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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 46 KB, 500x666, bobross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5584485 No.5584485 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/,

/mu/tant here, and I've really been wanting to get into reading, but haven't the slightest idea where to begin because I haven't bought a book for pleasure in years.

Perhaps if I linked my movie and music interests and basic demographics you could point me in the right direction:
-Favorite movies: Lost In Translation, Garden State, Office Space, Shawshank Redemption.
-Favorite bands: Modest Mouse, Radiohead, Brand New, Elliott Smith, and Thrice. (Really into indie rock/pop, alternative, emo, post-hardcore, and IDM).
-21, male, senior in college, going to law school next fall, battle anxiety/depression from time to time.

Hopefully you guys can show me some love. I'd gladly give music recommendations in exchange.

>> No.5584490

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.5584492


Start with the pre-Socratics

>> No.5584497

Fuck >>5584490, I would recommend the Thomas Pynchon's Crying of Lot 49. It's a pretty easy read but it also touches on a lot of concepts in ingenious ways. It's funny, it's trippy, it's enigmatic, it's only ~100 pages.

>> No.5584515

>I'm waiting on the good times now
This brings me nearly to tears every time I see this picture simply because Bob Ross was a genuinely simple, happy man that was perfectly content with his life and the idea that something could possibly sadden this man is heart wrenching.

>> No.5584529


Begin with the Babylonians.

>> No.5584540

die sophist scum

>> No.5584542
File: 8 KB, 224x224, God whod wanna be such an asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modest Mouse
>Brand New
>Lost in Translation

OP, I think I can help you compile a list of books (along with /lit/) that you'll enjoy and they're basic/"entry level" enough that other people will talk to you about em. And props for Modest Mouse, m8.

Judging by your tastes and what you're going for, I think you should be looking at anything like...

>Hemingway (specifically 'A Farewell to Arms' and 'The Sun Also Rises')
>Anything by Charles Bukowski (Modest Mouse, ayyyyy lmao - but not on their better albums)
>Camus ('The Stranger' - maybe start with this one since it's so well known and such a short novella that you can tell pretty quickly whether or not you'll like Camus)
>David Foster Wallace - 'Brief Interviews with Hideous Men'
>'The Catcher in the Rye' (if you haven't already read it for school or something)

I'll let you know if I can think of anymore, but I think I get the vibe you're going for, m8.

>> No.5584547

The feel is real

>> No.5584551

this .. this is just fantastic

>> No.5584556

>modest mouse
>implying i would want music recs from a pleb
Go read John Green you'd like him

>> No.5584560

>Garden State
4chan is only for people who are 18 and older. Try Hunger Games or The Fault in Our Stars.

>> No.5584561

Fucking idiot.

Of course a /mu/ wouldn't know the concept of a sticky.

>> No.5584563
File: 817 KB, 1284x2004, 1360806124405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't we do this already for the wikisticky?

pic somewhat related

>> No.5584568

Saying Modest Mouse is pleb reveals you as a pleb.

>> No.5584569

I was going to put fag in there but I wouldn't want to offend the gays when comparing you to them.

>> No.5584572


>> No.5584579
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, TLCW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably, I've been on /lit/ for a while but I only checked out the sticky for about 10min almost 2 years ago. But yes, OP, you should probably take a look at the sticky, I suppose. The only problem with the sticky is that it's based on people wanting to get into literature in general, and OP is asking for specific books related to his tastes as he said he's really more interested in just getting into "reading."

Annnnnnnnnd this

>> No.5584589

I laughed quite hard. It was just so unexpected and violent. It instantly conjured some Diogenes-esque figure (classical robes and all) into my mind accosting some poor guy who was just giving an honest opinion.

>> No.5584595

>tumblrcore pleb babies detected
My 15 year old sister loves Modest Mouse and reblogging black and white photography of homosexual effeminate men.

>> No.5584601

you should kill yourself for saying you are part of a board

>> No.5584603

This is exactly what I needed to see. Thanks a lot man.

>> No.5584616

how can a mouse be modest.

fucking music and his stupid names.

>> No.5584623

Your 15 year old sister has better taste than you.

>> No.5584630

Your 15 year old sister sounds like a patrician. You sound kinda like a chump, m8.

>> No.5584634

>hasn't even told you his taste in music
not even that guy but you're a retard. go back to your meme board

>> No.5584636

Their name is derived from a passage from the Virginia Woolf story "The Mark on the Wall" which reads, "I wish I could hit upon a pleasant track of thought, a track indirectly reflecting credit upon myself, for those are the pleasantest thoughts, and very frequent even in the minds of modest, mouse-coloured people, who believe genuinely that they dislike to hear their own praises."

>> No.5584638
File: 272 KB, 676x456, coffee_and_cigarettes_by_nytr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, they didn't even come up with their name - it's from a Virginia Woolf story ("The Mark on the Wall"). Isaac Brock is way more /lit/ than you.

Tell your sister I say hey.
Unless she only likes Good News and We Were Dead and not TLCW or TMAA.

You're welcome, I gotcha m8

Black and white photography you say? ;)

>> No.5584645

>brand new
>modes mouse
what's will all those stupid names for bands?
Is this some post modernist shit like "the naked lunch"?

>> No.5584670

EL-OH-EL! I know, rite? Wat about all thuh good dayz wear we had R3AL bandS like AC/DC, QUEEN, and Rolling Stonez? I sweaarrrrrrrrrrrrr this generashun is f*cked!

[Plz upvote for reeeeeeeel musik]

>> No.5584679


i like your goodvibes OP. your film game's weak. your mu taste is pleb for mu but not bad for lit.

swami sez:

1. Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
2. The Stranger by Camus
3. Nausea by Sartre

>> No.5584684
File: 38 KB, 397x380, potato constanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laughed my ass off at this shitposting.
I don't even hear those bands.
Pic related, I saved this once when a faggo like you posted here.

>> No.5584692

>I don't even hear those bands
What the actual fuck - what's wrong with your ears, man?

>> No.5584694

This picture reeks of tryhard poseur but fuck me the aesthetic quality of the grainy cigarette ash and coffee splash bordering the rim of the mug combined with the blinding whites is fucking beautiful.

>> No.5584704
File: 69 KB, 882x324, mu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, I'm into much more patrician shit, but those are the top5 on my last.fm from the past two years. I've obviously grown a bit, but still have a soft spot for some of the feels music. Honestly didn't know how much this board knew about music, so I figured I'd list them and see where it got me. Nothing says "I'm an unappreciative prick" if I listed some obscure praised bullshit on /mu/ that nobody would recognize outside of that board.

Thanks for the recs, really appreciate it.

Yes, my film game's weak. I accept it. Don't watch enough movies. Netflix tv shows, beer and music get into way.

>> No.5584718

i dont listen to try hard music for angsty teens.

>> No.5584719

>I'm into patrician shit
>beer, tv, and music

>> No.5584726


happy travels.
see you sometime soon when i'm shitposting on /mu/

>> No.5584727

claiming that you are a patrician is admitting you are a pleb for being a tryhard
Better go back to your shitty board full of tripfags

>> No.5584733

Nahhhhh, dad rock is for tweens (maybe 15 year olds at oldest) but I was referring to your verbiage there, m8.

>I don't "hear" them

>> No.5584735
File: 45 KB, 500x381, Dexter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being into patrician shit doesn't require 24 hours/day dedicated to music. I drink two nights a week, watch an episode or two of a netflix series per day, and listen to about 5-6 hours of music/day. Oh yeah, and I have friends that I enjoy spending time with while in my last year of undergrad. Hopefully you don't outgrow your fedora anytime soon.

>> No.5584737

I'm new to reading as well, but I want to get into something classic that I'll really enjoy. I have a translated version of Anna Karenina as well as Jane Eyre. Which of these should I get started on first? They both seem pretty massive, but I'll have lots of reading time to pass and keep my interests up until I get my kindle.

>> No.5584741

I'm not that fag >>5584718
, fag.

I just kek'd because of those stupid names.

>> No.5584758

virginia woolf was a hack anyway.

>> No.5584767

I don't know you, but playing the numbers game I would recommend something shorter first. As they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions, if you are dedicated longer books won't be a problem, but if you have a history of starting things all the time and dropping them in a week or two.. well you get the point.

>> No.5584773


hey dude. want to go mountain climbing?

not in the sierras or the alps.
we're gonna go straight for K2 (because everest is for casuals).

just show up at my place next week. we have plenty of time to climb it.

>> No.5584777

>I drink two nights a week, watch an episode or two of a netflix series per day, and listen to about 5-6 hours of music/day.

You should read, you pleb.
You're just a mindless consumer and use your -- I presume, -- obscure music to grasp for a sense of authentic personality (this act obviously being anathema to that goal seeing as trying to express yourself through other people's work is entirely inauthentic and pleb as fuck)

>> No.5584782

see >>5584490
and >>5584492

>> No.5584786

Kurt Vonnegut - Breakfast of Champions is a good "meta" book in which the author inserts himself, repeatedly gives away the ending, etc. I think it's the one book I read at like age 16 or so that made me actually lift up my head and go "oh, books can be interesting after all"

>> No.5584793


>> No.5584795
File: 418 KB, 747x1417, 1381963953842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5584797

I see. Jane Eyre is 400 pages whereas Anna Karenina is 800+. I'll probably go with the former then.

>> No.5584800

>(this act obviously being anathema to that goal seeing as trying to express yourself through other people's work is entirely inauthentic and pleb as fuck

Exactly like /lit/

>> No.5584809

I've enjoyed all these, but isn't this pretty much just collected high school assigned reading?

>> No.5584810

>You should read
Hence why I'm here, dickweed.
>You're just a mindless consumer
Euphoric statement, bro. I'm just a guy who really likes music, listens it all day for no purpose other than pleasure, torrents a fuckton of it and enjoys the feeling of finding new artists I really like, and enjoys the humor of /mu/ and the recommendations on there. There's usually one or two people willing to discuss music for every internet-righteous neckbeard like yourself.

>> No.5584818

>bourgeois as fuck

>> No.5584824

>Euphoric statement, bro

no no, there really are marxists on this boards

>> No.5584830


"but isn't it just"?

my mountain climbing analogy was that just because you have time to read Tolstoy or Jane Eyre doesn't mean you should or are prepared.

I'd rather see you read something shorter and enjoy it and talk about than see you slave through Jane Eyre and never read another book after that miserable experience.

>> No.5584836

Crawl before you walk before you run, pahtna

>> No.5584852

I've read nearly all of those books in that chart, though. I should clarify that I'm not totally new to reading in general - just that I'm not as well-read as most of the people here. I want to tackle something larger now. Jane Eyre doesn't seem very difficult at all judging from the first few pages.

>> No.5584868


What book have you read that you consider the most 'significant'?

>> No.5584902

Significant in what way? To overall humanity or the one that had the most significant impact to me? I'm not trying to challenge you on this or anything, just wondering.

>> No.5584935


To you. I only meant that the in the leap from that list to Tolstoy and Jane Eyre, there's a few steps missing. What I recommend will be based on trying not to make you dredge through 800 pages of Russian lit until you're prepared to enjoy it.

>> No.5584948

Alright, I'll say that the books I've enjoyed most so far in life have been IT by Stephen King and Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut, even though I know they're really commonly dismissed on here. I liked what I read from The Merchant of Venice a lot with footnotes provided too. I can't think of many that have had a very big impact on me outside of those.

>> No.5585161


Read V. Their album Vheissu took its title from it.

>> No.5586643


>> No.5586799

Same boat, bruh. Fuck that tryhard trying to hate on you for nothing.

There's another thread here right now with a list of /lit/'s favorite books; go for those for now. Get an account on Goodreads: it'll give you recommendations like Last.FM. Best of luck in your scholastic journey, brother.

>> No.5586813

>Favorite bands: Modest Mouse, Radiohead, Brand New, Elliott Smith, and Thrice.
>I'd gladly give music recommendations in exchange.

top quack m8. fuck off.

you'll probably like lord of the flies, 1984 and the hunger games you fucking pleb.

Jesus christ, you're going to law school. when can we get a fucking philosopher king?

>> No.5586865

Go back to /mu/ god damn it.

I came here to get away from you fucks.

>> No.5587355

one the road is mentioned twice in this picture, what happend? did the author run out of tryhards ideas?

>> No.5587363


>> No.5587366
File: 32 KB, 218x232, dear diary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well fuck. you are a little pleb, aren't you? :3

>> No.5587374

>/mu/tant here
Back to your home teenager

>> No.5587467

modest mouse sucks ass because they sound terrible when they play live.

if a band cant play live then there is no point to em


>> No.5587491

hehe faggot XD

>> No.5587533

Slaughterhouse Five > Catch 22 > Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.5587944

please do not troll me this way

>> No.5588556


>> No.5589476

Reverse it

>> No.5589490

If you're looking for Philosophy definitely kierkegaard, particularly either/or and sickness unto death.

>> No.5589502


>> No.5589509

That was the order in which OP should read, if I were to put them in order of quality, I'd reverse it.

Hahahah fuck I'm dumb

>> No.5589519

ur a fag