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5583794 No.5583794 [Reply] [Original]

Any thoughts comments on this poem i wrote?

You said to me you loved me
and there i knew it true
i kissed your lips
tousled your hair
and promised you the world

I said I'd be there for you always
our gifted me your heart
and i gave you mine
as i promised you the world

i promised you a future
a home with splendor and cheer
i said you were my everything
and that you would never cry
while i promised you the world

i met up with some old friends
and much to your dismay
i did some things to you
that words jus can not say
i lied i sneaked i vanished
and yet i promised you the world

you stuck with me through thick and thin
fir i still held your heart
and you soon found yourself
sitting lonesome in the dark
you grew tired of my antics
your anger brewed inside
and as you started doubting
i still promised you the world

i'll never forget that night
however hard i try
the night you said goodbye
i realized you were through
i know words cant descrive
the pain i put you through
i cant promsie you the world
but i do promise i will try
i know i hurt you deeply
and that i cant deny
i pray that time will heal all wounds
so maybe we can try

Please excuse all the grammar errors, i was in a hurry and just need some opinions on the content.

>> No.5583800

oh boy another love poem

it's trite

>> No.5583815

Love poem was the assignment. I'm looking for opinions on the content and the over all flow.

>> No.5583816

Where are you in this? Did you even have a relationship? Were you even fucking hurt? If you weren't, why the fuck are you writing a poem?

An 8 year old might have more emotional maturity. There isn't an ass-scratching piece of shit on this board, literally bar none, who couldn't send this to an ex and have it be relevant. Put yourself, or her, or something that has a shred of goddamn meaning, in this or don't write at all.

>> No.5583817

Its in limerick.

Rewrite it as a sonnet chain.

>> No.5583821

honestly the worst poem i have ever read

>> No.5583848


>> No.5583855

Well obviously I suck at writing, but the honest replies are appreciated.

>> No.5583859

Sorry OP but it sucks. If it's for school don't worry about it though who cares.

>> No.5583883

>honest replies are appreciated
>honest replies

Drown yourself in a river of shit. Human culture will be better off for it.

>> No.5583892

Honestly, i think you should scrap the whole thing, or at least put it to side and write something else entirely.
If you can, you should make it shorter and be more conscious about your choices of word, they don't have to be completely logical, you are supposed to evoke some emotions and create some imagery and i think you failed to do so.
Love poems can be wonderful, but just telling a story is not enough

>> No.5583903

10/10. Rolling Stones calls it a "masterpiece." New York Times says "prepare yourself for the journey of a lifetime." Two thumbs up. Bravo. Encore. It's found a permanent place on my nightstand! It changed my life. I love you, OP, and I'm your biggest fan. Riveting. Astonishing. An instant cult classic. Fans of poetry rejoice. If Steven King and Shakespeare had a love child, this would be it. It rocked my world.

>> No.5583907

And i know it is very vague, but i just have never been into poetry that just plain and simple describe something in the way you did..

it is basically
I liked a girl
she liked me - poetic phrase
then something went wrong
poetic phrase

>> No.5583935
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get a load of this edgelord

>> No.5583936

kolsti plz go

>> No.5583975

Not so into honesty now OP?

>> No.5583990

this isn't a poem it's just you saying some shit

>> No.5583995

roses are red
I'm not OP
don't talk to me
you cringebucket

>> No.5584146

Miku is red
Chilno is blue
You are a neet
I fucked your touhou.

>> No.5585210
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>i kissed your lips
>tousled your hair

>> No.5585312

lips are to kiss
hair are to touch
your poetry a diss [i'm too polite to write 'piss']
i dislike it much