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/lit/ - Literature

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5568303 No.5568303[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey anon what book are you reading?

>> No.5568309

Why is /lit/ so shit?

>> No.5568310

Jesus cocksucking Christ, put some shoes on, you dingy cunt. That is a public fucking place. Wow.

>> No.5568311

"hey anon what book are you reading?"

>> No.5568318

Ugly face, ugly feet. Wouldn't even bother answering.

>> No.5568329

how are those feet ugly

>> No.5568335
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What kind of faggot would respond to this post. Here, I'll make this thread a lot better.

"Hey, anon. What book are you reading?"

>> No.5568344

A-anime ;_;

>> No.5568348

How you doin' sexy.

>> No.5568349


Kill yourself. People who watch anime are all emotionally stunted manchildren

>> No.5568353
File: 2.61 MB, 1414x2000, do_not_touch_my_boo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That, my friend, is Touhou.

>> No.5568355
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See: >>5568353

>> No.5568357

Keep the feet off the table please.

>> No.5568365

anime is the lowest form of narrative medium

>> No.5568370
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No, it's not.

>> No.5568413

I grew out of anime after the second trimester.

What about you?

>> No.5568421

Currently reading Dune but I'm having a really hard time getting into it, does it get any easier?

>> No.5568423

No. But it does get more interesting.

>> No.5568426

I'm watching twenty-four shows this season.

>> No.5568430

Statistically speaking that means you've watched a bunch of manchildren targeted moeshit, which proves my point that you're an emotionally and socially stunted manchild.

>> No.5568438

What a disgusting, filthy whore. Cover yourself before someone rips into your unholy flesh; before I rip into ribcage and puncture your foul heart. I'll take those feet and grind them to a pulp and add them to my breakfast shake. Fucking whores.

>> No.5568443

I need to get out. What am I doing with my life? I'm sorry all. I'm going for a walk. I think I'll call my mom. I haven't heard from her in over 2 weeks.

>> No.5568452


Dune, I found a bit of a chore to get into since Herbert doesn't really explain what the fuck he's talking about in the first twenty or so pages and that makes it uncomfortable. I plan on re-reading it soon since I purchased Messiah and Children of Dune, so maybe my opinion of it will change on a second read.


i'm reading The Final Empire by Sanderson. I know its genre fiction and fantasy but fantasy is just so comfy.

>> No.5568458

You're actually spot on about me having not talked to my mother in over 2 weeks.

>> No.5568459

>being this sexually frustrated

>> No.5568501

Wtf are u doing on 4chan if u hate anime?

>> No.5568511

Don't worry; the fact he is means its part of him. He's already lost.

>> No.5568532
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"I-infinite Jest by David F-Feetster Wallace - I m-mean Foster!"

>> No.5568537

You're an idiot.

>> No.5568544

The great gatsby

>> No.5568554

I dated mostly police.
I hated coastal solace.
In navy posts I flourished.
I inflate the cost of polish.

I restrained my nest-egg worries.
On planes I tested patience.
I prayed for lusty follies.
I betrayed my foster family.

In ways I lost my malice.
I craved a cloistered palace.
I dared say the feast was ghoulish.
I became a tourist: boorish.

Unswayed by mystic knowledge,
I raised a frosty chalice.
I was upstaged and roasted: English.
I obeyed a ghost who’s tall-ish.

The play was close to flawless.
I stayed and missed her no less.
Then one day the fester wasn’t.
I cried: the taste was more-ish.

>> No.5568565

Just started Neuromancer by William Gibson.

>> No.5568566

Tristram Shandy it's a book by Lawrence Sterne considered by many to be the first book that was postmodern in style, with the possible exception of Don Quixote which is a clear influence on the book and is referenced within it several times. The book is extremely humorous and often pokes fun at it's meandering and digressive narrative style - for example it takes 300 pages for the main character to even be born and at one point Sterne spends 30 pages explaining why the character Uncle Toby thought that Tristram's Father should ring a bell and ask his servants why they were making so much noise. There are also several chapters about the history of noses and the societal implications of having a long or short nose. It is unclear whether or not Tristram Shandy is an unfinished work, since volumes were still being produced shortly before Lawrence Sterne's death and some sections of the book reference planned volumes as high as volume 23, although this could easily be a joke.

and then i ask for her number obviously

>> No.5568567
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"Only their children's had radiance, their eyes, the sheen on their hair, and in another way, their movements and their voices. Bright with a kind of unnatural brightness. It was not the wholesome lustre of a free flame, but of the hectic radiance that sheet-lightning gives suddenly to limbs of trees at midnight; of sudden flares in the darkness, of a fragment that is lit by torchlight into a spectre."

>> No.5568584

Alright thanks, I think I'll stick it out some more

>Dune, I found a bit of a chore to get into since Herbert doesn't really explain what the fuck he's talking about in the first twenty or so pages and that makes it uncomfortable.

Glad I'm not the only one who feels like this

>> No.5568585

brilliant retort..

>> No.5568687

BK by Dusty

>> No.5568696

One time while I was drunk in the library I didn't notice that I was staring at this chick's feet until she got up and moved.

Felt bad about it.

>> No.5568971

Stig Saeterbakkens last novel. Y'all should give this norwegian a chance after you're done with Knausgård.

>> No.5569335

All The Pretty Horses. Almost done. Then I'll probably start one of the cyberpunk novels I have in a pile on my desk

>> No.5569385
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>I'll probably never get to worship a nice pair of feet

>> No.5569401
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Ohayo anon-kun!!~~ ^_^;;

what booku are you readingu?

>> No.5569414


>> No.5569420

>Ugly face, ugly feet
Wrong twice.

>> No.5569422

>People who watch anime are all emotionally stunted manchildren

4chan 2014

>> No.5569429

>tfw can't watch webms on ipad.
Noctuary - Thomas Ligotti
The Imago Sequence - Laird Barron

>> No.5569431
File: 99 KB, 820x482, Oppa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jin-Roh, Grave of the Fireflies, Princess Mononoke, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Howl's Moving Castle, need I go on?

>> No.5569457

I feel for you anon. It's pretty great.

>> No.5569515

>implying i wouldn't be sitting behind her

>> No.5569528

100 Yeafs of Solitude. This edition lacks a family tree.

>> No.5569535

The only good one from Danielewski

>> No.5569558

that's weird as hell, I found myself consulting the tree in my book all the time

>> No.5569563


I got about 10 pages into Only Revolutions. That was enough for me.

>> No.5569581

You seem to think that those are recognized absolute truly deserving animations. But no. They don't even stand on the same grounds.
Animation porn, it has historical value but the narrative is poor both as an adaptation and as stand alone too.
You could have said Porco Rosso or any simple Miyazaki stuff, it's nice and simple but not deep or mature. You already had Mononoke that's barely better.
Again, the manga has everything that makes the movie great. It's also cheap drama made you to feel bad, it's made to be manipulative and everything else comes after.
It's okay, just that. It's barely on the same ground as a serious not cartoon movie. The sequel was namedrop the movie.

>> No.5569587

>Akira, the narrative is poor


>Grave, manga has everything that makes the movie great

Admitting the movie is great.

>Gits, It's okay,

in fact it's great.

>> No.5569593
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You forgot Lupin the 3rd, castle of cagliostro!!!!!!!!

>> No.5569594
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Then there's this faggot who thinks he's cool bashing entry level films.

Bet you hate Paprika too.

>> No.5569599


In a concentrated way:
Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius
The Education of Henry Addams
The Anied Translated by Robert Fitzgerald

Visiting occasionally:
The Top 500 Poems
The Stories of John Cheever

>> No.5569630

A collection of 2nd WW prose by local authors. Got it for free, it's pretty good too.

>> No.5569658

I never said those movies weren't good. I'm saying that putting them on the same level is missing how different they are, and struggling to find common examples makes it look like it's hard as fuck to find decent stuff.
/co/ has the same problem when they keep recommending Moore and Moebius because they can't read any new risky stuff that ahsn't been recommended to dead.
It's okay, it looks great for what it is but just that Gunnm is just as good and no one mentions it.

That's also a cute movie, I'd recommend it to someone who wants cute. No need to hate.

If it was an entry level rec list it would be okay. As an example of the merit of the medium makes it look bad.
Paprika is great, Perfect Blue too.

>> No.5569672
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I don't like your opinions! Suck my penis!

>> No.5569679

I just finished a book. Now deciding between Lolita and Dr.Jackyll and Mr.Hyde.

>> No.5569683
File: 447 KB, 640x480, STOP!! Hibari kun! 02 (DVD 640x480 DivX5.11) 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have sex with people who can form an argument, with how hormonal teens are now that's the best way to distinguish when someone is underage.

>> No.5569686
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You know which one to read first.

>> No.5569685

Tell us what you finished reading first, faggot.

>> No.5569693

Sir Gawain and The Green Knight.

>> No.5569695


>> No.5569705
File: 324 KB, 640x480, STOP!! Hibari kun! 02 (DVD 640x480 DivX5.11) 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a small big mistake

>> No.5569731

Have you ever watched Belladonna of Sadness?

>> No.5569763

It would had been better if Miyazaki hadn't dropped the project. It also needed a bigger budget than it got; some parts, mainly in the middle, look a bit too basic for what it was going for. Have you seen the other Animerama movies? Cleopatra is weird as fuck.

>> No.5570010
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The Shining

>> No.5570022
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The Wind Through the Keyhole

>> No.5570028

Does the shining serve any purpose in the book? I never understand why it was part of the movie.

>> No.5570029

You will have a chance probably. Stay positive!

>> No.5570033

>being this masscult
lel pleb I bet you think Taylor Swift and Game of Thrones are also good, because they are popular

>> No.5570035

Look homeward, angel. It's really...pretty.

Just finished The Lost Road.

>> No.5570068

I just finished reading Terra Amata...why the fuck did /lit/ not warn me about how pretentious that book is? I just assumed, "oh, Nobel Prize winner in Literature and going cheap because Borders is shutting down". I'm about to read City of Women by David Ireland.

>> No.5570070 [DELETED] 

>tfw I just want to worship Alison Brei's feet

>> No.5570077

>tfw I just want a mistress to pay the bills, take me around the world and fuck me with a strap-on

>> No.5570078
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>> No.5570084 [DELETED] 


Stealing my joke

>> No.5570105

Fuck off nerd

>> No.5570109
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Seconding the feel.
I wouldn't mind the traditional male way neither.

>> No.5570122 [DELETED] 

Fite me irl, faggot

>> No.5571994

>preferring anime women over real ones
not even once.
i am currently reading The Broken Eye by Brent Weeks. Third book in The Lightbringer series.

>> No.5572007

I like animefags, they alienate the normalshits such as yourself.

>> No.5572019

>I like animefags, they alienate themselves from normalsuits such as yourself

>> No.5572039

>complaining about anime pictures on an anime image board

>> No.5572065
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Fighting the good fight

>> No.5572066

I need that. I've been drawing my own out.

>> No.5572067

>speaking English on a Japanese image board
>discussing entertainment on a military internet
Do you see the problem here?

>> No.5572097

This is an American image board dedicated to Japanese things. Speaking English is part of the plan. Throwing a hissy fit because you can't tolerate Sinhalese engravings however isn't.

>> No.5572117

No. This is an international imageboard dedicated to literature. If you want to discuss your hikkikomori interests, you can find them on many of the other boards.

>> No.5572139

Discussing anime and accompanying your posts with a few pictures are different things.

Also, literature is the ultimate hiki medium.

>> No.5572154

It's still not an anime discussion board, is it?

>literature is the ultimate hiki medium.

>> No.5572160

i'm actually reading this for the first time right now

>> No.5572168


>> No.5572175
File: 413 KB, 1228x950, eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is essentially a weeb board so you will always have pictures of anime girls even when the discussion itself is not anime related. They rarely get in the way. I don't get why this angers you so much.

>> No.5572182

I'm not angry, I just think it's a little pathetic and that the argument that 4chan is purely an anime imageboard is stupid. I'm not the poster who originally complained.

>> No.5572200

It certainly isn't purely an anime board, but it's most certainly not the place to whine about anime pictures being posted.

>> No.5572207

I'll complain about whatever I damn well like.

>> No.5572261
File: 530 KB, 500x706, tumblr_inline_n843nzoZbf1s6lw3t[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay anon. Just realise your complaints are futile and unreasonable and that you will never win.

>> No.5572277

That's fine, enjoy your objet petit a.

>> No.5572358
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