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558266 No.558266 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished reading this, my second Vonnegut book. Liked it much better than Mother Night. The whole time I kept reading it though I kept thinking what a good film this would make. I think the Coen brothers would be fucking perfect for it.

>> No.558270

I read Slaughterhouse 5 last week to try out Vonnegut, since it seems to be his most famous work. Really wasn't impressed. Do you know if it's the same style as most of his other novels, or should I give him another go?

>> No.558273

I hadn't considered that. You're right: I think the Coens could do Vonnegut well.

Though it's a shame we gravitate towards thinking about the "filmable potential" of books so much.

>> No.558275

He has a very consistent voice. His writing style is consistent. But some of his other books are less "fantastic." Some are moreso.

>> No.558291

Some of his other works that I liked included Cats Cradle and Sirens of Titan. Sirens of Titan make a lot of sense in a Lovecraftian Horror, sans horror. It's weird, but very interesting. Inescapable fate and all that. Cats Cradle is kind of a Cuban Missile Crisis metaphor, and also speaks to the human condition.

I need to reread these later.

>> No.558320


>it's a shame we gravitate towards thinking about the "filmable potential" of books so much.

So, true anon. I love film almost as much as prose, so if the adaptation is done right, than I'm all for it. Modern times...

>> No.558329

If you didn't like Slaughterhouse 5 you should throw yourself in front of a bus you SQUARE