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File: 153 KB, 424x568, Gatsby_1925_jacket.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
557473 No.557473 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book actually good? I know it's required reading in most schools, but I want to know if it's really *good*.

If it is, this book shall be the beginning of my foray into the world of literature and reading.

>> No.557475

A lot of style, not a lot of substance. Don't expect any extremely complex characters or layers of subtext. It's an enjoyable read, I loved it.

>> No.557477

Some people like it, some people don't like it.
Since it's lasted this long, it's probable that there are some merits that you may or may not enjoy.

>> No.557483

the beginning is some fucking douchebag dryly explaining where he was born and his date of birth and shit like he's filling out a job application

he may or may not be a faggot. anyway, he talks about his neighbors and how this boring love affair goes down in boring detail between a dude and this chick but it's doomed because LOL THE CLASS WAR

then gatsby gets killed

the end


>> No.557488

Gatsby, Nick, and Daisy threesome sex scene is pretty epic.

Actually it is EPINS.

>> No.557489

His words are incredible. His characters are vapid and meh. Read it with an eye for Fitzgerald's language, not for his settings or people.

>> No.557529

Do you appreciate style or substance? A strong narrative or one that's well-told?

>> No.557535

It's a wonderful book, certainly one of the best ever written. Anyone who disagrees is mad because it's not sci-fi or fantasy.

>> No.557557

>His characters are vapid and meh.

Wasn't that the point?

>> No.557562

Yes, but it's a warning. A lot of people read books expecting to find at least one character to like. I like strong characters with complex personalities in my books. I enjoy reading about heroes. The Great Gatsby has none and that was a surprise for me. It is still a great book, but if you are the type who has to like the characters in a book to think the book is good, this is not the book for you.

>> No.557564

Oh shit.... that makes sense.

>> No.557567

i've always hated the fact that most of fitzgerald's characters are wealthy assholes.

>> No.557573


I thought Nick was likable in the innocent bystander sort of way... even though he let his man crush for Gatsby cause him to enable their affair...

>> No.557574


The affair between Gatsby and Daisy I mean.

>> No.557578

The magic of The Great Gatsby is about the revelation of who Gatsby really is. He's basically a barbarian masquerading as an aristocrat. The cause of his downfall is his aspiration to be exactly like them, right down to the women they have to have.

I still feel that Jay Gatz is a lot closer to representing to ideals of the American Dream while living the American Nightmare.

Don't mind me, I've just written a few essays on the book.

>> No.557583

Alright, guys, I appreciate your input. I'm going to get the book and read it.

>> No.558363

Very boring. Just recently started reading it again from the ventures through high school (Rather, a week or less) read of a book. Nothing changed through gained knowledge.

I really do not like his style.

>> No.558370

I remember I once said to a guy who was going to make a life-changing decision:

"Who cares what you have to give up? Fuck your roots. Fuck your family. Fuck your name. Fuck all the accidental tyrannies of your life - be whoever you want. Wake up in the morning, work hard and study more. Be whatever you want."

He told me I was naive.

I didn't understand until I read Gatsby.

>> No.558645

Now I'm really excited to read it. Just checked it out from the library.

>> No.558651


>The cause of his downfall is his aspiration to be exactly like them, right down to the women they have to have.

You got that backwards bro. Gatsby only wants to be like them to get Daisy.

>> No.558653


man i hate when i don't look at post times and end up responding to something written 12 hours ago

>> No.560083
File: 36 KB, 298x427, jerk store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jay pursues a lifestyle which he does not truely enjoy in an attempt to return to his past with Daisy.

His bootlegging is his downfall, notice Daisy immediately does not want to see Gatsby ever again after it is revealed to her he participates in illegal activities.

Daisy cannot live in a world with error because she was raised to believe women should all be "beautiful little fools" who would not have to deal with the issues of corruption and discontent.

>> No.560821


He only pursues Daisy because other men pursue her. She has an inherent "value", and he wants to have what others want.

It's not the bootlegging that shocks Daisy, it's that he isn't who she believes him to be. She can't accept that an outsider can enter her perfect little world. It's exactly what shocks Nick, who is of the same background - he specifically mentions this in the first chapter and during the funeral.

>> No.560827
File: 151 KB, 1000x862, bitches and whores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daisy and Jordan