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File: 7 KB, 197x256, JVN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5570601 No.5570601 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the Jon Von Neumann of philosophy? Which philosopher is objectively the smartest, highest IQ, most creative and beyond everyone else?

(not who you're favorite is, or who you agree with, but just the most mentally skillful, logical, correct)

>inb4 Hegel, no charlatans allowed.

>> No.5570606

Oh man, time for 300 posts of slowly accumulating terrible argument, shitposting, and reaction images!

>> No.5570607

ur mom lol

>> No.5570610

that guy they simply called the philosopher in medieval times

>> No.5570622
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>Jon Von Neumann

>As a 6-year-old, he could divide two 8-digit numbers in his head. By age 8, he could do differential and integral calculus.

>his wealthy father hired renowned analyst Gábor Szegő as a tutor. At age 15, on their first meeting, Szegő was so astounded and shaken by the boy's mathematical talent that he was brought to tears

>> No.5570624

That's the face of someone gone mad

>> No.5570625
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but could he see why people enjoy the taste of pure ideology?

>> No.5570630

Hegel was the most comprehensive.

>> No.5570649

>You will never be this skilled
why even live

>> No.5570653
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>> No.5570654


There is no human being like Von Neumann in any field. He was basically publishing a revolutionary result/technique/finding every month, from economics, to math, to engineering, physics, comp sci etc...

Plus, in philosophy it's almost impossible to identify "genius" and "correctness"

>> No.5570695


>> No.5570703



>> No.5570704
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Is anyone astounded when they look at this man?

One of the finest minds ever produced...

and yet you are overwhelmed with his pathetic physical body. The man has a terrible hairline, saggy cheeks, no chin, is quite short...the kind of man that while one would surely have as an acquaintance at work, would never want as a best friend or would feel comfortable confiding inner truths to, the kind of man a woman might see and feel slightly repulsed if he approached her, worried she might have to deflect an advance.

And yet his mind is utterly superior.

It is puzzling, isn't it? Such an aesthetic mediocrity that it makes no sense. The point is that, this seems to be the norm when it comes to individuals with superior intellects...they are simply ...ugly.

>> No.5570719


>women repulsed

He married his sweetheart though. They got along just fine.

>> No.5570745

>At Princeton he received complaints for regularly playing extremely loud German marching music on his gramophone, which distracted those in neighbouring offices, including Einstein, from their work

Genius and prankster.

>> No.5570774


Or Wittgenstein, at least out of recent people.

>Is anyone astounded when they look at this man?


>and yet you are overwhelmed with his pathetic physical body.

You are; I just see a middle aged white guy.

>The man has a terrible hairline, saggy cheeks, no chin,

When he was old-ish.

>is quite short


>.the kind of man that while one would surely have as an acquaintance at work, would never want as a best friend or would feel comfortable confiding inner truths to, the kind of man a woman might see and feel slightly repulsed if he approached her, worried she might have to deflect an advance.

You have issues.

>And yet his mind is utterly superior.

Computationally, analytically, absolutely. Politically he was daffily right-wing and militaristic, which attests to a certain lack of judgment. IDK much else about his personal life.

>It is puzzling, isn't it?

No, not really. Old guy looks old.

>Such an aesthetic mediocrity that it makes no sense.

Because there's nothing to be made sense of. Aesthetic mediocrity, you say it yourself, nothing notable *at all*, and in the next sentece you're calling him "ugly."

> this seems to be the norm when it comes to individuals with superior intellects...they are simply ...ugly.

No? Easy, instant counterexamples are Wittgenstein and Feynman.

Also FFS fix your goddamn puncuation.

>> No.5570783

>Also FFS fix your goddamn puncuation.

And that's where I stopped reading.

>> No.5570795

Probably Kant
>published first work at 22
>wrote in metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, anthropology, and aesthetics
> influenced all western philosophers after him aka paradigm shift

>> No.5570796
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, Kakumeiki_Valvrave_-_10_-_Large_08[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you are right-wing then by default you lack judgment

I'm leftist myself but you're being silly, anon.

>> No.5570798

hermann weyl

>> No.5570802


It's almost like leftists think people who are right-wing are imbeciles who have no volition...like we are animals.

When I talk to someone who is a leftist I simply admit that they are human beings with intellect who simply came to different conclusions.

Why is that so hard for *some* people to do? It's like they choose to dehumanize the people they dislike...almost like a prelude to murdering them.

>> No.5570832
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this is genuinely comical

>> No.5570834

>Probably Kant
>>published first work at 22
>>> influenced all western philosophers

and he was correct about nothing, just like the philosophers he 'influenced'

>> No.5570866

wittgenstein, probably, but it's kinda a dumb question

>> No.5570900


no, you are a dumb question.

>> No.5570913

Tu autem, domine deus meus, exaudi: respice et vide et miserere et sana me, in cuius oculis mihi quaestio factus sum, et ipse est languor meus.

>> No.5570916


bu da prost yesti! nu pots sa vorbesti in limba ma? hahaha

>> No.5570956

"If you say why not bomb [the USSR] tomorrow, I say, why not today. If you say today at five o'clock, I say why not one o'clock?"

I could argue the broader point you took me as making, although I'm not sure of it, but I was specifically referring to frankly loony statements like that.

>> No.5570990


>> No.5570997

Did anyone read the alien daughter?
Saw her presentention look really neat.
It's Von Neumann daughter and her struggle in the shadow of her father.

>> No.5571001

I meant the Martian daughter

>> No.5571009
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Charles Sanders Peirce

>> No.5571010
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Or Alfred North Whitehead

>> No.5571027

How pretentious

>> No.5571178
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>Charles Sanders Peirce
>Alfred North Whitehead

>> No.5571209

Superior intellect is a anomaly, ugliness is a effect of anomaly too, along with superior intellect, but it's not absolute.

>> No.5571224

John Von Neumann could have been the greatest philosopher of all time if he so wished. However, the man was intelligent enough to realise how worthless the field was.

>> No.5571230

Probably Chomsky tbh

>> No.5571233


Why? He has no theories, ideas, explanations-- he just googles facts and regurgitates them.

>> No.5571717

why is he so qt

>> No.5571822


You stopped reading at the end of the post. Good work maestro. So did the rest of us who read that post.

>> No.5571824


>> No.5571826


But you are animals. Not like I'm not one.

>> No.5571850

He was also a delusional mass murderer.

>> No.5571902


>> No.5571935

Sam Harris

>> No.5571949

Who's smarter than Noam?
No one.
Coincidence? Nah.

>> No.5571954

Hegel, pleb

>> No.5571960

>Which philosopher is objectively the smartest, highest IQ,
These standards only work for STEM autists.

>> No.5571966


>> No.5571983


>> No.5572025


how was this not posted earlier?

>> No.5572042

I know that feel bro, specially when I am mathematician.

Nazis, nazis everywhere.

It's a prelude to murdering them.

I would say Hegel, of course. If you think that he is a Charlatan, it means that you don't have the reading comprehension to be in this conversation.

>> No.5572050

Kierkegaard studied Hegel but became very critical of that kind of speculation. If Hegel had called his philosophy “merely an experiment in thought” he said, then he would have been one of the greatest thinkers of all time. “As it is, he is merely a comic.”

>> No.5572063

Why does everyone keep saying Hegel?

>It's a prelude to murdering them.
Yep, reduce them to being below human so you don't have a guilty conscience over the act committed. Same thing as the holocaust.

>> No.5572109

I was not even kidding. I came from a progressive family and we see right-wing people like failures. We can consider that they have even though.

I'm trying to show them how we do that, and why it is bad. But it's very difficult. And I am becoming a right-wing of those.

>> No.5572110

omg they are so pretend not real like me

>> No.5572116


In all honesty, John Stewart Mill

>> No.5572252


Jon Von Neumann

>> No.5572265

>praising a mass murderer
For having such a remarkable intellect and mathematical/memorizing capability, he sure was a delusional fuck when anything else jumped on his plate.