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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 314 KB, 1240x1748, coverissue3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
559248 No.559248 [Reply] [Original]

ZWG Issue 3 is out
Download it here

The submission names in the table of contents link to the page the submission is on.

We've started a new project called Welcome to Poveglia. It is a horror anthology set in an asylum on Italy's Poveglia island, which was used as a plague quarantine in the 18th century.
Check the wiki page for it for more information.

>> No.559250

>5 zine threads on page 0
>all the same people spamming it
Keep this shit in one thread, faggots.

>> No.559254

This is the only thread about the ZWG, faggot.

>> No.559256

Lindlar, still a small problem about spelling of an author's name on the TOC. Get at me bro.

>> No.559259

sage sage sage

>> No.559260

Fuck yes. Reading right now.

>> No.559261
File: 5 KB, 205x199, spock_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, good, good....

old thread got deleted so lindlar would have his trip, folks

>> No.559264

>Sage! I said sage! Stop talking guys, I said sage! Stop having fun! I said sage! Stop it! Hey guys!

>> No.559265

>tripfag quickly deletes his thread
>calls an anonymous poster a "faggot" to avoid people from noticing his mistake

>> No.559267
File: 10 KB, 309x300, 1266905573578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit yes

>> No.559268

You guys don't pay me enough to catch every little thing.

>> No.559270 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 281x238, 1266197017509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are Tom Waits' reviews??

>> No.559272

inb4 100 replies, three fourths of which will inevitably consists of fail bumps by desperate zinefags, trolls, zinefags falling for trolls, and faggots calling out "haters". Oh, and spam. Lots of spam.

>> No.559273

Someone else emailed me and pointed it out. I just link and design, nigra.

>> No.559271 [DELETED] 

>I am a huge faggot please rape my face

>> No.559277
File: 37 KB, 716x693, high_five.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.559279

>ad hominem attack

>> No.559282

Inevitable deluge of sage and flamebaiting and circlejerking, here we go again.

>> No.559284

Oh boy, here we go...

>> No.559288


>> No.559298

What's up with the pretentious fucking cover?

>> No.559299

inb4 this is on the front page 'til sunday

>> No.559300

I think they got neglected due to being complete shit.

>> No.559305

sweet, love this shit

>> No.559309

Ah now, I think he's one of the best comedy writers I've ever seen.

>> No.559310

Why don't zinefags just branch out into their own imageboard? It's mainly just 10 people devoted to it, and you get spammed by e/lit/ists here because you're so easy to troll.

>> No.559313

So does anyone actually read the zine? I read the first one, but it was so shitty I stopped reading.

>> No.559315

The others are much better. Even the editors said the first issue wasn't that good.

>> No.559320
File: 490 KB, 600x787, ZWG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the set-up.
Does this mean that Essays and Reviews would both be in the Creative Non Fiction Section for next issue?

Also, still nominating this for cover of the next issue

>> No.559322

First two pieces are actually really good.

Let's see how the rest follow...

>> No.559323

I think it mainly serves as flamebait. Very rarely are these threads anything more than a hive of scum and villainy. The butthurt that emanates from these threads feeds into the excessive trolling.

>> No.559324

They improved a lot after the first issue
Both in quality and in editing. Still a few mistakes here and there, but it's only like 3 people doing it.. can't really be helped.

>> No.559328

Nope, just trolling.

>> No.559329

Protip: /lit/ don't troll. /lit/ talks about Lit.
Trolls troll.

Loving the first two, onto the third.

>> No.559338

looking forward to reading this shit baby

>> No.559342

> /lit/ don't troll. /lit/ talks about Lit.
>implying that /lit/ doesn't troll
>implying that any of the boards don't troll

There's an ounce of truth in that statement though. E/lit/ist come here to discuss literature not some amateur scribble by a few college kids that want internet fame.

>> No.559346

You should check out the last two. Much higher quality.

>> No.559350


>implying anyone who doesn't like the zine is a troll


>> No.559354
File: 68 KB, 800x600, Meanwhile_Finland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Memories of Ukraine Part 2

>> No.559364

Is there a Slender man story in this issue? I like it already.

>> No.559370



>> No.559384

Cover fag here. I'm okay with this.

>> No.559389

Anyone realize this is what /co/'s been doing for the last two years, except a hell of a lot more pretentious?

Do you guys really need to be so pretentious?

>> No.559390

What's /co/ been doing now?

>> No.559391


Yes we do

>> No.559394

Yes. Dunno about that cover though...

>> No.559395

So what's the deal with ZWG anyways? What is it? What is the purpose of writing and publishing it? What does it discuss/write about? I have never heard of it before, and do not spend a lot of time on /lit/.

>> No.559398
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>> No.559399

This is Issue 3 now. If you don't like it, your point's been made. Apart from the last thread someone started in anticipation, there isn't a ZWG thread here every other day like there used to be. So just minimize and move on?

>> No.559402

Please explain yourself, without a "pretentious" frequency of one in ten.

They're publishing /lit/'s schlocky fiction, the cover is faggy but I think it's mean to be a joke.

>> No.559404

It was a joke. No one got it due to /lit/'s overall pretension meter being off the charts.

>> No.559405

Wait, what has /co/ been doing? Would be nice if you posted a link.

>> No.559411

first time seeing this, how do I submit to this /lit/ zine?

>> No.559414


This is what the zine should be like. Individual projects, nothing centralized.

>> No.559415

The cover's a little Kafkaesque for my tastes.

>> No.559417


You saved my picture? ;_; Thank you

>> No.559419

Send your work to zinewritersguild@gmail.com. First check the wiki for more information, though. http://zinewritersguild.wikia.com/

>> No.559420
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>> No.559421

ZWG already has 2 independent projects that it's authors are working on.

>> No.559428

Both of which are centralized. It should be set up as completely individual projects, for whoever's interested in joining whatever. Not this ZWG issue by issue bullshit.

>> No.559429

>Goes to link
>Sees 4chan clone with waifu comics
>No fiction, poetry or writing
>As bad as wading thorough any other imageboard

Yeah, no.

We don't need a whole board. This is one clean monthly PDF, with one thread you can easily ignore.

>> No.559434

The wiki and IRC channel is all we need.

>> No.559436

Then good for you? Why are you shitting up this thread?

>> No.559447

>implying a comics themed literature board would involve anything other than comics
>implying the imageboard format is a bad thing on 4chan

No. Otherwise it degenerates into pretentiousness, a huge ego trip for those in the "in" circle. Centralizing anything is a bad idea.

>> No.559454

It comes useful, really

>> No.559461

I think the fact that half this thread is people going SAGE FUCK THIS should dissuade you from any inklings of this being an ego trip. Authors want criticism. Provide or don't read. Easy.

>> No.559467
File: 21 KB, 319x329, 1245811169233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/co/ fags who draw pictures and think it's literature talking shit about a /lit/ zine


>> No.559478

It's an ego trip amongst themselves. Criticism? If they wanted constructive criticism, they'd ask a teacher or a peer. 4chan is the last fucking place for constructive criticism. There's no reason they'd contribute to the zine, except to feed their own ego or as a throwaway project for bad stories.

>> No.559479


What? These fucking zine threads are basically spam on /lit/. QUIT SHITTING THIS PLACE UP.

>> No.559482

One thread is not spam.

And people that do whatever /co/ is doing don't want criticism from people on 4chan? Despite it being from /co/? You're going to have to elaborate, most of us have never heard of this project before.

>> No.559485

I'm in agreement in principle,

but the IRC has really revitalized zine progress. By no means should anything be over-centeralized, but some centeralization seems like the best way to keep this project together

>> No.559487


lrn2count. There are at least 3 zine threads faggot.

>> No.559488

You'll never be able to shake the stigma of the first issue's spam. Never.

Accept that and move on lol.

>> No.559490

>looking down on comic books, when some of the best writers today are working on them
>herp derp
This is why the zine sucks, too many condescending pretentious faggots.

>> No.559493

Yeah, as a contributer, I haven't gotten any good feedback, other than an arbitrary TIER listing.

I would really, really like real feedback. That's why I submitted.

God, life must be so difficult for you.

>> No.559495

I see one ZWG thread. Other people talking about making their own zines has nothing to do with this one.

Differentfag here, I think comics are great. But you can't say that a comics zine is the same as a literature zine, can you? Aren't they inherently different?

>> No.559502


Your work was shitty.

>> No.559504

Comics aren't prose. Prose ain't comics. Both have great and terrible artists in them.

This is a prose board. It makes sense we would want to read and discuss it. There is a /co/ board.

No value judgement on either artform, but they are not the same.

>> No.559505

>other than an arbitrary TIER listing
Speaking of which, anyone wanna get on that?

>> No.559506

Yeah, feedback needs to be streamlined. If you post multiple threads about this zine to elicit feedback, it's mostly full of people sageing and whining. Tom Waits, despite some people's complaints, at least tried to critique the work.

>> No.559510

Maybe, but I have no idea. No one commented on the actual work or gave feedback.

Trolls trolled. Butthurt sagers saged. Contributers and editors samefagged and bumped and got trolled.

No one gave real criticism. Feels bad, man.

>> No.559511

What /co/ is doing is built for constructive criticism. Stories and projects are judged individually, on their own merits. For the zine, it always degenerates into a tier list, or a few random compliments. And most of the stories are completely ignored. The zine format simply doesn't work. I don't disapprove of /lit/ contributions, but centralizing the whole entire process into one zine controlled by three anons is obviously a bad idea.

>> No.559512


By your definition poetry would not be considered literature.


>> No.559515


>> No.559518

They are inherently different, but what /co/'s doing with distributing it's "original content," could be emulated on /lit/. Individual project instead of one zine.

>> No.559519

Sure, but poetry and fiction have more in common than comics. Wouldn't you agree?

>> No.559523

Depends on which comics. Some comics are visceral, some are basically novels with pictures.

>> No.559528
File: 29 KB, 528x543, 1270785493555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've got a lot of haters in this thread, but it's to be expected

I'd just like to give out my honest thanks to all those who have contributed to the zine, we appreciate it dearly and are glad to see that you are supporting us. We have, and will continue to work towards making the zine as good as it can be. Thanks

>> No.559535
File: 1.87 MB, 2560x1920, Zwg1new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters hating, etc etc.

>> No.559540

That's the distinction.

This board = Words without pictures
/co/ = Pictures with words.

Again, no value judgement, but aside from visual arts on a 2d surface and utilizing language sequentially, they are different.

>> No.559542

Anyone who uses this word is a retard. You're on 4chan. Grow some balls.

>> No.559543

So, someone want to provide some actual feedback?

Seriously, just pick a story and say if you like it or not and why.

>> No.559548

I'm glad you did this, because I'm honestly enjoying the reading material. As long as your writers are finding it rewarding enough to want to keep contributing, I'll definitely go on reading, and I expect there are lots more like me keeping quiet.

>> No.559549

You know people use that term to be ironic, right?

>> No.559550

This is exactly why the zine doesn't work. Stories are not judged on their individual merits. Any criticism is directed towards the entire zine, good or bad. At best, you get a tier list.

>> No.559552

No. Literary poetry doesn't involve superhumans in spandex and capes.

>> No.559553

Thanks for copypasting that comment in three threads now.

>> No.559554

Loved Blood on the Tracks. Descriptive without being purple. Good rhythm to the prose. Looking forward to Part 2. Can see why it's the first Fiction pick.

>> No.559557

>implying sarcasm and irony are possible to detect on the internet
>implying they were using it ironically

>> No.559560

"Haters" can only be used ironically now. It's 2010.

>> No.559561


I don't care. It's a phrase that has been beaten like a dead horse.

>> No.559565

Three zine threads. Three places for my incessant whining to go. If you don't like, keep all your shit in one thread and stop spamming the board.

>> No.559568

Thank you, first actual feedback. Please continue! (hoping you'll get to mine eventually)

>> No.559569
File: 20 KB, 526x350, 1259109588318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, why are you on 4chan?

>> No.559572

I wasn't alerted by the internet cabal.

>> No.559573

Which one's yours? I'll just straight to it.

>> No.559574


>> No.559567 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 547x593, I_jizz_in_my_pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blood on the Tracks
>Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Diamonds
>my face

>> No.559575

It's called modern society. Check it out.

>> No.559577
File: 5 KB, 300x193, baby_crying_closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.559579

Favorite poem was the short one.


Mother tucks me
cold and wet
into my baby bed;

Her fingers feed me
fat and full
and then she eats my head


>> No.559580

>100 replies
>first reply that has any semblance of criticism
>and it's a vague compliment

>> No.559582

It would be the 20th reply if we got rid of all this /co/ bitching and sage fags, wouldn't it? See how that works?

>> No.559586


The best way to make it work is to provide actual feedback, like this fine gentleman here. The writers aren't doing this just to get their names out there, they want to hear how they can improve, and what about their writing is good and should be kept.

>> No.559588

>implying that that's a result of the /lit/ crowd, and not an inherent problem with the zine

>> No.559591

"Blood on the Tracks" is also an unspeakably famous album by Bob Dylan, as well as I believe a euphemism for running guys over with a tank.

There's a track on there called "Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts", and in the story there's a "wherry" called Jack of Hearts painted with lilies and rosemary.

Guess a lot of channers are too young to know Dylan, but I fucking loved that detail.

>> No.559592

"Comics are literature?" is essentially a semantic argument. The basic issue, though, is the tendency to describe comics using terminology hijacked from other media. Sometimes this reflects a genuine equivalence, and sometimes it’s a spurious attempt to claim comparability with a more “respectable” medium. I can’t see a rational objection to the word “read” in relation to comics, since that’s just common English.

On the other hand, I’ve always thought the term “graphic novel” was a little questionable, or at least applied over-broadly to refer to comics whose prose counterparts would have been little more than short stories. (A case can be made that comics are more like static films than “graphic novels”, and that they’re not especially close to either.)

>> No.559593

But whether you want to call comics “literature” is a hair-splitting debate. If you’re going to be utterly literal-minded, then “literature” comes from the same route as “literacy” and it’s primarily about written text. Therefore it isn’t an apt choice of word for comics. On the other hand, if you can talk by analogy about “media literacy”, and if the concept of literature can encompass material like drama, then I see no reason why an expanded definition of the term couldn’t encompass comics.

Seen in that light, I don’t regard it as a very helpful question. It takes a potentially intriguing issue about the properties (and arguably the pretensions) of comics and frames it in such a way as to make it into a rather fiddly argument about the meaning of “literature”, to which there is no clear answer because “literature”, like most words, has a range of meanings.

Besides, focussing too much on the similarities between comics and other media runs the risk of clouding proper analysis and losing sight of (or at least unduly de-emphasising) the properties that make comics unique. If comics are a distinct medium – which they clearly are – it may not be especially helpful to describe them by reference to terminology appropriated from other media, even when it suits our aspirations to do so.

>> No.559597

The problem is that /lit/ is to lazy to provide any decent feedback, other than a one line compliment or denouncement, usually along the lines of "lolthissucksballs". It usually ends up as an argument between those who support the zine and those who don't, with the actual stories being ignored. Wouldn't it be better if there was no zine, and just stories?

>> No.559598

Merkava is an Israeli tank and Donnerkind (described as a land ironclad) is German for Thunder Child.

There's tons of little shoutouts in there. Awesome piece.

>> No.559599

No, it's really just sage fags like you. If you think the zine is inherently flawed, don't post. And there won't be 100 posts arguing over its validity before people have read enough to give an opinion. Again - see how that works?

>> No.559604

Again, criticism-wanting gentleman or gentlewoman. Which piece is yours?

>> No.559609

Merkava is also Hebrew for "chariot", which is how it's described halfway through.

I'm tempted to just run it through wikipedia line by line and see what I pick up.

>> No.559610

Nearly every writing workshop I've been in has been like this. I don't think it's possible to get worthwhile feedback from people.

>> No.559611

But if it wasn't inherently flawed, then the sagers, trolls, and the general discontent wouldn't be posting. See how that works?

>> No.559616


I'm a bit nervous so...

>> No.559619

Not that gentlemen, but I would like any criticism or feedback on "Special". I wrote it a while ago, and I'd like to revisit it. Editing has never been my strong suit.

>> No.559621

It could, if there was a separate thread, article, space, whatever, devoted to each individual story. Instead of a zine.

>> No.559623


Really? Writing workshops are like this? Please reply, because I am about to shell out some money to go to one. There aren't any free ones where I live.

>> No.559626

The main problem is that there are more people willing to provide stories than there are willing to provide feedback. If we could consume the stories individually, I think that problem could be alleviated.

>> No.559635

>Monsanto described as "an ancient hell god"
I can't tell if there's a story, but just lines like that make me want the second part.

There is going to be a second part, right? Jeremey's last two stories haven't really gone anywhere.

>> No.559636

Don't be nervous. There's a few problems.

Your first person voice reads more like first draft stream of consciousness than a narrative, insomuch as it takes us play-by-play with what's going on but not focusing on the world around yourself (the character) and how everything fits together. A bit vague, but I think you tend to slip in third-person terms and ideas while you're writing first person. The menace of it all is stated instead of implied; it's not creeping but always THERE, marked, which breaks the tension. I like the first bit of the story where you describe promotions etc. and try to establish the frame of mind and life of the character. But the sentences are generally a bit too clipped, a bit too brief. That's fine for action but no so much for exposition. When you're on vacation and relaxed, shouldn't the sentences be a bit longer and more descriptive about the place you've gone? It's new to the character, right? And when shit gets intense, then them being clipped and brief makes more sense, because that's how the mind works.

Overall, I think you it's a good idea but the execution could be improved. :)

>> No.559641

Writers should comment on the work of other writers instead of waiting for an anonymous mass to comment on their own work.

>> No.559642

Jeremy here. (Two Es, Lindlar is just a troll.) There will be more, and unlike my previous stories I'm aiming to have an actual plot. It's looking to be at least six parts so far, and they should come out in consecutive zines.

I'm also really happy people are picking up on the references. Keep looking, there are lots.

>> No.559647

You know, that makes sense. I'd never realized that before. But at the same time, I didn't want to get caught up in the vacation. It was really just a placeholder to establish the plot device.

>> No.559649

Well, that leaves posting it on 4chan sort of pointless then, does it?

And I think most people on /lit/ are writers, to some degree, regardless if they are anonymous. Otherwise, they wouldn't be here.

>> No.559653

Pretty much. But these have all been university courses. The low level workshops were terrible, upper division where everyone has to be a writing major are okay, the professor usually is the only one giving good feedback. In my case the prof is a horror novelist, so he knows what he's talking about.

I'd imagine if people are paying specifically for a workshop they might be a bit better at workshopping.

tl;dr; just go for it.

>> No.559657

I thought your description was really powerful, if overly ornate. It didn't seem like genuine first person because it was so flowery. That may be a stylistic choice, but if your first person "Son" character was a bit more colloquial and less formal in his telling of his views, while retaining that alpha male I'm-the-shit-for-now but OH FUCK I'm screwed later on voice, it'd be great. Something more subtle than that, I'm sure, but hopefully you get the point. All in all I thought it was original and actually needed to be expanded. What exactly does the world look like that he's in? Elevators and towers, sure, but what else? What people around him? Who's watching? Why? You don't want to say outright who and why, but how can you hint at it, and at the meaning of what's going on while remaining nebulous?

Great story.

>> No.559661


I don't know if I am correct, but are you using a passive voice in this first person narrative? It seems like it to me.

>> No.559662

Yea, you don't need to get caught up, really. But you need to get a bit more descriptive. The place where everything is first triggered - what is it like? Exactly? What are the smells and colors and the people around? How are they related to what happens later? I think that might have helped if you expanded on these ideas a bit.

>> No.559665

Makes sense, I'm now running some thought process in my head of how I could expand on it. It's not too bad and it isn't to space consuming.

>> No.559670

About halfway through now. Blood on the Tracks and Special still the best so far. Was putting the best at the start intentional?

>> No.559673

I liked the one with the guy. It was cool and had good words. I hope there will be more ones with guys in the future zines.

Thank you.

>> No.559680

Kinda. But there are some worthwhile reads dispersed throughout. Globulous' story is worth a go, as is Jack & Camille and Memories of Ukraine

>> No.559689
File: 322 KB, 800x567, ExampleMag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have experience using Indesign, see picture for example.

I'm interested in helping you guys out and making it look better.

>> No.559693

Much obliged. This definitely comes from my purpler phase, but I did want the narrator to be introspective and almost baroque in his mannerisms, somewhere between sullen royalty and a brooding celebrity. I wanted the reader to be unsympathetic at first, before the nature of his fixed future is revealed. I also prefer to know the greater details of the world, but reveal little of it, so that theres the sense of something greater going on beyond the page, but not the burden of providing it. It sounds like this one is a little too focused, and could use more visible world building.

Mostly intentional, despite that being such a universal no-no, and rightly so. I'm not sure if it worked for you, but I intended it to underscore the narrator's forced passivity.

>> No.559696
File: 661 KB, 800x555, ExampleMag2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example

>> No.559701

listen to this man, those are excellent designs.

>> No.559703

Are you saying you want to design every page?

>> No.559715

You. ZWG. Hire this fucker.

>> No.559720


Ah I see. I understand what you were trying to do, but I didn't translate that way for me. To me it didn't add anything to the character. It actually came across as just plain, poor writing skills. I would avoided doing this is your future pieces.

>> No.559722

Downloading the one in OP now. I'll make one spread

>> No.559730

If you're willing to do it, fuckwin is all I gotta say.

>> No.559732

Do Blood on the Tracks (first story.)

>> No.559742

Fair play, thank you for the feedback. I believe that's the only time I've intentionally used it.

>> No.559745


>> No.559746


I don't mind, I'll add it to my portfolio. Still a student and as long as I'm able to make something that's useful for my study it isn't wasted time

>> No.559757

"Weather to Fly" is a song by Elbow, or it might just be coincidence.
Stalhein was the villain in a lot of Biggles books.
Cornelis Nokia and Gustav Pombar are named after a couple of well-known brands of phone and snack respectively.

What do I win?

>> No.559761


No problem. Sorry if I come across as harsh, but for me I would much rather have tough criticism.

>> No.559766

Did you produce those from scratch or did you get images given to you to work with? Either way, fuckwin job, and if ZWG can use drawfags to help you out it'd go from "good" to "great." I love artz with my fiction.

>> No.559768
File: 82 KB, 695x715, bitch tears1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys...
It's all cool and shit, but seriously.
Why. Content. Isn't. Ajusted.

Is it forbidden teaching out there, in great land of hamburger? (I'm assuming, basing on statistics, that it's done by amerifag)
Do you, I don't know, forgot there is such a thing?

When I see text which isn't adjusted to margin I don't even try to read it. Why would I give it my time, if author don't care about how it looks?

inb4 butthurt
'cause I'm here like, 3rd time in life and don't really care, but wanna share experiance instead of trolling your effort

>> No.559775

Could you tell me what you thought of Blood on the Tracks? Be as vicious as you like, but if it helps bear in mind it's the first part of a larger serial.

>> No.559777
File: 1.98 MB, 379x216, 1271153152632.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.559778

Could we have that in English?

>> No.559779

My feelings exactly. Knowing someone simply 'liked' something doesn't help me refine it. So, thank you.

I'd be curious if anyone had any feed back on "The Gift" from the second issue. I saw some positive approval, but no criticism or commentary. Please, tear in.

>> No.559782


Yeah I agree. The margins should be adjusted. The zine looks like a retarded scrapbook.

>> No.559790


Yeah for sure. I'll try and review it now.

>> No.559797

wat, no Tier List yet?

wtf /lit/

>> No.559798

Thanks! And please do accentuate the negative; compliments make me feel good, but criticism makes me a better writer.

>> No.559803
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, mind blown kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adjusted. To. Margin.

Not in English enough?

Symetrical text. Left and right, straight lines.

>> No.559807

It's been an hour and three quarters, and the kind of retarded apes who consider tier lists to be of any value are slow readers.

>> No.559819

I submitted my story with adjusted margins... so, I dunno, man.

>> No.559823
File: 60 KB, 300x400, AutoGlas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to make everything from scratch. I have Urban Exploring as a hobby, so I see a lot of weird places.

I had to make my own magazine for school, ended up being pretty awesome. Not going to post it here due to all the personal stuff in it.

>> No.559837

Although those are beautiful images, if we're going to start doing something like them for some of the submissions, then we're going to have to do it for all of the submissions. It's my feeling that making something like what you've shown us is fairly time consuming and would be impractical for an entire 80 page zine every month, sometimes twice a month. Tell me if I'm wrong.

What we could use are some cover pages for the fiction, non-fiction, and poetry & prose sections.

Now, if you were planning on doing something much simpler, but still better looking than what we have, and still fast enough to be practical, then we would be very interested.

If you would like to discuss ideas further, e-mail us
or you can find us in our IRC channel:
channel: #ZWG

You can go here:
for an online chat client
Just type in a username and for channel put #ZWG

>> No.559847

Can someone post a link for the second issue? I never got a chance to download it.

>> No.559850


>> No.559857

Second issue is great, and third shows that they're keeping up quality. First issue isn't worth reading apart from Sick, Revolution, Poletard and Second Sunset.

>> No.559872


I'm almost finished working on blood on the tracks, problem is I don't know where I can upload it

>> No.559874

Upload it to the wiki.

>> No.559879

Why not here? Is it more than 3mb?

>> No.559881

Oh and for some reason I can't copy the text

>> No.559876 [DELETED] 

Well, and look at that. All neat and tidy. Text adjusted to margins, everyting looks professional and nice.
And it's symetrical.

Why would you forget to do it with new issue, it's unforgivable

>> No.559893

Writerfag here, I have the original, want me to email it to you?

>> No.559898

If you got blood on the tracks then yes please

>> No.559902

It's going to be an .pdf
I could also export it as an swf so you can even flip the pages

>> No.559914

Mediafire then.

>> No.559922

The .swf sounds like a pretty cool idea, I'd kind of like to see how well it works.

>> No.559937

One sec.

>> No.559949


>> No.559950
File: 254 KB, 579x841, ExampleBT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an example: http://www.pixelwit.com/flip/PageFlip.html

I can set the size of the .swf. It's easier to read it as an pdf though

Pic is an example of what I got so far.

>> No.559957

Nothing yet

>> No.559962

Still nothing...

>> No.559966

Fucking derp, I misread your email. Check again.>>559898

>> No.559975

...I very much like this link you sent.

>> No.559977

As one of the editors, I was pretty happy with the way this turned out. Unfortunately, I didn't do my share of the proofreading, last week I was on vacation and this week I'm at a conference, so I haven't had much time on the computer.

If anyone notices any grammar errors / typos / stuff that should be caught by proofreading, please send an email to me (at zinewritersguild@gmail.com, ATTN: Nick_ZWG). I really want to make sure I catch those.

>> No.559981

For page-turning, or delicious pinup girls?

>> No.559982

More of the ladder.

>> No.560002
File: 820 KB, 1191x842, Test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spread example. Gonna do the whole story now

>> No.560010

Well, I'm fapping.

>> No.560011



Rustam's song.

>> No.560016

Wrong kind of tracks, but gorgeous regardless.

>> No.560018

"I'd like to think this is how I write; like a 16 year old girl fucking on top for the first time."

New e-mail signature.

>> No.560021

Yeah, had no time to read the story, it would be best if a writer just told me what kind of picture he imagined while writing his story

>> No.560024

Do you think you could make something for the section covers? Fiction, non fiction, poetry? That is what the zine really needs.

>> No.560029

Will do, but not now. It's 3 am here and I'm tired as fuck. I already bookmarked the site.

I wouldn't mind making a cover as well

>> No.560040

I second this idea. Our section covers are a bit minimalist, but we haven't been able to find any kind of graphical improvement (font face, size, etc.) that we can agree looks good.

>> No.560041

just here to say that this looks extremely promising. We'd love to have you on board

>> No.560064 [DELETED] 

nick, do us a favour and kick the hack on IRC right now

>> No.560071 [DELETED] 
File: 822 KB, 1191x842, TestBT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'm pretty stoked in having another thing to do. I used to write stories/comics for a Dutch weblog and it kinda helps you build up a portfolio. I'm going to bed now, will make some tomorrow and post it on /lit/

>> No.560084

Okay, I'll sign on right now.

>> No.560088

I liked Tombstone Blues a lot, I wish there was more to it. Prohibition era gangsters vs. a Shadow rip-off set against a zombie apocalypse? Eh, fugeddaboudit.

>> No.560097

Why is the dialogue italicized?

As the issue 2/3 cover/toc maker fag, I don't mind for a second if you decide to make the whole issue this way. More power to you, and your portfolio. I just think it's going to be a lot more work than you're anticipating.

>> No.560098

He'll probably submit for future issues, but you can always read the OTHER 5 PARTS here.


>> No.560103


Well I'll be.

>> No.560149
File: 177 KB, 649x768, 1270332185494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking good

>> No.560191

Got to say, I really enjoyed this. Overall quality was a bit lower than #2 but still high, and there were some real gems (Blood on the Tracks needs part 2 and it needs it now.)

If anyone wants me to give their story a thorough analysis I'll try.

>> No.560246


meh, I've got nothing in this issue. Next one will probably have one of mine, I'll start heckling for readers then

>> No.560248

I need some tier'ing. I don't want to read the whole thing, someone just tell me the high caliber ones.

>> No.560252

I'd always be game for some healthy criticism, either on Special or The Gift.

>> No.560255

Mine possibly?

I consider it some of my best work but that's my biased opinion

>> No.560264

This just in:

writers want readers

>> No.560303

Oryx's poems were the only decent ones of the bunch.

>> No.560367


>> No.560391

I lol'd

good show, /lit/

>> No.560406

>literature on 4chan
>100% anonymous venue to submit work into the public forum
>bad place to look for constructive criticism

only if you act like a fucking nigger

>> No.560459

Tier List? I know the first two are well loved, but what else should I seek out?

>> No.560481

fucking loved freddy kemp's stuff, funny as shit

>> No.560523


God Tier
Professional writing

Shit Tier
ZWG writing

>> No.560539
File: 132 KB, 637x490, 1266895290632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, I lol'd

>> No.560658

And yet, no one really provides feedback...

Shut up, I've already done so in this thread, but no one else seems to be.

>> No.560662
File: 25 KB, 504x409, 1268001977649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to each his own

>> No.560673

God Tier:
Professional writing

Good Tier:
Josef K

Shit Tier:
Rest of ZWG

>> No.560682
File: 33 KB, 320x240, intellectual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will I die like David Carradine? With a belt tied around my neck and genitals, a 14 year old Asian prostitute fleeing the room in her underwear? God I hope so, for then I will have died a true hero; providing the Human Race with an invaluable service, in the search to find a better way to masturbate.

>> No.560713

>open ZWG
>text not justified
>wonder what the fuck the editors are doing
>realize they are complete fucking morons who learn nothing from their mistakes and criticism thereof
>close tab

>> No.560731
File: 39 KB, 700x535, 1268284158033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.560826

One of the poems spells Nietzsche wrong, twice.

>> No.560836

I am also very bothered by this.

>> No.560837

The Josef K. story freaked me out in a Cortazar-like fashion. Very good, sir!

>> No.560880

God damn it, this so fucking much.

>> No.560905

Question for Josef K.: has your work been published?

>> No.560930

It'll get changed, thanks for notifiying us

>> No.560946
File: 33 KB, 320x316, dangerfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


J.S. Osborne, seconding the nomination.

>> No.560969

My fiction has not been published, no.

Thank you, I'm assuming this a good thing, and I will have to check out his short fiction.

>> No.561423

Only a couple of the authors appear to be on the thread asking for feedback, and they're the same overpraised guys. People seem willing to give some crit, but there's a lot in the zine to take in, and there's no point just repeating the same old stuff to the same old people.

Suggestion for ZWG if you're still watching the thread, pimp the release threads to your writers so that they can come on here and talk to readers (or samefag shamelessly praising their own work, whatever.)

>> No.561425

Noo.............. they already do way too much samefagging. Don't encourage them.

>> No.561427


>> No.561431

Woah, Josef K's still alive?! Fuck yeah!

>> No.561441

Really? I haven't noticed much.

>> No.561444

Professor Butthurt's Rule of Samefagging: any thread which you dislike is rife with samefagging.

>> No.561471

Ah, that works.

>> No.561576

Bumping for interest.

>> No.561581
File: 37 KB, 360x280, 0holzer5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Author's name is misspelled.
>Editor says, "Can't catch every little thing."
I fucking hate you, /lit/.

Pic related.

>> No.561602

need moar critique

>> No.561603

That would be "a joke".

>> No.561606

Whoa, this thread is still alive?

>> No.561611

Wouldn't it be smarter if we split up fiction into sci-fi and fantasy and the like instead of just FICTION.

>> No.561613

yes, /lit/ is slower than the rest of 4chan

>> No.561616

no because that would be even more pretentious than the covers are
>Here is the REAL fiction and here is the FUCKING BOTTOM-OF-THE-BARREL "GENRE" fiction

>> No.561618

From what I've seen, that's actually been suggested a couple of times. I don't recall their reasoning, but they just don't seem to want to do it.

>> No.561626

I don't mind. /lit/ should lose some of its "intellectualism" and focus on just writing good stories.

>> No.561649

They did that for the first two issues. It was stupid and shit and divided stuff unnecessarily into tiny genre ghettos, so they changed to this way.

>> No.561652

did any of you niggers even actually read issues 1 and 2?

>> No.561659

There were like four good stories in issue 1.

>> No.561660

Not cover to end, no.
In fact, I haven't even downloaded issue 3.

>> No.561664

Nah, just want to point out that it helps to know what the fuck you're talking about before you spout off.

inb4 "welcome to /lit/ enjoy your stay"

>> No.561666

Tried to answer with the very, very little information I had.

>> No.561672

And yet the information was freely available for you to check, while your altruism is laudable your laziness is not.

>> No.561673


>> No.561675 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 2480x3508, SFiction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First part.

Still have to incorporate the fantasy part, any tips? Was thinking about using a wizard hat.

>> No.561674


>> No.561678 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 595x842, SFictionSmaller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those that don't want to see the big ass one

>> No.561677


>> No.561679

I'll admit I didn't think it through. My only folly is not applying logic to many situations.


>> No.561682


It was mine. I can never spell that bastard's name right. Ever. I've hated him ever since.

>> No.561688

Do you QUARREL, sir?

>> No.561690


>> No.561692


cool, what does zwg stand for?

>> No.561693


>> No.561697

"Zine Writers' Guild", it's a holdover from when this was a pet project by Goldensox (some idiot who now doesn't appear to do anything) which loved this retarded print-out-and-fold zine format. They still keep the acronym, but like HSBC they don't use the original name.

>> No.561700

Zucchinis Will Glow

>> No.561701


>> No.561714
File: 61 KB, 173x232, k151915_1227751879881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here's my tiering. It does not include poetry or the serial stories.



“Special” by Josef K.
“Explorer of Nothing” by Bulnowt
“Falling” by Gjallarhorn
“Rivers” by Chris Bishop


“Tall, Thin, and Faceless” by Globulus
“Our Marriage” by Michael Quyen Hoang
“Preserve” by Ferric Suarez
“The Facts…” by Freddy P. Kemp


“Nike” by winter_soldier_alfa
“Absurd, Berserk” by Philly K.


“Fiji… Blow” by Freddy P. Kemp
“The Noise” by Cretin
“Jack & Camille” by Joe Brown

>> No.561715


>> No.561717

I feel the ZWG editors are all barely literate idiots that know how to make a pdf and that's it. The proofreading is still shit and the layout is just barely improved. Get your shit together or start hiring more help already!

>> No.561718

Include the serials and you'd have one godly for sure.

>> No.561719


>> No.561722

Go on their channel and offer to help then. It's not like they're excluding you.

>> No.561733


I just read "Blood on the Tracks pt 1" and I'd put it in the Good Tier.

>> No.561742
File: 147 KB, 477x774, 1270329890995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright folks, here to answer any questions/comments

>implying you don't work with your hands
self-defeating quote there

nice to see another tier list out. It's not exactly fair for us editors to start rating submissions, so it's basically up to /lit/ to sort'em by value.

this kind of stratification was our original set-up, but we found that some genres simply got skipped over due to preconcieved notions of genre. A minor stratification such as sci-fi/fantasy might be alright, however

yes, we're always looking for help- IRC or e-mail is a good way to contact us (see issue 2 forward for IRC info). But somehow I don't think we'll be getting a response...

hmm, looking good. Have you e-mailed us yet? We'd love to get you involved in design for issue 4 of the zine...

>> No.561744


>> No.561745
File: 5 KB, 193x169, 1271359226685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.561749


>> No.561751

Are you on IRC? I think I am.

>> No.561758

yeah, I'm "Prolish"

I can respond to questions/comments

>> No.561864

Overall quality wasn't as good as the last one, and I agree with the adjusted text complaints.

But its still awesome to see /lit/ generating content, and there were some really good stories.


>> No.561977

The serials are looking excellent, I'm looking forward to issue 4 a lot now.

>> No.562006 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 2480x3508, FictionCoverEdited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Goddamnit, I just can't get the fantasy part right

>> No.562051

That looks great on its own, I gotta say.

>> No.562071

>Tall, Thin, and Faceless
trollin with the homies

>> No.562073


I dunno, the Slenderman story kind of read like an outline to a terrible horror movie.

>> No.562079


Preserve had a good idea but wasn't very well written and didn't need the hard fantasy element at all.

Tall, Thin, and Faceless again had a great idea as its basis but had just horribly off-putting writing. Also, there was absolutely zero explanation why the protagonist hit the cop. As a matter of fact, if he hadn't then he wouldn't have been accused of the crime as both would have seen the final murder scene.

>> No.562088
File: 49 KB, 500x463, amerlicalookslikeashark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup bitches I'm here for feedback I just despise tripfaggotry.

now look at this goddamn picture of america being shaped like a mother fucking shark

>> No.562090

fuck yeah I wrote that shit, has anyone ever tried autoerotic asphyxiation? I wonder what it's like....

>> No.562095

fuck you nigger, plus one of those is a serial story

>> No.562101


I liked the opening to "Karl Rove". But when you went political it just turned to shit. You should have just continued the first part without even introducing your libfag wetdreams.

Also, "Fiji and Blow" was fucking god awful. You should delete that from your hard drive. Now.

>> No.562102


That's really great. I'm going to be working on bit soon, I just have a whole lot of dog cocks to suck first. When you get hired out to a kennel, your mouth sure does get sore!

>> No.562103


I know! I totally agree, man. Ron Paul for life! Paul/Palin 2012 niggers!

>> No.562107


...this isnt me

>> No.562108

dogs sucking cocks....that's not a bad idea

>> No.562109


...this isnt me

>> No.562110


Huckabee, actually. How's that bohica socialism working out for ya?

>> No.562111
File: 62 KB, 736x736, smirksmiley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freddy rush kekekekeke ^_^

>> No.562112


Me sucking them, them sucking me. I really like engaging with dogs sexually!

>> No.562113


Huckabee is a liberal faggot. You just don't released retarded niggers from jail unless you're a liberal faggot.

>> No.562114

Feeling differently about a tripcode now?

>> No.562118
File: 119 KB, 500x375, dogporn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that rhymed

>> No.562121

>implying ron paul is

>> No.562123


I'm cool like that.

>> No.562124

This thread just hit the limit.

Can we get a new official thread, please?

>> No.562125

plz see

>> No.562127


>implying that Ron Paul is God, which he is

The man is a fucking god among men. He's so smart and cool I just want to walk around behind him all day rimming his ass

>> No.562128


>implying that I'm not going to "contribute" to that one, too

>> No.562155

You've got me fucked up on PCP?!?!!

>> No.562157 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 697x598, 1255726469156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Everyone argues, but someone liked my submissions.

>> No.562289
