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5583257 No.5583257 [Reply] [Original]

So what is logic and who are the best logicians?

>> No.5583259

Humanity is governed by irrational forces. Logic will always be counter intuitive to the human experience.

Always remember that.

>> No.5583265

I try to explain this to my Scientist friends and it is fucking impossible. They say that, in the end, the forces of logic prevails.

>> No.5583272

please could you provide a reference for that claim

I dont read much philosophy but that kinda interests me

>> No.5583275

tell them that there is no end

>> No.5583281

Ok, where did you learn that from?

>> No.5583287

Might as well ask here.

I know next to nothing about modal logic, so forgive my ignorance here (I'm still learning) but why the fuck do you need to posit extra worlds? Why not just say that all there is is the actual world and it is accessible to itself? What's the benefit of adding a bunch of shit to your ontology?

>> No.5583324

How can you predict that it is going to be chaotic, and how is it chaotic if it is predictable?

>> No.5583333


>> No.5583368

Read about Apollonian and Dionysian forces

>> No.5583373


>> No.5583432

cf the works of Pascal, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard


The point of modal logic is that some propositions will be true in some worlds and false in others, or, if you like it better, that there isn't a single one consistent system of propositions from a given axiomatic, but several. (while in first-order logic every proposition is true or false).

The "other worlds" vocabulary is merely to give oneself the possibility to consider alternatives. It's not so much about actual others words than about different systems of propositions under the same laws.

>> No.5584474

Derrida if you want a more precise criticism of logic's assumptions.

>> No.5584513

For a critique of identity-thinking he should go to Adorno, not Derrida

>> No.5584790

Logic is to improve human thinking in order to improve human existence - andrzej grzegorczyk

>> No.5584801

Also, ff he never even read Frankfurt he won't be too happy just graving Derrida.

>> No.5586304

Tautological truth bye-bye.

>> No.5586344

You're on your way but no that's not necessarily true. The problem is that people claim certain positions as purely logical and so try to push them as the status quo when logical is purely destructive, that is not constructing positions but delineating what is consistent and what is not.

>> No.5586348

Logic is a formalization of grammar into mathematical models.

The best logician is probably Wittgenstein, but Whitehead, Godel and Russell are all awesome

>> No.5586385

Where did you not learn that from?

>> No.5586696

I find the vast expanse of skin between her navel and panty line fascinating.

>> No.5586728

I can totally see myself play with my matchbox cars on that area

wroom wroom

>> No.5586760

I really doubt that girl is a virgin


>> No.5586792

>who are the best logicians
In terms of contribution: Aristotle, Frege, and Godel.

>So what is logic
A lot of things. E.g., one of central, if not the center, concepts of Logic is the relation of logical consequence.

>> No.5586844

>So what is logic and who are the best logicians?
T.J. Kincaid, Sam Harris, Stefan Molyneux.

>> No.5587680


i don't do much (philosophical) logic, but i would say to make derivations easier.

if you only take a few axioms as granted, the world is very special (you just can't say anything besides of what you have defined)

on the other hand from there you can mak new assumptions and only have to test those against a few axioms.

>> No.5587702

lol. It'd be good if this were true, but it's not

>> No.5587729

>The best logician is probably Wittgenstein, but Whitehead, Godel and Russell are all awesome

His contribution to logic is nil compared to that of the others you mentioned. Wittgenstein has little more than Frege, so you should have just mentioned Frege instead. Witty is first and foremost a philosopher of language: those share concepts and concerns with logicians, but ultimately they are different in what they produce.

Hilbert isn't exactly a logician but he did contribution to the issue of founding arithmetic.

Cohen also made important contributions.