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/lit/ - Literature

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558971 No.558971 [Reply] [Original]

Create rival zine.

Competition inspires editors of both to improve quality filter.

Sense of pride in individual zines. Authors become attached to their zines. Readers can enjoy two distinct directions.

Nothing but success.

>> No.558983
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I approve of this idea. I don't know if there are enough motivated anon left to form and curate a new cell of zine though.

>> No.558995
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I'm tempted to put in effort and try it. I suspect I could produce something different enough to the original zine to make it a credible venture.

I just don't know whether /lit/ has the number of authors.

Having the same circle of authors contributing to both would be dull dull dull.

>> No.559012

ITT: samefags

>> No.559018

I think that would just strain the quality.
Maybe if the first gets big enough.

>> No.559044

The board needs to get bigger.

It probably won't

>> No.559055

Was that really what he said in the game??? I don't remember. Plus, you can only search it when you get the clue. Ghey.

>> No.559060

I envision this second zine as being much more critical. I see it not having a regular release schedule.

>> No.559064

This is interesting.

>> No.559072


>> No.559075

you could call it the e/lit/ist's digest
but enjoy the backlash you get from turning down submissions based on 2-3 opinions

>> No.559078

nah, then the board in its entirety would devolve into troll threads where the "fans" of each zine talk shit to each other. Better to have just the one and keep the threads about it few and far between.

>> No.559081

As someone who has read the zines, liked a lot of them, and commented in the threads, and is thinking about submitting, I agree with this.

It should just be one thread every 2-4 weeks, and the haters should just learn to ignore one thread.

>> No.559085
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Are both me.


Yes. Especially the less regular release schedule. Also see it as being able to avoid self-imposed constraints. It can be the gay self-referential, avant-garde all round more overtly intentionally pretentious zine while the other provides consistency.

Less strict deadlines also allow time to find actually good shit to put in it. No filler.

>> No.559102


>Create rival zine.
>Competition inspires editors of both to improve quality filter.
>Sense of pride in individual zines. Authors become attached to their zines. Readers can enjoy two distinct directions.
>Nothing but success.


Also, no more zines. Please.

>> No.559119

Are you actually going to be persuing this or is it purely speculation?

>> No.559127
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This is a me. Testing tha waters.

>> No.559136
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Well, I'd say do that shit man. You've got my vote!

>> No.559140

Buzz me up if you're going to try it out. I'm willing to do 5 hours of submission reading / editing a week.

>> No.559152

God, not this shit again. You're fucking retarded. We're on 4chan, grow some balls.

>> No.559157

Keep the zine faggotry to one thread per week. Don't spread the cancer, you pretentious twats. Anonymous circle jerking is worse than tripfaggotry.

>> No.559161

I like the idea very much, but I can't take it on my shoudlers. I don't know how to keep up a zine website. On the other hand I know how to make basic websites, and I've always wanted to get better at it so I could help SWG deliver their entries in website format. The idea being that instead of having an ugly PDF, you could have each text put on a fake paper texture that people could browse while a music alike rainymood.com plays automatically in the background.

>> No.559184
File: 14 KB, 191x214, sal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do so like the pdf. format, however.


Thanks. :]

See my email. If you like the idea, and have a short story you'd like to back up the thing with, do submit. Or maybe if you'd like to get on board with technical ability. Graphic design, innovative ideas (like the website deal, mayhap) or whatever.

This isn't me saying it's going to happen. It's me saying I'd like to see how many people there are interested in actually putting content towards it. Mostly because I agree /lit/ probably doesn't have enough people for two quality zines. But I'd like to check.


>> No.559199

alright, I'm game for this.

pretentioushack@gmail.com, I can edit. And I'm pretentious.

>> No.559210
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I like your style already.

>> No.559240

This shit is madgay.
So it appeals to me!
I'm willing to do any grunt-work (proof-reading, editing et.c) that needs doing. Hit me up if you need me.


>> No.559243

>Create rival zine.
>number of quality submissions ever more thinly spread, with /lit/'s few genuinely good writers (Josef K, Jeremy Levett) already aligned with ZWG
>sense of pride in individual zines causes constant flamewars and shitstorms
>attempt at competitor fails due to nobody caring, ZWG weakened by competition and /lit/ being thoroughly fed up with zines, eventually also crumbles


>> No.559244

>>559184 Mostly because I agree /lit/ probably doesn't have enough people for two quality zines.
I'm unsure what you mean by this. Are you saying that there is not enough people to submit entries for two zines, or not enough talented people to maintain two zines?

>> No.559247

I have absolutely no problem with this. The forum takes up too much of my free time as it is.

>> No.559252
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Many editors. No writers.

Right. Now I appreciate zine problems.

>> No.559253

How the fuck could anyone but an Objectivist wank fantasist think this is remotely a good idea?

If you want to fuck around as an editor offer your services to ZWG, they can always use the help. It's not like their policies are set in stone (at anon's request they're cutting the latest zine to fiction/nonfiction/poetry categories, for instance) and they're at least somewhat established.

This is just going to divide /lit/'s already limited talent pool into pointless squabbling. Two rival zines is just wasted effort, trollfuel and bad blood all around.

>> No.559257

zinefag reporting in:

>> No.559263

nice try ZWG fanboy

>> No.559266

See? It's started already and the second zine doesn't even exist.

>> No.559274

>vague statement about the necessity of the Other.

Derrida approves. This will only make /lit/ better.

>> No.559286

Ye gods, the samefagging here is even more obnoxious and obvious than on the ZWG threads.

>> No.559289

Hmm.... I approve of this.

>> No.559290

Maybe to increase the number of /lit/fags we should recruit from /b/. They used to have Literature Thursday and it was extremely popular.

>> No.559294

>Flood of /b/tards into zinethreads
>Inevitably causes the project to fall apart into a cacophony of herps and derps and pedophillia
Hmm, I'm okay with this.

>> No.559297

>>559253 How the fuck could anyone but an Objectivist wank fantasist think this is remotely a good idea?
I can try. SWG cannot process all their entries. They have too much. They are drowned. They are receiving so many texts that they started putting people on hold for next issue. Then they received even more, so they are putting people on hold for the issue AFTER next. That's one month of waiting list. SWG cannot handle the traffic it is getting. Not with their ethic of releasing 60 pages per issue.

SWG releases two issue per month. If there was another zine, and it released on alternate weeks, then there would be 4 releases by month. One release each week, and no waiting time.

>> No.559296


What happened to that? Did that disappear when the /lit/ board was created, maybe?

>> No.559301


No it fizzled out prior to that, but there are many /b/tards who love literature.

>> No.559303

>implying most of their submissions are serious ones

>> No.559306


We should make a /b/ zine. It would destroy ZWG and /lit/.

>> No.559308
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...No. This is a fucking stupid idea.

>> No.559311

Protip: it's ZWG.

>> No.559314


>implying /b/ is capable of making a zine

>> No.559316

No, I am Skeleton Jelly.

>> No.559321


>implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying implying

>> No.559327

You know I'd join up with ZWG if they wanted to streamline their image, and possibly shoot for cross-board format. Get a staff from /mu/ on to solicit music reviews. Recipes from /ck/. Since /b/ already contributes nothing to 4chan we can just ignore that. Maybe funnies from /co/.

>> No.559335

So, uh

offer your editing services to them so that they can produce regular quality zines, rather than trying to tear them down?

No, this isn't about making good zines, it's about getting your names on another shitty fizzled-out project to samefag til you can samefag no more. Christ.

>> No.559347

>>559335 tear them down
That's a strange way to write competition; you would be led to believe that anything which isn't a monopoly brings death and madness upon the land.

>> No.559353

They've actually been thinking about doing just that, but mostly /lit/fags and spend all their time editing so aren't sure where to start.

>> No.559360

You're on 4chan. Anything which isn't absolute is an endless trollocaust between two things. Know what the fuck you're talking about before you get on your libertarian high horse at me, son.

>> No.559357

>cross-board format
For fuck sakes. This has been done before. And it failed horribly, because the boards share an animosity against each other. And /co/ already has an entire site designed for litfag contributions. A much less pretentious one than the zinefaggots.

>> No.559382


link plz

>> No.559409



>> No.559412

He's lying. This kind of thing has never happened before. /lit/ is going to bring much pride and recognition to 4chan and we'll lead the ignorant swine brothers of the other boards from their troughs to sit at our table.

>> No.559413

OP here. Now trip-coding so as not to be samefaggy. My last post was >>559252.

This is now about Socialists and Rand.

Based on feedback. I suspect a secondary zine wouldn't have all that much to offer. Certainly not while ZWG is still in its infancy. Maybe better to wait til ZWG reveals itself as a quality long standing /lit/ institution or a fail ego-wank.

By the by, I do like ZWG. Though mostly for Josef K. Fucking. Josef K.

>> No.559422

>/lit/ is going to bring much pride and recognition to 4chan and we'll lead the ignorant swine brothers of the other boards from their troughs to sit at our table.
This is worse than that Chanology faggotry.

>> No.559433

That sounds wonderful, but it is extremely impractical. Coordinating an editing staff of 4 is difficult enough, with people constantly becoming too busy with their own lives to devote any time to editing, and occasionally just losing interest altogether. We went through about 3 editors who just disappeared within days of joining, and other who simply never responded after asking to become editors.

Having a staff for each board would be, in 4chan terminology, a clusterfuck. Oh, that was Dane Cook. But you get the idea.

If you could _actually_ find a group of reliable, dedicated people, it might work, but bi-monthly issues would be impossible because the bigger you get, the slower you move. You would also have to have a leader, which you all know would lead to failure. Either he would be undependable, inept, or 4chan would simply start to hate him regardless of how good he is at leading.

Keeping this project small has been the only reason that we have gotten 3 issues done, even if the 1st was a trainwreck.

>> No.559445
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I'm here to offer you the chance to streamline our image, and possibly shoot for cross-board format. Get a staff from /mu/ on to solicit music reviews. Recipes from /ck/. funnies from /co/

e-mail us

>> No.559446

I'm not libertarian, on a horse, a neophyte to 4chan or your son. This isn't some sort of debate about pretentious principles. The simple truth is that there is too much work being done by one entity. People are weird: sometimes they would rather join a new entity than join the older one. This is how society works. If it happened in this case it would increase output. It is a good thing. Drama can happen. It will not cause the death of babies or the rise of the third reich.

>> No.559444

Polite sage for no more zines.

>By the by, I do like ZWG. Though mostly for Josef K. Fucking. Josef K.
You realize he has a blog with all these stories already posted, right?

>> No.559452

I am a fail sager.

>> No.559453


Clusterfuck is a military term, not a Dane Cook invention. Twat.

>> No.559458
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Yeah you are.

>> No.559465

>implying /co/, /mu/, and /ck/ don't already have their own projects going on, and couldn't give a shit about /lit/'s

>> No.559468

>I don't give a shit
>I can't stop posting about how I don't give a shit

>> No.559473

So, /k/ has 9mm vs .45, /tg/ has 3.5 vs 4.0, /co/ has rare vs well done, and now /lit/ too can have a pointless retarded hobby-horse of trolling and hatred!

Yeah, no.

>> No.559481

this may have been a /lit/ specific project when it was concieved, but we want this to become a 4chan project in general.

no stratification by board loyalty, no cross-group conflict. we're looking on a global scope, but just havn't managed to implement it yet