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/lit/ - Literature

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556879 No.556879 [Reply] [Original]

Authors you hate.


1. No Ayn Rand.
2. No Stephanie Meyer.
3. No Stephen King.

pic related

>> No.556888

Kafka. I just don't like him.

inb4 people hurt me

>> No.556890

Haruki Murakami

>> No.556895

Why does everyone hate Ayn Rand? Is it for the same reasons I hate her?

>> No.556898


you sir are a bitch-ass nigger

>> No.556897 [DELETED] 
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Eight books. Eight fucking books. Eight fucking books of tirade after tirade painstakingly describing Egwene being a total cunt to Mat or the color of Elayne's dress or how confusing women were or how stupid men were, or crap about "pillow friends," with me thinking the entire time "What about the adventure? It's like he doesn't even care about it!"

Much later I realize that he actually didn't care about it, and that what I was actually read was eight books of an man's BDSM fantasies. Fuck you, Jordan. My high school reading, all wasted.

>> No.556903
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Eight books. Eight fucking books. Eight fucking books of tirade after tirade painstakingly describing Egwene being a total cunt to Mat or the color of Elayne's dress or how confusing women were or how stupid men were, or crap about "pillow friends," with me thinking the entire time "What about the adventure? It's like he doesn't even care about it!"

Much later I realize that he actually didn't care about it, and that what I had actually read was eight books of an old man's BDSM fantasies. Fuck you, Jordan. My high school reading, all wasted.

>> No.556907

I loved Norwegian Wood, man. I really hated other 3 or 4 books of his that I tried reading.

>> No.556910

Peter F. Hamilton.

His density makes me want to inject Hemingway's ashes into my eyes to ease the pain.

>> No.556911

Faulkner. How can anyone understand him?

>> No.556918

Motherfucking Zola, can you be more boring cause I'm way too fucking excited when I read your books.

>> No.556921


The passages in italics are in the present and the regular text is his memories

>> No.556923

marcel proust, seriously he's like louis l'amour except about rich faggoty introverts.

>> No.556931

Michael Critchton for writing Sphere

>> No.556935

But Le Ventre de Paris is simply awesome!

>> No.556936

mark twain

>> No.556940


I disagree

>> No.556942

jane austen, i shall travel back in time and rape your cunt

>> No.556944

Orson Scott Card

>> No.556947


I shall assist you.

>> No.556948

jim butcher

i still don't know why there are 500 threads about him on /lit/

>> No.556953

don't be dissin louis l'amour
guy was classy

>> No.556957

The truth is, most of the people on /lit/ are socialist college students who all voted for Obama.

>> No.556959

lovecraft aka loveCRAP

>> No.556961
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Maya Angelou and Toni Morrison.

We get it, you guys are black women and may have been raped. Doesn't give you an excuse to write God-awful poetry and prose.

>> No.556962


lies. Most people who appreciate literature hate Ayn Rand.

>> No.556968


I recognize he's good, I just feel like his stories (at least As I Lay Dying and The Sound and the Fury, the two I've read) are needlessly obtuse and written to be a pain in the ass, and I don't feel like it serves any great purpose to the story or whatever it is that he's going for

>> No.556969

>most people....
You're like the commercials that say "most experts believe..."
Get something to back your shit up.

>> No.556971

>implying that 4chan is filled with anything other than twenty somethings

>> No.556975


You're an idiot if serious.

Political preference has little if any importance when it comes to the near universal loathing of Ayn Rand.

>> No.556976


Yep. And just about the time they start making decent money, Obama's decisions are gonna jump up and bite them in the ass so hard in terms of tax increases that they'll all wonder what the fuck they were thinking.

>> No.556978

Not really, just implying that saying "most people" is not a good argument.

>> No.556979


exactly. Ayn Rand isn't literature, it's cult texts.

For easily verifiable proof of this, look up "100 Greatest Novels" on google, the main list of those (I can't remember what organization collects it) has Ayn Rand and L Ron Hubbard crowding out the top 10. Why? Because they're cult books worshipped by cultists.

>> No.556981

Richard Wright

Ralph Ellison is superior

>> No.556982

Barbra Kingsolver

fuck that bitch. The Beantrees was shit, and so was The Poisonwood Bible.

>> No.556983

Terry Fucking Goodkind, Holy fucking christ... He is seized by the lobotomized ghost of Ayn Rand and he spews his diseased abortion of words. This forms a feces shell that is filled with a steamy diarrhea who's pre-ejaculated form was rusty razor wire whose syphilitic mass tore through a corpse composed of foreskins.

>> No.556984


and what is the reason for that?

>> No.556992

>Implying anybody outside of the USA know who the fuck Ayn Rand is.

>> No.556993


>> No.556994

gore vidal

>> No.556997


Burroughs is just as bad.

>> No.556999

We're on 4chan. All the arguments are filled with logical fallacies, usually degenerating into the ad hominem shoutings of "u faggot."

You faggot.

>> No.557001


Nice trips

>> No.557002

Because it's terribly written?


This sums it up pretty well.

>> No.557005

thou must be trolling, verily

>> No.557007
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>> No.557008


Go die somewhere please.

>> No.557013

don delillo.... i like what he's going for but he takes so fucking long to get somehwere but never does.

he tries to put philosophical shit into EVERY sentence

>> No.557016

Jane Austin
Jane Austin
Jane Austin
Jane Austin

>> No.557030


This odd little woman is attempting to give a moral sanction to greed and self interest, and to pull it off she must at times indulge in purest Orwellian newspeak of the “freedom is slavery” sort. What interests me most about her is not the absurdity of her “philosophy,” but the size of her audience (in my campaign for the House she was the one writer people knew and talked about). She has a great attraction for simple people who are puzzled by organized society, who object to paying taxes, who dislike the “welfare” state, who feel guilt at the thought of the suffering of others but who would like to harden their hearts. For them, she has an enticing prescription: altruism is the root of all evil, self-interest is the only good, and if you’re dumb or incompetent that’s your lookout."

>> No.557038

Oh my God at least spell it right.

Or are you a troll? Fed ya anyways.

>> No.557039

Jordan was terrible, Knaak was terrible. Most fantasy authors are terrible.

>> No.557047

This this this. I can see that there's quality in his work, but I could honestly give a shit while I'm reading it.

>> No.557055

Allan Moore

>> No.557057


What I find so humorous about this entire thing is how fucked up the sides are. Liberals want to take care of their fellow man and allow the poor and blights on society a chance, yet they are usually in support of evolution, which shows that survival is best suited for those who put their self-interests ahead of altruism, unless it fits into the survival angle.

Then the Conservatives usually preach about individual liberty, but fuck all if they rely on a Bible that tells them to not let gays marry. Individual liberty? Yeah, but only those I agree with...or should I say that some cracked out farmers wrote down a couple thousand years ago.

Fuckin Hypocrites...All of you.

>> No.557066
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What are you doing in this thread?

>> No.557067


Protip: evolution in biology =/= social darwinism

>> No.557070

there's nothing 'cultist' about being an individualist....

>> No.557073

You guize did not like Underworld?

>> No.557074

Christopher Hitchens. I seriously don't know why people love him.

>> No.557082


Protip: Killing people is not the same as letting people die.

>> No.557092

>God-awful poetry and prose
I disagree. I don't like Toni Morrison's stories(only read A Mercy),but I think she has wonderful prose.

>> No.557093


Take a biology course. Please. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TAKE ONE! Your knowledge about evolution is so dismal you might as well become a Creationist.

>> No.557108

I had to read The Bean Trees for my English class in sophomore year. Feels bad man

>> No.557115

I hated reading Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby sucks.

>> No.557125

I think is prose were good ,but think that the ending of the Great Gatsby was rushed.

>> No.557127

Evolution promotes survival of species not individuals, get your facts right.

>> No.557129

Whoever that bitch was that wrote the Anita Blake books.

Tasteless garbage

>> No.557141


I agree.

>> No.557154
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>> No.557158

The dude who wrote Consolation of Philosophy. How the fuck do you make your death sentence book so god damn dry?

>> No.557164


Boethius nigra

>> No.557166

Faulkner. "As I Lay Dying" was a piece of shit.
southerners are idiots

>> No.557183
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Nabokov, for writing Lolita.

What a cockteasing, blueballs book.

>> No.557191
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>> No.557207

Fucking Joyce.

Greatest troll of all time.

>> No.557210
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>> No.557219

anne rice. waste of my time

>> No.557221


Who's that?

>> No.557222


>> No.557228


By the spreading of the most beneficial genes, hence, the weaker INDIVIDUALS, in relation to whatever selective pressure is placed upon them, shall be eliminated from the gene pool.

>> No.557231


hayley williams aka lrn2filename

>> No.557237


I see you're back from Wikipedia.

>> No.557239

D.H. Lawrence.

We get it, you introduced the world of literature to the word "fuck". You still can't write worth a damn.

>> No.557256


If you say so. XD

>> No.557258

Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.557267



>> No.557274


>> No.557300

Rand is a horrible writer, but there are millions of horrible writers out there.
Rand is popular, but so are trashy romance novels written by Nora Roberts? She sells millions, and it's utter garbage. Hell, certain parts of Atlas shrugged are far better than a sample section of anything she's ever written.

The only conclusion is that she's hated for ideological reasons. You don't see people bitching about The Jungle (some people are forced to read this in history class, I was).

>> No.557305

john steinbeck
describing every fucking grain of sand in the setting gets old after a while

>> No.557311
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>> No.557315

on the flipside, hemingway. it rained hard. then we went outside. it was a beautiful day.

>> No.557340

Ayn Rand's self-interest philosophy holds true. For example, you see a homeless guy on the street and you want to give him food or money if he's not a boozer. You feel good after you give him money and want that feeling again. You would be selfish enough to give a homeless person some money in order to make yourself feel good. EVERY ONE OF YOU SICKEN ME!!!

>> No.557349



>> No.557357

Atwood. Man, what a cunt.

>> No.557365

What about when some dick in one of your classes asks you for a ride home, and you say ok just to be nice?

>> No.557374

I love Ayn Rand because everyone here hates her. I am the anti-anti-establishmentarian.

>> No.557379

Well you're doing that because you hold out some hope that he may actually turn out to be a good, sane decent person that you actually want to talk to

I was in that situation before as the dick who asked for a ride home. We got along a lot better afterwards.

>> No.557380


>> No.557384

That's called antidisestablishmentarianism, moron

>> No.557387
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>> No.557393

There's your self interest right there. So he won't be a dick anymore.

>> No.557401

dan brown

>> No.557413

Tao Lin

>> No.557415


Objectivists forcing their world-view even if it does not fit.

Protip: Self-interest is not the end-all and be-all of human motivations and morality.

>> No.557432


I agree, but only because it makes me feel better.

>> No.557442

That's why you would do it. Most people would do it because it's a nice thing to do, even if it doesn't give them a sense of accomplishment.

>> No.557444


You are homosex.

>> No.557461

I hate every single last fucking book Bill Bryson has every written, their light heartening tone and god damned sweet anecdotes, make me rage.

>> No.557466

I hate Kafka, too. Maybe it's because I can't read it in German, or maybe it's because every protagonist he's ever created is an awful, unlikeable cunt.

>> No.557470

Come on, you're telling me you can't relate to a lonely young man who has no social life and spends his time lusting over his little sister?

>> No.557476
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what book is this? please tell me.

>> No.557480

Incestuous subtext in the Metamorphosis- intentional or not, you be the judge.

>> No.557484



>> No.557492

That's my deal with Kafka. I can never tell if I'm supposed to find his protagonists as persistently and unforgivably corrupt as I do. They seem wholly sympathetic from the author's pov until they start lusting after their sister or molesting their neighbor or acting like a little bitch in front of the police.

>> No.557499

what's the deal with /lit/'s fascination with likable protagonists? i love anti-heros. a lot of them are more real than these moralfags.

>> No.557507

Virginia Woolf.

>> No.557516

Anti-heroes are pretty likeable, sometimes. That's what makes them anti-heroes. People identify with them more than they do with morally perfect white knights. Tastes vary however. I love Yosarian and Meursault, but hate Josef K. I love Sam Vimes and hate Superman. The hero-antihero dynamic isn't really what's at work here, I think.

>> No.557522


who the fuck believes in social darwinism you clown?

>> No.557531

>hate Superman
How can you hate Superman when there's so many interpretations of him?

>> No.557554

Very true. I hate superman in most of the contexts in which I have read about them (serialized comics in the '90s, films, television cartoons). I say most, because I actually liked him a bit in The Dark Knight Returns, probably because he was cast as a villain/tragic figure. Most of the time, however, I find him characterless, unrealistic, predictable, and self-righteous. I understand that this is probably not in the spirit of the situation, but that does not make me enjoy him any more.

>> No.557558
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George Orwell, everything he wrote in 1984 PKD did 10 times better through more novels and with graeter subtlety

>> No.557565

John Steinbeck. Urgh.

>> No.557580

Margaret Atwood

>> No.557581

jane austen

>> No.557603

Anne Rice

>> No.557633

hipster or woman detected

>> No.557641

Charles Bukowski

>> No.557645


>> No.557663

Cory Doctorow

>> No.557744

A potentially good thread ruined by Ayn Rand. Kudos to the troll who brought it up, however. Also, I can't believe nobody has mentioned the Bronte sisters. Fucking hackneyed, sensationalist cum-sluts.

>> No.557784

I wonder how anyone can hate Chuck Palahniuk..

Anyways, George Orwell. Jesus Fucking Christ I hated his books

>> No.557786

>I wonder how anyone can hate Chuck Palahniuk..
Some people grow out of their teens...

>> No.558302


>> No.558321

Grisham, oh God did I regret reading one of his.

At least Doctorow's got ideas. He just can't convey them through fiction, resorting instead to ham-fistedly stitching blog posts into narrative.

>> No.558331

Read the 12th WoT book. It's all action and no bullshit. The first five or ten pages suck, but after that it's all plot, no shitty bitching or filler or meaningless sub-sub-sub-subplots.

>> No.558348

i know how you feel, bro

>> No.558374

Then your just lying to yourself. You wouldn't do it unless you obtained a good feeling out of it.

>> No.558496


>> No.558513

i won't stand for this you bastard! you owe much of modern western lit to this man. (opinion only of course lol)

>> No.558535


Read some good stuff featuring him, most media about Superman beyond the comics doesn't really capture his character very well, or tell you much about him beyond his powers.

All-Star Superman
Superman: For All Seasons
For the Man Who Has Everything
Kingdom Come
Geoff Johns' run of Action Comics [#837 Onwards + Up, Up and Away! + New Krypton + World of New Krypton]
Superman: Birthright
Superman: Peace on Earth
Superman: Red Son
Superman: Secret Identity
Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?
What's so funny about Truth, Justice, and the American Way? [Action Comics 775]
Superman Beyond 3D

In your case, I'd start with Superman: Red Son, a story about what would have happened if Superman's ship as a child landed in the USSR.

>> No.558539

damn i've got to get out of this thread before i rage. i suppose NO one writer or person in general can please everyone.

>> No.558546


He's a good Writer, but High School teachers ruin him, by:
a)Not teaching him well
b)Not knowing shit about English (see also: American) Literature
c)Cramming him down kids throats

>> No.559602

James Joyce.

Stephen Dedalus can go suck a dick.

>> No.559613

Adolf Hitler

>> No.559615

Dumbass faggot

>> No.559622

That and the fact that George and Lennie were the 2 most poorly developed characters ever.

Fuck Of Mice and Men

>> No.559625

Vonnegut is awesome you whore

>> No.559631

Charlotte Bronte.

Jane Eyre was just her manifesto about being butthurt over physical beauty.

>> No.559632


>> No.559640

Nathanial Hawthorne (Boring as shit)
Tom Clancy (Pointless character development)
Jane Austen (Cunt)

>> No.559655
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Michael Ondaatje

I cannot stand this man.

>> No.559675
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>look for favorite author
>no results


>> No.559691

Faulkner. UGH. EVERY GODDAMN ASPECT OF EVERY GODDAMN BOOK IS SO UNLIKEABLE. I might be okay with a book written with an enjoyable style even if it's about horrible people doing horrible things, or maybe if it were still in stream of consciousness but there were some redeeming quality to more than one of the characters, and at least one of those characters didn't end up fucked over in the end. But as it is, a bunch of douchebags doing douchebaggy things to each other and then thinking about douchebaggy things and remembering douchebaggy things and expecting us to be able to follow what's going on... Fuck that.

>> No.559710

Will Self.

His name says it all.

>> No.559719
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You best start explaining..

>> No.559747


Moar like William FUCKner. AMIRITE? AM I?

>> No.559749

Christopher Paolini. Goddamn stuck-up faggot.

>> No.559752


What author?

>> No.559753

you must be very familiar with "douchebaggy things" seeing as you use the phrase so many goddamn times.

>> No.559755

Iain M. Banks makes me vomit with rage

>> No.559758


Quentin is a douche bag? How?

>> No.559759

HHAhahahahahahaahahahahah, oh man it hurts lol

>> No.559762


Because he an hero's. It's so selfish of him to do that.

>> No.559764

Nicholas FUCKING Sparks.

You all know why..

>> No.559769


>> No.559772

I just have a strong dislike for his writing style. He drifts about and is almost too lyrical; reading outside his poetry is brutal at times.

>> No.559773

>An hero


>> No.559774

George R.R. Martin. I enjoy his work, but as a person I would like to crush his skull under my heel.

>> No.559804

Michael Crichton.

>> No.559964


I should correct myself. There are sometimes decent characters, but they always end up royally screwed over.

>> No.559985

Has no one mentioned Dean Koontz? If for nothing else, for seeing his goddamn name everywhere.

>> No.561426

All of the Brontes. Even the drug addict brother who never did anything.

>> No.561455

Poe, simply because I don't like his stories.
Tolstoy. way too long. And since I don't know French, I can't comprehend ~50% of any of his books.

>> No.561486


>> No.561505

You know, Dan Brown its that bad of an author. But it does piss me off how he is labeled a great author for an extremely hyped novel that read like a bad thriller movie.

>> No.561508


>> No.561532

James Patterson
Nora Roberts

>> No.561534

Reported for being a shitty repost.

>> No.561553

You think /lit/ has mods? You think anyone on 4chan cares about a shitty repost?

>> No.561570

Yes, I do. Reported.

>> No.561574

Ayn Rand, Stephanie Meyer, and Stephen King.

Fuck you OP.

>> No.561578

James Joyce, James Joyce and James Joyce

>> No.561969

Can't stand the following...

1. Sylvia Plath
2. J.D. Salinger
3. Gabriel García Márquez
4. Michael Ondaatje
5. Chuck Palahniuk
6. Tao Lin
7. Jane Austen

>> No.562000

Conrad, get to the fucking point you asshole.

>> No.562009


Angelou, Steinbeck, and Plath are fantastic.

>> No.562017

Plath is a great poet, but a terrible novelist. The Bell Jar was such an arch, pretentious ramble. I found it impossible to even empathize with her. Just don't like her, mang.

>> No.562025

Personally, I lament the fact that she didn't write more fiction. I think her poetry is pretty good, but I love Bell Jar and Johnny Panic.

>> No.562056
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>> No.562059
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>> No.562067

Edith Wharton


>> No.562072

Tucker Max

>> No.562078

oh dear god, this is what i told my friend that reads this shit. what are we up to now? 11 books? 11 books of clothes porn, and pure faggotry of weak lame ass villians that are mostly mildly bad for even a disney villian. there is only one somewhat good book and that is book 4 where perrin goes forth and becomes conan by turning into the angry marines on the trollocs asses. and he is still a weak willed pussy whipped faggot.

>> No.562081

i didnt like any of the shakespear stuff i read.

must mean im a tasteless pleb without any refinement

>> No.562085

you mean you disliked his tine ear for dialogue or his 1 dimensional characters or the same plot every time with slightly different names and places.

>> No.562099

George Eliot.


>> No.562116


I agree with this

Shut up about clothing, I don't care about clothing, fucking lace and cambric or some shut I don't know jesus

>> No.562117

Aldous Huxley.

>> No.562122

William Shakespeare. I'm sure your writing is good, but I prefer not to have to look it all up in a dictionary.

>> No.562126

Alice Seybold. Worst Plot EVAR.

>> No.562132 [DELETED] 

Because conservatives can't read.

>> No.562135
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>> No.562143

>implying buckley understands what he's read.

>> No.562145 [DELETED] 

ya, rly.

>> No.562153

irrelevant because buckley hated rand

further proof that he was fucking legit

>> No.562154

>implying you're even familiar with the writings or ideas of William F. Buckley.

dohohoho... knee jerk jab at conservatism XD...

Incidentally, I'm a conservative and I loathe Ayn Rand. :/

>> No.562158

if the republican party had embraced buckley instead of reagan, we would still have two viable political parties. buckley is the fucking man when it comes to rational conservatism - rand's the conservative writer for pseudo intellectuals, buckley's a real conservative intellectual.

>> No.562160 [DELETED] 

>I'm a conservative.
You should read "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish". I think you'll love it.

>> No.562165

Robert Jordan. Started the first of the Wheel of Time series, the most boring book I have ever tried to read bar Romanitas by Someone Forgettable.

>> No.562168

ive read his stuff. not impressed.

>> No.562167 [DELETED] 

Who's Buckley?

>> No.562170

Yes, very good. God forbid I should hold a different opinion from a liberal colleague. Enjoy reading your LOTR and Twilight.

Thank you.

>> No.562173

So what did you read, brah?

>> No.562174

fuck you for propagating bullshit partisanship. it's too bad there isn't a legitimate conservative party right now. i'm a conservative and i voted for obama and don't regret it a fucking bit, but i wish we had a real political system in the US. not obama vs palin which is pretty much what the past couple years have been.

i mean luckily one side of that equation is obama but what do we do in 2016? i'm just hoping it's not fucking palin vs hillary. we need real leadership

>> No.562178 [DELETED] 

Nobody said you weren't entitled to your own opinion. I just figured you'd like the book.

>> No.562185 [DELETED] 

This. If the conservatives would use their heads instead of listening to everything Glen Beck says then they would never even dream of running Palin.

>> No.562187

I'm a Republican and if it comes down to Hillary vs. Palin, I'm going with Hillary. Palin needs to die... now.

>> No.562192

Sure is /new/ in here.

>> No.562206 [DELETED] 

At least you're not completely delusional. Glen Beck just said that "Palin is smarter than Obama."

>> No.562218

Tolkien. I know people like him but something about his writing repelling. The details are like a laundry list.

>> No.562227

believe it or not, ive read every single issue of the national review from 1993 to 2002.

can't say i've actually read his yale book, but from the guy who made his career on crusading against 'the liberal elite' and the humanities departments, it does seem to have potential for entertainment.

>> No.562235

>completely delusional

Seriously, man. Just because someone decides to have an opinion that differs from your's, you immediately have to insult them. This is why America is broken right now.

>> No.562250

says the guy with the umlaut in his tripcode

>> No.562257

Ernest Motherfucking Hemingway, for crimes against the joy of reading, you are hereby sentenced to remove one badass event from your life. Seeing as how in life, you were made of awesome, that's not much of a problem. However, goddamn I hate your writing.

>> No.562263

I don't think his fiction is very good. But as an essayist and thinker, he was marvelous. God and Man at Yale is great, but Up From Liberalism, Riding High, and Let Us Talk of Many Things are outstanding.

>> No.562278

I'm sorry if the fact that this particular American knows how to use the ALT key to produce umlauts and such troubles you.

>> No.562292

yeah, it troubles me as a man who has keys solely devoted to ä,ö and ü on his keyboard.

How the fuck do you transatlantic inbred sectists know of the Problembär?

>> No.562308

I read it online back in 2008, I think. I thought the name "problembär" hilarious.

>How the fuck do you transatlantic inbred sectists know of the Problembär?
Do I detect a eurofag? Enjoy the incursion of ingrateful Muslim hordes into your continent and the erosion of your cultural legacy. ^_^

>> No.562344

and that from the guy who better learns to speak spanish if he does not want to starve

>> No.562350

hey, we fought of the pagan-devils before!

They never passed Vienna, the alps or the pyrenees, thus leaving all the good parts essentially untouched.

>> No.562388


The moslems pwn your cities now, and you Euros are too weak and decadent to do anything about it.

In fact, you've passed laws that make it criminal to criticize ANY religion, just to placate the hankie-heads.

Summer 2010 is Bomb Summer for Eurofags.

>> No.562392

Hablo el Castellano, pero aún si no, no creo que tubiera que sufrír de hambre. Por seguro, trabajo fuerte. No es como en Europa donde el gobierno te da la oportunidad de ser un mendigo.

True, and thank goodness for that. But the EU really cuts them far too much slack nowadays. This would be OK if they integrated into their host countries, but they refuse to and actively despise the very countries that feed them.

>> No.562882

Haruki Murakami (except for Norweigan Wood)

>> No.562933


You didn't fight off the pagans, you WERE the pagans and were invaded by a foreign culture (Christianity).

>> No.563113

Tom Clancy, his crap is unbelievably bad.

>> No.563281

Terry Pratchett.