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File: 466 KB, 778x540, Screen Shot 2014-02-13 at 7.00.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5590082 No.5590082 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw the serpent in genesis is prometheus
>yfw the knowledge of good and evil is the fire; the liberation of mankind
>yfw original sin is a hoax perpetrated by the tyrant deity
>yfw the serpent, a.k.a. lucifer, is prometheus; our liberator and our forefather

>yfw the abrahamic god is evil

>> No.5590091


What do you mean?

>> No.5590095

God is our captor; he enslaves us with his will and his might. Lucifer/Prometheus illuminates reality to humanity and give us our own reason and our own will. He is suffering eternal damnation for us.

>> No.5590099

heil satan

>> No.5590102
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No shit, m8.

>> No.5590110

damn straight. pack dat gat and lets smoke some yahweh muthafucka

>> No.5590112
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>Mfw the age of Apollo is nearing its end

>> No.5590123

the abrahamic god is simply insane. mentally ill.

>> No.5590125


>> No.5590126

Wrong. Original sin is not the ability to harness fire, but agriculture. Hence, punishment is to toil the earth, etc., etc. This also explains why the biblical Garden of Eden was located in the "cradle of civilization", where five rivers met. Genesis also speaks of the Garden of Eden as being where five rivers met. We now know that the Red Sea once was where four rivers met, the Tigris, the Euphrates, and two others which no longer exist because of northern expansion of the Red Sea following a massive flood and rising of the sea level.

>> No.5590127
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Damn humanists. You realize we eventually got to have both Life AND Knowledge, right? Best of both worlds, thanks to Jesus.

>> No.5590135

The Red Sea being the fifth river, by the way, because it was understood to be another river at that point.

>> No.5590136

so you just read ishmael and now think that's the only correct way to view the garden of eden, right?

>> No.5590140

Prometheus gave us the knowledge of agriculture

>> No.5590148

No. Just my thoughts based on all I've read and observed over the years, but thanks for being yet another pedantic shitposter. Anything of any actual value to add to the discussion, anon? If so, great, please share. If not, go to fucking bed.

>> No.5590152

Fire =/= agriculture.

Fuck these captchas, why can't it just stick to numerals? I can handle that even when drunk.

>> No.5590155

>Just my thoughts based on all I've read and observed over the years
outright bullshit
you just regurgitated the entire conclusion of ishmael without omitting a single detail
if you're going to lie on the internet at least make it seem somewhat credible

>> No.5590157

Agriculture is our independence. We no longer need god to provide; for we can do so ourselves.

No longer children of god, but men in and of ourselves.

>> No.5590158
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>Age of Uranus: Peace, plenty and freedom
>Age of Zeus: Slavery, swan-rape and sacrifices to the gods
>Age of Apollo: Christianity, rule of law and capital

>Prometheus gave us the knowledge of agriculture
Nnnnoh. Wasn't that Demeter?

>> No.5590162

Well shit there's actually a poem that dresses this but I can't remember it atm.

anyway there's a line in there that goes something like "for adam's glorious sin," because adam's sin allowed us to have redemption through Christ - and what better gift could we ask for than the son of God?

not arguing that much with you op, but this is a viewpoint considered in christianity, just for the record

>> No.5590164

Yes, but Prometheus also gave us organization, medicine, science, writing, mathematics, and agriculture

>> No.5590167

What's next?
Age of Prometheus please.

>> No.5590168


No he didn't.

>> No.5590170

I really don't know what/who the fuck you're talking about. Don't believe me, no fucks given.

>> No.5590180

some interpret it that way.
whose to say what is canon.

>> No.5590193 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5590200

So either wisdom, justice, or war

>> No.5590209

well that certainly narrows things down

>> No.5590227

O happy fault!
O necessary sin of Adam
Which won for us
So great a Redeemer.

>> No.5590228

lets hope for wisdom
justice is good, too

2/3, right? Those are betting odds

>> No.5590236

I´ve thought for a while that the future will either be bleak, hopeless, violent and chaotic or civilized, ordered, enlightened and peaceful; no in between, and it seems like there´s a good chance of it going either way.

>> No.5590245

are the Illuminati our saviors? They want to unite the world under a single banner. Is Globalism our salvation?

>> No.5590253

top kek.

God's magnificence and love give us no other choice but to worship. Serving under God is but a happy tyranny.

>> No.5590261

It will be a meandering path between these two extremes. HOPEFULLY closer to the enlightened and peaceful.
Paradise is unattainable, but we can certainly do better than this
There is no Illuminati.

>> No.5590269

An all powerful, all knowing god wouldn't give a shit about worship. Yahweh is powerful, but our will is our own. Always.

God just can't deal.

>> No.5590276

i want war though

*unzips katana*

>> No.5590277

>Abrahamic god is actually a narcissist
>religious praise is merely Stockholm's Syndrome

>> No.5590278

Paradise Lost has Adam expressing something similar when Michael tells him about Jesus

O goodness infinite, goodness immense!
That all this good of evil shall produce,
And evil turn to good; more wonderful
Then that which by creation first brought forth
Light out of darkness! full of doubt I stand,
Whether I should repent me now of sin
By me done and occasioned, or rejoice
Much more, that much more good thereof shall spring,
To God more glory, more good will to Men
From God, and over wrath grace shall abound.

>> No.5590285

so how are your daddy issues going

>> No.5590291

sure there is. maybe they don't wear robes and sacrifice children to Moloch, but a group of people want bring the world together (ever heard of internationalism, faggot? It was one of the defining ideologies of the twentieth century)

>> No.5590295

mommy issues actually

>> No.5590341

Wealthy capitalists just dream of empires. Nothing wrong with unity, it's just on who's criteria we have it, that matters most.

>> No.5590343

>muh freedom!

Typical Amerifat. When will you fuckers learn?

>> No.5590351

If we're talking heresy, I prefer the Catharist conclusions about existence

>> No.5590383

The Fat-Americans are the ones who aren't really into freedom. They worship a god of predestination more than actual freedom. They're spoon-fed those slogans from the freedom-of-profit politicians.

Or wait.
>When will you fuckers learn?
Learn what? What are you, some kind of ISIS/ISIL fighter?

>> No.5590397


congratulations! you've discovered gnosticism!

>> No.5590404

american 'freedom' doesn't really mean anything, it's a stirner's spook, like the 'prettiness' of 'la belle france' etc

america became a nation when it fought vs england for its independence so it took the freedom as its supposed national quality. definitely we can find more free countries on the earth than usa which don't claim to be especially free, for instance canada and some european countries

>> No.5590471

No, if anything I think that they´ll bring about the violent and chaotic outcome with their shenanigans.
I doubt it, we are in a meandering path between the two extremes right now but it won´t last much longer, a lot of people can see this and talk about it, once the climax is reached we will turn and go on one direction or the other, I´ve decided to dedicate my life to try and help to make people go towards the enlightened and peaceful path but I really have no idea what is going to happen.

>> No.5590476

would you like to talk about it?

>> No.5590489
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>I´ve decided to dedicate my life to try and help to make people go towards the enlightened and peaceful path but I really have no idea what is going to happen.
I hear ya

>> No.5591565


>> No.5591763

Gonna have to disagree. The problem isn't that we got the knowledge; it's that we got the knowledge before we had the requisite wisdom.

And the fall happened before eating the apple. Adam and Eve were inextricably linked to God, and were perfect. It was when the serpent said "if you eat this, you'll be like God," and they accepted the false implication, "because you aren't already like God," causing them to distance themselves from God, to create a duality that wasn't really there before.

>> No.5592880

would you like to help me?

>> No.5592892

B-fly, I'm going to live in your anus for an age.

>> No.5592905

Fuckin' demiurge.

>> No.5593103


>> No.5593707

sail hatin

>> No.5593713

I have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.5594200

I just picked Athena, cuz she's cool. The whole idea is as silly as OP's.


Are you a parasitic microbe or something?


>> No.5594430

do you have a skype or throw away email where I can hit you up?

>> No.5594454
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>> No.5594517

What's the source of this interpretation?

>> No.5594571

Yeah, Gnosticism is super rad dude, let's all wear trenchcoats, mope around listening to sad music and have random sex with sluts who never wash themselves out of ideological reasons.

>> No.5594577
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>having sex

>> No.5594579

Learn some history, gnostics always support 'the commonality of wives' and promiscuity.

The idea is that sex is OK as long as you don't get emotionally attached.

>> No.5595354
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So is Eve Pandora?

>yfw Prometheus first had his liver pecked out by Zeus, Adam had a rib removed by God

Screencapping this in case any of you mutherfuckers writes a paper on it before I do

>> No.5595391
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>yfw Jesus is the Savior all the same
>yfw gnosticism is for plens who are afraid of the Church because of 'muh demiurge' and can't into Thomism

>> No.5595398

>He thinks there's something God can't do

>> No.5595403

Most Christian sects distanced themselves from the Gnostics because they were prone to orgies, common wives, and attempts to achieve an ecstatic union with God.

>> No.5595413

there were plenty of different gnostic sects
their teaching is rather against procreation though

>> No.5595417

But not against the metaphysical union of immortal souls attainable through sex.
Get it straight. You can hate the material world and love your neighbor at the same time.

>> No.5595436

I want to have sex with you.

>> No.5595445
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>> No.5595454
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gonna dump my related pics.

>> No.5595458
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also response to that pic

>> No.5595468
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>> No.5595485

adam and eve falling is just some nostalgia thing, like the newfags were looking back on the good old days and thinking how much better it must have been. the story is based on a memory of something (that might have but probably didn't exist)

>> No.5595506

how do i join a gnostic sect without everyone thinkng im trying to be a special snowflake?

>> No.5595516
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>> No.5595541
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Seriously, has nobody but me read this?
It's not that hard, guys. Myths are common to all humanity, small wonder that the stories more or less follow the exact same pattern with variations that account for differences in cultural organization.

>> No.5595544

>we no longer need god to provide
until a drought occurs, until the crops fail, until the yield of the harvest is few, until neighboring heathens pillage, and on and on.

>> No.5595550
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>being this stupid

>> No.5595557

Old idea m8.
But the tree is not even called the tree of knowlage, but the tree of knowing good and evil.
The prometheus myth is similar in some concepts but different in the core one.

>> No.5595563
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>making fallacious strawman arguments

>> No.5595572 [DELETED] 


stupid nigger that book is a best seller and everyone knows about it. yeah comparative mythology is a thing uncultured faggot, whats your point? they all share the same root, yeah, what does this have to do with this thread? fucking pseudo-faggot.

>> No.5595574

>what does it have to do with this thread?
Oh I dunno, maybe just to point out that OP's realization is far from revolutionary or even important? To indicate that of course there will be such links between myths, and that noticing them does not mean there is some sort of metaphysical truth to the link between mythos, as all the greenpills in this thread are tossing around?

>> No.5595576


>OP's realization is far from revolutionary or even important?

Who the fuck said it is you god damn autist? This is a vietnamese cartoon website you stupid fuck its not a top tier university in europe. Kill yourself.

>> No.5595585
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>yfw the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil = psychedelic drugs

>> No.5595587


>druggie trying to justify his drug abuse


>> No.5595594

>yfw all gods are evil
>all of my tipped fedoras

>> No.5595599


>> No.5595600



stopped reading there

>> No.5595606

>how do i join a gnostic sect without everyone thinkng im trying to be a special snowflake?
SJW's are literally no different from (some) gnostic sects. Also 'hard sci-fi' is usually just thinly-veiled shilling for gnosticism.

>> No.5595611

>being on lit
>avoiding reading about things outside your comfort zone
cool that we both got dubs tho. great minds dub alike

>> No.5595988

What hard SF are you talking about?

>> No.5596090

>What hard SF are you talking about?
The vast majority of it written after 1960 is so. Pick any one.

>> No.5596164

Titles? Other than the works of Philip K. Dick.

>> No.5596175

Philip K. Dick isn't sci-fi and isn't gnostic. (He's psychedelic and/or drug-addled crazy, but not very gnostic.)

Seriously, take anything sold under the 'hard SF' label and it's gnostic kookery shilling. Greg Egan, for example.

>> No.5596296

not that anon (>>5591763), and i know it isn't technically canon, but milton offers an interpretation similar to his from what i remember.

>> No.5596617

PKD isn't SF? Since when?
What do you mean by hard SF and what do you mean by gnosticism? I get the impression you're making shit up.

>> No.5597888

Baphomet =/= Satan

>> No.5599590

>not very gnostic
>constantly refers to gnostic texts
ok m8

>> No.5599638

> PKD isn't SF? Since when?
I meant 'not hard sci-fi', sorry for the typo.

>What do you mean by hard SF
Shit that's sold under the 'hard SF' label, do you even read what you're replying to??

>and what do you mean by gnosticism?
It's a strangely persistent set of religious beliefs that pop up through the centuries.

It's characterized by the following tenets:
* The universe is wholly evil, by design.
* There is a way to escape the evilness of the universe with a program of radical liberation
* Radical liberation includes breaking free from the confines of material bodily restrictions and doing abolishing all 'social constructs'.

People with gnostic-type beliefs are also typically characterized by the following:
* They advocate extreme forms of socialism and extreme forms of sexual liberation. (Because private property and family are the biggest and strongest 'social constructs'.
* They despise all forms of hierarchy, either political or religious. Instead, they follow gurus with 'moral authority'.
* They can (and will!) mimic under religious, political or atheistic banners. (Since they believe the universe to be 'wholly evil' they have no problem with deception and subterfuge.)
* They have no name for themselves; the names for their groups and organizations are ad-hoc and given to them by their enemies. Among themselves they will simply call themselves something to the tune of 'the good people' or 'the rational people'.

P.S. For example, Egan's "Diaspora" has a plot device where the universe will spontaneously have a fit once in a while and completely obliterate all intelligent life, and the only way to escape is by transferring your consciousness to a special computer intelligence backup storage system. At first glance it looks unscientific and completely out of place, but if you're aware of gnostic beliefs it starts to make perfect sense. (Egan is interesting because he's one of the few authors who feel free to speak about their gnostic religious ideas with little subterfuge.)

Internet atheists constantly refer to Christian texts, as do satanists. That doesn't make them Christian.

>> No.5599639

baphomet it's misspelled muhammed

>> No.5599645

>Shit that's sold under the 'hard SF' label
Which authors are you talking about, and what are some titles that exemplify gnostic hard SF? I ask because hard SF is exactly the last kind of SF I'd expect to find anything resembling religious ideas in.
PKD seems to match that description very well.

>> No.5600026

>yfw the seperent in gensis is sophia
>yfw the knowledge of good and evil is the divine spark; the key to liberation of mankind, acting in defiance to ywhw
>yfw original sin is a hoax perpetrated by the tyrant deity to keep us imprison in this flawed work to suffer
>yfw the serpent, a.k.a. sophia; our true creator and our Eternal Feminine, giving us a piece of her (the divine spark) to help us escape from this terrible existence

>yfw the abrahamic god is flawed and a tyrant, like an extremely powerful baby

>mfw always wanted to write a sci-fi with gnostic themes

A bit happy to see it done already. Though gnostic theme has always been under many stories (Goethe's Faust, works of William Blake) or many outlooks (Carl Jung) in life

>> No.5600313
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>Not being Chaos Master race

>> No.5601172
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Did somebody say Chaos?

>> No.5602991
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Uh oh.
