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/lit/ - Literature

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5575640 No.5575640 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of this book and Brandon Sanderson's works in general? If you have not read any of them I strongly recommend them.

>> No.5575683

He's interesting enough, the sequel to your pic got really weeb near the end though.

>> No.5575689

His work is alright overall, a bit weak at the start of his career (Elantris is almost unreadable). Has slowly gotten better. Still struggles with writing believable characters. Still doesn't hold a candle to Wolfe, Cook, Bakker, Erikson, etc.

>> No.5575699

True , but I really like what he dose with the overall canon/interactions between books, like Hoid for example

>> No.5575726

Decent. Nothing special either.
Kaladin´s arc is the same in this book and the sequel, and that pisses me off. Well, Kaladin himself annoys me. The chosen one stuff is so bad, jesus fuck. And he even has a floating waifu who gives him powers.

>> No.5575760

Used to love him, started to reread recently though and realised his prose isn't very good.

I do like his storylines, and the simplistic characters often work for him. I do wish he'd flesh out the MC a bit more, though, and also that I could shake the feeling that he's writing a vaguely autistic dream fantasy.

>> No.5576123
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> YA
> video game-esque magic system
> joining two words when naming anything
> shallow and clinical world and characters
> pleb prose

mfw there are people here that think any of these are acceptable, let alone recommendable

>> No.5576295

I have never wished a painful death upon somebody, but you totally deserve it if it were to happen to you.