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5564890 No.5564890 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or is it impossible to take fat authors seriously?

>> No.5564892

Pretty much. I don't understand the fat

>> No.5564899 [DELETED] 

Hard to job and write.

>> No.5564902
File: 6 KB, 205x246, Fat Feel When.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fat and nobody to blame but myself and nobody ever takes me seriously and I'm going to die alone because I'm too lazy and it's too easy to just eat my problems away instead of going and jogging

I'm so sorry I know I'm a worthless cunt. At least I'll probably die of heart failure soon right?

>> No.5564913
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>> No.5564921

Good god man, you're taking this a bit hard. The fact that most of the people in developed countries are fat should tell you you're not worthless. If you have an addiction to eating that's just something to deal with, like any other.

>> No.5564937

It's just that I literally can't stop myself from eating. I smoke and drink a ton of coffee and it still does little to deter my appetite. I've tried dieting and going and running or walking everyday and sometimes I can keep up with it for a couple of months but eventually I just end up coming back to this so obviously I'm just a worthless fat fuck who would prefer to eat his feelings an die an early, easily preventable death and become just another fat American death stat than to just man up so I deserve it

I deserve to die in a puddle of my own disgusting vomit from forcing too many cream cakes into my gullet

>> No.5564940

Hard to jog and write.

>> No.5564956

Well it clearly has roots in some psychological issue, unless you're one of those who's simply never satiated. These kind of issues aren't impossible to deal with, they're just complex and murky. Being fat is not the worst thing you can be anyway, don't make a disaster out of it.

>> No.5564977

I realize this country is horrid and doesn't care about its citizens at all but is there some kind of group you could go to (including but not limited to a psychologist)? You obviously hate your condition; unless you're dead, you can change your condition.

>> No.5565049


>tfw fat authors love to describe food
>tfw they describe it really well and make you hungry

<3 Gene.

>> No.5565053


you don't even have to jog you fatshit, diet is 90% of the formula, just stuff your face LESS, exercise will just make you hungry anyway which will cause you to eat more because fat people have ZERO WILL-POWER and Self-Control.

>> No.5565441

Wolfe has probably killed several men. Best watch yourself boy.

>> No.5565466

It helps that I live in a pedestrian-friendly city and don't own a car, but honestly I just have a few days a week where I skip a meal. Usually it's lunch. It's basically fasting, and it's supposed to have a load of benefits. It's also the easiest way I can reduce my eating, because when I do actually eat I tend to eat a fair amount. I alternate between skipping meals and eating a lot on the days I lift weights.

>> No.5565468

>The fact that most of the people in developed countries
that's mostly usa though, they consume 1.5+ times more food than needed, europe doesn't do that

>> No.5565478

Just leave fat people alone already

>> No.5565493 [DELETED] 

Lmao Britain is almost as fat as the USA, mexico IS, and the only reason the USA stats are what they are is because of blacks and mexicans. Functionally every single african female is obese, for instance.
>Inb4 impotent whining

>> No.5565500
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>> No.5565516

kitty almost every goddamn time I see you you're posting something retarded

can you please just post nice pictures of trees and not talk about things you don't have any knowledge of

>> No.5565569


>you don't even have to jog you fatshit, diet is 90% of the formula, just stuff your face LESS

that's actually not true btw

your body stores food in 3 ways, as sugars in your liver, as your muscles and as your fat. it counts fat as the most precious long term storage so if you begin to limit your food it will eat sugars first and unneeded muscles then. unneeded means those which don't undergo training, your body will decide they are burden to keep when you starve. so even if you stop to eat at all for a while, you will lose fat eventually but firstly you will eat a large part of your own meat and get very weak and you should literally starve to achieve that. so if you want to lose weight you should both exercise and limit your food intake

>> No.5565579

spoken like a fat person, not eating very obviously strips away your fat. even a week will show results

>> No.5565592
File: 164 KB, 2027x1358, Global_Obesity_BothSexes_2008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.5565596

that graphic is misleading because Britain for example is right under the US but it separates them into two different stratums

>> No.5565602

obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.5565608

that's not a troll that's kitty, you'll learn soon enough

>> No.5565800

i checked several those maps, it seems that while western europe has almost as high food consumption as usa they manage to keep their obesity better while mexico for some reason have obesity problems while having a healthy food consumption level of eastern europe.
it probably depends on food distribution and the culture of eating

that's not trolling though, you can google body consume muscle before fat or something

>> No.5565820

>you can google body consume muscle before fat or something

that doesn't discount the effectiveness of eating less calories to lose weight...

>> No.5565849


you don't get it, it means that if you won't exercise during a diet you 1) should limit your food consumption significantly more strict 2) will have additional health problems

your body is a huge piece of snack for itself and it will eat its parts if forced to

on the other hand, if you don't limit your food consumption you should exercise/work really hard to burn those calories which you probably cannot unless you are a coal miner or something

>> No.5565879

butterfly is fat.
knew it

>> No.5565889

You could record your ideas while you jog, Pablo.

>> No.5565917

mexico has a really high obesity rate because mexicans have mostly native blood which makes them pretty grain intolerant, so carbs make them fat pretty easily
also they drink a lot of soda because they can't trust the water

>> No.5565958
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I was Just giving a pass to overweight writers.
I bicycle every day and still have all my ideas up in my head.

>> No.5566043
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I'm fat. I sometimes catch myself reading books and thinking to myself, "gee I would hate to be in this character's situation I would be hungry as hell." Like in Sorrows of Young Werther where the kids have a piece of bread and butter for dinner while I usually have two dinners with way more shit than that. I started exercising again this week tho so maybe in few years this shit won't be a problem anymore.

>> No.5566077

Get well, anon.

>> No.5566277


except fat people will exercise, get hungry as fuck and eat an entire fridge of food to compensate.

Then they'll cry about their feet and legs being sore after 350lbs of lard pulverized them into atomic dust during their "jog"

All a fat person needs to do is eat under maintenance level just like anyone else, and they will lose weight at a healthy and normal rate, just like anyone else. They aren't biological oddities. They just have no will power and self-respect.

>> No.5566289


except "anyone else" doesn't lose weight but maintains it

your recipe it's how to keep your weight at the same level (even that it's not that good because it's hard to manage your energy consumption if you don't exercise)

generally the healthy feeling it's to be always a bit hungry, if you are not hungry you likely already ate too much and if you want to eat less than you need you always will be noticeably or even very hungry

>> No.5566350

>your recipe it's how to keep your weight at the same level

What? No.
Eating below your maintenance level will cause you to lose weight.

Maintenance calories = homeostasis = you maintain the same weight.

If you lower your calories below it, by say 500 calories/day, you will lose weight at about 1 pound per week roughly. That's the general idea anyway give or take metabolic differences.

>> No.5566364

I ate a child once so there's that

>> No.5566369

jesus, you're retarded

>> No.5566371

i already said that you will lose a fair share of your muscles that way and also you likely won't maintain the proper food consumption anyway due to how hunger works and that it's hard to estimate the energy consumption without physical exercises

>> No.5566376

kitty confirmed for fatass

>> No.5566379

>Diet is 90%
>things that middle class housewives in the year 2000 actually believed

>> No.5566384

no, but i know a bit of biology

>> No.5566386

Can you provide any evidence that proves that your body will consume it's most valuable parts ie. muscle before fat? Proper food consumption is all in your own hands, like eating lots of protein to stay satiated.

>> No.5566387

body's most valuable parts (as it thinks) it's those muscles/tissues which it absolutely needs right now and then fat. also i already send you to google

>> No.5566407


Thanks brah.

>> No.5566413
File: 42 KB, 542x701, 8143808214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why any muscle would be superfluous in the hunt for food.

The rate of fat/muscle metabolism is more related to the intake of protein which is required to maintain muscle protein synthesis. ''Starvation ensues when the fat reserves are completely exhausted and protein is the only fuel source available to the body. Thus, after periods of starvation, the loss of body protein affects the function of important organs, and death results, even if there are still fat reserves left unused. (In a leaner person, the fat reserves are depleted earlier, the protein depletion occurs sooner, and therefore death occurs sooner.)''

I've read in a similar study that a calorie deficit of 60% combined with a protein intake of about 2,5g/kg bodyweight led to almost no loss of lean body mass.

Again I'm unable to find any results backing your claim via google.

>> No.5566457

i dunno how you search

>In a recent study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology (more light bedtime reading for you), researchers studied the differences between dieters and exercisers to find out the best way to lose weight. What's interesting is that the diet-only group actually lost more weight at the end of the study. The problem? They lost both fat and muscle, while the exercise group managed to preserve muscle while using more fat stores for fuel.

http://exercise.about.com/b/2008/09/26/fit-fact-dieting-without-exercise-can-cause-loss-of-muscle-mass.htm [they give the source article too]

or something like this:

>It is common for people to want to just cut calories when they lose weight. Exercise takes a lot of time and effort, and many people would like to avoid exercise. However, if you don't exercise, you will lose muscle as well as fat, especially if you go on a very low-calorie diet or try to lose weight too quickly. According to the National Council on Strength and Fitness, or NCSF, those who fast or skip meals start to lose mainly lean muscle tissue.


i admit my post was an oversimplification of the process which actually depends on what exactly you eat and many other things and is significantly more complex by itself, just for illustrative purposes

>> No.5566458

Body energy consumption can easily be estimated by recording the caloric value of what one eats and recording bodyweight, though this must be done over an extended period for accurate results.

>> No.5566495

The first study doesn't specify diet and only records energy efficiency which is enhanced by physical exercise.

The second study repeats this, but adds that resistance training aids in preserving muscle. It is well known that resistance exercise can independently stimulate muscle protein synthesis. The protein turnover rate is higher due to degradation and synthesis of muscle. This study doesn't talk about diet specifics either but there is a constant protein turnover, which when it isn't fueled by amino acids, leads to atrophy. When this turnover is increased by resistance training, amino acid supply becomes even more imperative.

None of these studies suggest that the body would prefer to metabolise it's 'superfluous' muscle before fat, which is about 2 times more calorie dense than protein. Rather it is forced to this end by poor energy effiency and lack of amino acid supply.

>> No.5566499 [DELETED] 


wrong, only plebeians take fatness to obscene levels. Being a fat old man is very respectable if done correctly.

>> No.5566519

As long as they don't write using fat letters what difference does their weight make? Well unless you treat literature as fashion and base your reading on the look of the author.

>> No.5566758

Kek, nice troll, 9/10.
By the way, Wolfe hasn't been fat for years, check his latest photos.

>> No.5566762

A tripfag spouting bro science, you're an embarrassment to this board.

>> No.5566763

You're not accounting for soda consumption. Drinking fizzy sugar drinks is a massive component of being fat. That shit is like literally liquid obesity.

>> No.5566922


>> No.5567265

What the fuck, man? Why do you let it put down yourself so much? Who gives a fuck how fat you are? People worth dealing with understand that appearance is just appearance. It's just the most insecure retards who are the first to point out other peoples perceived misgivings to feel better about yourself.

>> No.5567310
File: 24 KB, 265x216, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga the fuck did u say

>> No.5567314

Who is the greatest fat author? Balzac?

>> No.5567463

I never feel hungry.

>> No.5567483
File: 59 KB, 641x482, butterfly5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a big girl.

>> No.5567506

You're both half right.

Immobilised and undernourished bodies lose muscle faster than fat.
I'm a nurse and have to think about this every day with my patients; if we don't get a crapload of calories in them they lose precious muscle tissue because they're immobilised.
If I myself take in fewer calories than I burn, however, I'll lose fat rather than muscle because I walk and work etc.

90% sounds about right with the last 10% being actually using your body rather than staying in bed 24/7.

There is of course also a difference between reduced calorie intake and actual starvation.

>> No.5567518

what the fuck is this

>> No.5567519

>I never feel hungry.

literally or not? because i once lost the feel of hunger briefly as a side effect of my anti-depressants... let me say it was fun but very inconvenient. i mean that when my stomach began to ache i knew i was probably hungry and had to stuff some food into me, without any pleasure mind you -_-

>> No.5567521

Chug water and eat reasonable meals on a regular schedule.

>> No.5567536

when i was ill and had no appetite i lost 17 pounds in a week.. i only weigh 11 stone to begin with...

>> No.5567545

>tfw in the 18th century to be fat was to be high class and wealthy
>now the rich are fit and healthy, able to afford organic foods and gym memberships, while the working class lives on mcdonalds and cheap microwave crap making them fat as fuck
>tfw got a six pack

i only hope in the future i will not be seen as disgusting like fatties are today

>> No.5567549

yeah when i stopped eating for two days i lost like ten pumpkins

given that i was running like 7 gigapoons before i think that's pretty good

>> No.5567584

You think organic foods are somehow more slimming?
Or healthier at all?

>> No.5567604

I am, but I'm not fat.

>> No.5567616

I never feel hungry, for about two years now. I usually eat when "it's time to eat". If my blood-sugar level is too low, my hand starts to shake. So that's another indicator, besides the clock.