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559340 No.559340 [Reply] [Original]

what's existentialism?

someone told me it is another fancy name for nihilism.

another person told it's what crazed russians have in common with french people who have sex.

a third, very wise man, told it's what you do if a great philosopher is inpronouncibly Danish rather than German. But I still do not know what it is! Maybe you do?

inb4 read this read that

you also must post ITT if you, too, wanna know

>> No.559352

Isn't it to do with materialism and money = good?

>> No.559359
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>> No.559365

>someone told me it is another fancy name for nihilism.

This person is an idiot. Never listen to anything they say.

>> No.559367

existentialism is bullshit, don't get reeled into that twaddle

>> No.559369

> read Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Existentialism if you want to know
> http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/existentialism/

>> No.559363
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>> No.559373

Nihilism reports that there is no inherent meaning to life.

Existentialism prescribes the answer: make your own meaning.

>> No.559380

>inb4 read this read that

>> No.559381

>trying to find meaning and fulfillment in your life through outside means such as religion or following some leader, so create your own meaning from within

that's existentialism

>> No.559393

That's Nietzsche, friend. His zarathustra wanted co-creators.

>> No.559406
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>referencing The Will to Power

>> No.559407


pretty much this; Webelieve life is completely meaning less (not in the goth kid way, just that there is no moral authority and no ultimate purpose) So we just make our own destiny.

>> No.559408

so existentialism is just nihilism with a splash of narcissism added

>> No.559410

Without trolling life is bland. I daresay all philosophy is trolling. Aside from analytical philosophy. It's mastertrolling.

>> No.559418

Existentialism represents a trend in continental philosophy that opposed the Kantian determination of identity in essence, instead posititing an ontology of sense which preceeds essence, essence being a determined moment of difference, an abstract potentiality.

>> No.559425


No, This is an oversimplification. What can you expect from a) 4chan b) a two sentence differentiation?

>> No.559430

that. It's nihilism with moralism (!) and sex.

>> No.559437

isn't every paraphrase an oversimplification?

>> No.559451
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>a third, very wise man, told it's what you do if a great philosopher is inpronouncibly Danish rather than German.

He was clearly referring the the father of existentialism, and arguably the greatest existentialist (vying with Nietzsche for that title) Soren Kierkegaard.

The roughest generalization accompanying all of the spectrum of thinkers is that existentialism concerns itself with embodiment and authenticity. The existentialists felt that the metaphysical systems of Leibniz or Hegel were essentially inadequate in getting at the most important elements of human life: our agency. Agency involves the negotiation between our values and ideas and the world. The fulfilled human existence, in some way or another, authentically enacts said values in the world (instead of simply rationally holding them or talking about them) while still understanding themselves as the agent responsible for their enaction.

Thus the idea that existentialism requires creating one's own values is technically inaccurate. Kierkegaard and Heidegger thought that one could take an existing value as one's meaning and be fulfilled so long as one had a true authentic relation to it as an individual.

>> No.559469

This. The concept of Being as a difference, as a potential of becoming, only figures into existentialism in the works of Camus. Camus was a phenomenologist, and rarely did he coincide with existentialism in thought or identity. Camus, although popularly called an existentialist, would not refer to himself as such. And rightly so, Camus posits a conflict-based value system on a world without inherent, essential values. He challenges us to go beyond the dialectic, to surpass philosophy and ultimately to acheive a materialistic essence of self.

>> No.559474

existentialism is much blather about not very much. It's only a few steps up from self-help books in the Mind, Body and Spirit section of your local bookstore. And you won't need a Master's degree in the subject to be able to make sense of them.


>> No.559483

> And you won't need a Master's degree in the subject to be able to make sense of them.

Heidegger would beg to differ, but I'm not sure why this is desirable. I mean what's the point of writing something about the human condition that no one except a bunch of academics can get anything out of?

>> No.559484

right it is a purely synthetic, academic consideration. The self-help element came after it's development philosophically when it became a popular term in public discourse. An analogy would be the rise in popularity of dream interpretation books as a result of the awareness of Freud and psychoanalysis.

>> No.559489


>> No.559497

So what? I don't care. You don't exist.

>> No.559498

>The self-help element came after it's development philosophically when it became a popular term in public discourse.

I disagree. While I wouldn't call Kierkegaard's pseudonymous project self-help, it was certainly directed at the populous of Denmark (as well as Regina, of course) or more specifically the individual human beings composing said populous. While some of his texts were a bit too philosophically technical to reach that audience, I think that Either/Or and Stages on Life's way were accessible.

>> No.559509

Nietzsche would have been proud about those various self-help books.

>> No.559514
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>It's only a few steps up from self-help books in the Mind, Body and Spirit section of your local bookstore.

>> No.559520
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>philosophy fags

>> No.559526
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In a thread about philosophy?!

This is totally unexpected!

>> No.559541

it shows how dumb a lot of smart people actually are, that they take a flippant point seriously.

>> No.559562

>Existentialism represents a trend in continental philosophy that opposed the Kantian determination of identity in essence, instead posititing an ontology of sense which preceeds essence, essence being a determined moment of difference, an abstract potentiality.
it's like the joke where a Jew is asked to define an Yiddish insult to a judge and he does with two more Yiddish words and it goes on and once the judge does understand him, he begs him to differenciate.

>> No.559563

That's true, even though Kierkegaard was not 100 percent of existentialism--just as jesus was no christian.

>> No.559576

What boggles me is why Nabokov hates the nihilists so much. Humbert's mockery is, no doubt, the voice of the author.

>> No.559581

or existentialists if you wish

>> No.559595

dont call ME a jew, you jew

>> No.559596
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>abstract potentiality

>> No.559628

maybe it's an abstraction of potential

>> No.559629

Yeah, the opening chapter in Being and Nothingness was pure bullshit. It's ridiculously hard to explain due to the semantics involved, and all it really said was just that one thing.

>> No.559633

sure smells Sokal in this thread ...

>> No.559638

Like humanism, modernism, and postmodernism, existentialism is a term so vague and fluid, that it could essentially apply to anything. Sartre and Camus hated getting lumped together, and for good reason.

>> No.559639

it's not bullshit but it's not the kind of thing that will make you feel actualized like everyone assumes it must because it's existentialist..it is neither a confirmation nor denial of life's meaninglessness.

>> No.559644

true. Existentialism can be separated and grouped into four categories:
1. French Existentialist
2. German (eastern european) existentialist
3. Atheistic Existentialism
4. Theistic Existentialism

and still all those categories have produced incredibly different thoughts on the subject.

For everyone, the best understanding will come from Sartre, who pretty much coined the term.

>> No.559684

Previous thinkers (mostly Enlightenment dudes) believed that when you perceived something, you were revealed an imperfect and partial view of its 'essence', its true or original nature, filtered through by flawed senses. Philosophers might have variously described themselves as trying to reach the 'essence' of a thing through a more perfect understanding through logic (or whatever).

Existentialism basically says that 'essence' is really a property that humans attribute to something, and not an intrinsic property of the thing itself. The 'essence' of something for an existentialist is then the sum of all possible perceptions of through the senses of the viewers, and that there is no other 'essence' beyond these perceptions.

Sartre writes about this at length in Being and Nothingness, which you shouldn't read. The most important part of this concept is that it has a lot of implications in human relationships, and there's a quick summary of this in ... Neon Genesis Evangelion episode 26 (TV series).

>> No.559695


Actually, to be fair, existentialism doesn't say that so much as Sartre.

>> No.561268

so ayn rand was actually an existentialist? dear lord! do spread the word through cafees of the country.

>> No.561306

True, although equally interesting is that the man under [Sartre]'s tutelage, Camus, who seems to sell more existentialist novels in america, also broke with what was as they coined it 'existentialism' in order to fend against the reoccurring racism of his own country(Camus himself being 1/4 Arabic). And furthermore, looking into the involvement of Sartre's later life you will see that he himself became deeply involved in the political feuds of his surroundings.
In the lamen, existentialism simply means that you exist, nothing more. Enjoy the life that's around you, because trust me, you have very little left in yours.

>> No.561307

Lurk moar.

>> No.561382

is every humanism an existentialism?

>> No.561401

Christian humanism wouldn't be considered existentialism, as it relies on the existence of heaven, which directly the contradicts the core principles of any branch of existentialism.

>> No.561421

Sartre disagrees
Gabriel Marcel disagrees

lurk forever.

>> No.561442

This would seem to imply that every existentialist philosophy is also an idealist philosophy since the onlyobjectivity of the object intended would then have to come from it being constituted as such into the subject by the subjective intention...
This is where existentialism fails I think, as does idealism and other philosophies that fail to reckon with objectivity...

>> No.561443

samefag here, sorry, I meant to say: constituted as such into the object...

>> No.561480

Existentialism in its purest form is any philosophy which states that existence precedes essence; that is to say, that there is no inherent purpose in life (though normally this is not carried through to nihilism.). It also states that the physical world does not necessarily precede the conscious state, as a conscious mind must find itself in a world to attain consciousness in any meaningful state.
Nihilism is an extreme version of existentialism, as are most forms of solipsism.

>> No.561497

The 'existence before essence' thing is a big part of it, at least Sartre's strand. It basically says that man exists first, then he must define himself, through choices of free will, continually, every moment of his existence. Acts of 'bad faith' are when, for instance, a builder defines himself at once and forever, by the relatively arbitrary qualities associated with his profession - itself an arbitrary thing in an arbitrary world - and simply says 'I am a builder', or 'I am a christian' or 'I am a man', 'I am an existentialist' etc., or when people follow out pre-determined matrices of 'choices' which have been laid out by society, usually for the benefit of society rather than the individual; frameworks like the institutionalised education system etc. (I think it's in Sartre's Nausea where there's that guy who determines his entire education by just reading the library alphabetically, he represents this kind of bad faith). This is why existentialism is often associated with like, crazy beatniks who drop out of uni and live the boho lifestyle of threesomes and hemp smoking and wacky art and such.

Existentialism essentially just formalises with big words and introduces free will as a central concept into what Nietzsche had already pretty much said; that we are entirely alone in the world and the only thing which gives meaning to anything is the differentiations made by the choices we make of our own freedom of volition. The key differences are the phenomenological basis existentialism builds on, and the fact Nietzsche thought free will was a complex illusion which he didn't put much emphasis on.

>> No.561590

would an existetationalist troll lit? there is an existentialist novel about an inmate mastertroll.

>> No.561599

what is love?