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5568737 No.5568737 [Reply] [Original]

What's today's counter-culture?

I honestly have no idea

>> No.5568742


nah, just kidding, there's no such a thing

>> No.5568753

There isn't one because there's no culture. It's just one big nihilist party

>> No.5568762


Fight me

>> No.5568763

Terrorism. Sorry.

>> No.5568767 [DELETED] 

Not being leftist

>> No.5568770

That's not counter-culture that's a clash of separate cultures

>> No.5568772


>> No.5568777


>> No.5568823

name and address

We duel at dusk

>> No.5568899

in the west, probably young right leaning devout christians

>> No.5568903


There is no left in modern society.

>> No.5568923

There are simply too few Nazis for them to be considered much of anything

>> No.5568931

Not being a liberal, either being far left or right

>> No.5568934

all "counter cultures" that you'd usually think of are actually just outgrowths of the monoculture. want to be a hipster? go purchase michael cera comedies and consume urban outfitters crap. wnat to be punk? purchase some leather jackets and skateboards. all of these counter cultures are just forms of fashion really, even their intellectual groundings are just adopted to make a person feel better about themselves.

the only true counter-culture (and it pains me to admit this), are those hippies and survivalists who live in rural vermont and grow all their own food. they're the only people who have truly opted out of society at large.

>> No.5568944


>> No.5568958

I heavily second the first part. The modern concept of counter culture means the same as trend.
But there are counter cultures out there, it's just not something with a brand and a slogan and a clear cut definition. You have to go find people doing shit you want to follow and folow, and do your own shit about whatever you want. Camus didn't send letters to Sartre asking what he though he should write about, they became friends because they were both pushing in sort of the same direction. The same with Hemingway and his network of friends, or Kerouac and the beats.

>> No.5568960

Honestly? Traditionalism

>> No.5569007

Minimalism, traditional Christianity, expatriatism, innawoods preppers. None has associated musical movements like previous eras of subculture.

>> No.5569014

>the only true counter-culture (and it pains me to admit this), are those hippies and survivalists who live in rural vermont and grow all their own food. they're the only people who have truly opted out of society at large.

can't counterculture be ideological too? your definition is pretty damn accurate for a literal interpretation (and the first part is spot on as well), but there must be other individuals out there with countercultural thoughts, no?

>> No.5569017

All historical subcultures have since been consumed by the monoculture and appropriated into the mainstream cultural stew.

I did think of ONE subculture left, though I'm not even part of it:


>> No.5569028
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>> No.5569043 [DELETED] 
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If we're going this angle then jam festival culture definitely counts

>> No.5569044

It's not a subculture if it's only junior high schoolers participating in it.

>> No.5569052

If you can describe anyone or anything in the average American shopping mall as "metal", I don't think that counts as counter culture.

>> No.5569055

Except metal isn't represented virtually at all in in the contemporary mainstream. I won't pretend to know much about it, but isn't it popular in northern Europe? Also, subcultures are generally young phenomenons, and I think metal has a lot of 20-something followers.

I'm not arguing that metal is good or bad, just that fits the definition being a genre uniquely ignored by mainstream culture even to this day.

>> No.5569060

Counterculture always had posers. Punks complained about that back in the 80s.

Name one pop metal act in the last 10 years.

>> No.5569061

It's a subculture, yes, but it's hardly counterculture.

>> No.5569062 [DELETED] 

>Quoting my post
I was not aware that folk-reggae rock and nitrous were part of mainstream culture but I guess you learn something new every day

>> No.5569066

Oh. I guess I conflated the two. Still, subcultures barely exist either anymore--not to the extent that they used to.

>> No.5569069

>Name one pop metal act in the last 10 years.

>> No.5569070

It's on the Simpsons and stock brokers go to burning man.

>> No.5569075

Never heard of him

>> No.5569077
File: 54 KB, 640x480, calle borjesson impersonates Jaden Smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who go on literature forums and don't talk about literature

>> No.5569083

Calle left like 4 years ago, isn't it a bit sad that you're still using him for comic material?

>> No.5569091


Nihilists are boring. I'm boring. I'm not a nihilist. Oh shit, son.

>> No.5569096 [DELETED] 

Burning man is not a music festival and if you are actually implying that phish or the grateful dead is more mainstream than seminal metal bands like black sabbath or metallica you are legitimately retarded.

>> No.5569099


>> No.5569104

I like this answer the best

>> No.5569109


>> No.5569114

That's for queers, we're talking about for the youth of today.

>> No.5569117


>> No.5569133

Some blokes who made another 4chan spinoff

>> No.5569138


>> No.5569143


>> No.5569151

underrated post
the moment something starts to resemble a counterculture it becomes appropriated by the "mainstream". which is why assholes like Derrida were convinced we were reaching an end of sorts. Superstructure hyperproduction was supposed to reach its terminal stage much like imperialism would be the terminal stage of capitalism according to the baldy Ulyanov.
I reckon thats a load of crock, but my initial claim is true. There is no counterculture -- no true "escape" from the "mainstream" panopticon.

>> No.5569155

I actually think that Nietzschean anti-moralist creative types have the potential to be the next counter culture. There are two types of people right now. Nihilists that want to make life as cushy as possible and nihilists that don't give a fuck about anything. Maybe it's just me, but I would like to see people legitimately care about things for their own sake and then make it their own literary movement, pissing off everyone in their wake.

>> No.5569173
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The Phish and the Dead have fucking Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavors. You sound underaged if you don't remember how mainstream this shit was in the 90s.

>> No.5569174


>> No.5569185

Doesn't ring a bell. Are these just regular metal bands that metalheads puristically rip on for being poppy or something? This doesn't sound mainstream to me.

>> No.5569186

You think it would be unique or special to have a group of people who care about things?

Are you projecting?

>> No.5569191


Being straight cut or being a neo nazi.

Being proud religious is also pretty counterculture.

>> No.5569196

Not to mention a fucking Beary Garcia beanie baby. Nope, not pop cultural at all :^)

>> No.5569198


not enuff facepaint and black

>> No.5569200

All punks are posers.
My mom taught me that when I was a child.
She was a squatter in the 80', and they hated the punks for being narcissistic idiots that didn't really wanted to change anything. Squatters and other groups related to the "black bloc" are still very active in europe.

>> No.5569202

crust punks/freight hoppers

>> No.5569204
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>> No.5569205

Have you guys not been following?
It's normcore, obviously

>> No.5569214

I dream of a strong fascist counter-culture but plebs associate fascism with negative things.

>> No.5569223

Muh authoritarianism

>> No.5569224

conservative values

>> No.5569228

If that ever happen we'll kill you pigs off again.

>> No.5569230

Go to Russia

>> No.5569232

today's counterculture is Tumblr

today's counterculture is posting that today's counterculture is Tumblr on 4chan

>> No.5569234

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Fascism.

>> No.5569257

Authoritarianism is best used when no input is desired from those being directed. That doesn't sound like a very good idea except for the most accepted or simple tasks.

On the main topic: Furries

>> No.5569342

in a few decades people will romanticize 4chan posters as the true countercultural figures of our day.

>> No.5569403

Does this mean Tundra will be popular in the future?

>> No.5569406

no that'll likely be forgotten

>> No.5569408

You shut your little WHORE mouth

>> No.5569410

>Minimalism, traditional Christianity
Both of these have musical movements. Not sure about the others.

>> No.5569417


>> No.5569423

Nobility and eugenics

>> No.5569424
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>> No.5569430

>not mainstream in Western culture
Lol. Maybe pre-1960s.

>> No.5569447

every high-functioning autist i've met basically is driven by the imperative to be different

the real counter-culturalists are submersed in what we have now manipulating their way to the top laughing their way to the bank

>> No.5569478

So you're saying real counter culture is an irony

>> No.5569482


>> No.5569489
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Superflat is the only true way to create a counterculture. You must take the existing culture and inflate it until it bursts of its own accord.

>> No.5569492

Its Normcore people

>> No.5569493

Easy question


>> No.5569507

Being in touch with your soul

>> No.5569518

I think we all know what's the REAL counter-culture

Being happy[,spoiler]

>> No.5569560


Fascists and reactionaries. Leftism has become pleb-tier.

>> No.5569573

hippy counter culture failed and became "lifestyles" and "sub cultures" that you can buy into to express your special snowflake individuality

stop trying to find an authentic way to be edgy

>> No.5569575

neo-nazis/hate groups

>> No.5569595


it's choosing to directly face what everyone else passively gets tangled in

>> No.5569604

the idea of alt-lit is to conflate the hikikomori life into the ball

so that'll be bastardized soon

>> No.5569614

>having taste this shit

>> No.5569618


>> No.5569648

I dont listen to metal at all. None of these names are part of mainstream popular culture. I don't give a shit about your internal angsty metalhead snobbery. The point is no one cares about your genre, and the culture hasn't chosen to absorb the subculture into the monoculture.

>> No.5569681
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>> No.5569757

Counter culture implies there is a culture that can be opposed. Culture has been replaced by corporatism which overtakes every possible niche. It isn't possible to create a counter culture movement without it being catered to and consumed. Counter culture is gone and what's left are people looking for authenticity however they can. Not that it's a bad thing.

>> No.5569769

>literally no new sincerity posts

>> No.5569784

Post irony is too real for this kind of threads. Everyone posting joke answers knowing everyone else is in the joke is our meta way of declaring it.

>> No.5569814

New sincerity is shit.
> It's ironic man. But like, ironic irony

Pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.5569893

lol, you seriously think feminism is anything but the status quo right now?

>> No.5569899
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Depends on your definition. There's hundreds to choose from and most of them are bought out or brought to you by corporate takeovers. Some are simply counter-productive, others are obscured by wackos and agent-provocateurs.

This world we find ourselves in is not "leftism"
This is a liberal capitalist world with only a peppering of of social programs to lull the bougies like yourself into complacency.

>> No.5570320

I think the idea of a counterculture has become too campy for anyone to seriously engage in it. At least in the manner of previous ones.

I guess the walden-esque people are close.

>> No.5570331

You're just a brainwashed "90's kid" who doesn't get that everything is sincere whether you like it or not. If you are understanding something as ironic then you are clearly getting the intended message anyway, no one ever stopped saying the truth.

>> No.5570386


Because squatters were making a difference...

>> No.5570388


People these days mistake irony as affectation and in doing so end up trying to reduce communication to a kind of one dimensional, gushing emoting. Irony is great because it expresses ambivalence, and all sorts of other things, in a way that can't otherwise be expressed. It's a huge part of jokes, slang, and other important parts of communication.

The problem isn't irony, it's lies. People who pretend to like Britney Spears but then say they do it "ironically" are just liars.

>> No.5570394

When I grow up, I'm going to write a book about speedrunning.

>> No.5570398


Okay, Cosmo

>> No.5570399


Much like every other political philosophy, it goes to shit the moment people get involved.

>> No.5570419

Discounting the sellouts like Cosmo, in many ways speedrunning culture is the antithesis of mainstream culture.
Seriously, give it some consideration.

>> No.5570421

instead of doing something, you become a waistoid burnout?
Sounds pretty counterculture to me.

>> No.5570427

The counterculture is by definition something that is a vital force in the culture but is despised and looked down on by the mainstream culture.
So, geek culture. sf/mlp/computers/vidya/etc.
Sorry, but you know it to be true.

>> No.5570431


There is no redeeming quality to speedrunning from the perspective of the mainstream culture, with the one exception being that it can earn you a significant amount of money if you pull the viewer numbers that all of 5 people in the community pull.

>> No.5570434

>multimillion dollar industry
>international sales
>internationally famous people wanting to be part of it
Vidja is as mainstream as it gets.
MLP is about a cartoon, so unless you take away the root and leave the autism alone you still are tied to a big corporation. Maybe Sonic fanart is the last real counterculture.

>> No.5570435

/pol/ isn't just nazis

>> No.5570445

Doesn't mean it's not looked down on.

>> No.5570448

ironic shitposting.

>> No.5570450

Christianity. Racism. Praising capitalism.

>> No.5570453

By who? Conan O'Brien has a fucking let's play skeet. There hasn't been a single sitcom without videogame jokes since 2005. It's as mainstream as it gets, reading is looked down way worse.

>> No.5570455

How can alt-lit be hikikomori? I have yet to see a single NEET support those idiots.

>> No.5570466

>videogame jokes
>making fun of video games
>not looking down on
uhhhh seems to me that you want to be part of the counterculture because it's romantic, but you can't because everything you're invested in is so totally not part of the counterculture.

>> No.5570488

I'm having a hard time deciding which camp this is satirizing. I'm going to say it's both of them.

>> No.5570589

social justice

>> No.5570604


That is the culture.

>> No.5570609
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Crust punks. Although you may just consider them hobos with political views and a fashion sense

>> No.5570613

social injustice

>> No.5570619

fucking oogles

>> No.5570636

underrated post

>> No.5570861


>> No.5570871

your idea is fundamentally flawed, OP, and also stupid as fuck

>> No.5571929

you weren't the one's who were doing the killing.

limp wristed leftists can't kill shit

>> No.5572459

There's plenty of artificial contrarians that are just parrots of the former '68ers empowered through democratic capriciousness.

Anyone with open contempt for popular culture, or this artificial "counter-culture" could be considered true contemporary counter culture. Elitists who despise mediocrity, the dependency class, and rampant individualism.

People whose disgust reflex is triggered (lol) by something like this:

>> No.5572519

>People whose disgust reflex is triggered (lol) by something like this:
Decent human beings? I mean, the idea of validating an opresive and exploitative system because you want something for yourself is a big problem, but all that white dancing and forced cameos will disgust anyone.

>> No.5572659


It is "leftism" in so much that this is the invariable result of governance and legitimization by concepts like the "demos", the "people".

When there is God, you are free to do anything. We live in the shadow of great Cathedral erected hundreds of years ago and which persists through time.

>> No.5572666
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>all that white dancing and forced cameos will disgust anyone.
That's easily disproven by the ratio of likes vs. dislikes, and have you seen the YouTube comments lately?

>> No.5572728

NRx pls

>> No.5572760


>puts on crab suit
no u

>> No.5572763
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>> No.5572767

I use an old firefox so youtube won't show me comments or load playlist and some other stuff. As I see it it's a pro.

>> No.5572770

Pedophiles. In the future we will think of them the way we think of gays now, I'm not really sure who the counterculture will be then.

>> No.5572778

We are slowly headed "left" but we're being bogged down by traditionalisms

And don't you mean to say "When there is God, you AREN'T free to do anything."?

>> No.5572801

>All culture can be surmised by commodities and purchasing habits
No you're wrong. Christianity, traditionalism, the right and the faggot contrarians aren't counter culture simply because they decide not to buy uggs, iphones, or beatles albums.

>> No.5572813

You're right. Those people actually buy iphones with the money they made out of being contrarian on TV. They're fully part of our culture.

>> No.5572823


Nope, when there is God. You are free to do anything. It is okay to rape, to murder, to eat thy future and thy descendants for gluttony if thy God commands you.

And almost always, there is God but wrapped in different disguises. Stalin, Hitler, even FDR weren't merely political phenomena.

>being bogged down by traditionalisms

We're being bogged down by the attempt to change reality, to social engineer the city of God and Jerasulem in this world. The Elder Gods wait on the outside, swarming and crawling and probing for a way in.

>> No.5572835
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Cultural Sabotage, a deconstructionist view on society

Your goal is to make people worse just for the sake of it.

>> No.5572836

Yea the fedoras are everywhere
It's retarded and demonizes any actual conversation regarding race in politics that isn't muh equality & affirmative action tropes
>Praising capitalism
Dear lord, people actually think capitalism is bad?

>> No.5572837
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Nationalism is at the root of everything the neoliberals and capitalists have tried to stamp out of society for the past hundred years ever since industrialization took off, and they have been remarkably successful. So today, being a citizen concerned primarily with the group of people who make up your nation and their well being above all else, and seeking to unite them around a common monoculture is a distinctly anti-authoritarion goal.

>> No.5572849
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So what your saying is blood for the blood god?

>> No.5572882

>they hated the punks for being narcissistic idiots that didn't really wanted to change anything

>implying punk ever pretended to be about changing anything

>> No.5572904

1. I'm saying what they buy is irrelevant, since those cultures don't emphasize materialism as much as others do. Sorry if I didn't convey that
2.Just because TV and msm appropriates everything doesn't mean it's representing the ideologies or actual spirit of any movement or sub-culture in essence. Take for example a neo-nazi being put on air for the nation to see as the modern representation of fascism/national socialism/thirdpositionfags today. Would this muh final solution retard represent all the actual ideas/principles from these ideologies by spouting about racial supremacy? No these movements are defined by political ideology, a set of defined virtues, and other metaphysical precepts which msm doesn't bother with.
The only thing a sub-culture needs to counter the mainstream is a set of different if not opposing views and ideologies. Such as perhaps neo-reactionaries and the monarchists still around, touting about how the Enlightenment ideals are false and hierarchical caste systems should be what orders a society than egalitarian economic & political mobility.

>> No.5572918

transhumanism: not socially accepted and not commercially motivated

>> No.5572938

My Little Pony

>> No.5572940

I actually find transhumanism to be more accepted by the day. What is it exactly? My idea is that it's either some kind of personal spiritual enlightening, which fedorafags flock to like flies to light, or physical human augmentation, which is not by any means hindered other than financially.

>> No.5572963
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I predict that in the next 10-20 years a counterculture will emerge that bases itself on rejecting most modern technology and inventions, such as personal computers and the internet and as a whole I would approve of it. I would personally get rid of pretty much anything past the early 90s

>> No.5572966

It's the latter
see regulation of nootropics and embryonic stem cell research

>> No.5572968

It's the belief that leaving your body and putting your mind in a machine will solve every problem anyone could conceive of. It's Calvinism for atheists.

>> No.5572969

>not commercially motivated
Yeah, not all.

>> No.5572970

I'm genuinely disgusted, this means I'm le counter-culture?

>> No.5572974

>I would personally get rid of pretty much anything past my childhood
so would everyone else

>> No.5572976

>Still, subcultures barely exist either anymore--not to the extent that they used to.
nonsense, subcultures are all that exist now

>> No.5572992
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>so would everyone else

thats not true tho. even suggesting the permanent removal of the internet to someone who like you to some extent has grown up with it, would be considered eyebrow-raising at the very least

>> No.5573004

And it's funny how quick the internet became an instrument of control. I don't see how people expected something so big to be the grounds of freedom without anyone taking advantage of it.

>> No.5573009

Luddites are indeed counter-culture

>> No.5573041

christian moralists

>> No.5573042
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>> No.5573059

Transgendered fags.

>> No.5573077

You didn't happen to be born in the late 80s early 90s would you?

>> No.5573081
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there isn't the need for one right now because capitalist liberalism is so encompassing in every aspect of life

>> No.5573084

I know it felt like you were saying something substantial, but this is meaningless.

>> No.5573094
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Shock jocks.

>> No.5573101

Not that guy, but this is a cheap point. The 2000s coincided with the rise of the internet. That isn't just a nostalgic "things were better when I was a kid" thing, it is a massive societal change.

>> No.5573107

If you take technological advances to the logical extreme, you get tranhumanism which is the culture of 2050 and the counterculture is naturally Ludditism.

>> No.5573122

The internet is a massive societal change but the adoption of personal computers alone was not. They didn't even happen in the same decade.

>> No.5573131

For the first time in history the counter-culture is old people and their innocently bigoted views. People older than 55 were raised when people weren't sensitive pussies and so cannot care about being counter-culture, instantly making them so.

>> No.5573138

Perhaps the Anon has an aesthetic objection to personal computers. I know I do.

>> No.5573147


>> No.5573150

Clearly not enough of an objection to stop using one

>> No.5573152

>If you take technological advances to the logical extreme

Technology doesn't have a teleology.

>> No.5573153

And Marxists still shop at Apple and the Gap

>> No.5573157

Thanks, we're doing what we can.

>> No.5573161

I suppose this just proves that the rational thing is to be neither a Marxist nor a Luddite

>> No.5573162

there is no counter-culture because everything is tolerated now

thanks liberals

>> No.5573164

It just proves we sometimes have to fall short of our ideologies in order to function in society

>> No.5573170

Counter counter is almost everything anti-liberty/libertarian

>> No.5573171

sure, because shopping at Gap is essential to your survival as a citizen, SURE

>> No.5573181

An example. They have to shop, period.

>> No.5573197

they don't have, they choose to. most of them, at least.

>> No.5573202

well yes, but at a certain point you get the point of "well you don't NEED a car you could just WALK everywhere"

>> No.5573207

in other words, the cost of not participating becomes so great that it becomes tantamount to necessity

>> No.5573211

we choose to go to the moon not because it's easy but because it's hard -- jfk

>> No.5573212

I was just thinking this

>> No.5573214

You act as if that's an incredibly extreme position. Plenty of people choose to bike for this purpose.

>> No.5573221

A 21st century luddite not using computers would be like JFK *not* fucking Marilyn Monroe. Could he not have fucked her? Sure. But be serious

you're getting caught up on demonstrative examples and ignoring the principle

>> No.5573223 [DELETED] 


>> No.5573232

Yes, I get your point. But don't you find it hypocritical to, e.g., claim to be anti-corporations and eat McDonald's/ wear Nike?

I'm just saying that there are alternatives to choose from and, in almost all of the cases like this I've seen firsthand, people resignate because of comfort, and not because following their ideals -- at least to a degree -- would make their living in society impossible

>> No.5573239

I think I would say selectively choosing to partake or abstain is usually because of comfort; choosing to wholly partake or abstain in consumerism/technology is because it is impossible.

>> No.5573240 [DELETED] 
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epic nice

>> No.5573256


>> No.5573276

people who don't use social media

The problem is they can't communicate with each other

>> No.5573289


I don't use social media and that's how I keep in touch with people. Also, I don't see it as counter-cultural

>> No.5573294

underrated post

>> No.5573295

anti-technocracy, neo-luddites

>> No.5573314

Leftists think they're countering something when really they're just embracing society's purported values.

>> No.5573315

Despising popular culture is just as popular as the popular culture itself.

>> No.5573319

So you don't actually go and talk with people in the "meatverse"

>> No.5573323

anti-family values

>> No.5573333
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>> No.5573335

No, I'm allergic to humanity

>> No.5573355

The internet is definitely a counterculture because it brings weirdoes to the same wavelength

>> No.5573358

but the internet is the culture

>> No.5573363

Internet is a medium, that happens to contain most others.

>> No.5573380

what was the counter culture during great depression? find what it was and try to relate to now, you should find what could be considered counter culture, if there's one in those times in which culture is a bunch of opposite opinions bound together.

>> No.5573381

the medium is the message
the medium is the culture

>> No.5573386

I never liked that quote and it doesn't feel right to be taken in consideration aith anything besides tv and radio. It ignores any kind of remediation and it's useless for print media.

>> No.5573388

Freemen, the stateless by choice, Communal Anarchists.

>> No.5573391

define your term please, family as a group of people that lives together, that is composed of adults and their offsprings (blood related or not) and that shares most of things or family as the one idealized by far right movements that is composed of an heterosexual couple and their offsprings? in any case family has far less relevance compared to before so i'd say that family values are actually the counter culture.

>> No.5573402

social justice people imo
maybe us NEETs/hikkikomoris/weebs/trolls on the net on the other side of that, think about how much shit anon has influenced, sure its dumb but I'd say we qualify.

>> No.5573406

both. I'm not just talking about right-winger family values. I'm talking about families in general

For what reason have we organized humans into little reproductive household units? It's stupid but everyone is still getting married and trying to have families.

>> No.5573409

Useless for print media? Hell no. "medium" does not mean the content of the medium, it means the things itself. Print media is linear, physical, fosters concentration, and unchanging. The internet is amorphous, chaotic, vast, and attention-sapping, but also very efficient.

The characteristics of the medium itself change the culture (the message)

>> No.5573578

That's called leveling and that won't counter anything except individuality.

>> No.5573582

You should try reading the book instead of going around acting as if it's some pithy quote.

>> No.5573583
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"Ironic meme" community on Facebook

>> No.5573587

Attack! Attack!
A Day to Remember
Asking Alexandria

>> No.5573589

Jack Black

>> No.5573592

The Post-Marxist/Post-Punk aesthetic.

>> No.5573593

I feel like "sincerity", ideology and romanticism is making a comeback. Perhaps I'm just getting old and grumpy.

>> No.5573601

Nah, you're mostly right, especially about most "counter-culture" trends. But there are groups of people in society that reject mainstream culture entirely. Heroin addicts that spend all their money on dope and hang out under bridges aren't part of the consumerist mono-culture. A sloppy example, but it works.

>> No.5573614
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This is true. I've known some good people who identify as punks in a loose sense, Pat the Bunny for instance, and actually and do things based on those values. But in that example, he's more inspired by anarchist ideology than whatever punks think, so I'm inclined to agree that punks are fucking terrible.

>> No.5573615


>> No.5573619


>> No.5573621

Stalin was an atheist and had many Cathedrals turned into cultural centres for the arts. He was very progressive. Also, Hitler and FDR were Right-wing (even democrats are the Right).

>> No.5573630

vaporwave is totally innocuous, though. nothing subversive or counter-cultural about it when it really comes down to it.

>> No.5573640

the hedonists are well on their way to becoming the mainstream culture, so the drug addict is less glamorous now

all the counter-cultures of the western world are represented on 4chan. There is the reactionary rightists, which coalesce under a very disorganized banner. And there are the new liberal-leftists, who are really just next generation hedonists with cheap political talk mixed in for effect

on either side neets- the unemployed and disenfranchised male form the rank and file. And we have internet kulturkampf meme struggles rather than actively organize for what we believe in. Probably because the "counterculture" is very small right now

>> No.5573680


Those look like teenage kids who live at their parents. They're far too clean to be crust punks.

>> No.5576048


>> No.5576311

This might seem a little odd, but urban exploration and the philosophies fuelling it often lend itself to being considered a counter-cultural pursuit. A few of my friends are involved with it and the more eloquent of them are perfectly happy to talk about issues of privatisation, ownership of land and social demographics. Also their aesthetic appreciation for urban decay and renovation isn't exactly what you'd call 'mainstream'.

My only real gripe is that the media's recent frenzy over urban exploration means that its presence in the mainstream is becoming far more noticeable, although having said that, its not like a documentary or newspaper article is gonna encourage the average citizen to go out and climb a crane or something.

>> No.5576315


The Zeitgeist Movement

>> No.5576321

Anyone against the US.

>> No.5576465

I loathe this view. Opposition to hypocrisy just breeds more hypocrisy.
Take for example climate change. There are some people who address it as not being real and some who do. When one who does not confronts the one who does, this anti-hypocrisy stance is the one they take: "yet you drive a car to work, you use air conditioning when you could just open the window, etc."
The response to that always is bullshit from both sides. That is when harmful compromise begins: "I drive a hybrid, I'm a true environmentalist because I do more than those environmentalists who just complain and don't do anything." Then from the other they want to prove they are better environmentalists and aren't even environmentalists. So everyone owns a car with good gas mileage, isn't that nice, they also pay less for gas. Meanwhile everyone forgot about finding alternate sources of energy and stopped engineering a legitamite solution.
Placing the holder of an opinion into a view where they have to do there duty to truly hold there opinion will always lead to horseshit compromises.
What people need to realize is individual contribution doesn't mean shit. If a person is a Marxist and refrains from going to the apple store, it won't affect anything. The way things are is even more democratic than democracy. By that I mean that a person is probably more likely to make the desired change by voting and advocating Marxism rather than living the Marxist lifestyle.

>> No.5576507


>> No.5576536

>not being a post-modern quasi-traditionalist leftist

>> No.5576541
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>mfw someone near me used this in an actual conversation a few days ago.

>> No.5576548

>wasn't leftist

>> No.5576557

Imageboard culture. We partake selectively of mainstream culture while discussing things on one of the few places on the Internet where you can say whatever you want and at worst get a two-week, easily-evaded (if you were so inclined) ban.

>> No.5576586

which is why the culture here is shit and everyone is stupid

>> No.5576602

Compared to what? Seriously, do tell.

>> No.5576605



>> No.5576608

Compared to the real-life people I interact with on a daily basis.

>> No.5576615

Why are you even here then? If I knew people like that I would be spending my time with them.

>> No.5576680

Folk Metal may be what you are thinking of. Metal that draws heavily from European folk influence and uses a lot of historical European imagery as well. The only thing I can think of that would make it counter culture really is that since there is so much European imagery it is often accused of being antisemetic. Though it almost always is not, it still can not be a safe genre for any PC mainstream anything to discuss or promote.

>> No.5576865

Calling Boris mainstream is a stretch

>> No.5577157

only correct answer

>> No.5577166

>Also, Hitler ... Right-wing

You know, it was called "National Socialism" for a reason.

>> No.5577185
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>Hitler and FDR were Right-wing

>> No.5577241


He was very progressive. And he did appropriate many cathedrals.

When apes look to their ancestors and prostrate them as dogma...well we cannot call that "atheism" of any sort. We have merely substituted Gods with the deviousness of calling our God "not a God". For lurking behind our pretensions, the principle of reality is read by us and transforms the universe into its lawful (or unlawful) land.

>> No.5577261

>shopping at hot topic makes you a crustie
Fuck you

>> No.5577275

>being jealous of a subgroup

It's like I'm 15 again! When I didn't have eyes burned with the noxiousness of culture and the light of so many envious suns. How I wish I could steal you to a cool dark cavern and let you stare at the walls wherein you'd hallucinate your own soul and laugh at all your folly!

>> No.5577276


>> No.5577285

You should probably end your life

>> No.5577301


If only there was a will to end my life but I've searched and searched and only dredged up the urge for further questioning, for further meals, for further digestions, and for further explorations. Besides, vanity and hatred make the idea of death while the bad lives very distasteful.

>> No.5577318

I think being that wasted and being okay with looking like that with the sun that high is the problem.

>> No.5577324

Think of all the harm you'd prevent by not existing.


>> No.5577352


>> No.5577354


I'm not that much of a faggot to pretend that I can swallow the ocean of tears in my belly and distinguish not only the various flavors and salinity but the correction to the "recipe of life" so to speak.

So until I'm convinced that there is someone who can, I'll dilly dally along my life for there is infinity and I am finite and at some point I have to roll the dice and go with my throw.

>> No.5577415

Hey anon's DNA, how's the innate, irrational will to live going? You've really got a hold of him, don't you?

>> No.5577433

I'm gonna go smoke weed and slap my girlfriends ass, and see if I can find a rock show to go to this weekend. Them I'm gonna read something by my favorite author and snuggle my cats, and laugh at you thinking anyone gives a shit about your attempt at sarcastic "gotchas". I'm glad your life sucks anon, I really am. Just remember to keep coming back to 4chan and arguing with those dastardly "natalists" (pffffft-ahahahahahahahaaaaaa), it'll help!

>> No.5577440

>>>/b/ I guess lol

>> No.5577446

>le proving his point face

Truly epib

>> No.5577562

>you seriously think feminism is anything but the status quo right now?
How is feminism part of the status quo when patriarchy still exists
This has been the status quo for hundreds of years, its hardly a counter-culture
Whats disgusting about that video is that it implies that you can reform capitalism to make it somehow better. That you can make it green, that inequality isn't built into it as a system. Its some seriously dumb liberal propaganda using celebrities to sell the idea of social justice, ignoring the fact the government won't do anything to make anything more equal.
Just because he appropriated the word socialist for his party doesn't make him socialist. He didn't enact any welfare systems, infact he got rid of them. The workers didn't own the means of production. It was in no way socialist. Hitler literally hated Bolshevism and Social Democrats and claims it repeatedly in Mein Kampf.

>> No.5577571

>How is feminism part of the status quo when patriarchy still exists


>> No.5577578

>How is feminism part of the status quo when patriarchy still exists


>> No.5577895

>He didn't enact any welfare systems, infact he got rid of them

Not at all. The Nazis introduced a progressive income tax that shifted a far greater tax burden onto corporations and the very rich. They enacted price and rent controls. They issued subsidies to farmers to protect against outside competition.

And, as with socialists, their core premise was that the State and its systems are of primary importance over the individual.

>> No.5577932

Yes, if you are a mad insane anarcho-capitalist, the Nazis are statists who are broadly in the same category as the left. That's entirely true. It's a stupid theoretical position and an intensely stupid way to redefine the terms that bears no relation to the way that anyone outside your stupid internet hugbox ideology uses them, and is therefore meaningless and a perfect example of redefining terms purely to serve your own political ends and confuse people who don't know any better, but you're correct, it's perfectly valid in itself as far as that goes.

>> No.5578593


If you say so.

>> No.5578687
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>> No.5581299

You just used a picture of one of the normcore kings of shows: Jerry is the ultimate normcore

>> No.5581315


>> No.5581320


Kekekeke lolno. Christians are adorable as fuck when they claim to be "counter culture"

>> No.5581325

Prescribed ways to fall outside of the system

>> No.5581339

No they won't

>> No.5581343

lol normcore is for beautiful young people or bored nyu kids
it's not a 'movement' or even a subculture, it's a look that will be co-opted by like, gaga or rihanna's people within the next 6months and will be played out in less time than that (already kind of is, although I like some of the looks)

>> No.5581353

You're all fags

>> No.5581355
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the outfits of most crust punks I see are so embarrassing, crust punks are so embarrassing

I respect trying to live outside the system or 'be free', but can they be more contemptible?

>> No.5581393

being intellectual
LMAO geddit

>> No.5581397

being heterosxual
LMAO geddit

>> No.5581516

I don't think ponyfaggots are countercultural because they aren't reacting against the mainstream, they exist outside of it, with no sense that they are inconoclasts, rejecting society or anything. They are just hypernerds that also wank to ponyporn.

>> No.5581519


>> No.5581527


>> No.5581571
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Oi Oi.

>> No.5582374

Are they a counterculture in countries where they get murdered for their religion?

What about Orthodox Christians who have very specific diets, tend to grow their beards out, etc.? I mean, they aren't full Amish, but they tend to be very traditional and avoid any popular culture which they consider sinful.