter, cleaner trip, in my experience.
I'm not very well versed with hallucinogens, but if you have a good supplier of LSD, it will do the trick just fine.
>Aren't most LSD tabs only 100ug these days?
I found 185ug and 225ug tabs on my national silkroad site (finnish), so you should easily get those on the bigger international sites (SR 2.0., agora, evolution etc.).

>> No.5596623

The only real justification for hard drinking is as part of an aesthetic phenomenon. If you are simply sitting on your ass at home doing it, and you are not writing a great novel or entertaining equally bohemian friends, is simply a waste of good alcohol.

>> No.5596626

>i can't deal with the real world it's too hard I need substances to be happy
yup youre a melodramatic bitch

>> No.5596634

in this town i can only get weed, cocaine, weak shit but i dont know any person who could sell me LSD. Living in a third world country. Maybe i will get Tramadol, thank your for your time.

>> No.5596638

>in this town
Download TOR and learn how to order off of darknet markets (see the reddit page, there are links to guides there). Safe, easy and relatively cheap (atleast LSD), and everything is for sale.

>> No.5596643

the only valid reason for heavy drinking is to relieve pain

>> No.5596646
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I'm on alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sleeping pills and poppers. I'm also surprisingly sane and have a well-paid job.

>> No.5596647

And similarly, regular smokers look down on people who are only doing it to 'look cool', which as a complaint is almost too ridiculous for words.

There is no real use for smoking in our modern world beyond that of altering or enhancing appearance, "looking cool". Yes, you can of course also enjoy the taste of a cigarette or cigar, but most people who smoke habitually are effectively numb to this pleasure.

>> No.5596650

There is no valid reason to tell others what valid or invalid reasons there are to do certain things.

Live and let live, phaggot.

>> No.5596720


Remind me of my mother.

>Don't do drugs, they alter your mind.
So do your cigarettes.
>No they don't.
So why do you smoke them
>...I don't know. That's not the point...

>> No.5596738

i just smoke because it gives me an excuse to stand outside bars and talk to strangers. most of the slags i've shagged were met in smoking areas. also i don't care about my long term health

>> No.5596750

Nigger, how do you afford booze if all you do is read, go to class, and get fucked up?

>> No.5596759

>i just smoke because it gives me an excuse to stand outside bars and talk to strangers.
Yeah, p. much nothing wrong with this I think. But how much do you smoke this way?

>> No.5596773

I can't drink anymore because I'm on Effexor (antidepressant).

>> No.5596786

It's not that bad to mix booze and antidepressants. Booze and benzos, on the other hand...

>> No.5596811

Haven't smoked weed over a month or so, because all my contacts are dead and gone. And rarely drinking, because I'm cheap as fuck. Although, I really had some rough months behind me on terms of alcholism. The only thing that fucks up my life is my depression. And smokinh

>> No.5596820

I actually love reading when I'm hung over. It only happens every once in a while, but I will occasionally get a hang-over that is kind of like still being drunk without being stupid.

It kind of reminds me of something I read from an Anne Carson book. She was quoting someone else, some crazy religious writer who starved herself to death (I can't exactly remember her name), but it essentially went like this: "The most difficult thing about the human experience is the gap between what we see and what we consume. I can see a bowl of fruit across the room, but I must move before I can eat it.
In Heaven, to see is to eat."

When I have a certain kind of hang-over, reading really does feel like eating. Especially if it is poetry. It is like the walls between all of my sensations of consumption get thinner.

Other than that, stoned reading is my favorite, though. And it is much more reliable.

>> No.5596827

Drinking, no. Smoking, yes.

>> No.5596831

The physical withdrawals of alcohol addiction are the worst of any drug

>> No.5596839

Nah, benzos.

>> No.5596842


feels great too

>> No.5596846

>tfw 19 and at uni
>tfw popular so I can go out every night
>tfw know the bartender/some cheap store so I can get fucked up for like 2€
>tfw wasted 5 night per week
>tfw doing that to meet girls in bar and bang them
>tfw I'll stop when I'll find the one
>tfw scared to screw my life up because I'm half-drunk half of the time

feels bad man

>> No.5596850
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A statistical analyst, a psychologist, and a banker are sitting in a bar arguing about the nature of the stock market over whiskey.

"There's nothing mysterious about it," the analyst says with a smug grin on his face, "everything can be modeled by a series of statistics and algorithms. We just haven't found the right ones yet."

The psychologist furrows his brow. "If you truly believe in that rubbish then you are a *greater fool* than I thought. The market is clearly dictated by mass psychology. And the human mind is a fickle machine."

The banker takes a long sip from his glass without looking up. "You've got it all wrong fellas. I've been in this business for thirty years. Seen my fair share of brilliant investors go broke overnight. Self made millionaires who got greedy and lost their favor with the gods. I'm tellin' you, it's all random chance. Better cash out before your luck runs dry."

The three men continue arguing without getting anywhere. Finally, a heavy clank of melting ice snaps them out of their bickering. They glance over and notice a college boy sitting three stools down drinking by himself, with several Malcolm Gladwell books stacked neatly beside him.

"You there! You look like a bright young chap. What's your opinion on all this?"

The young man looks up. "Don't ask me. I'm just an English major"

>> No.5596856

Not to downplay alcohol withdrawal, which can and has killed people

But heavy opioids, Heroin and the such, are on a completely different level when it comes to withdrawal

Either way, these are only applicable in cases of extreme, long term abuse

I doubt anyone who can function well enough to post here is anywhere near that level of abuse

>> No.5596868

Drink with my friends. No more than that. It's pretty awful and very expensive for the buzz it gives.

>> No.5597179

Nah, alcohol. Benzo withdrawal can't even kill AFAIK.

>> No.5597184

It's the other one that can. It's the GABBA agonist to alcohols antagonist, or vice versa.

>> No.5597185

And the joke is...?

>> No.5597189

>It's the other one that can.

>> No.5597200

Kill you via withdrawals

>> No.5597207

Which one are you talking about? I'm assuming alcohol.

>> No.5597209

Only alcohol and benzo withdrawals are potentially fatal, at least of the most commonly consumed drugs. Heroin withdrawals are not quite as dangerous.

I went through etizolam withdrawals not long ago and it was excruciating.

>> No.5597212

>and benzo
Source? AFAIK only alcohol can cause fatal withdrawal symptoms.

>> No.5597220

Look it up dude this is not a controversial statement

>> No.5597223
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I'm an alcoholic and schizophrenic

I have periods where I drink heavily every day, and others where I spent up to 4 days without drinking

right now I'm in a good period, even though I drank yesterday, it was not much, just some beer

I usually drink at night when depression hits me harder

I never drink to have fun and I don't enjoy drinking. it's just the only thing that helps

I drink since I was 15, I'm 23 now. I wouldn't say that drinking has kept me from working or studying, but it certainly didn't help. I'd say my illness is a bigger factor, but either way I haven't done anything worthwhile since I was 17

literature was never escapism for me, neither writing nor reading. it just doesn't confort me, but I still do it because I love it

I'm also a hoarder, a redneck and I'm in love with a child celebrity. don't compare me with /jp/ though, I hate those fucking weeaboos

>> No.5597225

You should see a psychiatrist man

>> No.5597226

>in love with a child celebrity

>> No.5597231
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>being a redneck

>> No.5597247

I have a psychiatrist, I take hundreds of dollars on meds

it's better than being a weeaboo

>> No.5597260

What the fuck is this nigger on about, benzo withdrawal is easily one of if not the worst withdrawal out there, and incredibly dangerous, even fatal due to grand mal seizures. That's why they tell you to go to the hospital and get on a fucking 6 month valium taper, and it's still going to be hell.

Also I should mention some of the withdrawals from antidepressants especially venlafaxine are fucking awful.


>> No.5597512

>easily one of if not the worst withdrawal out there, and incredibly dangerous, even fatal due to grand mal seizures. That's why they tell you to go to the hospital and get on a fucking 6 month valium taper, and it's still going to be hell.
Yes, exactly like alcohol.

>> No.5597555

On the grand scale of things?


On the personal scale where it can conflict with your life and procrastination consumes you, yes.

>> No.5597565

>finding the one
>by getting wasted at a bar and sleeping with wasted women
Nah man.

>> No.5597633


Alcohol worse than Meth and Heroin

You are fucking kidding me

>> No.5597635 [DELETED] 
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Best wishes, and keep fighting the just fight


>> No.5597648


Grow up you fucking idiot, drugs really alter you mind, you don't have seen how you can convince yourself of stupid shit and become totally insane because of it.

I imagine what could become an extremely alcoholic guy with hallucinogens, not a genius for sure.

>> No.5597653

Name some bad things heroin does to the body other than constipation.

Pro-tip: There aren't any. Heroin isn't unhealthy.

>> No.5597661

Wrong board m8. We don't believe in 'morality' here.

>> No.5597690

Funny how the least eloquent people with the shittiest grammar are always the ones popping off at the mouth with this shit. That insecurity you feel that you really are missing out on everything cool? It's accurate.

>> No.5597706

Would you deny that drugs ruin a lot of lives, including hallucinogens and cannabis?

I mean, do all the drugs you like, but don't stick your head in the sand.

>> No.5597734

Not me. Taking modifinil to my death, at least on M/W/F when it is beneficial; then adjust again when schedule changes.

>> No.5597739

i wish i could but im 7

>> No.5597742

kek, I'm imaging you arguing this at a heroinist recovery meeting.

>> No.5597743

Don't bother, I tried that earlier in this thread, they won't understand. Too blinded by propaganda.

Burroughs lived longer than Kerouac by two times...

>> No.5597747
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> Drink
> Read a lot
> Stop drinking
> Loose motivation to read

>> No.5597764

>who abuse drugs, especially those which are not alcohol and tobacco

>> No.5597770

They would agree with me, as would every doctor in the world. The typical junky lifestyle is damaging. The heroin itself isn't. If you have enough money and a good source of clean dope you can live to a ripe old age and die a natural death as a heroin addict.

Do a search online if you don't believe me. All the horrors associated with heroin abuse are caused by secondary factors such as not having enough money or being an idiot who can't operate a syringe.

>> No.5597793

was burroughs a lifelong heroin user?

>> No.5597806

thick frame glasses + acloholism = cool
because fuck math

>> No.5597819

He abused heroin/opiates until his death, which from when he started equals a timespan of just four years less than Kerouac's ENTIRE life.

>> No.5597848

We do understand. We just don't assume people will be using heroin with surgical precision.

>> No.5597857

hurr My drugs of choice are superior to your drugs of choice because they're all I know. Fuck off.

>> No.5597892


I didn't used to drink that much but my tolerance to marijuana is so high I have to drink to get stoned and I easily drink a 12-pack a night often more.

>> No.5597915

Injecting a substance really isn't that hard. The reason a lot of junkies fuck up is because they have a hard time acquiring the drugs and acquiring clean needles and because they live in a constant desperate struggle against the clock because of this. Provide them with both and they're generally fine.

>> No.5597955

I fuckin hate opiates for personal reasons, especially pharmaceuticals like diladids and oxycontin since they are more prevalent in the south.

>> No.5598048

Pretty much this. Nearly every famous person that has died of Heroin, has in fact died of speedballs and drinking heavily at the same time. Heroin on it's own is relatively benign, being a fucking junkie and sucking dick for impure smack is what kills you.

>> No.5598498

I just take a couple of my heyfever/migrane tablets and that's enough, it always makes me feel like I've time travelled.

I still smoke weed, normal cigarettes and drink just about everyday too tho. But if I run out or whatever my tablets are a good substitute.

Reading while stoned is the most amazing thing. I feel like I pick up the double meanings easier than when I'm straight cos weed always gives me brain farts lol.

>> No.5598513

>easier than when I'm straight
Weed confirmed for turning people gaysexual.

>> No.5598524

Why live at all? Seriously? Why do anything when you can just sleep forever?

>> No.5598528

>Why do anything when you can just sleep forever

You cant, no dreams in death.

>> No.5598531

Yes pretty much, the only thing keeping me from total constant inebriation is my lack of money. And on that note i'll drink some wine

>> No.5598540

>no dreams in death.
Dreamless sleep is just fine.

>> No.5598585

Anyone else feel like you probably wouldn't have ever started drinking if you didn't come from a crappy family?

It's like there's a void that you can never fill because that last line of support that should be there will just always be stilted and unnatural

>> No.5598633

I feel that the occasional weed and whiskey binge combo does me good. Sometimes wallowing in despair allows me to view the world different and in turn helps my writing. Yeah, I'm still keeping that dream alive.

I've been mostly dabbling in LSD as of late. My first trip was about 175µg and it felt like training wheels. This time I'm trying 250µg and I'll attempt to write while tripping.

>> No.5599455


I know that, but I'm sort of awkward with girls when I don't drink. Don't know why but as soon as I'm a little drunk I become a girl magnet, so for know it's my best way to find one

>> No.5599496

>You are fucking kidding me
The only one kidding you is DARE.

>> No.5599498

>Would you deny that drugs ruin a lot of lives, including hallucinogens and cannabis?
Far more lives are ruined by alcohol and tobacco (hallucinogens aren't addictive in the slightest and don't harm you physically, cannabis is way harder to get addicted to in comparison with alcohol/tobacco)

>> No.5599502


>> No.5599514

bah, because lives don't get ruined if you don't do drugs

>> No.5599531

the shit i eat when i'm drunk is probably more life threatening than the drink itself.

it's like a my inner being will always be a obese hippo that can't control itself. ;_;

>> No.5599532

greed has ruined more lives than drugs ever could

>> No.5599565

I'm too depressed to drink. To drink you have to have a desire to seek out pleasure. All I can do is avoid pain.

>> No.5600016

I'm aware of that, but that doesn't mean that hallucinogens and cannabis don't let a lot of people end up in psych wards by triggering latent mental illness.

Also, cannabis' relatively good reputation is one of its problems leading to irresponsible stoners absusing the hell out of it (it's a natural plant breh it's not bad at all man smoke weed all day man).

That's the famed "who cares if smoking is bad for you we're all gonna die" sophism. It's about quality of life.

>> No.5600028

Most real drunks drink to avoid pain in a twisted way, not to seek out pleasure.

>> No.5600036

it might be shit but I'd be interested in reading what you write

>> No.5600056

>tfw woke up drunk again and have to go to work soon

i don't even mind going into work drunk, i just hate drunk driving

>> No.5600095

Get out now. Take this from the son of an alcoholic. You CAN get out. Just reach out for help.

You're young, you can still turn this around, saving your health. Whatever you're dealing with right now is a hundred times easier than the shit you're going to deal with in a decade when you've recked your lungs and your liver. Then even weed and booze won't stop it.

Get the fuck out of your house if your friends are the problem.

>> No.5600248

This isn't actually wrong. Most of the risk with heroin is from the law and the unsafe practices that the law necessitates

>> No.5600258
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Recreational heroin legalisation when?

>> No.5600262

>Death by latté


>> No.5600281

>people who drink because they're in love with the idea of the tortured artist
Fuck you and fuck Bukowski.

>> No.5600300

>implying you need high functionality to shitpost on /lit/

>> No.5600307

Avoiding pain is what drinking is all about. I don't enjoy being drunk, but at least It makes it so I can't feel things.

>> No.5600328

Antidepressants are legal and encouraged, mate.

>> No.5600339

They're not like Soma.

>> No.5600345

ODing on caffeine isn't that hard m8.

>> No.5600357

dying from it is
you'll just vomit and then be really anxious for 3 hours

>> No.5600417

In conjunction with a form of therapy based explicitly on Stoic doctrine. Unless you think stoicism is brainwashing.