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/lit/ - Literature

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5593540 No.5593540 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't this board for books? What a joke


>> No.5593543

you forgot your own post you silly cunt

>> No.5593545

I'm going to start my own board for novellas and no other text

>> No.5593552

It's a board for people who like literature, they can discuss whatever they like, and like half of those threads are about emotional issues which fits quite nicely with this boards demographic.

>> No.5593563

>It's a board for people who like literature, they can discuss whatever they like

Plus some people here don't even like literature

>and like half of those threads are about emotional issues which fits quite nicely with this boards demographic.
Who gives a shit

Thing is, /lit/ also happens the philosophy board, leading to lots of peeps disguising obvious personal whining as philosophical discussion. Nowadays they don't even try anymore

>> No.5593569

The board is Literature And Philosophy
moot is too lazy to add two more words

>> No.5593574

No, it isn't

>> No.5593575

It totally is though

>> No.5593581

A lot of it is also borderline board culture shit, such as philosophy vs. stem and literature degrees

All said, everything the OP linked to is related to literature and philosophy in some way, and not through a forced connection either

>> No.5593586

fuck philosophy. screw these pseudo-intellectual faggots.

>> No.5593606 [DELETED] 


>> No.5593927
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>Literature degrees

>> No.5594201

wow congrats on your insight

>> No.5594232

I gave up on this board already. Also don't be surprised if you get a ban for making a thread about how this is really /phil/

>> No.5594260

they should ban every phil poster

>> No.5594267

Are you people retarded?

This has been /phil/ for years

>> No.5594269

nah the mod or the janitor has hard on for /phil/ posting.

>> No.5594273


>> No.5594274

ya but the front page has from 5 to about the whole of the front page with navel-gazing /phil/ threads.

>> No.5594277

You have to wade your way through the shit, that's how all of 4chan is. Getting some decent mods in here sure wouldn't hurt though.

>> No.5594292

you are an idiot, we don't have enough traffic to be picky about what kind of threads we get in this shit hole. Seriously, why the fuck are we here? Is this the best thing we could do? Why? Why not mass suicide instead? If you're here then your life went wrong somewhere. Anyways, fuck you OP, you cant spell /lit/ without some /phil/

>> No.5594303

Metathreads sure is the loveliest book series of them all.
I also suggest sage by the same author.

>> No.5594325

ya but they are really the same sort of thread over and over. Instead of making a new thread, check the catalog.

>> No.5595081


I like philosophy, I think however, that there is only one board for it. Put the /lit/ter in the /b/in

>> No.5595905 [DELETED] 

>implying the mod has ever touched a book

>> No.5595934 [DELETED] 

Pls, anon-sama

>> No.5595941 [DELETED] 



>> No.5596304

i got warned for starting an unrelated lit thread once. shit got real

>he does it for free